Richard didn’t care how long those people outside the castle had to wait.

These people were lazy, dirty, thieves, frauds, and all the despicable behaviors that one could imagine could be found in these people.

They didn’t deserve even a little bit of Richard’s mercy for them.

On the contrary, if you treat them too well, it will give them the impression that you are a good guy, and the final result will only be that they will become more and more disobedient to discipline, government orders will not be implemented, and lawlessness.

This world is full of stench, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of stench.

Due to the ignorance of the Holy See, it is forbidden to use feces for fertilization, resulting in all kinds of shit flowing everywhere in the city.

Sometimes a”shit layer” is formed, which is similar to a swamp.

In order to walk”elegantly” in the”Shit Marsh”, some wealthy people will use high heels, some of which are as high as fifty centimeters.

You can imagine what the city looks like.

After dinner, he came to the open space behind the castle and began his daily practice.

As the practice began, Richard opened his arms, breathed through his mouth, and his chest began to breathe with���

At the same time, the body’s movements kept changing, and a majestic aura emerged and continued to spread around.

【Practice the Red Dragon Breathing Technique, Life Seed Growth +1!】

【Practice the Red Dragon Breathing Technique, Life Seed Growth +1!】


As the practice progressed, his progress in the Knight Breathing Method continued to improve, and his physical aura became stronger and stronger.

The breathing method that Richard practiced was not the Fire Wolf Breathing Method inherited from his family, but the Red Dragon Breathing Method he got from the system.

This breathing method was far superior to his family’s inheritance.

According to tradition, all breathing methods require unique inheritance. Even if they are leaked, people without the corresponding family bloodline cannot practice the breathing method to the essence. The inherited breathing method of each family is also created by a certain generation of geniuses in their respective families combined with the family bloodline.

And the nobles who have their own unique breathing method inheritance are even more outstanding among all the powerful nobles.

The Red Dragon Breathing Method that Richard practiced was tailor-made for him by the system.

In other words, only he and his descendants can practice it, and other people, even those of the same family, cannot practice it.

You must know that the Byrne family where Richard belongs is a family with a powerful duke, and the Fire Wolf Breathing Method inherited by the family is already one of the top knight breathing methods on this continent.

Once practiced to the peak, it is enough to become one of the top big men.

The Red Dragon Breathing Technique that Richard possesses is even better than that, and his potential is unfathomable.

This world has witches, knights, and religions.

All knights need to practice various knight breathing techniques, and the seed of life is also the core possessed by a true knight.

Only those who give birth to the seed of life can be called true knights, and the others can only be knight squires.

Richard’s breathing method is unique, and his system points make the quality of his seed of life far exceed that of ordinary knights.

Above the formal knights are nine levels of knights, and above the ninth level of knights are the titled knights.

Becoming a titled knight is the ultimate dream of all knights, because at this level, no one in the world can control everything about him, and he is completely above the masses.

“This is the breathing method our lord practices, it feels so powerful!”

“It would be great if this breathing method could be passed on to us. Although we may not be able to grasp the essence of it, even if we only understand the basics, it is still much better than the common breathing methods we practice on our own!”

“What are you thinking about! This Fire Wolf Breathing Technique, let alone you, even ten long eagle leaders combined are not as precious as it, who do you think you are?”

In the distance, two knight attendants standing guard looked at this side with envy.

Even though they were more than 20 meters apart, they could still feel an invisible heat wave coming towards them. If they stood closer, they might not be able to withstand the aftermath of Richard’s practice.

As the sun rose to the zenith, Richard finally finished his practice.

In the distance, a beautiful figure walked quickly, holding something in her hand, and followed by a maid.

“”Sir!” Cinderella handed over a towel moistened with well water.

After Richard wiped off his sweat, he sat in a pavilion nearby.

She took the white bread and milk from the maid and placed them in front of Richard.


On the other side, the people in the square finally began to get restless.

They felt that they had almost caught all the lice on their heads, but the lord still hadn’t arrived.

“When will the Lord show up? I’m dying of sunburn!”

“It’s already noon and my stomach is growling. I should have brought some black bread with me.”

“What do you think the Lord is thinking? What does he want to do?”

“I don’t know. The lord comes from a big city. Does he dislike us?”

“Oh my God! If this is the case, then we have no way to survive.”

“I don’t care about anything else now. As long as the lord is not a bloodthirsty person who kills people indiscriminately, I can accept it!”

“”Yes, yes, yes! I just want to live!”

Many people nodded.

They had been waiting here for a whole morning, and their psychological expectations for Richard had now dropped to the lowest point.

At first, everyone was just worried about whether taxes would be raised. At that time, even some naive people were still thinking about whether there would be tax exemptions.

But as time went on, no one dared to have any unrealistic fantasies, and even felt that as long as they could keep their lives, everything else would be fine.

Everyone’s eyes were full of anxiety, not knowing what was waiting for them.

This desperate, unknown wait, at first, they hoped that Richard would come later, but as time went on, it was like a kind of mental torture, which made them feel scared.

Whether dead or alive, there must be a result, and they just want a quick truth to decide their own reaction.


At this time in the castle, Richard, who had finished his food, rinsed his mouth with water, changed his clothes, and walked outside.

After leaving these people alone for a long time, the fire should be about right, so he decided to go to the scene to take a look.

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