On the river, five huge pirate ships kept moving along the waterway, leaving five huge ripples on the water.

The bearded Dogan looked at the forests on both sides and frowned:

"Why can't I see any extraordinary creatures in this forest? What kind of place is this?"

The bald man also asked suspiciously:

"Boss, have we been fooled?"

Duogan frowned and thought for a while, then said:

"Look ahead. Since we are here, even if it is a barren little territory, we have to leave some traces!"

"What the boss said makes sense! If this place is a scam, then we will make it completely desolate and no one will dare to live here anymore!"The bald man said arrogantly.

At this moment, the lookout standing on a high place suddenly shouted:

"Boss, something's happening!"

""Speak!" Dogan turned around and shouted.

The lookout immediately said:

"I saw their road was shiny, it looked like a stone road! It was very long, dozens of kilometers long and several meters wide!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! How can there be such a long stone road in such a desolate place? I'll take a look myself!"

Dogan flew up immediately, and the next moment, he was also stunned.

"It's a fucking stone road!"After complaining, he immediately yelled, and the voice spread to the other four boats,"Fucking, go full speed!"

After a while, all of them saw the road and were shocked.

Someone couldn't help but yell:

"Why is there such a good road here? Is this really a road?"

A pirate nearby jumped up excitedly, covering his head with his hands, with an incredible look on his face:

""Wow! It's so cool! I've never seen anything like it in my life. This must be a rich place!"

Someone laughed and pointed to the distance and shouted:

"Brothers, we are rich! Look at that field, what are those things? Who knows them?"

Many people crowded on the edge of the boat, and the whole boat tilted:

"Don’t worry about what it is, at least that cripple didn’t lie, there’s so much food here!"

Suddenly, someone pointed to the distance and yelled:

"Look at the houses on the high ground in the distance. They are the same color as the road. Aren’t they all stone houses?"

Everyone stared at them with wide eyes and sat down on the deck in shock.

"Oh my god! They are all stone houses! This is where the gods live, right?"

At this time, a leader stood up and yelled at the group of people:

"You are all country bumpkins who have never seen the world, get out of the way! You guys will flip the boat over soon! Get the boat back on its balance, or I’ll chop you up if you can’t keep up with the speed!"

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on and quickly dispersed on the deck.

After the leader finished cursing, he just stared blankly at everything in front of him:

"Handsome, so damn handsome! I also stabbed my butt with a knife, and my eyes opened!"


On the first boat, the bald man looked at the road in front of him with deep emotion.

At this time, they had already reached a position parallel to the road.

"Boss, how did they make so many stone slabs? And each stone slab is five meters long!"

Dagan scolded:

"Idiot, if this was a stone slab, it would have been warped and cracked long ago. This is a stone, it's very deep! This place is a bit precarious!"

The bald man panicked:

"Boss, we won't be defeated, right?"

Duogan said with a dark face:

"This is a remote place. Okay, I admit that this place is good, but in such a remote place, do you think the masters of the mainland kingdom would be willing to stay away from the center of power? What a joke!"

The bald man's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately:

"What the boss said makes sense! In this way, we can take all the wealth here! We are going to get rich!"

Duogan was in a good mood and rarely scolded the bald man:

"If the fleet can’t hold them, we will kill all the more than a thousand slaves we captured along the way!"

The bald man laughed:

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do!"

Dogan looked at everything in front of him and felt refreshed. He could hardly imagine what kind of wealth this remote little place could have.

This thick stone road, this endless field, this exquisite and standardized stone house, it was simply like heaven!

He felt that this was a gift from the sea god!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little sorry for killing the cripple. He should have given him a full meal before killing him! This is the only way to make up for his principles.

After thinking about it, he said to the bald man next to him:

"Bring me some black bread!"

The bald man asked doubtfully:

"Boss, if you are hungry, we still have white bread!"

Duogan was so angry that he gave him a big punch:

"You are hungry, your whole family is hungry! Go and get it for me!"

