“I checked, everything in her room is still there, it doesn’t look like she ran away from home premeditatedly, maybe she really died outside.

Xia, don’t say what you just said in the future, otherwise if she is really found dead, your father will easily suspect you.”

Mrs. Temani said.

Anthesia opened her eyes wide and shouted exaggeratedly:

“I just said it casually, what does it have to do with me?”

“What should we do now? We have to find a way to hide the bullying we did to her so that our father won’t know. Although my father doesn’t like Ella very much, she is the daughter of that woman and my father’s flesh and blood after all.”Tracy said worriedly

“Don’t worry, your father often goes out for business, and the people in the manor are all servants we trained ourselves, they won’t leak the news.”Mrs. Temani said confidently

“What about Mr. Qiao Ya? He is my father’s old friend!”Anthesia reminded

“Don’t worry, he won’t tell.”Mrs. Temani’s tone was very firm, but a glimmer of spring flashed in her eyes. It was obvious that she had some secret relationship with the man named Qiao Ya.


Outside the town of Changying, the work was in full swing.

The knights and attendants patrolled the construction site, whipping their long whips in the air, making sonic booms, and their eyes looked like eagles and wolves, looking arrogant.

And none of the people dared to be lazy, and they all worked hard.

Whether they were slaves, tenants, or free people in the past, they were now forcibly integrated by Richard and their identities were reshuffled.

With everyone working hard, the animal shed was first built.

Then all the livestock raised by each household were taken away and concentrated in the animal shed that Richard ordered them to build.

The manure pond in the distance was also dug out a lot of space, and some people had been assigned to clean up the manure flowing everywhere on the ground in the town.

Some people were responsible for cleaning, some were responsible for transporting with wheelbarrows, and some were responsible for drawing water from the river to wash the cleaned areas.

No one dared to resist.

Since the square meeting, they gradually developed a new understanding in their hearts.

This is what they owed to the lord. They used the lord’s fields, water, air and various resources.

The lord was kind and knew that they could not afford the fine of a gold coin, so he gave them the opportunity to work.

As the environment changed, they even wanted to see what the Long Eagle Territory would become in the future.

As for escaping?

Except for the brief emotional fluctuations caused by the suddenness of the matter in the square at the beginning, now that they have calmed down, they finally have time to think of more things.

This world is not a peaceful world.

The big guys all have great power.

On the other hand, there are many dangerous creatures in the wild, and their lives may not be guaranteed.

If they really leave here, they may be eaten by monsters and turned into monster feces before they find the next base for survival.

In the southwest of the construction site, several residents took tools, ready to clear the weeds here and then reclaim the fallow land.

“Captain, there is a huge dead tree stump here, we need to find a way to remove it!”

As this man shouted, several people who were pulling weeds nearby also looked over.

“”Strange, I don’t remember any big wooden stakes here in previous years!”

The captain said as he led his men to this side.

However, they did not notice that the dead wooden stake was”awakening”.

When they took the tools and walked to the dead wooden stake, just as they were about to start working, something strange happened!

The”dead wooden stake” suddenly raised several legs with obvious joints from the soil and jumped up suddenly!

The whole body clearly looked like a giant spider, but there were no eyes on the face, only a red flower flashing with a strange light.

Looking at the giant spider monster in front of them, the faces of several people suddenly changed, and their legs became weak with fear.

How could they not know that they had encountered a monster.

However, before they had time to escape, they were instantly hit by the venom sprayed by the spider monster amid screams, and their bodies were quickly corroded by strong acid, revealing their bones.

As if worried about the loss of nutrients, the spider monster jumped a few times and ate them one by one..

When the people in the distance saw this, they were so frightened that even though there were knights and attendants supervising them, they didn’t care about anything else and all scattered… and fled towards the castle.

These people knew that only the people in the castle had the ability to deal with these monsters, and fleeing towards the castle was also their instinctive choice for survival.

Even if they couldn’t enter the castle, at least when the lord came out, those who were close to the castle would be the safest.

As for the knights and attendants, they naturally had no intention of stopping these people at this time. They had stronger physiques and speed than the people in the territory, and they surpassed these people in a blink of an eye and planned to report to Richard.

They could see at a glance that they were no match for this kind of monster.

After Richard finished his exercise, he took a bath with Cinderella, changed his clothes, and came out to see a man hurriedly running along the stairs of the castle, shouting from a distance:

“Lord, something bad has happened!”

Richard frowned and walked forward:

“What’s going on?”

I was a little bit expectant, wondering if the people were rebelling.

If that was the case, it would be good news. I could take this opportunity to kill people and improve my physical fitness!

However, the knight’s attendant said:

“A monster appeared in the west, it looked like a spider and ate several people.”

“Spider monster?”Richard asked,”What does it look like?”

You know, there are many kinds of monsters, and different monsters require different methods of targeting.

Although he didn’t want anyone to die, in such a world, caution is the most valuable quality when deciding to take action.

After listening to the description of the knight’s attendant, Richard thought carefully and said:

“It turned out to be a crab spider!”

He turned to look at one of his followers and said:

“Go to the warehouse immediately and get the insect oil that the witch doctor in the town gave us a few days ago, quickly!”

The man knew the situation was serious and ran towards the warehouse without hesitation.

Then Richard looked at the person who reported it and said:

“Go to the scene immediately and pass on my order. Everyone stay away from the 200-meter range of the crab spider’s activity area. No one is allowed to provoke or attack!”

He knew that after eating a person, the crab spider would need some time to digest it on the spot. As long as the person did not take the initiative to walk near it, it would not chase him from a distance for a while.

While giving orders, Richard walked towards the equipment room.

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