Dark Blood Age

Chapter 886: This question, straight into the heart


"Shauna cousin, something big, you still come over and see!"

Git rushed to the side of Shaw, who had just awake a little consciousness, and another one, running back: "I forgot, you can't get up."

Shona almost didn't give him a sigh of relief. He said that his cousin was all good. Except for his courage, the head was too empty.

Doing things always gives people a feeling of being confused.

In less than a moment, Git took the riding of a mainland Chinese, and the other hand was holding a blood-filled strip of cloth. He ran back and swallowed: "Cousin, I patrol the outer forest." I found it, and this blood cloth, it seems that the king left it, you see, it’s really a big deal!"

Shauna couldn't get up, and Git had to open the cloth and lift it in front of him.

After a moment, Shauna looked solemn and struggled: "Go and call Pascal, wait, what the king left?"

Git quickly untied the package tied on the back of the beast and placed it next to Shauna, rushing to find a doctor Pascal.

Shauna was angry and anxious. This kid didn't help him open. He only had half of his body. If he could unlock the parcel?

Not long after, Git carried Pascal and hurriedly arrived.

Xiaona's face was pale and strong and awake: "Pascal, look at this blood cloth, don't take care of the content, is it the blood of the king? I can confirm it myself, but I need you to make sure." ”

Shauna is a rigid person, or else he will never ask why Chu Yunsheng, and immediately execute the order.

The blood family is sensitive to blood more than any race, especially the blood of Chu Yunsheng. Each of them is familiar with each of the seventeen people.

After a while. Pascal raised his head and determined: "It is the blood of the king!"

I got Pascal's affirmation, and Shauna said decisively: "Pascal, I can't wake up for a long time. Jitter's luck is good, but after all, it's too small. The big thing depends on him. Only you come to get the idea, we are ten. The seven lives are handed over to you, and everything is done according to the king's instructions... and. Is Botney still alive?"

Pascal nodded and sighed: "But it's no different from death. Now the king is gone... Shauna, tell you the truth, I am in a mess now. There are too many things, too much death. Brothers. Nearly two hundred people. Only a dozen of us are alive, and Gukman brings back the news that Wenlu is selling us... I just thought about what we are doing? Why do you want to come here? Is it to help Hull get the **** throne? What does it have to do with us? Shauna, I..."

Shona spit a blood and angered: "Pascal, what are you talking about??"

Pascal looked down at his broken leg. Taking advantage of my own hair, I was excited: "I am **** wanting to know what we are doing!?"

Shona’s eyes became cold and cold: "Are you questioning the king!?"

Next to the Gite was stunned by the dialogue between the two, subconsciously holding the left hand to the hilt. Looked at his cousin, Shauna, and then looked at Pascal, the atmosphere did not dare to speak.

Pascal also stared at Shauna with his eyes open, but he didn't talk. Gradually, the **** eyes returned to calmness. "Shona, I am going crazy, you don't know how much pressure I have, you guys. They are lying here, coma in a coma, seriously injured in a serious injury, don't know anything, don't think about anything, I envy you, I also want to lie here and faint, don't face anything, but I can't, I have to be medical Save you! When Wang was there, it was fine. When I saw him, I had a bottom in my heart. In any case, I always felt that I had a strong sustenance and support. I don’t have to think so much, I can do my own thing.

But when he got out of this forest, do you know, how scared are I? Fear that he is not coming back! If he is not coming back, what should we do? what would you do? What about a dozen brothers who have been seriously injured! ? ”

Shona took a breath, the air blowing the sound of the trachea like a nail across the blackboard, piercing the ear, he tried to clear consciousness, eyes looked at the blood and said: "Pascal, I understand your mood, this time, you Don't think too much, we need you, others, everything, wait for me to get better. Then the king doesn't come back. He said it is very qingchu. You think about it, we were all dead, Wang is still not Are you back? That is the army of hundreds of thousands of people, he rushed back alone!"

Pascal nodded: "I know, I understand, but I can't help but think."

Shona’s consciousness is getting more and more vague, and he insists on his teeth: “When the king does this, there must be a king’s truth. Pascal, you only need to know, we need you now, understand?”

Pascal nodded, and Shauna indicated that Git could send him back.

The palm of the hand has been holding the hilt of the hilt, and the heart has panicked to send the person back and ran back. He knows that the cousin must have something to tell him.

"Git, you stared at Pascal in these two days..." Shauna said, holding his neck, he couldn't support it, and he was about to fall into a coma again.

Gite’s eyes flashed a fluster and stuttered: “Cousin, cousin, he, he, me, me?”

Shona tried hard to breathe, trying to awake the brain with inhaled fresh oxygen. He said: "He is jingshén is not right, I am afraid to commit suicide, you, you, you want to prevent."

Git seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and nodded quickly: "You can rest assured, I will look at him."

Shauna showed him a happy smile, his eyelids smashed together, and when he opened it, his eyes flashed a fierce murder, saying: "And, Git, you listen, you must remember If he has, there are, anti-, anti-, signs, kill him immediately, can't hesitate! Remember?"

