Richard clearly saw the mark given to Hinton on the system panel. Among them, his teaching ability was the highest among the group.

But his personality seemed a little introverted. He didn’t communicate with everyone that much and seemed a little lonely.

As for his background, he was also a poor noble, but he was obviously more poor.

His story of learning and growing up was quite difficult, like drilling a hole in the wall to steal light.

It was also because of this that he might be able to find a breakthrough in teaching poor children to learn more easily.

“Yes! Sir!”Sinton did not refuse, and had a feeling of resignation.

Richard did not care about the other party’s current appearance. For anyone, as long as he finds what he is good at, then his own field will be his comfort zone in the future.

By then, Sinton will naturally be able to find his confidence.

After arranging everything, Richard asked the knights and attendants to leave.

He continued to drink with Cinderella.


Night fell.

After working all day, the people in the territory dragged their tired bodies back to their homes.

It is a bit exaggerated to call them homes. To put it bluntly, they are just some shabby shacks.

In the past, there were pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and other livestock sleeping with them in their shacks.

Although it was dirty, they were used to it.

The most important thing was to keep warm and not be afraid of being stolen.

When it was cold, they couldn’t afford bedding, so some of them slept with chickens and ducks, and some slept with pigs.

It didn’t matter if they woke up covered in feces.

But now all the livestock in the Long Eagle Territory have been taken away by the lord, and the streets are clean. Although the rooms of every household are still dirty, feces and the like have been cleaned up.

This is the order issued by Richard.

Living in feces and carrying all kinds of viruses all over the body is simply raising poison. It is not certain when an inexplicable plague will be fused.

The people in the territory don’t understand these things, but they feel that the new environment makes them feel uncomfortable, empty, and without the previous taste.

But they didn’t have the energy to care, let alone feel any resentment towards the lord. A day’s work had already drained their last bit of energy.

Basically, they would use up their last bit of energy to get home, and then fall asleep.

Just like a pig used to the mud, even if you take it out and wash it, it will still go back to the mud pit and roll.

Richard asked them to clean up the entire Long Eagle Territory. The change was not only to get them out of the manure pit, but also to move the manure pit away from them. It is normal for changes in the environment to bring about some normal withdrawal reactions.

The pain of development is always inevitable. As passive adapting citizens, they must get used to these.


In the inky black, the entire Long Eagle Territory was filled with mist, quiet and mysterious.

Occasionally, one or two vulture calls sounded in the air, and then they landed on Harvey’s body hanging outside the town to feast on it.

The owl on the castle saw all this, and the next moment it flew up and rushed to the ground, tearing a mouse in the castle’s flowers.

In the forest not far away, pairs of small red eyes flashed in the darkness.

If you look closely, they are all vampire bats hanging upside down on the branches, which is creepy and chilling.

One of the bats suddenly flapped its wings and flew slowly towards the castle.

The other bats followed, but seemed to hesitate, and flew back, going deeper into the woods, as if they were worried about something.

After all, as a castle with a formal knight who bred the seeds of life, these bats are still a bit cautious.

They are not ordinary bats, but pets kept by the forest witch, who know what to provoke and what not to provoke.

However, there is an old saying that people die for money and birds die for food. No bat that has tasted human blood can resist it.

The bat that flew out alone approached the castle quietly under the cover of night.

Its target was very clear, that was a knight’s squire who lived next to the castle.

It calculated that this knight’s squire was the one farthest from the lord, so it was also the relatively safest one.

As for the people of the territory, not only this brave bat, but even the other bats hiding and observing behind them looked down on them.

The blood of the people of the territory had no nutrition and more impurities than energy. Sucking their blood was like looking for a coin in a dung heap. The gain was not worth the loss, and it was not enough to cover the energy consumed.

Bats also calculated gains and losses.

The blood of the knights was different. Even the knight’s squires were people who began to practice breathing seriously.

They were full of qi and blood, and they usually ate much better food than the people of the territory. There were even strands of vitality in their blood occasionally.

These vitality were part of the seeds of future life.

Once absorbed by the bat, the benefits it brings may allow it to be directly upgraded to a higher level.

In the room, the knight was doing his routine practice before going to bed. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a smiling bird flapping its wings. He didn’t care, thinking it was just a passing bird.

But the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. The knight’s squire suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to reach out to slap the bat on his neck.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t lift his arm.

Obviously, the bat’s toxins have strong hallucinogenic and paralyzing effects.

The knight’s squire’s eyes showed despair. He thought he could follow the lord to establish an unparalleled feat, but he didn’t expect to fail here!

With a bang, the knight’s body fell to the ground.

His breathing became rapid and he kept struggling. He didn’t want to die. He tried every way to resist, but it was useless.

So he wanted to try to knock over something to make a noise, hoping to attract people to help.

But there was nothing at hand.

This was the first time he regretted cleaning the training room too clean.

As his spirit became more and more depressed, the bat’s stomach also sucked a lot of blood and slowly swelled.

Finally, the bat let him go, flew out of the room, and slowly floated into the forest.

The knight who was seriously injured was still controlled by the remaining paralysis, but his life was finally saved.

I don’t know if the bat was worried that killing people would cause the lord’s anger, or if he planned to continue to raise pigs for sustainable development.

Although the knight’s squire lost a lot of energy and blood, he still didn’t kill him after all.

This is also the more cunning temperament cultivated by pets in captivity.

Seeing their companions come back from a full meal, the other bats in the forest envied them and wanted to try it too. The bat emitted a sound wave, which seemed to be a warning.

Tell them that it was too late to go now. If someone discovered its previous actions later, they might not be able to come back.

The bats were a little unwilling, but they didn’t dare to take the risk after all, and then flew into the depths of the forest together.

They planned to find some blood from extraordinary creatures to suck. Although it might be a bit difficult, there was no other choice.

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