Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 103 Lord Wutian: I'm done again? Bo Lahuman's southern expedition plan!

Lord Borahuman, he didn't expect Qin Ye to run over, in order to release the lord's ability...

Vacuum field!

When he realized it, his entire body and face were already torn apart, just like broken porcelain.

Not just him...

And all the soldiers, squires and civilians who were inside the pyramid building like him.

It all cracked open in this moment, and then...


[Vacuum field: SSS-level lord ability. It can form a vacuum field within a certain range around itself, and crush the enemy with a vacuum. Enemies in the vacuum field, unable to breathe, unable to use skills, unable to act]

(Note 1: The range of the vacuum field is related to the lord's personal combat power.)

(Note 2: The smash damage in the vacuum field is related to the lord's personal combat power.)

(Note 3: If the enemy's combat power is too strong, the control effect will be weakened.)

This is the first offensive lord ability Qin Ye has acquired.

The previous lord abilities were all SSS-level abilities, but one was Void Circulation, which could transmit any object or energy.

There is also a dark physique, which can be transformed into a black mist, so that it is not affected by any damage.

no doubt.

Both of them are used for defense, and they are also used for normal expansion.

But this level 30 SSS level ability, vacuum field, is a pure attack and control type ability.

Qin Ye's current lord's personal combat power is nearly 2000 points.

This combat power is already super high for a level 30 lord, and even twice the personal combat power of other level 30 dark lords.

This is all thanks to the "Blood Night Killing Crossbow", an 8-star legendary lord weapon.

With this weapon alone, the personal combat power increased by more than 1,000 points.

It's a pity that Qin Ye has not upgraded the "God Chain of Heavenly Sin and Desolation", so the personal combat power provided by the accessories is not high enough.


If you want to upgrade the Heavenly Sins God Chain, you need to consume a lot of source crystals.

Qin Ye has no plans for this for the time being.

Anyway, at this stage...

His nearly 2000 personal combat power is enough!

Converted to the attack power of the dark world, it is 4000 points, and the crushing damage of the vacuum field is the crushing damage that ignores the defense.

Originally, Qin Ye didn't know what the damage factor of this lord's ability was.

but now……

When he released the vacuum field above the opponent's pyramid building, and then shattered everything in it.

The damage numbers that jumped out of the field of vision were all three to four thousand one jump.

And the frequency of damage is very fast.

"This void smash can cause four or five damages per second?

"This is too fierce!"

Qin Ye turned into a black mist and floated in the air, looking down at the pyramid building below.

When he just released the vacuum field.

The civilians in the pyramid were the first to be smashed. The 30,000-40,000 smashes hurt them unbearable, and they turned into powder directly under the squeeze of the field.

Then came the group of soldiers, including the soldiers who were self-destructing the core of the lord.

Generally, the soldiers under the lords of this level are 10,000 or 20,000.

The blood volume of the crisp point is only a few thousand.

They were all crushed by Qin Ye's vacuum smashing instantly and vanished into ashes.

26 Including Lord Nabo Lahuman, he subconsciously used his lord ability "Mountain Hardening". It is reasonable to say that his S-level ability is extremely effective, and it can even increase his defense seven or eight times.


Vacuum Smash ignores all defenses of your opponent!

Even though Lord Borahuman tried to save himself, he was still in the vacuum domain and was completely shattered in an instant!

from civilians.

To soldiers, to lords and attendants.

Finally, the whole pyramid building!

The wall of this pyramid building is also a high-grade wall, but unfortunately in the vacuum field, it is not much different from tofu.

once, twice, three times...

With the power of vacuum smashing, the entire pyramid building, including the fire crow magic cannon, fifth-order heavy ballista, and so on.

All turned to powder and to ashes!

at last……

When everything around Qin Ye was shattered, what appeared in front of him was the core of the lord who was attacked with only a quarter of its durability remaining.

Everything else has completely vanished.

"The core of this lord is real meat...

Qin Ye glanced at the core of the lord above the yellow sand on the ground and shook his head.

It returned to human form and landed on the ground.

"The use of the vacuum field has higher spiritual requirements...'

"If you use it many times in a short period of time, the burden will be heavy.""

