Dark Blood Age

Chapter 868: I sent them to the West!


The American soldier nodded innocently, and immediately shook his head, his face was wrong and stunned.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is wrong, with a huge head, a powerful chin, short forelimbs, huge legs, and almost the same model restored in the museum. The only difference is that it is spraying toward the naked soldiers who are running away. A long flame.

Chu Yunsheng suddenly thought of a lot, the sixth big punch in the dark, 64 million years ago...

Hull took a deep breath and murmured: "...they came by the stars, staring at the gods, sleeping quietly at night,..."

"Don't say those are useless!" Chu Yunsheng took the reins and decisively said: "I ordered the whole army to turn left and go around!"

Hull looked at Chu Yunsheng deeply and said: "You don't worry?"

Chu Yunsheng sneered aloud: "Worried about a fart! I have never seen anything in my life? The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the earth!"

Buttney, who is on one side, stretched out his hand and bluffed in the air, suddenly saying: "It seems to be windy."

Chu Yunsheng brows a wrinkle, and his heart sinks: "It’s not the wind, it’s the violent disturbance of the heavens and the earth!"

He left the naked soldier trampled by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and hurriedly adjusted the other side of the sand after the horse galloped back. He looked up and looked at the darkness of the north. He could not distinguish the boundary between the sky and the earth. The wind was raging with sand and stone. In the whirlpool of black pressure, it is like the roar of the devil.

Bauer stumbled and ran, panting and anxiously: "There is no way to go, the tornado is a tornado!"

The purple gold knight of Huer’s men also rushed all the way, and said: “His Royal Highness, the left side is unreasonable, there is a gust of wind everywhere, there is no shadow in it!”

The last appearance of Wenluo, his face turned white: "I have seen the right road. The sand drifts, nowhere!"

Hull’s heavy gaze looked toward the huge oasis, as if to make it fall out of the way, a pterosaur-like shadow once again flew out of the oasis, a huge body covering the sun, dragging a long tail, Screaming sharply, rushing to the sky, and then swooping down at high speed, spurting a tumultuous flame to the former soldiers who fled on the ground. Burn the human body with sand into a hot melt.

"dragon!" Bauer looked at the sky, his legs were soft, and his voice shook.

After that, there was a raging flying stone that could disturb the strength of the heavens and the earth. There was a demon-like demon in front of the road. Hu Erwenlu and others are extremely intelligent, and suddenly fell into desperation. All of a sudden, I was totally overwhelmed!

A whirlwind rushed behind them. Wenlu screamed, his body was hand-picked and thrown into Boutheney.

When everyone was shocked at the same time, they discovered that Chu Yunsheng was rushing back.

"What are you doing? Look for death!?" Chu Yunsheng took out the fire knife and said: "The two evils take their light, this does not understand the truth!? The command of the army. People are on the horse, the beast is put, Lose your armor and load it at full speed from the middle of the oasis! Immediately. Immediately, fast!"

Wen Luo hurriedly said: "What should I do?"

Chu Yunsheng smashed the railroad: "No!"

Bauer is busy: "What about helicopters?"

Chu Yunsheng cleaned the ropeway: "No!"

The Purple Gold Knight screamed: "What about food?"

Chu Yunsheng replied: "Don't! Don't all!"

Huer angered: "Nothing, what else?"

Chu Yunsheng cold and cold road: "Death!"

Everyone looked at him like Chu Yunsheng for the first time, as if Chu Yun at that moment had a sigh of sorrow and sorrow. In order to survive, he could abandon everything. Without looking forward to it, there is no such reluctance to consider it. Only ruthless decision!

At this moment, Wen Luo really has a little bit of understanding how Chu Yunsheng survived from these thrilling crises.

"Boutney, follow me."

Chu Yunsheng and the squatting in front of the big car in front of the two judges, quiet as water, cold as a mountain, do not stop every second, first riding out the sand dunes, stepping out a dust, into the chaos of the former army of thousands.

The order was swayed by the Chinese army, and a handle flag followed the shadow of Chu Yunsheng to the oasis as the tide surged.

Two hundred blood rides ran wildly while discarding all the heavy armor, speeding up the Wang Qi in the hands of Shauna, and the former army fleeing around them flew like a shadow.

"The Sixth Armor!"

Chu Yun raised the fire knife and pointed straight to the hills and the huge tyrannosaur, and screamed.


Two hundred blood rides in the arrow and flies in the air. The horseshoes splash a complex pattern of dust and smoke, and then gather and retract. Chu Yunsheng’s knife tip flashes with a block of light, undulating, dazzlingly exploding. open.


There are countless gatherings of the heavens and the earth, almost draining the space, and the flame in the violent Tyrannosaurus resurrection is also up.

On one side, the shield of the hood is flying in the blood, and in the sun, there is a bright red transparent light shining, and various mysterious runes looming in the meantime.

The six-figure formation is formed! The physical strength and speed of the horses are multiplied!

"Crush over!"

Chu Yunsheng pressed the tip of the knife, and the Liujia array gathered the strength of two hundred blood rides. In front of him, the place where the sword was stabbed, formed a sharp and sharp front, huge and like a tip.


The sound of the roar of the eardrum rushed to the sky and the four fields.

The purple gold knights who followed were shocked to see Chu Yunsheng carrying his two hundred blood rides, swaying at a small angle, stepping on the air, speeding up the speed, stepping on the spray that was falling down The fire devils stepped over as if they were leveling a giant mountain.

They wanted to stop the mount under their arm, and they had to madly push the beast, followed by the blood ride, and slammed into the roaring demon from the fallen ground.

Then, it was the torrent of the Chinese army that rushed to the beast, and hundreds of thousands of animal hooves swept through it.

