Dark Civilization

Chapter 12: What is love in the world? Chapter 7: 800,000!

This world without the stars shining in the sky is dark and deep, without warm sunlight, but plants are still growing vigorously. The monsters hidden deep in the jungle are coldly watching their prey.

In this dark and deep place, suddenly there was a ray of light, dazzling golden, like the only light in the endless darkness, bursting out with strong golden light, it quickly attracted many monsters around, and they all lurked in the past.

In the light that does not match this world, there is a figure standing, straight and slender, wearing a set of dazzling armor, very strong, no creature in this world can penetrate this set of armor and hurt his heart.

So he took big steps, unscrupulous in the jungle, wherever he passed, the world was changing, blood flowed into rivers, riots were chaotic, and cold corpses fell down one after another.

These corpses forged a path, a tunnel into the unknown.

Ye Chen walked slowly in the jungle, slaughtered all the creatures he saw in front of him, and then deprived the other party's blood, contained it in his body, refined it into essence, and strengthened himself.

With the help of the Nine Palaces Secret Book, Tatiange and other powerful secret methods, Ye Chen can completely traverse this dark world. All he sees in his eyes is darkness. In this darkness, there is still a deadly danger of ambushes.

So even though he was striding forward, he was very cautious in his heart, he was extremely cautious, he would not take a wrong step, and he would not take a step casually.

In this dark world, there is no sky, no starlight, as if a black cloth covers the world, so that all the monsters inside cannot see the light, and can only live in darkness.


Ye Chen raised his hand a little, and the majestic and vast divine power emerged from his body, condensing into a ray of light, piercing through a monster, and the stinky blood flowed out from the monster's body, dyeing the ground red, but no one could see it. The ground was red because it was dark everywhere.

"One hundred thousand heads." Ye Chen murmured silently in his heart, "Three months have passed! Three months, one hundred thousand heads were killed!"

On an average day, a thousand lives were killed.

Ye Chen didn't feel pity, because since ancient times, life has been slaughtering others, or being slaughtered by others, but now, he is a butcher.

Power is the butcher's knife.

Ye Chen clenched his fists slightly, and rushed towards the darkness ahead, speeding up, unscrupulously releasing his aura as he passed along the way, attracting many monsters like hungry dogs who saw their bones and frantically slaughtered them.

These monsters don't know how to besiege, and they don't know how to unite, because they have been used to this kind of life for countless years here.

puff! puff! puff!

One sound after another flew under Ye Chen's fingers, and it didn't take long for the monsters in this area to be angered. Many monsters smelled blood and rushed from the nearby jungle, their eyes glowing fiercely.

Although these bloods are of their own kind, they can't stop the temptation to them.

Ye Chen's expression was cold, his black hair danced wildly, he suddenly raised his hand, the ground trembled slightly, and a majestic Nine Palaces emerged, luxurious, noble, sublime, full of fire, in this dark world, it was like a temple!

Standing on top of the Nine Palaces, Ye Chen had a bird's-eye view of the audience, and quickly released the Guardians of the Nine Palaces to bombard them.



Explosions sounded one after another, and many monsters were blown to pieces, but more monsters still rushed towards them, as if they lost their rationality, they didn't see the danger ahead, and were completely overwhelmed by the tempting blood. The breath was attracted, and the greed and bloodthirsty in his heart were aroused.

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, and he harvested these humble and greedy lives mercilessly. With the palm of his hand, the "True Dragon Art" circulated and circulated all over his body, and thick demigod blood flowed from the ground Trees and rocks floated over, like whales playing in the water, and were drawn into Ye Chen's body along the palm of Ye Chen.



Under the refinement of the power of phagocytosis and the True Dragon Art, the impurities in these divine blood were picked out, and the essence was injected into the body one after another, exercising the body cells, and the physique was gradually strengthened.

"Level 210,000, level 220,000..."

Ye Chen felt the changes in his body silently in his heart. Every time he tempered a monster, his physique would increase by about two levels. Afterwards, as he became stronger and stronger, the growth rate gradually slowed down. It seemed that these blood The energy is already unable to fill the needs of the body.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry to ingest the corpses on the rune spaceship, as well as the corpses of Chasing the Wind. Time was running out, and he had to leave this dark world as soon as possible.

He took a deep breath, and then he lifted his spirits, took a step forward, rushed into the boundless darkness, and entered a new round of slaughter.

time flies……

Four months, five months, six months...

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.


In a pitch-black jungle, a shocking explosion suddenly erupted, and then, a dazzling and dazzling light illuminated the whole world, like a round of golden sun, but after the explosion, the sun gradually slowed down. Shrink slowly until it finally disappears and completely dissipates.

