Zhang Feng did not wait long, and a short player in a black robe soon appeared on the stall.

The other party used the stealth function, and the people around him could not see his appearance or his name.

"Everyone, you have seen the effect of this [Power of the Legion], it should be good, right?"

The dry mechanical sound replaced the player's voice, conveying information to the people around.

"I need a passive skill equivalent to it, and the Paladin is best."

When the other party said this, many people cursed, but Zhang Feng's expression moved. Did he reveal part of his identity information?

Is the other party a Paladin player?

Or does the other party's companion have a Paladin?

The Paladin is a second-level profession, advanced from the first-level Knight.

Compared with the pure physical attack mode of the Knight, the Paladin is a Knight with Holy Light spells born in combination with the Priest.

According to the different passive skills and specialization directions, it is generally divided into three categories.

One is a strong attack Paladin that uses spell power to strengthen its original Knight route with stronger damage.

One is a spell-based Paladin who specializes in holy light spells and abandons the knight route.

Another is a supportive Paladin who specializes in auras and blessings and purely serves the team.

It is a bit too much for the other party to ask for the passive skills of the same quality as the Paladin.

Because summoners are more lone wolf players, or a team of several people.

And the Paladin is the standard for the team.

Therefore, the Paladin can use the power of the team to obtain items to improve himself.

This leads to the Paladin's things generally being several times more expensive than the summoner's.

So although this skill book looks very powerful, it is really a fantasy to want to exchange it for the skill book of the same Paladin.

What the people around are thinking is not wrong.

For others, the power of the legion is strong, but not too strong.

The minimum requirement of 200 points of mental power is just a few more summoned creatures.

These summoned creatures are not very powerful in the hands of ordinary summoners, and are far less powerful than players.

It is very strong to bully weak players, but it seems a bit tasteless for powerful BOSS and opponents.

But if Zhang Feng is given such skills, his spiritual attributes will bring him a huge army of summoned creatures.

At the same time, his attributes can also be given to those summoned creatures, making the strength of the summoned creatures far higher than the level of normal players.

With this team that can act completely according to his own orders and has a large number of summoned creature skills that can be strengthened, there is almost no problem in forming an army by one person.

"Give it up, no one will exchange it with the Paladin's skill book!"

"Exchange for something else!"

"I want to exchange my golden weapon with you, will you?"

The people around him talked a lot and offered other prices.

It's just that a golden weapon and a golden passive skill book seem a bit too bullying.

Golden weapons are indeed good, but they have to be compared with something.

The passive skills must be at least one level down to be exchanged with golden weapons.

So Zhang Feng was so happy when he got the Holy Spirit Meditation Method, which was equivalent to getting a golden weapon.

But even if it is a golden weapon, it can be regarded as quite valuable in the shouts of others.

Some people just yelled nonsense, shouting out all sorts of nonsense.

But after waiting for a while, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

"I say, your skill book will definitely not be able to exchange for the passive skill of the Paladin."

"How about I just buy it with points, and then you can use the points to buy something you like?"

A summoner player looked at the product with envy and couldn't help but say, "50,000 points, what do you think?"

50,000 points is already a huge sum of money among players.

But compared with the golden passive skill, it is still a lot worse.

The people around started to make a fuss and also offered a price: "I'll offer 60,000 points!"

"65,000, 65,000!"

"I'll offer 80,000!"

The onlookers didn't even care whether the stall owner was willing or not, and started to offer their own prices.

"100,000 points!"

At this time, a strong man squeezed the people next to him and walked to the stall, "Boss, this is a sincere offer, consider it?"

The other party was very oppressive, and many players shut up as soon as they came.

"It's Oil Tiger. This guy wants to take advantage again."

"Shut up, you want to die, you dare to say bad things about Oil Tiger!"

Some people around were whispering, and they seemed to be quite cautious about this strong man.

Zhang Feng didn't know this person. It was obvious that he didn't live to the later stage, so he was just a supporting role, and there was no need to care.

But from the discussion of the people around him, it was obviously not a small figure.

"If you are really sincere, you can chat privately."

The player on the stall was silent for a moment, and then pulled the other party into private chat.

Zhang Feng felt a little regretful. It seemed that the other party was moved, and this skill book might have nothing to do with him.

Just when he was sad, the Oil Tiger in front of him suddenly slapped on the stall and roared: "What are you kidding!"

"Are you asking me to die?"

"It's just a passive skill, who do you think you are!"

The explosion of Oil Tiger obviously surprised many players here.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, even the oil tiger is in a hurry."

"Who is this seller, and why did he anger the oil tiger?"

"I'm afraid it's something even the oil tigers dare not touch. It looks like the situation is interesting."

Some players didn't think it was a big deal and squatted aside to watch the fun.

"This is my condition. If you are willing, then we will sign a contract and I can give you this skill book."

The seller's mechanical sound made Oil Tiger's head swell and he wanted to get angry, but he looked at the other person and held back.

"I won't accompany you to go crazy and provoke those people."

Youhuhu was angry and simply shouted to the people around him: "Don't even think about it, you guys, this guy has offended people he shouldn't have!"

"The Thunder Gods have already used [Kill Order] on this guy, and there will be a fight to the death on the next map!"

"Think carefully, who wants to wade into this muddy water!"

After Youhuo finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

"The fatwa... these thunder gods are trying their best to kill this seller. Why did they offend them?"

Someone asked.

The Thunder Gods are a very powerful team of players at this stage.

However, among the people present, there were also some who insisted that their team was not inferior to the other team.

But the fatwa, which represents a life-and-death battle between the two sides, will only stop if one side is completely exterminated.

There is no need for them to get involved in this life and death battle.

It's just a skill book, not worth it...

But on the other side, Zhang Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Thunder Gods?

If it was just this, then he would be quite willing to take over.

The worst thing is, just kill the Thunder Gods one more time.

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