After that, it is the army...

The "dragon" on the sky is still slaughtering the cavalry of the mainland, but no one cares. It is too slow to kill because it is like a tornado with black pressure behind it.

After the beasts ran, the tyrannosaurus that had fallen to the ground and stunned in the past was still not dead, screaming with blood, and crawling up and taking huge steps. Chasing the beast that completely irritated it.

"The array of firemen!"

Chu Yunsheng was at the forefront of the entire torrent, and he plunged into the tall jungle of the oasis and immediately transformed his formation.

Two hundred blood rides spread again, closed, and the light of the road was twisted and twisted like an arrow, and the swords gathered in the hands of Chu Yunsheng, the knife light burst forth like a fire.

Hundreds of flames slashed out of the shadows and straightened a flat road in the giant wood.

Along this artificially opened passage, Hull and its cavalry army swarmed in, at this moment. Almost everyone, whether it is the same person on the beast, or the most noble aristocrat under Hull, has only one thought in his head.

Keep up! Keep up!

Keep up with Chu Yun’s flagship after hunting!

"Boutney, the ice pack!"

Chu Yunsheng in the rapid rush to change the order. The ice-blocking array is a third-order array. For the time being, only twelve blood horses can be used.

In front of him is a green lake. It is also the lake that the former army saw.

A huge figure in the lake can be seen glimpsing the surface of the water and the bottom of the lake. The size of the body is not much more than the sea beasts of the sea country.

Chu Yunsheng almost forever thought about the command to rush to the past, so that everyone, including the blood riders, was also scared, and few of them passed through too many thrilling situations like Chu Yunsheng.

There are very few people who can keep their heartbeat steady.

The frozen ice surface is like the green forest passage that is opened in front. Straight to the center of a huge lake.

Chu Yunsheng still gallops at the forefront, he is very clear, at this moment, he has a hint of hesitation or timidity. The army behind will be completely chaotic. Once stopped, it will be a dead end.

Hull’s mainland inhabitants’ lives and his relationship are not deep, but these two blood rides must be carried out with alive.

Now, everyone is moving forward with this tone.

How many people have died, he will not look back, his front is more dangerous.

The ice seal spread out, and the frenzy of the heavens and the earth caused the lakes that were bottomless to be alarmed. A huge shadow of the darkness came out from the bottom of the lake, revealing a huge head, opening a large mouth and facing the clouds. Lit in the direction of the speeding.

That is like a house with a **** mouth, biting ice, from the front, from Chu Yunsheng, sometimes less than a dozen meters away, in the high-speed relative flight, the encounter is a momentary thing.

Following the cavalry army behind him, including the blood ride, the heart almost jumped out of the blind eyes again and again, until the extreme cold covered the open mouth at the last moment, Chu Yunsheng passed the thrillingly with it. But the heart that fell slightly was immediately picked up by another **** mouth.

At this moment, speed is life!

The people who couldn’t keep up were eventually blocked by the monsters that crashed the ice road, struggling in the cold water of the lake slag, waiting for death.

If you are thrilled, crossing the lake and coming to a plain is the real beginning.

A huge herbivorous dinosaur, the huge neck of the body seems to be unable to see the top, only to see a thick giant leg, dense woods.

In contrast, the small cavalry, like the rats, rushed through the huge legs that were enough to take the horses on the meat sauce, and staggered with the laid-back dinosaurs. Interlaced in the underarms, enough to make people feel terrified.

At this time, more and more carnivorous dinosaurs have been alarmed, especially the predatory Athlon. The speed is comparable to that of Chu Yunsheng, and it is also a group of torrents, just like another torrent.

Chu Yunsheng secretly swears from where these fossils suddenly popped out? On the one hand, I have to rack my brains to think about how to get rid of the Athlon, which is well developed.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex is powerful, it is explosive, and the speed and endurance are not comparable to the riding of the beasts. The number of pesky dragons in the sky and the number of pterosaurs that smell the **** smell are not too much. The bodies left by the unlucky people on the road have already attracted them, and the only ones that are in trouble are the amazing Athlon.

Time waited for him to think more. When he made a decision, he wanted to turn to the other dinosaur squad. The dinosaurs couldn’t name them, but the number and appearance should not be carnivorous, and they collided with them. Together, open a road, although a lot of people will die, but it is better than all in the Aaron.

This group of animals is too strong, as if born to be born of dark energy.

At this time, there were finally people who were more cautious than it. In the Chinese army, a torrent of beasts was separated, and the death of the dragons was generally greeted by the end of the chasing and getting closer.

The rich **** smell drifted out, and there was no screaming. It was like a group of silent deaths, and it took time for the escape of the big troops to use their lives.

Chu Yunsheng still did not look back to see their tragic, but he knew that it must be an order from Hull.

The rest of the people who are still alive are still moving at full speed, passing by the oncoming herbivorous dinosaurs, just like two high-speed trains that are off the ground.

Jungles, lakes, plains, shoals, woods, shrubs...

The long team lost the corpse of the road, the purple gold knight screamed in the pterosaur mouth that swooped down and flew, and the golden armor who sent the death was divided one after another. There were also a large number of casualties in the blood ride. Visiblely reduced, the horse’s abdomen ran out of blood...

Finally, after an hour, all the wounded Chu Yunsheng and other people rushed out of the oasis and rushed into the desert. The tornado filled the oasis and was blocked from stagnation.

"Get the bow!"

Chu Yunsheng took advantage of the war horses and sighed to the passing purple gold knights:

"The bows are left for me!"

He looked at the hovering dragon in the sky, cold and cold: "This animal has chased us all the way, I sent them to the West!"

^(To be continued...)

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