Dark game, start by extracting the almighty power talent

Chapter 55 Davila, your crime has been exposed, so confess your guilt!

It took Zhang Feng several days to walk from the wilderness camp where the wilderness chief priest was to the center of the Bone Wilderness.

But being led by Druid Master to fly, more than half an hour later, he had arrived nearby.

When he came here, Zhang Feng had been thinking about how he should face the wilderness priest.

Just punch in directly and kill him in front of everyone.

It is better to find a way to contact other people in the camp, expose the true face of the wilderness chief priest, and gather everyone to kill him.

Or sneak in and kill them, then pretend that nothing is wrong before entering the camp.

Or you can hide it from the opponent first and let the wilderness priest perform a large-scale wilderness sacrifice for you first, and then kill him.

First of all, let’s be clear, the wilderness priest must be killed.

The only difference is how to kill it.

After thinking for a long time and asking the Druid master, Zhang Feng finally decided to enter directly in the name of completing the task, and then just kill the wilderness chief priest.

After all, he still has the super luck of sacrificing 20 years of life, which may bring him some convenience.

However, there is not much time left, there are still about ten minutes, and it must be solved as soon as possible.

"If we can kill the Wilderness Priest within this period of time, we will definitely get a lot of rewards."

Zhang Feng was a little excited.

After all the things here have been dealt with, the Bone Wilderness has basically settled down completely.

In the following time, you can rest and practice at will to prepare for the next mission.

"The map evaluation this time should be the highest."

This thought flashed through Zhang Feng's mind.

Each map will be evaluated overall when leaving, and then corresponding rewards or penalties will be given based on the evaluation.

As long as you complete the corresponding main tasks, you can get a qualified basic evaluation.

Then there are hidden tasks. The more completed, the higher the evaluation given.

Of course, these are just the basics.

What is really more important is the player's influence on the map.

What the players did and how much impact it had on the map are the factors that can best improve the evaluation.

After Zhang Feng kills General Bones and destroys Bones Fortress, his final evaluation of the map this time will definitely reach the highest level.

It actually doesn't matter whether he comes to deal with this wilderness priest or not.

But in order to avoid possible trouble, Zhang Feng had to come over and deal with this wilderness priest.

Of course, large-scale wilderness sacrifices are also inevitable.

Zhang Feng and Master Druid fell from the sky.

According to his memory, he came to this wilderness camp.

Several wilderness survivors were hiding in the underground cave and observing their surroundings, when they suddenly saw the figures of Zhang Feng and Master Druid.

"It's the human player."

A wilderness survivor quickly informed his companions, looked around, and quickly opened the door.

"Human, why are you back?"

That wilderness survivor was a werewolf, and he stared at the Druid master behind Zhang Feng, always feeling that he had a great liking for him.

Master Druid smiled and touched the head of the werewolf wilderness survivor.

"Of course I came back because I fulfilled the requirements of the wilderness priest."

Zhang Feng smiled and said to the werewolf wilderness survivor, "I'm going to see him now."

"Okay, the officiant is still in the original room."

This wilderness survivor smiled at Zhang Feng and said.

In the Bone Wilderness, no one is too worried about living people, so they are not very vigilant.

Besides, Zhang Feng also stayed in this camp for a while a few days ago, so he still had an impression of it, so there was no doubt about it.

Therefore, this wilderness survivor had no intention of reporting it, so he opened the door and let Zhang Feng and Master Druid in.

Zhang Feng also smiled and shook his head. Ordinary people in this world are quite simple.

Master Druid sighed slightly in his heart, feeling that the vigilance in this place was too low.

The two of them had different views on this, and then walked deeper underground together.

People greeted Zhang Feng along the way, and they were happy to see him again.

Because this world is too dangerous, and you may never come back after you leave.

However, the smooth walking of Zhang Feng and Master Druid still stopped sometimes.

When they came to the hall where Zhang Feng and Wilderness Priest Davila had met before, several Wilderness warriors stopped them.

"This is where the officiant rests. Please don't come any closer."

The wilderness warrior raised the bone sword in his hand with a somewhat arrogant look on his face, "When the chief priest doesn't summon you, go back to where you should go."

"That's not possible. What if Davila runs away?"

Zhang Feng smiled, and the expression of the wilderness warrior in front of him suddenly changed. He could hear the malicious intention of the human player in front of him.

Just when he was about to shout out, the Druid Master beside him sighed quietly.

Several wilderness warriors in front staggered and fell.

Hypnosis, but also group hypnosis.

Master Druid solved the trouble in front of him as soon as he took action.

Otherwise, once Zhang Feng takes action, blood will be shed.

"Hurry in, I suspect that guy has discovered what's going on here."

Zhang Feng urged, and the two quickly rushed into the hall.

There were more than a dozen wilderness priests in the hall, listening to the lecture of the wilderness chief priest in front.

The so-called rest before seemed to be just an excuse to stop them.

A skeleton as white as jade was moving its fleshless jaws up and down, speaking in a way that was quite creepy.

The arrival of Zhang Feng and the Druid Master made the wilderness chief priest Davila and the dozen wilderness priests around him feel something was wrong.

Several wilderness priests reacted the fastest, standing up and blocking Davila, angrily scolding Zhang Feng and others: "What do you want to do!"

Before Zhang Feng could speak, several wilderness priests simply whistled, and several ghost wolves stepped out of the void, stood in front of them, and grinned at Zhang Feng.

These ghost wolves were very small, and their levels did not seem to be very high.

Zhang Feng waved his hand, which was also a summoning of ghost wolves, and summoned six huge ghost wolves at once.

Looking at the fellows in front of them who were less than half their height, Zhang Feng and his ghost wolves seemed to be filled with boredom.

Looking at this scene, even the wilderness priests who were ignorant of the world could understand that the comers were not kind.

They stared at Zhang Feng vigilantly, waiting for the order of the wilderness chief priest Davila behind them.

As long as he gave the order, they would risk their lives to capture the madman in front of them.

But before the wilderness chief priest could speak, Zhang Feng in front of him suddenly shouted!

"Davila, you betrayed the wilderness and became a traitor to the undead, and you still don't bow your head and confess your guilt!"

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