Dark Blood Age

Chapter 972: Choose!

Lava, the real lava, came out of the huge cracks cut by the torrent of fire, and splendidly swayed into the sky, turning the whole world into red. .

More lava is still in the depths of the darkness of the river, like a mysterious veil, exposed to the eyes of the world.

The cracking of the earth's crust quickly causes a chain reaction. Earthquakes are everywhere on the surface of the planet. Some may only have several levels on the earth, and some have exceeded the upper limit of terror. Even the mountains that have stood for thousands of years are dumping. Among them, the sea water is a wave of tens of meters, and it is constantly increasing.

Even the high-starship ships began to sink and trembled violently.

The huge scalpel from space is still continuing to dissect the planet's outer shell. At this rate, within twelve hours, it will completely cut the entire planet!

Chu Yun raised his eyes like water, flew over the huge rift that was forming, waved the lava that was thrown everywhere, and looked down.

He is not a guardian, nor does he believe that the true guardian will have any agreement with this fleet. Even if there is, the two sides may not comply.

The so-called agreement, evenly matched, or with common enemies or interests, will be produced, and there is not much binding force.

It can be seen from the performance of this fleet. Although their first hit in Chu Yunsheng’s speculation, only human beings can survive, but the call sent by the Italians to the sun has already indicated that Everyone has only one dead end.

In other words, if there is any agreement, the fleet is not ready to comply, otherwise you should contact yourself at the beginning, although Chu Yunsheng does not know how they see themselves as guardians, probably not Lingfeng. It is the reason of Ji Ziyi, in addition to this, he and the true guardian have no intersection.

However, from this point of view, they know at least the existence of the guardian, and it is not a complete rumor.

Now the fleet is being countered by itself, or is it that the underground villains of the Italians have debunked the real killings and deliberately snatched the communication channel of the underground villain to negotiate with them?

If he is a true guardian, he can barely explain the practice of them. After all, true guardians should have the ability and strength to threaten them, so they deliberately miss the hidden means in the first wave of attacks. Earth people, but still buried the deepest "bomb."

Imagine that since they know the existence of the guardian and have dealt with it several times, they may know that the guardian is extremely weak after the end of the dynasty. It may not be able to detect the tiny changes in the orbit of the planet. It is already late, rushing. The gravitational pull to the sun has greatly exceeded the repulsive force, and everything is a foregone conclusion.

In fact, this fake guardian of his own did not find out, if the underground villain reminded him, he did not know this.

Although Chu Yunsheng made a rough inference in a short period of time, it still does not help, because he has realized that the previous wave of attacks can even be said to be the test of the fleet’s own strength. With a ring in the ring, he has already taken the lead, and it is hard to pull back. The attack now far exceeds the limit of his ability to fight back.

It is more to show their powerful force by saying that they show things inside the planet to themselves!

What is there under the ground, if it is not to leave here, Chu Yunsheng does not care, it is too far from him, and it is a point that is the end of the smog, even the predecessors die unsuccessfully on the earth, not to mention him. It is.

But he is very weak at the moment, still have to go and see what is buried in the underground? What kind of secret is there on the third floor of the ship?

Maybe there is still a line of life.

The Matrix Fleet seems to have forgotten the existence of Chu Yunsheng, or has dismissed it and turned to focus on the planet.

Chu Yunsheng knows that it will not take long before the general turf of the space scalpel can upset the heavens and the earth on the whole planet, and the dark energy consumed in outer space will surely push the planet to the sun.

The huge cracks are still spreading slowly and deeper and deeper. The dark red magma that creeps in the darkness of the earth begins to pour from the sides of the rift like a waterfall, but in the deep abyss of deep bottom, it seems to be filled forever. They are swallowed by dissatisfaction.

Chu Yunsheng is close to the torrent of fire and flies down the side.

Unlike flying to outer space, the temperature and pressure increase exponentially every time it falls.

The temperature is still good. The most feared thing about the insect body is this, but the pressure is different. Even if he is densely packed, he has to stop in the darkness. If he goes down, he may be crushed.

The repulsive force of dark energy should be able to offset such pressure, but Chu Yunsheng now has no time to find the underground villain to explain to him the principle of the anti-pressure device, and then he combines the essence of the body according to its principle to achieve the same effect, the cucumber dish It’s cold.

However, standing here still can't see anything. The extreme darkness below, like the bottomless abyss, does not know how deep the bottom layer of the flame torrent is cut.