"Hey! Yes, yes!"

The bald man felt very aggrieved, and quickly took the black bread, and even took some butter sauce.

Dogan wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. With such good information, some butter sauce would not be a problem.

So he spread the butter sauce on the black bread, determined the direction, and threw it high.

"Just treat it as you ate it!"

The bald man was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to ask, for fear that he would have to eat his favorite big pussy again.

However, Duogan took the initiative to explain:

"The cripple who provided the information is good, this meal is considered as an invitation to him! According to the rules of our Poseidon, those who provide information can be treated preferentially. You must remember this principle, so that the Poseidon can bless us with everything going well!"

The bald man nodded immediately:

"But Boss, does Poseidon control inland rivers? Here... Ouch!"

Before he could finish his words, he was slapped in the face.

"You're the one who talks too much! Poseidon has to take care of it even if he doesn't care!"

Dorgan looked at the bald idiot and felt unsatisfied, so he kicked him aside.

"Stop getting in my way!"

If this bald guy wasn't the strongest among his subordinates besides himself, and was also very loyal, he would have killed this idiot long ago.

Dogan walked to the deck and shouted at the surrounding ships:

"Guys, you have to pay the price for what you take. This is the principle of the Sea God, and it is also our reference for seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster! This place is so rich, it must have some skills, so be careful, don't let yourself get into trouble!"

"However, you don't have to worry too much. With me here, we will definitely win. What you should worry about is your own life. Don't die in the sea, but die in this river!

Remember this!"


The pirates waved their weapons and shouted in unison.

After a while, as their ship got closer and closer, everyone discovered the fortifications on the shore.

"Boss, they are prepared!" Baldhead reported quickly.

Dogan laughed:

"These rabble actually dared to resist, interesting! Brothers, let's teach them a lesson later!"

At this time, Richard had already asked the militiamen to restrain their breath, and only the knights were slightly emitting the breath of breathing.

Give them the illusion that they can fight.

And Dugan really thought so.

In particular, he did not feel the existence of anyone who threatened him among these people.

As for those knights who were emitting breath, he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, it was nothing more than the same as the previous few territories. When the time comes, they will all surrender after a little scare.

Those thousands of civilians were equivalent to dead people in his eyes.

Unless they are extraordinary, they are ants after all!

Seeing all this, Dugan, who was still a little worried, was completely relieved.

If that's all, then this is really a fat lamb to be slaughtered!

Thinking of this, Dugan laughed again.

Hearing his laughter, the ordinary pirates who were a little timid when they saw that the other side had a lot of people, also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

They have almost blind confidence in their leader.

""Boys, get ready to drop anchor! Jump into the water and land!"

With Dogan's order, the pirates jumped into the river like dumplings. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Many of them held wooden shields in their hands, which could not only increase buoyancy, but also serve as defense during the landing.

Because they had too many experiences in landing on the beach, they were not panicked at all, and even after entering the water, they still had some formations.


On the shore, Charles came to Richard and saluted:

"Lord, they have already entered the water, shall we take action?"

Richard shook his head.

"Wait a little longer, until they get closer, then have the archers shoot! Look at my warrant later!"

"Yes!"Charles immediately returned to the front, ready to convey Richard's order at any time.

In addition to waiting for them to get closer, Richard also hoped to wait until all the other people got off the boat as much as possible, so that they would be caught off guard.

On the other side, Charles had already started to prepare the archers.

Suddenly, he saw Richard waving his hand, so he immediately shouted:

"Archers, get ready, target the pirates in the water! Release your arrows!"

In an instant, countless bowstring sounds rang out, and arrows shot into the sky with a humming sound. The next moment, they fell into the water one after another! When the pirate leaders saw the arrows coming, they immediately shouted:

""Everyone defend!"

In an instant, countless pirates skillfully let their shields float flat on the water, and then dived into the water and hid under the shields.