Git’s nerves, which had just come loose, immediately stretched again, and looked at Shauna’s words and couldn’t speak.

Shawner hurriedly said: "Remember not!? Tell me you remember! If he can't figure it out, in case, in case, reverse, reverse, sure, tongguo, all over the mainland, the aliens , expose our whereabouts, then, contact Aishil Deere, then we will be finished, you. I, Butney, all must be finished! You must remember!"

Gite was scared by Shaw's gaze. At this moment, he was placed in the ice cave. In the army of hundreds of thousands, he was afraid, but he was not afraid and cold at this time.

Does he want to kill the brothers who survived with their hands?

"I remember!" Looking at his cousin staring at his own eyes, Git was almost crying to say these words.

The king went away, fǎngfo days are falling!

Get the guarantee of Git. Shona was completely fainted.

The jungle was dark early and soon entered the night. Git groaned and talked to Pascal about a few words. He saw that he had returned to normal and tried every means to try to alleviate the suffering of other seriously injured people. There is no sign of suicide, and there is no sign of rebellion.

Gite sighed with relief. The repressed mood gradually improved. I am ready to go to the Korean camp to rob.

This made him slightly excited. In his bones, he actually wanted to wear anti-panties, or masked clothes and cloaks, posing as Superman or Batman to win the screams of the blondes. Of course, the poor man of Spider-Man, he has no sense of substitution, otherwise it is also a good choice.

But there is no way. This time he must wear the enemy's armor and pretend to be a robbery.

Those who don't like the masquerade ball will not appreciate the mood of Git when they wear the mainland armor.

The nails and the sheath are neatly arranged. Git found that the armor that the king "sends" back is slightly different from the armor of the Golden Knight. The most obvious thing is that the waist is much smaller, but it is in line with the human body. Otherwise, wearing the big armor of the Golden Knight, it is a bit like a rod-like Don Quixote picking the heavy armor of the Middle Ages, a joke.

With the other two companions who are still able to ride horses, the three people of Gite quietly went deep into the jungle.

Along the way, he and his companions exchanged the Chinese words he had taught him before: "wo, me? baby? baby..."

Since they are posing as mainland Chinese, they will not speak the mainland language, but they have to let the Koreans understand and believe that they are mainland Chinese. This is a bit difficult.

After pondering for a long time, I feel that I can't speak English. Although it is best to speak English, after all, it is the United States that goes to the mainland. But if the mainland Chinese want to speak English, they must be stuttering, and as the mother tongue of Git and others, they are not born to be like The best way is to speak other languages. In view of the fact that when the people left the earth, Koreans fled to China in large numbers. They should understand a little Chinese, maybe even translation, and finally decide to use Chinese words that Git and others can’t. It is like a god.

Previously, when Chu Yunsheng was there, he only had to make a decision to hide his whereabouts. However, it does not matter if he wears a gang, either negotiate or directly start to speak with force.

Now the situation is different, not only to hide the whereabouts, but more realistically, the three of them, each with injuries, weak combat power, do not pretend to be a mainland knight to intimidate, to be able to get the drugs that are now extremely precious in various camps Unless the sun hits the west!

Therefore, they must not be cautious and cautious!

Seriously injured people are still waiting for the medicine they have come back to save lives!

Following the road left by Git, the three people successfully touched the door of the Korean camp, and saw a group of soldiers patrolling back and forth, with heavy weapons in their hands.

Kyrgyz has fixed his mind and exchanged his gaze with the other two. He took out his long sword and screamed. He rushed to the gate of the camp and smashed a bunch of soldiers who couldn’t catch up. He waved his sword and he was careful not to break into it. Go, just at the door and the other two people wandering around.

The soldiers wearing helmets saw the "Continental Knights", and they did not dare to come to the scene. They quickly sent people to report to the camp, and carefully kept a distance from the Git three, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

When Git saw it, he continued to scream, and the fierce **** shouted, and the tip of the sword pointed again and again.

A commander-like officer came up with a scalp and raised his hand to indicate that he had no weapons. He probably wanted to communicate with Git.

Git was made a glimpse of him, he just pointed at it, how come someone really ran out?

At the moment, I couldn’t manage much. In order to be realistic, I continued to scream and scream. The officer was so frowning that he couldn’t understand anything. When Git finished, he was probably asking if Git wanted to do it. what? They work well together.

In order to prevent the translators who have a little understanding of the mainland Mandarin in the camp, Git and his ghosts, after waiting for the size of the camp officials to rush, did not stand still, before he spoke, he deliberately made the appearance of communicating with the other two. ,then. Nodded, as if I understood that I couldn’t understand each other.

Then, he turned his head, opened his mouth, coughed, and began to learn the accent of the Chinese, and made a very disgusting look, licking his teeth, and fiercely excitedly shouted:

"Big sister! Big sister! Baby, the big sister is here!"

Less than a kind of official and soldier reaction. He pointed to his mouth, picked up the nails, pointed to the wound on his arm, and explained it very seriously and seriously: "The big sister is me! Big sister wants! Want! Want!"