"Fortunately, once this ability is shot, it can basically stabilize the situation, and there is no need to use it multiple times.

Qin Ye thought to himself.

When the opponent only has the last lord core left.

Qin Ye is not in a hurry.

Anyway, the other party has been unable to self-destruct the core, and these millions of source crystals are equivalent to having already obtained.


He sent Bai Qi and the Dark Walker Legion to hunt down and destroy everywhere in the territory of the Lord Borahuman.

These are all military exploits and should not be wasted!

Until, exactly half an hour later.

All buildings, soldiers and civilians in Lord Borahuman's territory were destroyed.

Killing the gods in vain, gained more than 120,000 military exploits on the spot, and can be directly upgraded to 5 stars!

【Your attendant "Peerless Killing God · Bai Qi" has been upgraded to 5 stars! 】




[Skill 3 (Long Ming) has been strengthened: the damage range of triggering Long Ming has been increased from 100 meters to 800 meters. The subordinate darkwalker units also have a half probability of playing "Dragon Screams" in half the range. one

All attributes are improved.

Especially Bai Qi's attack ability far surpassed Qin Ye's other attendants.

Even Qin Huang Yingzheng, without the bonus of the purgatory warhorse, would have a basic attack power of just over 6,000.


Bai Qi's damage is really high!

Although it does not have the kind of ignoring defense effect of Ying Zheng.

However, with the higher attack panel, Bai Qi and his subordinates, the Dark Walkers, will not deal any less damage than the Daqin Iron Cavalry.

more importantly.

When Bai Qi rose to 5 stars, he finally inherited his 3 skill, Long Ming, to his subordinate, Dark Walker!

"A 40% chance of hitting a 400-meter range of Long Ming..."

"This Bai Qi and the Dark Walker Legion, the efficiency of killing enemies has taken off all of a sudden!"

Qin Ye's eyes lit up when he saw this skill being strengthened.

Although it is a passive skill.

But this trigger probability is not low!

So really speaking, even if the efficiency of killing the enemy is not comparable to Qin Huang Yingzheng's 3,000-meter sword swept, it is already similar!

Immediately after.

Qin Ye then destroyed the opponent's lord core with little remaining durability.

[You destroyed a level 42 lord core. 】

【You have received 5.49 million Origin Crystal rewards!】

Although this Lord Borahuman is very rich, but after all, his level is low, so the source crystal reward provided in the end is not particularly large.

Just a little more than the average forty-level lord.

"However, these five million source crystals are not bad!"

"In addition to the dark bait just now, and Ying Zheng's income from killing the coffee lord..."

"My source crystal reserve has reached more than 20 million!

For many dark lords.

More than 20 million source crystals are really nothing.

But for a level 30 lord...

More than 20 million source crystals, but it means a huge sum of money, which can be developed forward!


Qin Ye returned to his lord core, ready to upgrade the lord level, as well as the levels of all the servants.

at the same time.

The location of the roaring dog.

This source crystal mine territory originally had the vision of Qin Ye, Chen Luo, and Lord Bolahuman, the three lords.

But just now.

There is one less person with a view of the territory.

turned into 2!

"The Lord of the Brahma Kingdom...


"It's too fast!"

Chen Luo took a deep breath.

As expected of the Shadow Demon Lord, as soon as you make a move, you will know if there is one!

In a short period of time, he actually killed a level 42 dark lord!

Even if it is to change to other dark lords above the 100th level, it is impossible to do so quickly!

To know……

Even though those dark lords are stronger than Qin Ye, they don't have Qin Ye's SSS-level lord ability!

How could it be possible to accurately find the location of the opponent's lord core so quickly?

"If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to do more battles, half an hour ago, his lord core would have disappeared."

At this time.

The roaring dog got up, wagged his tail, and said something lightly.

This remark made Chen Luo even more shocked.

Even a little unbelievable.

Half an hour ago?

