On the road in Volcano Territory, Cross was sitting in a carriage, his body shaking with the bumps of the carriage.

Such bumps were nothing to a third-level knight like him, but it was not as good as riding a horse.

The reason for riding a carriage was naturally because he could put two beauties in the carriage to relieve the boredom of the journey.

"My little beauty, this time the wild boar lord is hosting a banquet for all parties and is bringing you out to see the world. Are you happy?" Cross smiled lewdly as he hugged the two women.

They both laughed, and one of them said:

"Lord, you are so kind to us, but it is such a long journey, and it is a blessing for the wild boar lord that you have honored us!"

Cross rolled his eyes:

"Girl, you can just say this at home, but don't talk nonsense here. Although I'm not afraid of the Wild Boar Lord, it's better to have less trouble than more. What's more, his territory is bigger than ours, and he is a good partner of your master!"

"Good partner? Better than us? Then I'm really jealous!" said another woman coquettishly.

Clos laughed out loud:

"Of course not as good as us... Hmm? Why did you stop the car?"

""Lord, we have arrived at the Volcano Castle!" A voice came from outside the carriage.

Cross' eyes lit up. He had heard that the wild boar lord had very discerning tastes and that the maids in the castle were all beautiful. He had long wanted to see them, but had never had the chance.

Now, he finally got what he wanted.

So he turned around and said to the two women:

"You guys wait for me in the carriage, I'll be back soon!"

"Master, didn’t you say you would take us out to see the world? Why didn’t you take us with you to see the wild boar lord? The two girls were unhappy.

Cross said with a smile:

"I am going to do some serious work. It is inconvenient for you to be here. Just wait. When I finish my work, I will take you around this Volcano Castle."

"That’s a deal!"

"Don't worry, little baby!"

After getting off the carriage, Cross went to the banquet hall under the reception of the steward of Volcano Castle.

As soon as he entered, he saw several people sitting down. He immediately opened his arms and laughed:

"Wow, you guys are here pretty fast! Are you tempted by our wild boar lord's maid?"

As he said this, he took a glass of wine from the tray held by the maid and pinched her butt hard.

One of them laughed and said:

"You're still talking about us? You're greedy for pleasure and don't want to ride a horse. I'm afraid there are a few girls in the carriage, right?"

Cross laughed:

"Priss still understands me!"

The wild boar lord was sitting in the main seat at this time.

He didn't care about his title at all.

This title could even be said to be his own acquiescence. His mount was a wild boar, a super creature.

The attack power of a normal wild boar exceeded that of most beasts. As a super creature, its strength was far superior to that of its peers.

Being able to tame this wild boar and make it his mount was also a medal and honor that he had always boasted about.

"Cross, you are the closest and came the latest, but you don’t have a good seat!" said the Boar Lord.

Cross looked like a bachelor:

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have good wine and good meat!"

The other people smiled knowingly, they all knew Cross's temperament.

In fact, everyone knew the purpose of the Wild Boar Lord's banquet for the surrounding lords.

It was nothing more than the loss of population and the swallowing of the Long Eagle Lord. However, since the Wild Boar Lord himself did not speak, they just ignored it.

Anyway, whoever brought up this matter first would become the one asking for favors, and they were not willing to start this conversation first.

"We haven't been together for a while, right?" Cross said, making small talk.

"It has been quite a while. I went to the sea a while ago and traveled to the Vatican. I have to say that the nuns there are also amazing!"Oz from Wanghai Territory happily followed suit and chatted with others.

"Oh! That's good, Oz. Didn't you get two back?"Jotter, the leader of the bat, laughed.

"What the hell, do you think those priests in the Vatican are just decorations? If we know a few people in the Vatican here, we can just open our eyes to the Vatican." Oz shook his head and kept glancing at the scantily clad maid beside him.

"You can't do that. Take your brother with you next time you go out to sea. I have acquaintances in the Holy See!" Cross said with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot, wasn't the original Lord of your Red Cloud Territory, Cross, from the Holy See? I'll call you next time!"Oz laughed.

The four people were chatting happily, only the Wild Boar Lord was worried and kept eating.

But after hearing this, he couldn't help it:

"Cross, do you really have any connection with the Holy See?"

Several people laughed at once. Good fellow, the wild boar lord was also hooked by their words.

""Claude, I knew you were interested! Don't worry, I have connections, but I have to be frank, I can't get you a first-hand nun, but the only thing I can assure you is that it's definitely not broken!" Cross smiled mysteriously.

Claude is the name of the wild boar lord. Hearing this, he immediately became excited:

"Got it! Don't worry, I know the rules! Speaking of which, the maids in this castle have been with me for quite a while, but I've never experienced what it's like to be a nun."

He knew that in the Vatican, those ascetic monks played very wildly in private, and those women disguised as nuns by them were like toys and chips in their hands. They could be exchanged with each other at will.

Some played more outrageous and fancy, and would break people, and no one would want that kind of thing.

And Cross said that there was a way to get them without breaking them, which obviously had internal connections.���

"Cross, don't be partial! There are still three of us brothers!" Priss couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry! As long as you can afford the price, this matter is easy to discuss!"Cross laughed.

Everyone ate and ate for a while, and the wild boar lord Crow finally couldn't help but put down the ox horn wine glass:

"Everyone, you should know why we called you here today, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience stopped moving. There was silence, and no one responded.

Crow was very dissatisfied with everyone's reaction, and frowned:

"If my information is correct, your territory has also lost population, right?"

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

Crow was furious:

"Many of my subjects have fled to Richard's place. It's been more than two months, and there has been no movement from there. He is simply a thief! A robber!

