I have to say that Richard has been annoyed with this guy for a long time.

But he never had a good reason. He always pretends to work very hard, but in fact he doesn't put in much effort. He is always the last one to come to work, and the first one to react when it's time to leave.

Richard snorted coldly, turned around and looked at Ali who was helping to push the ox cart nearby, and waved him over:

"Do you see Helen?"

Ali turned his head 360 degrees, then pointed at the dusty person in the distance and said:


Richard looked over and couldn't help but twitch.

Good fellow, with this disguise, even he couldn't recognize Helen's face.

But it wasn't that she was disguising herself to avoid idleness. On the contrary, Helen worked too hard, and her sweat was covered with dust. The only things that could be seen clearly were her eyes and teeth.

"How did you figure that out? Richard looked at Ali suspiciously.

Ali chuckled:

"I had him secretly hang a blue strip behind his hat, mainly because I was afraid that he would be mistaken for a subject. There was also a green strip for Hinton and a red strip for Charles, as well as other knights and squires. If the colors were not enough, I would add more.

One strip for the knight, two strips for the knight's squire, three strips for the captain of the militia, four strips for the captain and the ordinary militia, and five strips for the ordinary militia.

As for myself, in order to make it easier for you to recognize me, I washed my face with water from the canal every once in a while.……"

Richard suddenly laughed:

"You kid, you usually look stupid, but when you manage the site, you have some quick wits. Call Helen over!"

Ali smiled and nodded.

He is not stupid, but he is more stable. Only Richard dares to say that he is stupid.

If it were someone else, Ali would not knock the other person's head into a stupid person, and he would be unworthy of his position as a worker crowdfunding.

Soon, Helen ran over.

Richard said with a look of disgust:

"Wash your face quickly, take a few people to arrest Somjet Ewing of 418 households, and search his house to see how much food he has stolen!"

Helen was stunned for a moment, and felt in her heart that there are really people who are not afraid of death!

Then, he immediately nodded:


Twenty minutes later, Richard received the report.

The people had been arrested, and more than ten kilograms of food had been found.

"They are really courting death!" Richard's face was gloomy,"Let everyone gather in the square and start the trial!"

He wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkey.

Today's Richard no longer needs to wait for these people to make mistakes and then kill them to gain killing points.

After all, with his strength and the bonus of the current lord system, he no longer needs the killing system that he has half eliminated.

He knows that there must be more than one person like Somjet Ewing who likes to be lazy, but as long as they do not violate the ban, Richard will not touch them for the time being.

There will naturally be ways to slowly discipline these people later.

And this time, in addition to killing a chicken to scare the monkey, he will also take care of those lazy ones.


In the square, thousands of"grey" people were summoned before they had time to wash their faces.

They stared at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Richard stood on the platform and opened the system menu. He found the building effect he had obtained previously in the reward list, and then reached out and clicked

【Do you want to activate the court and designate a venue?】

【Please note that if the host needs it in the future, he can consume lord points to change the designated venue.】

【Note: Renovation and reconstruction of the square will not affect the effect formulation】

"Yes! Trial court, designated location, square!" Richard confirmed directly

【The Tribunal effect has been activated successfully. You can conduct trials and judgments here! 】

Then, some words appeared on the panel of the Tribunal. Richard clicked on it to check.

【Congratulations, all functions of the Tribunal have been activated!】

【Your square has the following courtroom effects: deterrence, majesty, prohibition of lies, confession and accusation of conspiracy. 】

Looking at the activation of these various effects, Richard nodded slightly.

These effects are really suitable for the courtroom.

Deterrence and majesty are needless to say, prohibition of lies directly makes criminals dare not have any arguments, so that the progress of the entire trial is greatly improved.

And confession and accusation of conspiracy make all the audience visiting the trial scene see the criminals bowing in front of Richard.

And the more cunning and treacherous the criminals are, the more they let the leaders see them in front of Richard, and they have to bow their heads and confess their crimes.

No one knows what means Richard used, but it is precisely because they don't know, all kinds of invisible brain supplements, that they will feel Richard's mystery and terror.

Richard is very satisfied with the effect of the courtroom.

As for the court building, it is not used for the time being, so it will not be activated.

The existence of the court is to resolve various contradictions and disputes between the people.

Suitable for a society with complex and diversified social relations, by then, more perfect laws and regulations will naturally be needed to become the basic support for the court to perform its own functions.

If Changying Territory was still the same as before, it would probably need a small government office or something like that to resolve disputes.

But even then, this was not used in practice.

Before Richard came, the entire Changying Territory was in chaos. There was only exploitation, no disputes, between tenants and serfs, between manor owners and serfs.

If serfs really defected, they would probably be caught, beaten, or killed. No one would care because the emperor was far away.

Between tenants and manor owners, it was natural for tenants to give in and strength was respected.

But after Richard came, everything was completely overturned.

Now with simple and effective laws and simple and direct social relations, Richard can also directly learn about anything that happens through the system.

What court? What review? It's useless!

When Richard's power and scope become larger and larger, his people become more and more, and the composition of society becomes richer, then Richard will not have the energy to manage all the big and small things among tens of millions of people.

The power of management, the power of review, and the power of public security are decentralized. He only needs to review the general direction of each territory and the situation of the managers in each place through the system.

That day is neither far nor near, but at least now, he still needs to come out in person to establish his authority. To create an authoritative model for more territories in the future.

With the activation of the court, everyone in the square felt the invisible shock and majesty without Richard asking them to be quiet. No one dared to utter a word. It was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard clearly.

At this time, Richard's voice rang out in the square. He did not deliberately amplify the sound, but made everyone feel the incomparable majesty.

"First, anyone who commits theft will have one arm cut off each time!"

"Second, those who commit rapism will be castrated!"