...When the roaring dog just came here? That is to say! In less than five minutes, the shadow demon lord has already found and expanded to the opponent's initial territory, and has an absolute advantage! The reason why it took half an hour to destroy Drop the opponent's lord core... just because you want to gain military exploits? "This is so special!" "People are more popular than dead people!" Is it too exaggerated? "Okay, let's sign an alliance treaty."""From now on, you, hurry up, the lord, you are the vassal of the shadow demon lord, no problem?""First of all, this source crystal mine area will be released, All profits belong to our lord. "" "Secondly, you provide 20% of your income every day as a protection fee. "Again, all your territorial vision is unconditionally shared with my lord. 39 One by one, the article was listed by the roaring dog. "This..." Chen Luo was a little stunned, but quickly reacted. Alliance treaty! A vassal! Before, he was worried that the Shadow Fiend Lord would destroy him... Now he finally breathed a sigh of relief. As for the vassal clause. He thinks there is no problem, 20% of daily income, plus unconditional vision sharing, this is a normal vassal agreement. Basically universal. There is also the ownership of the source crystal mine area under his feet... the Shadow Demon Lord can take it, and he can't do anything! He can't do it if he wants to! So I agree directly! It's just. soon. This Chen Luo suddenly realized... "Isn't it." "I seem to be, I want to sign a contract with a dog?" He looked at the roaring dog from a distance and swallowed. Nima. This Shadow Demon Lord is arrogant! If he accepts a subject, he will directly let the dog go out! And Qin Ye is already in the Shadow Demon City, thinking about upgrading. Just now his territory once again reached the upper limit. In order to attack Lord Borahuman, he expanded his territory while giving up his territory elsewhere. So...it's time for him to level up! And. If the servants are upgraded to level 39, all attributes will also be improved a lot, and the combat power will be stronger. However, this wave of promotion needs to consume a lot of source crystals.

"Starting at level 30...

"The source crystals required for the lord core to upgrade the level are much more than before."

"Until the lord core level 50, other materials are even needed to level up.


"Starting at level 30, new lords will level up slower. 55

This is also the reason why lords like the Great Demon King, who have been in the dark world for nearly half a year, are only over forty levels now.

Because the upgrade consumption has increased!

For example, the current Great Demon Lord, according to the source crystal income that can be freely controlled every day, needs to save nearly 20 days to upgrade to one level.

One can imagine how difficult it was for them to upgrade.

But for Qin Ye, before level 50, it would not be too difficult to upgrade the core of the lord.

Isn't it just to spend more Origin Crystal?

"If you follow the algorithm before level 30, from level 30 to level 39, only 1.06 million source crystals are needed."

"But actually……"

"This process requires a total of more than five million source crystals! 35

"Fortunately, I have enough source crystals now."

"Upgrade. 35

Qin Ye ordered an upgrade!

[Your lord level has been raised to: level 39!]

[Your lord's personal basic combat power: 474 points → 789 points! 】

Basic combat power refers to the combat power that does not count as lord equipment.

From more than 400 to nearly 800 points.

Rounding up is double!

The higher the lord level, the higher the basic combat power obtained each time you upgrade, this is for sure.

And then, Qin Ye spent a total of 2.24 million source crystals.

Raised all 9 attendants to level 39!

Attributes have all gone up!

Take Ying Zheng as an example:




The blood volume directly exceeded the 100,000 mark!

The attack has skyrocketed by 3,000 points, reaching more than 15,000 points.

The defense is stronger, and in cooperation with the ice and snow doctors in the team, it will be more difficult for him and his subordinates to break the defense of the opponent!


"After the rank and star have risen..."

"Finally no longer a brother!"

Qin Ye nodded with satisfaction.

This wave cost a total of more than 7 million source crystal upgrades, which is very worthwhile!

And he glanced at his current lord rating...

39 rating, S grade!

In this way, there is still only an S-rank that has been promoted directly.

But Qin Ye was not in a hurry.

Because next he will improve very fast.

Reaching level 40 is only a matter of two days.

Right now, the only thing he has lost is the population, but with the construction of Xuanwu City and Purgatory City, and the completion of the other two Fengfeitian Temples, his population will skyrocket rapidly.

"There are still more than 16 million source crystals left..."

"You can spend five million source crystals, plus the seven recruiting books just baited by the darkness, and then two more ten draws! 39

"The remaining source crystals must be used to build cities, Xuanwu City and Purgatory City..."

