An office fight destroyed the entire battlefield.

Cinderella accidentally turned the desk and several pens into crystal, and the wooden ruler on the desk turned into stone.

The battlefield after the lovemaking left both of them stunned.

Cinderella was even more confused.

Richard then took her to take a shower, and the job of cleaning the battlefield was handed over to the maid below.

After changing clothes, Richard took Cinderella out.

“Ella, do you want to know how to use your abilities?”Richard said with a smile as he walked.

Cinderella nodded vigorously immediately:

“I want to!”

Looking at her eager eyes, Richard said:

“Since you have awakened your witch power, you already have magic power in your body. You can carefully experience this new power.

At the same time, understand this power as an instinctive organ in your body, and try to control it and transform it!”

Cinderella tried to experience it and wondered:

“It is indeed magical. They seem to be a magical element that can be combined and transformed at will. I have tried more than a dozen transformation methods just now.

But I don’t know what effect the magic will have after each transformation.”

Richard raised his eyebrows. In such a short time, he can instantly transform more than a dozen different plans?

Cinderella, this witch, is quite talented!

“If you want to know what the effect is, just try it slowly!” Richard said

“Then I have to find something unimportant to try!” Cinderella thought, and then suddenly froze for a moment,”By the way, master, where are we going?”

“Of course, we should go outside the castle. There are countless materials for you to experiment with.”Richard explained with a smile.

He remembered the scene when the hardwood ruler was turned into stone.

It would be even more perfect if the land could be turned into stone.

The two of them soon came to the fields.

“”Rila, you can try these lumps of soil on the ground and see what they can become.”

Richard pulled her down and said.

Cinderella nodded immediately, her eyes shining, and she felt the novelty of a child getting a new toy.

“Hey, it turned into a piece of wood. It turns out that this magic combination can turn soil into wood.……”

Cinderella threw the wood aside

“Hey, it can also turn into mud. My hands are dirty!”

Cinderella shook her hands and suddenly had an idea. She changed again. The mud on her hands suddenly turned into gravel and fell down.

Richard’s eyes lit up and said:

“Wait, try this magic combination again!”

Seeing her master’s interest, Cinderella nodded immediately, picked up a piece of soil, and transformed it into a

“Turned into sand? No, it seems to be a little different from the previous combination.……”

The witch tried again and again, and finally succeeded in turning a piece of soil into a stone. She excitedly held up the stone for Richard to see.

Richard nodded and took the stone.

He found that the stone was very hard. He tried to feel it with his hand and compared it with the hardness of the granite he had encountered on the cliff when hunting. He found that the hardness of this stone was no worse than that of granite. He was immediately impressed. She is indeed a witch. This transformation is simply unreasonable.

Richard nodded immediately:

“That’s it. Remember this feeling! You can try other aspects later. This is very useful to me. Try a few more and let me see.”

Cinderella was very happy when she heard Richard needed it. After trying several times, she succeeded.

“How do you feel? Is your magic power seriously depleted?” Richard asked

“I don’t feel anything, as if I didn’t use any strength! I feel that the magic power I just consumed is as much as a drop of water in the lake!

And every time I consume a little, the magic power recovers quickly.”

Richard was overjoyed and ran with Cinderella all the way to the road construction site.

At this time, a section of the road had been compacted. Richard asked others to get out of the way, and then pointed to the ground and said:

“”Rila, try to turn this section of the road into stone. Be careful of the direction of the magic power and don’t count the fields on the side!”

Cinderella clenched her fists nervously, and then nodded vigorously.

She was seen half squatting on the ground and putting her hands on the ground.

Many people around didn’t know what she was going to do, and they all looked over secretly.

At first, there was no change. This was because Cinderella was slowly trying to release the magic power, and she was worried that the speed would accidentally spread to the fields, so only a small area under her feet had some changes.

At this time, people in the distance had not noticed anything.

But as she became familiar with the magic power, the next moment, Cinderella’s eyes were fixed on the edge of the road, and the magic power was released instantly.

In a blink of an eye, this section of the roadside that had been repaired and compacted instantly turned into a whole piece of stone comparable to granite!

Richard hugged Cinderella excitedly and kissed her:

“Well done! You are my baby!”

Cinderella was so happy that she was about to say something shyly, but suddenly there was a cry of surprise from all around.

“Witch! She is a witch!”

“Witch, it’s a witch!”

Everyone was so scared that they dropped their tools and stepped back, as if the Cinderella in front of them was a terrifying monster.

“Burn him! Burn him!”

“Yes, burn him! How could there be a witch among us!”

“My Lord, please order the execution of this woman!”

“The appearance of a witch here will definitely bring about a curse, and she must be executed!”

“Everyone be careful, don’t let her turn you into stone!”

“Why would the lord allow such a woman to stay in Long Eagle Territory!”

Their first reaction to this phenomenon that they could not understand was fear.

Based on the psychology of fear, they would want to destroy and destroy everything they feared.

The crowd shouted and retreated, and they did not even dare to approach the road that had turned into stones.

For a moment, the whole scene was in a panic, and many people fell into the ditch that had just been dug by the roadside.

Cinderella was stunned when she saw this scene.

She didn’t understand why she was hostile to them. She was obviously doing a good thing to help them build the road!

Why were these people afraid of her? She had never done anything bad, and she had always remembered what her mother said to be kind to others and be a kind person.

But she only showed a power that ordinary people could not understand. They didn’t even think about whether the result of this power was good or bad, and just killed it with one stick!

She couldn’t figure it out, and her eyes gradually lost their luster and were full of gray. Her drooping hands were also a little weak.

The consumption of magic power was just a drop in the bucket for her, but the mental damage brought to her by these people seemed to have defeated her completely.

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