Dark Blood Age

Chapter 919: Sharpen the world


Chu Yunsheng does not want to be besieged, but he is not afraid of being besieged. He is not the first to face it. He is calm and calm than everyone else in this starship, even including the owner of the sea country. .

Under the same strength conditions, Chu Yunsheng confidently can cope with the divine cardinal of the two five countries. The experience of killing from the bottom of the dead heap is not comparable to the long-term pampering.

Only the cardinal of Zall Star, like Huangbei Ying, struggled from the beginning of the birth of the race, struggling to kill the birth path in the cruel universe, and even had a far more experience than him. Clouds are extremely difficult to deal with enemies.

The worm attacked him, and the multi-energy group attacked him. The Zall Stars also besieged him. The enemy under the cardinal, even more, he also has the confidence to rely on the intuition and speed of the battle and the advantages of the body to break out and grow away.

But today's situation is different, he can't go, stay here until the starship takes off, or the gods return.

Reaching out to recruit a lifting shuttle, Chu Yunsheng indicated that the Haiguo Dianzhu together with him rose to the starship platform towering above the clouds.

The war is about to break out, and it is not something to stay under the starship.

The power of the main cardinal of the Haiguo Dian was stuck, and now it is seriously injured. It is not suitable for flying in the air. It can't be like the Chu Yunsheng. It can fly into the sky with a wing, it needs "vehicle."

The cardinal of a godland, the prestige for thousands of years, but once fell to this point, I do not know whether it is retribution.

Chu Yunsheng will never bring it into the starship. The place to be guarded, he has never been ambiguous, especially at this time, very cautious.

In the starship, the geek now considers itself to be the "master." Without the foundation of rebellion, the silver corps of the Earth's people are nearly 30,000, and the military capacity is neat, but it is only a "one-handed goods" under the fine man.

As long as one instruction, the uniforms and weapons on their uniforms all have to be in the armpits. In the twinkling of an eye, the weapons of killing others will become weapons for killing themselves.

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng never worried about what the head of the group would have. The key to the core lies in the high-level people. As long as they stabilize and deter the high-ranking people, the starships will be rock-solid!

In the operational plan given by the fine man "Ray", Chu Yunsheng finally learned the unique charm of this timid person.

As a star ship of the fine man, and the war based on the star ship. Naturally, we must listen to the advice of the fine people, they are the people who know the performance and characteristics of the starship, and know what kind of tactics are the best.

However, Chu Yunsheng did not expect that the high-level person "Thunder" based on the number of detected enemies and the approximate combat strength evaluation, simulated the war deduction, even chose the most speechless way to "counterattack" -

All the members of the army, all of them are huddled in the starship. Close all doors, seal all channels... and then there is no more.

It is very arrogant to explain to Chu Yunsheng in the picture of war: let them fight and let them attack. From grandfather to grandson, from a thousand years ago to a thousand years, it is just a group of barbarians, and half of the marks do not want to stay on the hull.

Chu Yunsheng will soon understand its ideas and strategies. In its view, the black-pressed army is just a group of ignorant and ignorant barbarians. Just like a group of flies trying to attack a human being, do you really have to erect a cannon against the flies?

Closing the door is, with it tossing, what should you do, and paying attention to repairing the starship is the most important thing. Where can you waste time on catching flies?

When the starship is repaired, take a pest control agent and spray it outwards, and the whole world will be clean.

However, it can think so, Chu Yunsheng can't.

Deere’s green sword gave him a feeling of danger. Who knows if they will get involved?

However, before the danger of being able to break the outer wall of the starship, Chu Yunsheng temporarily agreed to adopt the battle plan of the fine man "Thunder", at least in the full restoration of the starship, he is consistent with it.

The coalition's attacking pioneers have no airborne units. When Chu Yunsheng comes to the platform of the cloud, it is equal to leaving the battlefield. The images projected inside the starship can be kept attentive to the next move.

It is strange that Chu Yunsheng is a bit strange. The Haiguo Dianzhu seems to have a little interest in the technology of the Supreme Man. It is only suppressed by the rebellion of the sea country and its situation. It is not so beautiful, but it can be seen. Very concerned.

At this time, the coalition pioneers below have entered the starship.

They were cautious at first, and they tried the starship's reaction step by step. After discovering no danger, they gradually advanced boldly. They came to the towering wall and were still not attacked. They could not help but stunned and uneasy. stand up.

For most of them, they have never played such an inexplicable war. They attacked themselves, but the enemy could not see even the shadows. They all hid.

Is this a war for peekaboo? ?

Chu Yunsheng’s gaze was removed from the viewing scene, overlooking the 10,000-long cloud under the edge of the platform. Suddenly: “They lifted the rebellious temples and killed the gods. Isn’t it true that the gods will be liquidated after returning?”

