Dark Civilization

Chapter 73: Fight!

Chapter 73: Fight! 【Third update】

Speaking of this, the white-haired old man sighed in his heart, feeling a little melancholy, as if he saw the scene of a peerless genius falling with his own eyes.

Ye Chen groaned for a moment, and said, "You mean, he wants to use this killing heart to suppress that prehistoric beast?"

The white-haired old man shook his head and said: "This killing heart doesn't have any offensive power, but it has something special, that is, it can absorb any negative brain waves, that is, negative emotions, and integrate them into it. When it reaches a certain level, it can Integrate into weapons and refine an evil weapon!"

"Weapon?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

The white-haired old man said slowly: "The Xuanyuan Divine Sword left by the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor is a sword of benevolence and righteousness. People who are not benevolent and righteous cannot use it, especially the original sword. Even the Lord Dragon King cannot use it. It needs to reach the realm of a saint. Only then can he master it! However, the second master of the temple is a generation of ghosts, but he came up with a way to use evil against evil. With the power of the divine sword, he could only suppress it, but using evil against evil, he was able to defeat the prehistoric beast. kill!"

Ye Chen understood, and looked at Huang Lu and the others beside him, "It turns out that you brought them here because these teenagers were born aggressive, or because of something, they were very resentful, so you brought them here, let them go." The killing heart, taking away the resentment in their hearts, can not only purify the hearts of these young people, but also strengthen the killing heart!"

The white-haired old man nodded and smiled, "Exactly!"

Ye Chen asked: "Where is the killing heart?"

The white-haired old man turned his head and pointed: "There." Ye Chen looked along, and saw a black flame lotus platform in the sea of ​​magma and flames, with a black air suspended above it, tumbling endlessly, which was extremely strange.

Ye Chen stared at it twice, and couldn't help but think of the ancient generals who forged swords. Mo Xie used his whole body's blood to wash the sword body, and finally created the sword! But the killing heart in front of him uses murderous aura and negative emotions as the material of the sword!

The white-haired old man looked at the signs of fighting around him, and asked curiously, "Master of the temple, could it be that you just got the Excalibur?"

Ye Chen nodded, "Yes."

The white-haired old man came over in relief, and said with a smile: "That's right, if the new master of the temple takes office, 72 islands will be full of joy, and I will naturally receive the news. By the way, who is the person you are chasing after?" You actually need to chase him down yourself?"

Ye Chen glanced at him, "You don't know him?"

The white-haired old man shook his head and said: "Since I stepped here a hundred years ago, I have never left. I know very little about the outside world. Only important things will be notified to me."

Ye Chen realized that most of the old men in white robes didn't want him to go into the muddy water, so they didn't notify.

at this time--

Gollum, gollum!

The magma in the sea of ​​fire surged and toppled the river, rolling up waves of fire, slowly forming a vortex with the Heiyan lotus platform as the center.

The white-haired old man's expression changed, and he said: "No, I've alarmed that demon, get out of here quickly!" As he said this, he rushed towards the sea of ​​flames, wanting to put away his killing intent.

Ye Chen frowned, and was about to make a sound to remind him, but it was too late, when the white-haired old man was shaken all over, and was thrown back backwards by an invisible force, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

As soon as Ye Chen's figure moved, he rushed up and reached out to catch his body, but felt his tentacles tremble, and his fingers were slightly numb. Immediately afterwards, he was shocked by the momentum of the white-haired old man and took a few steps back before standing still.

The white-haired old man held his chest and stood in front of Ye Chen, saying in a deep voice: "Master of the temple, you retreat first, I will resist, this killing heart must not be lost."

Ye Chen thought to himself that this killing heart was probably shaken by his own battle, and when he heard the white-haired old man's words, he couldn't help asking: "Could it be that the prehistoric beast can come out?"

The white-haired old man said in a deep voice: "In order to speed up and condense the killing heart, the second patriarch placed him in this place closest to the seal, mainly for the purpose of absorbing the evil spirit from the demon with the killing heart, weakening others, and strengthening Yourself! Although the body of this evil beast can't break free, but the remaining power is extremely strong, it is still not something we can fight against, you go back quickly!"

Ye Chen understood, glanced at the Slaughtering Heart, pondered for a moment, then quickly clenched the sword in his hand, his figure moved, rushed over to the Slaughtering Heart.

The white-haired old man exclaimed and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

At this time, Ye Chen stepped on the sea of ​​fire, like walking on flat ground, breaking through layers of magma fire waves, and rushed to the edge of the Heiyan lotus platform. The three styles of "Germany" word sword formula, meet with a knife!


The light of the knife broke through the magma and shattered that majestic energy! Ye Chen expected it well, this energy is almost similar to ghost energy, and the Excalibur is the nemesis! Immediately stretched out his hand, absorbed the killing heart, and then turned around and retreated violently!

"Bastard!" Suddenly, there was a roar at the bottom of the magma sea of ​​fire, shaking the magma sea of ​​fire, as if it was about to collapse. Ye Chen felt the sound as if it was exploding in his ears, and the hairs on his back stood on end When he got up, it was as if the sea of ​​flames under his feet was a monster with a big mouth, which could swallow him up at any time!

He retreated hundreds of feet, landed on the shore, and hurriedly said: "Leave quickly!"

