As for why these three materials were chosen.

War means bloodshed, and the blood-red sky foreshadows this.

The flames of war everywhere, in addition to the meaning of the flames of war themselves, also represent the omnipresence of Richard on the battlefield. After all, the most significant external feature of Richard's ability is fire. As for the divine eagle, Richard's idea was simple.

On the one hand, it is the name of the Long Eagle Territory, and it is more appropriate to use the eagle as a representative.

On the other hand, in the church culture of the Middle Ages, the eagle represents God.

So this divine eagle is placed on the military flag, which is a bit like the meaning of"acting on behalf of heaven" written on the flag of Water Margin.

It's just that Richard's expression is more subtle and looks more majestic.

At this time, he rode a warhorse and rushed to the high platform of the square with a military flag in his hand.

The flag was rustling in the wind, and the divine eagle on it, with the fluctuation of the flag, seemed to be flying above the nine heavens, like an eagle striking the sky.

It gives people an inexplicable sense of awe!

In front of the high platform, Richard reined in his horse and jumped down, stabbing the big flag into the ground. With the modified Song Dynasty armor he was wearing, he looked like a god descending from the earth.

"Today, I have three things to announce!"

"First of all, I want to announce to you that in this battle, our Changying Territory won a great victory! You showed me your bravery, and you have my approval!"

After the words fell, everyone shouted:

"The Lord is mighty!"

"The second thing is the reward I promised you earlier!"

At this point, everyone's breathing became rapid, and they were all very excited.

"William Charles!"


"Trevor Helen!"


"From today on, you will pass on the breathing method I gave you earlier so that all militiamen can practice it!"

""Yes!" the two shouted loudly, their eyes full of excitement.

The militiamen were so excited that they were shaking all over and shouted in unison:

"Long live the lord! Long live the lord!"

Richard pressed his hands:

"If your performance in this battle is not satisfactory, you are not qualified to practice this breathing method. However, you have earned my recognition with your military exploits!

Next, let me see who is better at practicing!

If someone can practice this breathing method to 80% in a short period of time, I can consider teaching him a better breathing method, and you can even become a formal knight like your captain!"


Everyone's face turned red, and they almost shouted until their throats broke.

Richard waited for their voices to die down, and then said lightly:

"The third thing is, in my opinion, the most important thing right now!"

At this point, he suddenly said solemnly:

"Everyone, stand at attention!"

Everyone came back to their senses instantly, and their feet came together, making a unified roar.

Then, Richard began to speak:

"Think back to your past! A few months ago, you were just a group of pigs in my eyes! At that time, I didn't say I wanted to transform you, because I didn't know if you could jump out of that pig-like life!

After the militia training began, you were selected by me. At that time, I didn't say you could become knights, because I was not sure if you could really have the spirit and physical qualities of a knight!

Even after the battle in the swamp, I still didn't say I would teach you the breathing method, although at that time, the physical qualities of some of you had already met the requirements.

A week ago, I saw that all of your physical qualities had met the requirements of the breathing method. At that time, I had decided to teach you the breathing method at the right time, but I still didn't think you could become knights!

But today, you have obtained this qualification!

Today I want to officially tell you, soldiers, you are no longer pigs, you are my warriors!"

Off the field, everyone's eyes flashed with fire, and an unknown crystal was brewing.

Richard's voice continued to ring in the square:

"What do you think this recognition is?

Is it just military merit?

Is it just physical fitness that meets the standard?

You are totally wrong!

It is not military merit, nor is it physical fitness that meets the standard, but that you have your own spiritual temperament that belongs to the militia collective and this army!

This is why I just promised to teach better breathing methods in the future.

Not only that, today, I designed a military flag specifically for you!

You may not know what the military flag represents.

The military flag is a symbol of the spirit and soul of your army!

From now on, when you see this military flag and the pattern on the military flag, you see your own troops!

On the battlefield, as long as the military flag does not fall, you will move forward bravely and fight in unity!

Perhaps, you don’t know the weight of this military flag.

If I tell you that even my twenty or so knights and squires are not worthy of having a military flag, can you understand what this flag means to you?……"

As Richard spoke, everyone's eyes slowly focused on the flag. At this moment, their spirits seemed to be connected to the flag and merged into one.

No one spoke, no slogans were shouted, and everyone was silent.

At this moment, solemn and dignified.

"William Charles!"


"Come forward and lead the flag!"


Charles finished speaking, and then he started marching, walking towards Richard step by step.

Richard walked down the platform and stood in front of Charles. The chessboard rolled up and stood upright. Richard clenched his hands up and down, and then pushed forward suddenly.

Charles reached out and took it steadily, then turned back to the front.

The next moment, a long wind blew, and the flag instantly rose in front of this silent army.

Richard looked at the scene in front of him, with relief in his eyes.

This army had its own soul at the pre-war oath-taking ceremony!

At the post-war commendation meeting, their military soul had a substantial symbol!

The changes in their mental state and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is something that must be possessed by being born as a human being.

The collective has a collective spirit, and the individual has a personal spirit.

Without spirit, the group cannot be a group, and the person cannot be a person.

Everyone must have his own aspirations and blueprints.

This is what Richard hopes everyone in his territory can have.


During the following period, the militia quickly engaged in new training.

Under Richard's authorization, Helen and Charles taught everyone the breathing method.

During this period, they still had morning exercises every day and took turns patrolling, but they no longer had to go to the forest to hunt in batches.

The food they got in the river, combined with the tens of thousands of pounds of food from the caravan, was enough for them to eat.

In order to prevent the food from being consumed too quickly, women and children after school still looked for various nuts and stems in the forest as one of the staple foods.