The other two "Knights" are also screaming in disgust: "Big sister is me! Big sister wants! Want! Want!"

This time, Git felt that someone should understand that he needed "food" and "medicine." But he was forgotten and excited, Chu Yunsheng told him. Don't say "robbing". Just say food and medicine.

So, across from him, the people in the area were stunned!


At this moment, Chu Yunsheng did not know what kind of shock Jit brought to the Koreans. He regretted it and regretted injecting 11 red liquids at a time!

Before the injection, he actually knew that he would regret it.

No one can stand this endless pain. no one!

It is not even a pain, it is not a torture, and it cannot be described as "survival cannot be killed."

If you have to find a word or a statement, it is a limit.

If the limit of giving birth to a child is 57dol's pain. The limit of a man being kicked and bursting is 9000dol's pain, then it has exploded.

Compared with it, the mercury is used to make the meat out of the scalp and it is hard to squirt out. The asphalt is condensed and the whole human skin is peeled off. The iron hook pulls the large intestine from the back door, lumps, thorns, alive, and lead... ...is the most "happy" way of death on earth.

But it is the most horrible thing, not here, but there is no way to faint the past, always have to be awake, and incomprehensibly awake, more and more awake, zoom in and out without limit, meticulous Into the micro experience of all its horror.

Chu Yunsheng didn't know where he was. He had the clearest vision at the moment, but he couldn't see anything, not the darkness, but he really only wanted to die, and he died.

He regrets that it is better not to inject, and to die with the cardinal of Tian Yuguo, to save the terrible **** of this world.

But he also knows that if he is re-elected again, he will still choose to inject. This is like a student who is sitting in the examination room and facing a crisis that is not called to be called a parent or a repeater or even a list. He regrets that he did not read well. But when the new semester comes, this kind of regret is like never disappearing. It will continue to look like the original. Only when the "exam" environment appears, will the corresponding "repent" appear, even if I already know it.

Chu Yunsheng knows that he will regret it. He also knows that if he can survive in the end, he will not regret it in the future, but he still regrets it now.

This is its power and horror, the will is unable to overcome, everything can be understood, and it cannot be defeated.

Chu Yun’s experience has gone through the pain of “survival can’t be dead” in the vast majority of people’s lives. In Huangshan, in the giant tomb of the stupid worm, under the colorful whip of the Arctic... many, but not once, like Today, I really want to seek quick death.

In Huangshan, he is rather dying, not dying. He repaired the body in the stupid worm grave. He knew that he would not die. He could not die under the colorful whip of the Arctic!

But today, in order to fight against his hell, he suddenly found out that he has no reason to live, not to die and not to die!

His jingshén weapon is as weak as a straw.

What can he not die?

Blood ride and Bouthey Shona and others, he can arrange the arrangement has been completed, without him, maybe it will be better, at least not so strong people will stare at them.

Ji Ziyi has nothing to do with him. He is dead and will not affect anything.

The letter of the predecessors was also reported. The meditation had its own way. The little tiger had forgotten him for a long time. The years were too long. Those old acquaintances did not want to see them again. The world has already smashed the fields.

He is dead, and perhaps he can still see the person he misses the most, if the legendary **** exists.


What else?

Exploring the starry sky is just a kind of human curiosity about the unknown.

Free and comfortable life is a luxury.

Breaking the cardinal, impacting nine yuan days, the birth of the spirit? He is not a child, he will regard this layered desire as the meaning of his soul and life.

As for those things that are not understood by zero-dimensional cubes, giant triangular bodies, and the soul's realm, they can't be the reason why he has to live to study. He didn't collect baby's hobbies.

He also didn't want to know the reasons for the war of God, the war that had not been completed for a long time, etc. He had been hiding too late.



He couldn't find a reason to live. He couldn't find a reason to use it. He had no weapons in his hand to fight it.

If you don't want to find one, then you can't complete your aunt's hopes. It's a huge regret to marry and have children. He really didn't think about it for a long time.

Then, he sadly discovered that he wanted to find a reason to stay alive, all of which became the reason he could die!

He was even more sad to discover that when he searched for a reason to live, he already stated that he had no reason.

He is thinking, if a person lives to such a point, even if it is a god, probably won't want to live anymore?

Just as a person tries his best to list the reasons why he doesn't love another person, he already shows that he has fallen in love deeply, or that one has racked his brains to list whether it should not be broken up. The reason has also been explained, he has decided to break up in his heart.

A little bit, Chu Yunsheng suddenly realized in an instant that he was not experiencing the **** of eleven red liquids at the moment, but it was tortured himself:

So why bother to live?

This question, uncover all hypocrisy, all masks, everything is ill-free, everything is artificial, and it’s naked!

In the zero-dimensional, for a long time, there has never been any first limit of the movement, and a slight movement has begun to move toward the second limit!


Wait for a sleep, continue to code second, and solemnly ask for a monthly pass!

^(To be continued...)

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