The next moment, countless arrows rained down.

Some fell into the water with a swish sound.

Some hit the shields with a muffled sound.

Because the rain of arrows was too dense, although they defended in time, the nearby waters were still stained with blood, and many pirates died.

But even so, more than half of the pirates survived and successfully rushed to the river beach.

Behind the barbed wire, 500 militiamen did not move, like a ruthless war machine, waiting for the other side to come.

When the people saw the other side coming ashore, they were a little agitated.

Helen was in charge of commanding the people, and she shouted directly at this time:

"Everyone, who dares to take a step back will be treated as a traitor and beheaded in front of the army!"

Hearing this, the leader's scalp tingled and he immediately calmed down.

The pirates laughed:

""You bastards, if you dare to shoot your grandfather with a bow and arrow, I will skin you alive and pull out your tendons!"

As he spoke, he laughed and rushed forward.

But before he had rushed far, the ground suddenly collapsed, and hundreds of pirates fell into the pit in an instant. The pirates behind were so scared that they stopped in their tracks. Some of them even threw down their shields in a hurry. When they looked down, everyone gasped.

There was no chance for these people to come up again.

Some of them were pierced through the neck by spikes, some were pierced through the chest, and the most unfortunate was directly killed by the Thousand Years Kill, which entered from the anus and then pierced a hole in the neck and came out.

Even though the pirates were knowledgeable, they were still frightened by such a death.

They dared not retreat, because they knew that once they retreated, their leader, Duo Gan, would only make them die more miserably!

""Hit the rocks and see if the ground ahead is safe!" Someone shouted.

The words awakened the dreamers, and everyone bent down to pick up rocks, while guarding against the arrows shot from the opposite side.

Soon, they found out that there was only one trap, so they jumped over it.

On the other side, Ali saw this phenomenon and was immediately surprised:

"Lord, these pirates are quite smart!"[]

Richard smiled:

"It's a pity that it was useless. We dug that trap in a hurry, and now it has hit the jackpot. So, the same method cannot be used repeatedly, which will confuse the other party.

When the other party thinks that you will not use the same method again, use it again, and it will also have a miraculous effect!"

Ali scratched his head and laughed:

"My Lord, I am good at managing people, but I don’t know how to fight a war. Let Charles learn it!"

Charles turned his head and looked at Ali, thinking for a moment and said:

"Sir, then when should it not be repeated and when should it be repeated? Is there any reason for this?"

Richard smiled:

"If you are empty, you will be real; if you are real, you will be empty. You should get close to Xinton. He has a lot of knowledge. Let Helen take a look. And you, Ali, Xinton also has books on management. Although you have talent, you must continue to study, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the development of the territory!"

The three of them nodded their heads and said yes, and then looked at Xinton.

Xinton smiled and said:

"Lord, rest assured, I have kept all the books you gave me specially, and I have specially made bookshelves to classify them."

Richard nodded immediately.

He felt that he had been working hard for the territory.

Even when he was dragging everyone out to fight, he was still taking time to train them in all aspects.

However, if Dugan heard the conversation between Richard and the others just now, he would probably be mad.

This really didn't take him seriously.

At this time, the pirates who jumped over the trap had come to the barbed wire.

These barbed wires were crisscrossed, and even the thinnest pirates couldn't get through the gaps between them.

The barbs on them could directly scrape them into pieces.

But if they wanted to cut it with a sword, the barbed wire was completely unbearable.

For a moment, everyone stared at each other, and there was nothing they could do.

On the other side, Charles, who had already received Richard's instructions, immediately shouted:

"Spearmen, get ready! Throw!"

At this distance, the throwing of short spears can achieve the greatest effect! Before the pirates could react, dozens of lives were lost.

The remaining pirates were so scared that they quickly looked for cover.

Dogan, who was standing in the back of the ship and commanding, was furious:

"You guys, take all our super warriors and destroy the barbed wire!"

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