The cardinal of the sea country sighed and shook his head: "I used to think this way before, but when I really lost the power of the gods, after being chased, I changed my angle and gradually understood it. I used the metaphor of your earth people. Say, would you kill the sheep because a group of sheep stepped on the sheepdog? No!

Your reaction is at most a chat with others, as a topic of talking and laughing: Do you know, my family's sheep actually trampled the dog! And others will say it with a sigh, it seems that you are looking for a more powerful dog. ”

Chu Yun looked at it differently and saw it with a lost calm. After a while, he said, "Do you know the people on earth?"

The king of the sea country ridiculed himself: "I can't say it, but God wants to kill you. I am a little curious in private, why?"

Chu Yunsheng pointed out: "Your curiosity is a bit heavy, no wonder there will be today's end."

The owner of the Haiguo Temple laughed at himself and did not speak.

Chu Yunsheng said again: "I heard that you have connections with the underground people, will not be curious about their technology?"

The king of the sea country was silent for a moment and did not answer immediately. After a while, it looked as if it was indifferent. "When I was not the **** of the gods, it was very small. At that time, it was still In the era of great ridiculousness and great pollution, an underground villain gave me a deep space telescope, and then let me look up at the starry sky. I remember that it was the first time I was shocked by its magic. I never thought that the moon could leave. I am so close, the stars are so beautiful...

Later I worked hard to cultivate. Desperately repaired, desperately repaired, and finally defeated countless competitors, became the second lord, who did not know that my initial motivation was only because of the deep space telescope. Just want to be closer to the sun, moon and stars seen in its lens.

Unfortunately, as I get stronger and stronger, I am getting farther and farther away from them. You should understand that we are all such people. ”

The coalition pioneers below began a tentative attack. The tidal energy attack and violent impact hit the outer wall of the starship, but the starship remained motionless.

The Silver Legion is still standing behind the hatch. The aircraft is still on the fairway, and it is completely different from the noise outside. It is quiet and quiet, and there is no sound at all.

Chu Yunsheng opened a new video transmitted inside the starship. The main force of the coalition forces has arrived 17 kilometers away, paused a little, seems to quarrel, about half an hour later. Once again, the soldiers went to the starship.

"Since you have studied the Earth people. Have you found any abnormal places, it is worth the gods to come out of death? Except for the entry into the remains." Chu Yunsheng asked.

The Lord of the Sea Kingdom said faintly: "You can't find the original me. It's a special place. I don't understand it too much."

Chu Yunsheng’s heart was slightly moving: “What is the original me?”

This concept, constantly changing names, has been heard many times.

The head of the Haiguo Dang shook his head: "There was a person from the earth who asked me this way. I can only tell it. If you can't feel it, I can't tell you."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "I feel it, do you tell me?"

The owner of the Haiguo Temple said helplessly: "This is the case."

Immediately, it added another sentence: "I just said it, I don't understand it myself. Even if it is a second god, I don't necessarily know what is the original."

Chu Yunsheng will no longer ask questions, said: "Apart from this, is there anything else?"

The Lord of the Sea Kingdom thought for a moment: "Besides you can enter the temple without interference, there is only one more difference. There is only one."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "What?"

Haiguodian said: "You are not fearing the gods."

Chu Yunsheng immediately shook his head and said: "No, it means you don't know the people on earth. You see our silver army, that is, those people who used to rely on Tianyu. You have to say that they are not afraid of the gods. I believe that they are not afraid of anything. I am afraid... This will not tell you, and you will not understand it.

But the original people in my cave, and the people on earth who are relying on the mainland empire, they believe in the gods, and the faith is strong, and there are thousands of years of history. ”

The Lord of the Sea State frowned and said: "Is it? Why didn't I feel it? Are they really afraid of the gods they believe in? Have they seen the gods angry? Or have you seen the era of great ridiculous pollution?

I feel that they believe in inner peace and uneasiness, to find strength and retreat from faith, to conquer their inner heart, but in any case, there will be no gods to bless them, or punish them. In my opinion, your **** is just an excuse for your heart.

However, I am also surprised that the people of the earth who you are relying on in the Tianyu Kingdom are different from the people of the earth who are relying on the mainland. In many places, even two races, from thinking to behavior...

Moreover, I have learned about some people who never agree that the other party is of the same race, but it is strange to be here. You are indeed the same race, with as many bones and as many organs as you have. The pupils are all the same, and the source of life is no longer separate from each other. ”

Chu Yunsheng said faintly: "I said you don't understand."

In his eye-catching vision, there are gradually a large number of pterosaurs flying in the sky, a sword of green mans, shining in the golden sun, killing the heavens and the earth.

Today is a memorable day, black blood gave birth to the legendary tens of millions of alliances, and continue to stand on the top of the hot list, Feng Qiao brother v5!!

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