I must make him realize his mistake and make compensation!"

"What are you going to do? Are you going to resort to violence?" Cross rolled his eyes.

"Of course we have to use force! If I don't fight him today, he will be able to shit on my head tomorrow!" Crow slapped the table.

Priss couldn't help but persuade him:

"They are just some untouchables. They will reproduce on their own in a few years. There is no need to spend gold and silver to go to war with them. The money spent on war is not a small loss!"

"Yes, my suggestion is to send him a letter and say that these people are a gift for his arrival. After all, we will be long-term neighbors in the future, so there is no need to make things so rigid!"Oz also persuaded.

Claude took a deep breath and glanced at the butler beside him. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The butler immediately lit a cigar and handed it to him.

During this process, several people did not speak, nor did they eat or drink.

Even their eyes did not look at the maids, but focused on the wine glass in front of them, as if there was a deep mystery hidden in this glass of wine.

In fact, as they said, once the war is launched, a lot of money and food will inevitably be consumed.

War is the biggest consumption of national strength.

Especially when this war has no benefits.

They know that since their own territory has also lost population, if they respond Even if they were to go out to fight under Klaue's call for troops, Klaue would not even give them a penny in compensation for military expenses.

In other words, even if Klaue really agreed to give them money, it would not be much.

Perhaps Klaue's territory is indeed larger than theirs, but as lords themselves, they cannot fail to estimate how much profit a territory can generate.

Moreover, the money needed to fight a war is not a small amount.

In fact, the most crucial thing is that they feel that even if they defeat Richard, Richard cannot afford the compensation.

The lords around them all know how poor the Long Eagle Territory is. There are only a few thousand people, and the level of development is no more than that of any small village in their territory.

It is totally not worth conquering.

Klaue took a puff of his cigar, and then said in a deep voice:[]

"I know your concerns, but you are not as well-informed as I am."

Several people were stunned for a moment and raised their heads.

"What do you mean?" Oz asked.

The Boar Lord sneered:

"You think this barren place actually has a salt mine!"

These two simple words immediately captured the hearts of several people.

"What? Salt mine? Are you sure?"Priss said in a lost voice

"Is it sea salt or well salt? We have it in abundance, but it's hard to make, and we can't make much."Oz, who lives by the sea, curled his lips.

Claude waved to the waiter, who immediately brought up a tray that had been prepared in advance.

Then, he threw several small packages to several people.

After they opened the packages, they saw tiny crystal-like particles inside, and they all held their breath.

"This... this can't be salt, right?"

Living in a remote area, they had never seen salt of this quality. If Claude hadn't reminded them before, they wouldn't even think of the word salt at first.

Then, they stretched out their fingers and pinched a little out. The pure saltiness made them lose their minds for a moment.

And there was no bitterness in it.

This color, this taste, they had never seen before.

"Is this really something from the Long Eagle Territory?" Cross said in disbelief.

Crow smiled:

"In recent months, a caravan has been buying salt there. I found an opportunity to detain a caravan member and tortured him to find out that their salt was traded from Changying Territory. In a few months, their caravan alone bought tens of thousands of kilograms of salt from Changying Territory.

As for other caravans, it is hard to say whether they have other trade routes."

Oz gasped.

"So, there are not only salt mines there, but also refined salt mines!"

"Good! Now, are you interested?" Crow smiled and looked at them.

The Lord of Bat Territory, Jot, suddenly said:

"Crow, Priss, Cross, have you ever thought about the person behind Richard?"

Cross also frowned:

"You reminded me that Richard's father seemed to be Duke Gwen!"

"It's not like, it is!" Priss corrected

"But, with such a huge profit right next to us, are we going to give it up just because of a Duke of Gwen?"Oz said unwillingly.

Crow curled his lips:

"Look at your appearance! Can a Duke of Gwen scare you? Don't forget who conferred the title on us? Don't we have someone behind us?"

Jote said:

"Priss and I were both conferred titles by the Duke, and you, Claude, were conferred titles by the King himself, but this doesn't mean anything. After all, we are only vassal states to them, while Richard and Gwen are father and son, which is different!"

""Idiot!" Cross sneered,"First of all, it was Richard who robbed our population, and we sent troops for a purpose. Secondly, with such a good salt mine exposed, do you think the people behind us will be tempted?

If they are tempted, who will be the agent at that time?"

Joet thought he was upset because of Cross's scolding, but when he heard the following words, he suddenly realized:

"That's right! By then, we will be the closest to the salt mine, so it would be most appropriate for us to help as intermediaries!"

Oz also smiled and said:

"At that time, even if Duke Gewen shows up, at most he will leave a small portion to Richard, which can be regarded as giving Duke Gewen face. However, as for the salt mine, it still depends on the power behind us!"

Claude laughed:

"Everyone, I finally got it! Once we get the salt mine, we will slowly distribute the benefits. What will the population be?

Those who dare to escape, I will make them dig salt in the salt mine until they die!

If the output of this salt mine is large enough, perhaps our territories will become developed areas comparable to the royal city in the future!

Everyone, are you excited?"

The eyes of several people turned green in an instant, and they were so excited

"Come on! Cheers!"

Everyone laughed.

"By the way, shall we inform our Duke and the King now?" Jot asked

"No, no, no! Let the birds fly freely for a while. When it’s time for them to know, they will know naturally. In the process, the salt that Richard has already extracted will depend on our own ability!"Crow smiled.

"Hey, you don't have to hand those in!" Oz's eyes narrowed, and he enjoyed it very much, as if he already had countless refined salts.

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