"Third, those who commit corruption will be beheaded!"


"Ninth, the Lord of the Long Eagle Territory, Richard, is supreme forever. Everything in the territory belongs to Lord Richard. Anyone who disobeys Lord Richard will be sentenced to death!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the nine decrees again.

The previous joy seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, which chilled them to the core. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Someone with sharp eyes saw that someone among the militiamen was arrested with his hands tied. He immediately had some guesses in his mind and prayed that the Lord would not let everyone get a house because of one person's mistake.

""Bring the prisoner!"

Richard gave the order.

Everyone stared with wide eyes.

""Is that Somjet Ewing?" Richard asked.

The man was shaking all over, tears streaming down his face, and he kept knocking his head and crying:

"I am, I am Ewing! Lord, please spare my life, Ewing knows I am wrong, Ewing knows I am wrong!"

Richard looked at him expressionlessly, his voice emotionless:

"What did you do wrong?"

The man kept kowtow and cry:

"Ewing shouldn't steal things, he shouldn't steal food. Please let Ewing go this time, I won't do it again! Ewing just thought the food was so good and wanted to take it home to have a look. After I took it home, I didn't dare to eat a single grain!"

Instantly, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Everyone couldn't believe it. Everyone could eat enough, why would someone dare to steal things.

And the lord could actually discover his behavior among so many people.

If they remembered correctly, the lord and his knights had been busy all the time, how could they know so clearly?

Suddenly, they felt great awe for Richard again.


Rhodes said, looking at everyone.

Richard saw that everyone had quieted down, then looked at Ewing and said coldly:

"You didn't dare to eat any? You didn't eat any after you got home, but you took the opportunity to put the one in your mouth when you washed your face after work yesterday. Do you think I don't know?"

Everyone was puzzled. The lord even knew this?

Ewing was also confused. He wanted to deny it, but inexplicably confessed:

"I… I just couldn’t help it, and I wanted to taste it, so I took one out of my pocket."

Everyone’s eyes turned from Ewing to Richard, and they were stunned.

He actually knew!

The place where they washed their faces after work was far away from Richard’s main activity area, and there were no subordinates of the lord around at that time.

Even if someone among them saw it, they would probably just think that it was a grain of wheat stained by the sweat on their hands, and they wouldn’t care too much.

Even if someone among them really reported it, Ewing just admitted it directly, saying that he couldn’t help it, and took it out of his pocket!

The evidence was conclusive.

Seeing that he admitted it, Richard didn’t dwell on this topic and continued directly:

"~Have you been cheating these days? Have you not been working hard? Do you want to fish in troubled waters and wait for others to reap the harvest so that you can get the house together?"

Ewing didn't want to answer. He wanted to deny it, but there seemed to be a mysterious force that prevented him from lying:

"My Lord, I admit it all, please have mercy on me!"

"Show mercy? If I show mercy to everyone, will these nine laws become meaningless?"

Richard ignored him and directly pronounced the verdict.

"The criminal Somjet Ewing, who was sneaky and committed theft, was expelled from the country according to Article 1 of the law with one arm cut off!"

Ewing's heart sank when he heard this, and he kowtowed desperately to admit his mistake.

He didn't want to leave the territory. Compared with his previous life, his life in the territory was like heaven.

Once he left here, let alone having his hand cut off, even if he left in good health, he would not be able to survive. If the beasts on the road smelled the blood, he would die.[]

At this moment, a high-pitched and shrill voice was heard in the square, and Ewing's arm was cut off by Richard's sword!

"Drag him away!"

Richard waved his hand in disdain.

"As they were the same guarantor as Somjet Yuin, they failed to fulfill their responsibility of supervising each other and were punished collectively. Each household was fined 100 copper coins as a punishment!"

"In addition, Vitas Kamins from household 5 of 3rd bao 7a, Elia Kolar from household 2 of 6th bao 2a... the above 8 people were cheating during the harvest period. They are not allowed to move into the new houses within three months and are fined 200 copper coins. Do you accept the punishment?"

Richard didn't intend to let these people go.

Those people knelt on the ground and admitted their problems. (Great Zhao)

In the square, everyone was silent, and began to recall the nine decrees issued by the lord before, constantly reminding themselves not to make mistakes.

Fortunately, Richard just told them again, and there were also inscriptions on the stone slabs beside the square. I have to come here often to review them when I have time!

Fortunately, these decrees are relatively simple, and the ninth one is needless to say. They naturally respect Richard's supreme authority.

The others are also easy to remember, stealing, rape, corruption, slander, fraud, rumors, preaching, and murder, it seems not so difficult.

Everyone thought about it, and immediately engraved these desperately in their hearts.

On the side, Cinderella thought of what happened just now, and the anger in her heart could not be calmed down.

The master she respected so much, the person she put in her heart, was actually ignored and deceived by others. She couldn't stand it.

Richard quickly felt the anger of Cinderella beside him, turned his head to look at her, and found that her eyes were filled with black magic, so he asked:

"What's wrong? Who are you angry with?"

Cinderella turned her head to Richard. Her pupils could not be seen moving in her completely black eyes, but the expression on her face showed that she was indignant for Richard.

"How dare someone disrespect you! Just cutting off his hand is too easy for him. I'm going to kill him!"

Richard rolled his eyes and slapped Cinderella's tight and elastic buttocks:

"All right! He has received the punishment he deserves. Death is a relief for him. Only by living can he experience life without death!"

Cinderella was suddenly slapped on the buttocks. She was stunned for a moment, her face flushed, and the dark energy in her eyes quickly dissipated.

The idea of killing someone before was instantly forgotten by her.

Whatever the master says is what it is! What can Ella say? Of course, Ella obeyed the master's orders to the fullest!

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