If it weren't for the traces left on the ground, it would be hard to imagine that an extremely tragic battle broke out here before.

Amidst the bloody sky, a figure with black hair hanging loose and stubble all over his face walked out, with a strong and indissoluble bloody aura all over his body, like a peerless demon walking out of the Nether Demon Realm.

He took a step forward, his eyes glowed with a cold light, and his demeanor was like a substantive Xiao Sha, making it hard to get close to.

On Ye Chen's body, the Shenyan suit was stained with blood, which seemed to be stained red by blood. In fact, this set of armor has been washed by blood thousands of times in the past few days, but blood is not Dye, as long as the divine flame rolls a little, it can burn all the blood residue and restore a brand new appearance.

However, Ye Chen didn't do this, maybe he was already used to the bloody smell around his nose. His figure flickered, and he stood up, looking up at the sky. Not long after, the sky, which was as cold as a black cloth, slowly opened up. A window, dazzling light shines in, like a white sun.

Ye Chen took a step forward and walked out like this, completely isolated from the dark world behind him.

Square, spacious.

Ye Chen looked at this familiar place, the coldness in his eyes receded little by little, this is his world, not the endless slaughter.

This year, it is easy to say, but the massacre day and night, if not for his firm mind, he would have already become a madman!

Ye Chen walked in front of Shimen, raised his palm, and a water god bead emerged from his palm, glowing with dazzling light, covering his whole body, and the clear sea blue spring water flowed out, washing the blood and meat dregs on his body. The clear spring water immediately became turbid, flowing down the soles of the feet in the square, staining a large area red.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and with a wave of his palm, a blazing light was thrown out, turning into a flame, which evaporated the blood on the square without leaving any residue.

After washing it once, the whole person feels refreshed.

Ye Chen clenched his fists, felt the terrifying power in his body, and couldn't help but his eyes burst into light. After devouring 1 million spirit beasts, his physique increased dramatically. Within a year, his progress was like a rocket, from 10 to 10. Level 10,000, soared to 800,000!

Only 10,000 levels away, you can break through and become a false god!

If it wasn't for the five-year agreement, Ye Chen would continue to slaughter inside until he devoured all the monsters in this dark world. In that case, his physique would definitely reach the level of a false god!

With his current physique, devouring a high-level spirit beast can only increase the power of 0.5 to 1 level. Thinking back, when he was in the ghost and god realm, devouring a demigod realm corpse with his physique only increased by 1000 levels. You know, although this True Dragon Art is wonderful, the energy it needs is too powerful!

Moreover, among the 1 million spirit beasts, not all spirit beasts have been swallowed up by the "True Dragon Art", and some spirit beasts have become nourishment, tempered by Ye Chen into demigod power to fill the consumption in the body.

"I don't know how much physique can be enhanced by devouring a corpse of a false god?" Ye Chen thought in his heart, but he didn't take out Zhufeng's corpse immediately, but stood in front of Shimen and said, "If you pass the examination, what else is there to test?" ?”

Shimen's deep voice sounded: "Pass the test, the mind has not been deceived, pass the first test, next, the second test begins!" As he said, a black hole reappeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and faintly felt a bad premonition. This feeling flashed through his mind, and then he was crushed. Without hesitation, he took a step forward and walked into the mouth of the dark cave.


The world in front of me changes, and an empty space appears. This open space is not as dark as before, but full of light. The ground is white, the sky is white, and everything is white. There is only one object in the center, which is not white. 'color'.

The object was suspended in mid-air, and when Ye Chen got closer, he saw that it was a virtual helmet, and he couldn't help being startled.

Shimen's deep voice sounded, "Put on the helmet, complete condition one, and conduct 1 million competitions in the battlefield set inside, and every 10,000th assessment, a demigod first-tier powerhouse will appear! In the 500,000th competition At that time, there will be a demigod ninth level powerhouse, and in the one millionth match, the opponent will be a primary false god powerhouse!"

"If you complete 100 competitions, you can pass the assessment and accept the inheritance!"

"If you fail, you will be disqualified from inheritance forever!"

"Complete the second condition and directly enter the ultimate challenge. There are 14 matches in total. From the first round, the opponents are elementary demigods, intermediate demigods, high-level demigods, peak demigods, demigod first level, and demigod second level. ...the demigod Jiuzhong, the elementary false god!"

"The time limit is 10 years!"

Following Shimen's words, the entire space suddenly closed, leaving Ye Chen alone.

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