Without saying a word, the white-haired old man saw that Ye Chen had acquired the desire to kill, so he reached out and grabbed Huang Lu and others who were on the ground under his ribs, turned around and ran wildly.

Ye Chen followed closely behind and ran quickly. At this moment, the black air in his hand flashed and slipped away, like a black elf, running to the side.

Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned, but unexpectedly, he hurriedly chased after him. The white-haired old man in front of him was in a hurry, and he didn't forget to take the time to look back, and immediately saw the flying killing heart. The shock was not trivial, and he stayed on the spot, muttering: "Unexpectedly, he was born with wisdom! Why is this so? Quick, why so fast..."

Ye Chen's figure was flexible, and he used Tianxiang's body skills, and soon caught up with the heart of killing. As soon as he succeeded, he heard the white-haired old man shouting: "It has been born with wisdom, before it has its own main body, quickly find a good one." Container, seal it inside! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to control it in the future!"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled about the reason, but he didn't have time to say more, only to see a boom in the distance, and the magma formed two angry dragons, charging towards them.

Ye Chen hurriedly dodged and dodged around.

The white-haired old man was extremely anxious, and suddenly his heart moved, and he slapped Huang Lu awake in his hand. Before the latter could recover, he said seriously: "Take them and flee, follow the way they came!" With a slap of the palm, a stream of vigorous energy was injected into Huang Lu's body.

Huang Lu felt warm all over his body, in a cloud and mist, he only heard the words of the white-haired old man, quickly grabbed a few companions on the ground, ran wildly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. With his own strength, he was determined not to be able to lead people to gallop, but with the strong support of the white-haired old man, he was as light as a swallow and effortless.

At this time, the white-haired old man turned around, shouted loudly, rushed towards Ye Chen, clapped his palms continuously, scattered the two fire dragons, threw out a weapon, and said in succession: "If you don't have advanced weapons, this I want to borrow from you, to seal the heart of killing quickly, you can only slowly improve the weapon grade in the future, don't let it give birth to your own thinking, otherwise, a thousand years of painstaking efforts will be wasted in a day!" In this haste, he spoke extremely fast Hurry up, no respect at all, I just hope that Ye Chen will finish it soon, and ask for forgiveness later, but Ye Chen is not a person who pays attention to worldly etiquette, so he doesn't care.

He stretched out his hand to hold the long sword handed over by the white-haired old man, and when he took a closer look, he knew that it was an extremely powerful divine weapon, which could kill the ninth-level monsters in the Xuanyuan world (the outside world is equal to level 90,000), However, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and when he thought of the lost Sky Crystal Saber, his eyes lit up. The quality of the round, the Sky Crystal Saber was even more advanced, and the weight alone would require a ten thousand-level expert to move it!

As for completely free swinging, you need a hundred thousand-level powerhouse to do it!

It can be seen how powerful the sword is. If it is not for the lack of the function of killing ghosts and gods, it is definitely no less than the split sword in hand!

Thinking of this, he quickly handed the long sword to the white-haired old man and said, "Come here!"

The white-haired old man was puzzled, but he didn't have time to ask more questions, so he hurriedly followed. At this time, the magma was overwhelmed, and there were bursts of roars. After being compressed thousands of times, the magma turned into sharp cones and shot towards Ye Chen and the others.

Ye Chen couldn't help being startled in his heart. After being sealed, this prehistoric monster still has such power. If it is fully released, he may be able to kill himself with a single breath. However, thinking that the other party is 'forced' to break the seal of the Yellow Emperor The big evil beast, he felt relieved.


Fiery red spikes rushed over.

The white-haired old man let out a loud shout, the breath of his whole body fluttered, he rushed up, and confronted the flaming cone, creating a violent explosion!

Ye Chen watched the explosion site closely, and when the flames dissipated slightly, he saw a hole exploded. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately rushed forward, and when he came out of the hole, it was a piece of hard soil. He waved it quickly and split the soil. After a while, he saw a blood-red spot, which was the tip of the Sky Crystal knife!

Ye Chen was overjoyed in his heart, rushed up, slapped out the killing heart in his hand, squeezed it on the tip of the Sky Crystal knife, and forced it in forcefully with his majestic strength.

"Yeah—" Suddenly, a shrill scream resounded in the heart of the massacre of black air, like a baby's cry, extremely sharp and ear-piercing.

With the influx of killing hearts, the whole body of the Sky Crystal War Saber flashed with black energy, and then it returned to normal, still blood red all over.

At this time, there was an explosion sound below, Ye Chen was startled, rushed over quickly, and saw several magma dragons fighting with the white-haired old man, the more intense the battle, the weapons in the hands of the white-haired old man could not be used , some fell into the wind.

Ye Chen hurriedly shouted: "Come here!"

Hearing the words, the white-haired old man didn't hesitate, moved his figure, left several fire dragons behind, and came to Ye Chen. Seeing that the killing heart was missing from his hand, he asked, "Where is the killing heart?"

Ye Chen turned his head and pointed: "Integrated into that saber, you take that saber to fight!"

The white-haired old man was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Since we've come out, let's run away quickly, it's pointless to fight this evil beast."

Ye Chen thought so, cursed inwardly for being confused, and then the two of them turned around and were about to leave when a gust of magma surged in, mixed with a furious voice: "You two humans, how dare you spoil my good deeds! The old man's Millennium Plan, ruined it!" Yu once! Damn it! You guys should die!!"


***: Three shifts completed

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