After dividing the spoils with Master Druid.

Zhang Feng approached the other party again for help.

"I want to tidy up my demiplane. Can you help me take a look?"

Zhang Feng took the Druid master into the demiplane in his armband of the Ancient One, and then asked for his opinion.

"The environment here is not very good. It is best to shovel out all the soil on the ground and replace it with some normal soil."

The Druid master watched for a long time and gave his own opinion, "Then plant some flowers and plants and see how it goes."

"If everything is normal, we will make some modifications to see if we can carry out the most basic ecological cycle."

No druid would let go of such an opportunity to transform the ecology.

Master Druid even regarded this as a topic and pulled all his disciples over to transform this demiplane together.

They first dug out all the gray-white soil, revealing the pure black hard bottom inside.

Zhang Feng was very curious about this, and when he tapped it, it felt harder than metal.

The druid master was displeased with this and told Zhang Feng that this thing was called plane metal and that it would be found in every demiplane that was created.

It's a pity that this thing can only exist in a demiplane. After being brought into reality, it will slowly vaporize and directly become nothingness.

No one said the specific reason, and the high-level mages who conducted research remained silent about it.

However, plane metal is just hard and difficult to break and will not have a negative impact on the demiplane, so there is no need to worry about it.

Master Druid led his apprentices to find the most suitable soil for Zhang Feng.

Comes from the soil of a natural secret that once belonged to the Druid Master.

In order to cut off the communication between the Bone Castle and the dark lord, Master Druid specially used his natural secret realm as a weapon and threw it to the Bone Castle.

Although it was bad luck, just as the other party was about to open the portal, the natural secret realm was directly destroyed by the dark lord, resulting in the failure to do so.

Natural secrets naturally remain in the Castle of Bones.

Now the soil of the natural secret realm has been dug into Zhang Feng's demiplane by these werewolf druids, paving the ground.

In order not to waste, the soil depth in Zhang Feng's half-plane reached almost 20 meters, and almost 300,000 to 400,000 cubic meters were dug out.

The druids spent a long time on this matter alone.

"There are also bugs and some plant seeds in here. Let's see if they can survive."

Master Druid explained the content next to Zhang Feng, "In your demiplane, the original energy-gathering device should have been damaged, resulting in insufficient energy to maintain here."

"If you want to live in a demiplane and plant flowers, plants and trees, you must provide enough energy for supply."

The sun can function in the outside world, but there is no such good thing in the demiplane.

Therefore, a large amount of high-quality energy is required to be instilled.

"For example, these spiritual crystals."

Master Druid took out an E-class spiritual crystal and crushed it in the demiplane. The powder quickly turned into nothingness.

Zhang Feng quickly felt that there was a trace of movement in the demiplane.

"That's it. I'm very grateful for the advice."

Zhang Feng bowed his hands to the Druid Master and saluted. He finally understood why even the gods needed this thing, and there would be rewards for offering it as a sacrifice.

The kingdom of the gods is also a demiplane, and naturally requires a lot of energy to maintain.

Even the Kingdom of God has unimaginable abilities, and the number of spiritual crystals required is definitely not small.

Zhang Feng's demiplane can also absorb spiritual crystals to restore energy supply, which means things are not bad.

Just to recover well, the number of spiritual crystals needed may be a bit too much.

After some testing, it was found that Zhang Feng's demiplane did not require much energy, and about 100 spiritual crystal points per day could sustain it.

"But this is also a terrible consumption. 100 points a day, for the remaining month or so, there are four to five thousand points gone."

Zhang Feng shook his head. The rewards that normal players get from a map may not be 5,000 points.

"Fortunately, I just got more than 100,000 points of spiritual crystal, which can last for a long time."

Zhang Feng let out a breath, this was pretty good news.

He can take advantage of this time to find a suitable energy-gathering device. It doesn't need to be strong, as long as it can support his small demiplane.

After leveling the land and injecting energy, Zhang Feng's demiplane began to circulate and could be officially activated.

In order to have a comfortable resting place in this demiplane in the future.

Zhang Feng hired someone to build a house here.

The house is not big, only two to three hundred square meters.

The bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are complete, and some areas are designated as gardens and training grounds.

Everyone is adding firewood and the flames are high. With the help of the werewolves, Zhang Feng's demiplane has become better and better, making him reluctant to leave here.

There was no place in the Bone Wilderness that could compare to his current demiplane.

"The environment here is very good, and the ecological cycle has been achieved. You can even dig a pool here to raise some fish."

When the Druid master finally finished his work, he patrolled back and forth in the demiplane, and finally said to Zhang Feng with a smile, "This time, my natural secret realm can be regarded as a legacy."

Zhang Feng could only smile awkwardly. Most of the things here were actually the remains of the natural secret realm.

The Druid Master was just laughing. For him, a half-plane was rare, but it was not impossible to obtain it.

He could get one before, and he could still open up another one in the future.

This time, the Bone Castle was destroyed. Although many things were given to Zhang Feng, he also earned a lot of materials.

Although the natural secret realm was damaged, Zhang Feng only took away some soil and plants. The core that was really important could be repaired.

When the core was repaired in the future, some materials would be spent to open up his own natural secret realm again.

After the half-plane was dealt with, Zhang Feng had nothing special to do in the Bone Wilderness.

He just chatted with the Druid Master every day and learned the knowledge that the caster needed to master on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, the Druid could only be regarded as half a caster.

What he taught Zhang Feng was only some relatively shallow knowledge and content.

But this also opened Zhang Feng's eyes, who used to be a cannon fodder. He knew that spellcasters were not just standing behind the warriors and casting spells as he thought.

For example, some priests were more fierce than warriors in close combat.

Wearing plate armor, carrying a mace, smashing from one side to the other.

Some mages just held a sword and cast a lighting spell to be invincible.

In short, as time passed, the three-month survival time was up.

The players who survived in the Bone Wilderness were about to leave this world.

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