Berries and various fruits were used as supplements.

The militia was more fully involved in training.

After morning exercises, they would supplement breakfast.

The concept of breakfast was brought to them by Richard. Not to mention that they had not had the concept of breakfast before, even the entire continent, except for a few nobles, even most of the lower-level nobles and those common people, did not have the concept of breakfast.

Richard gave them this to ensure that their physical fitness could definitely keep up.

In the morning, they practiced breathing methods all morning.

But as the teaching progressed, Charles and Helen suddenly had a headache.

Because more and more people have different levels, when teaching profound techniques, only a few people can understand, while most people are confused. However, they cannot practice while listening to the class, which slows down the pace of practice. When teaching medium techniques, those with slow progress and those with fast progress cannot listen. The slow ones cannot understand, and the fast ones find it boring, which also slows down the pace.

Later, it was even impossible to classify them into fast, medium and slow. There were nearly 500 people, and there were too many fast and slow paces. The two finally found Richard with a headache and reported the situation.

Seeing the two people's decadent faces, Richard smiled and said:

"Why don't you ask Hinton? He's an expert in education."

The two said goodbye to Richard half-believingly and half-doubtingly and went to find Hinton.

In their opinion, they taught combat effectiveness, while Hinton taught book knowledge. They were not in the same field at all!

Although Charles admitted that Hinton's combat strength had surpassed him and became the best among the four knights, second only to Richard in the entire Long Eagle Territory.

But it was precisely because of this that Charles felt more awkward every time he saw Hinton. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But since Richard had said so, they had no choice.

"This is easy!"

Hsinton smiled when he heard what they said.


The two looked at each other.

Hinton smiled and said:

"If I help you solve this problem, does that mean you two owe me a favor?"

Charles was speechless:

"It was the Lord who asked us to come to you."

Hinton said with a smile:

"The Lord asked you to come to me, but he didn't say I would definitely help you. What if I can't help you?"

Charles was silent.

Helen said:

"It's not okay to use up two favors for one thing!"

"Who told you to come together?" Hinton laughed. Helen sighed:

"Xinton, you were timid and introverted before, and you didn't dare to say a word to others. How come you are so dark-hearted now that you are the principal?"

Xinton said cheerfully:

"People will always change. It feels so good to liberate one's nature!"[]

"The blood of intellectuals is black! Okay, I agree, what about you, Helen?"Charles spread his hands.

Helen nodded helplessly.

Hinton smiled and said:

"Divide into classes according to your progress, five or ten classes depending on your situation"

"We don't have that many teachers!!"Charles shook his head

"Listen to me before you interrupt me!" said Hinton

"The fastest learners in the most advanced class will teach the slow learners. As for the reward measures, I think you should have your own set. In this way, you only need to teach the most outstanding class, actively check the progress of other classes, and upgrade the students who have made progress in time."

After listening to this, Charles and Helen looked at each other, and they were both surprised.

"What a good idea, two favors, worth it!"


During the following period, the training results of the militia training camp improved by leaps and bounds, and several people indeed learned the better breathing method specially taught by Richard.

Among them were the two squadron leaders Amy and Joseph.

In addition, one of Richard's knight attendants finally broke through to the knight level...0.......

Of course, the awarding ceremony was naturally presided over by Richard himself.

The blacksmith shop has been very busy recently.

The iron ore obtained from the last transaction is enough to fully equip the militia.

In addition to weapons, helmets and breastplates, combat boots, leg armor, front and back armor, arm armor, etc. are also fully equipped.

In addition to their breathing methods, as well as the various combat skills they have learned through the system's built-in comprehension function in the militia training camp.

Although no one among them has yet broken through to the level of knight, their actual combat capabilities are already stronger than many lords' knights.

In other words, Richard, together with his official knights and knight attendants, has more than 500 knights!

What is this concept! It

's stronger than an army of 10,000 people!

When Richard noticed this, he was also surprised.

Is this the quality of the only army member with a military soul in the entire continent?

And with their military soul bonus and military flag bonus, the army of 10,000 people will probably be crushed in front of them!

This also made Richard's personal strength undergo earth-shaking changes in this process.

He is no longer sure of his own strength.


Castle second floor platform

"You have made good progress in your studies recently! You only got two questions wrong!"

Richard was surprised as he took Cinderella's homework.

Cinderella smiled:

""Thank you for the compliment, Master. But I actually used some tricks! I made myself smarter!"

Richard had a puzzled look on his face.

What do you mean?

You also have a system?

The next moment, Cinderella took out a sparkling magic potion and handed it to Richard.

"This is it! A potion that can make people smarter. I made it last night and drank a bottle, then tried to learn math. I didn’t expect that I could make it so quickly!"

She explained.

Richard looked puzzled and checked it through the system. It turned out to be a potion that can increase people's wisdom.

"How did you come up with this?

He didn't think Cinderella was smart enough to come up with such a magical potion, so he was still a little confused.

Cinderella said:

"Didn't the master tell me to wait for the golden fish to grow up and give it to me to eat, saying that it would increase my wisdom. Then I went to the river to study the composition of golden fish meat. Through comparison, I found the special substance in it. I transformed this substance with other fish meat, and then made a potion!"

This works?

Richard was stunned for a moment

""Wow! So beautiful!" Suddenly, Cinderella turned her head and looked at the wheat field.

Richard hadn't seen the wheat field from this perspective for a long time. He was also shocked when Cinderella reminded him of this.

The rainy season ended early and the dry season came. The wheat field looked different every day.

At this time, the golden wheat waves were endless, turning the entire Changying Territory into a golden empire.

It was like a scene in a dream.

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