Chu Yunsheng can't immediately give up the idea of ​​looking for opportunities from the third floor of the underground ship, and instead start thinking about what he should do now?

Want to die, or wait for the underground miracle?

The latter one looks too unreliable. The former one, he does not have much control. There is only one reason. The matrix fleet is too far away from the planet and hides very well. He must not find them in the space. That is not realistic than finding a needle in a haystack.

However, who can find them and have the ability to strike them against their real names?

Fine man? No, they are still lying in a single cabin, and they don’t know what to do; Kiko? Wait until the following is the same as others to decide the outcome, then enter the ship, learn to start the battleship, people are dead eight hundred times! Underground people? It’s okay to make a point. If they don’t have a satellite, how can they count on it?

Who else?

Chu Yunsheng quickly thought about it. At this time, there was a light spot on the horizon, like one of the moons of this planet.

Drow star!

Chu Yunsheng suddenly thought of the battleship of the Zall Star!

Although they made an attempt to force their cubes to disintegrate themselves and lose their ability to continue to attack the fine high-star ships, they did not completely lose their fighting power. During this time, the warriors of the Zall Stars disappeared, and eight or nine were Busy in repairing their battleships.

The most important thing is that the Matrix Fleet does not attack the cubes of the Drow Stars. Although they don't know why, they are definitely not willing to provoke them. After all, the cube is the only combat power that can now approach them.

The Matrix Fleet may know that it has a spiritual seal. It is because of the problem of the Spirit, and may know that it has a sense of purpose. It is because they have been choosing Kiko, but they can never know that they have a fourth skull sequence. He has only shown to one person, this person is still a recovery Drow star!

They know at best that they can control the sword of purple gas, and that can be attributed to the spirit.

Chu Yunsheng immediately flew to the old nest of the Yi people, flying while flying his brain and thinking about ways.

This drow's fleet is indeed under the fourth arm, the Dai woman personally confessed, but the problem is that they are not the one who wanders, but the one that accepts the contract!

And Chu Yunsheng has no way to return to the third generation of the fourth generation, and then forced them to recognize, and does not say that his sequence is dead, that is, the problem of living is also very big, the sequence is Sakura, belonging to The thirteenth, there is no connection between the two.

There is also Chu Yunsheng's heart is not willing to become the fourth 弝涒, he would rather live like the 800-year-old, and do not want to be a drow star.

"Would you like to give the skull a sequence to the woman? Let them go home?"

But how can we ensure that our conditions are not breached?

The woman personally participated in the attack on him, the purple sword was robbed by him, Chu Yunsheng did not feel that she gave her the skull sequence, she would be happy to obey herself.

Wait, where did the woman go?

Chu Yunsheng realized that the Yi woman seemed to have disappeared and had never heard anyone mention it.

He immediately returned to the top of the starship and contacted the Italians.


"He doesn't know?" Chu Yunsheng listened to the retelling of meaning, and felt bad in his heart. He immediately returned to the starship and went to the secret room.

But there is nothing inside, no one, no body.

Where did the people go? How did she escape? Let it go? impossible!

Is it that when the energy is extracted, the door of the chamber is automatically opened?

Chu Yunsheng can only think of this possibility. At this time, he found that Bauer, who was sent to his hometown of the Yi people, was gone!

In the words brought back by Yiyisi, there has been no news of Bauer’s later.

Chu Yunsheng was in a hurry, one head was two big.

The strength of the heavens and the earth began to turbulently and violently. The time left for him was not much, either fighting for a battle or waiting for it.

He must think of a way right away!

Do not go to the old nest of the Yi people, go directly to the cube of the Zall Star, although there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, but its position can not run, can also be seen.

This is his first real voyage, although he can survive in space, but it takes a long time... eh? It seems that there is nothing wrong with the insect body?

As long as there is enough fire energy, the worm can survive, and in the universe, everything is thin, that is, dark energy is everywhere!

Chu Yunsheng ridiculously emerged the idea of ​​leaving alone.

However, when he rushed to the place where the planet was handed over at night, there were only two moons left in the sky, and the cube of the Zall Star disappeared in his sight and became a small spot!

According to the speed of the warship, he can't catch up!

How to do?

Chu Yunsheng looked back and looked at the growing rift valley under the torrent of fire. It was near the stormy prelude to the chaos, facing two choices that would be decided soon.

The first one, with the strength of the insect body, left here alone, into the dark universe of the hustle and bustle, and then resigned!

The second one, go on, and pull out, and blood ride, and Boutony, they fight to death!


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