"Otherwise, it's too slow to develop.

Qin Ye thought to himself.

He is buying too many recruiting books now.

So the price has gone up quite high.

Fortunately, every time he opened the dark bait, those dark creatures with grades would drop some recruiting books.

Otherwise, if you just rely on buying, you don't know how much source crystals you have to spend.


at the same time.

Qin Ye continued to expand around, letting Qin Huang Yingzheng and Shishen rise in vain and lead the team to destroy other surrounding lords.

To destroy a lord is four or five million.

So delicious!



Lords of other countries around, the nightmare is coming!

Just when Qin Ye was about to draw ten times in a row again.


Lord Borahuman with a mustache had returned to Blue Star as early as half an hour ago.

Originally, he wanted to self-destruct the core of the lord, because he knew very well that once he encountered the lord of the shadow demon, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.


His self-destructive action was easily stopped by Qin Ye.

"This shadow demon lord, his combat power is very terrifying.""

"According to my speculation, his three lord abilities now are space teleportation, incarnation into black mist, and the vacuum field that kills me.

"Don't say anything else.

"Just that space teleportation is at least the ability of SS-level lords."

"Even stronger than SS class!"

Lord Borahuman made a very rational speculation.

His father, a dark lord of nearly two hundred levels, also entered the dark world at the beginning of the dark period.

Now there is a legendary attendant, but that legendary attendant, compared with the killing god Bai Qi, is too far behind.

"Could it be that..."

"Legendary rank upgraded the day after tomorrow, can't compare to a servant who was just recruited as a legendary rank?"

Because before the Shadow Fiend Lord, all the lords in the world recruited the initial rank of attendants, at most the general rank.

So, there is nothing to refer to at all.

Lord Borahuman can only guess so.

And this guess made his mood become extremely dignified.

"Doesn't that mean that the initial mythical-level attendant of this shadow demon lord's combat power is completely devastating?

"Even if other lords can be upgraded to mythical-level servants in the future, they are not comparable to his mythical-level servants?"

Lord Borahuman, his heart is heavy.

This discovery is so important!

important to...

He must find a way to stop the development of this shadow demon lord!

Otherwise, it won't take too long, the entire Blue Star will be under the threat of this shadow demon lord!

Eastern Federation, stronger and stronger!

And other countries...

Will be further eroded by resources!

Fortunately, after half an hour of analysis, Lord Bolahuman has come up with a more suitable plan at this stage.

Said that this plan is more suitable, because it is highly feasible, and using this plan to deal with the shadow demon lord... should be effective.

This plan, which he named... 907...

South Expedition Plan!

Call on all the lords of level 60-70 in the world, except the lords of the Eastern Federation, to expand all the way to the south!

Generally speaking, when the dark lord is expanding, he has encountered other lords a few times, and he can roughly perceive that in which direction he expands, he will encounter lower-level opponents.


As long as you go south and the level is getting lower and lower, you can participate in this southern expedition plan.


There must be 60-70 lords who can expand to the territory of the shadow demon lord!

no doubt.

This plan……

It will delay the developmental rhythm of the participating lords.

But if you want to stop the growth of the Shadow Demon Lord in advance, there is only one way!

Fifty years since the dark world came.

There has never been a similar action.

Because in these fifty years of history...

There has never been a lord as strong and invincible as Qin Ye!


Lord Borahuman's influence was not that great. After all, he was only a young man. He was killed by Qin Ye just two months after entering the dark world.

Therefore, this plan needs to be handed over to his father to submit, and calls on the major allies to participate in this action together.


The southern expedition plan for the Shadow Fiend Lord has appeared!

The Brahma Kingdom, the Star Kingdom, the Western Federation, the Northern Alliance and other countries jointly issued a statement that those who participated in this "Southern Expedition Plan" and successfully killed any troops of the Shadow Demon Lords will receive unprecedented official rewards from various countries!

It is recommended that participating lords be between level 60 and 70.

The lower level, all countries are not recommended to participate, because even if you find a shadow demon lord, you can't beat it.

At a higher level, the distance from the Shadow Demon Lord is too far, and it is too difficult to find.


It is also not ruled out that there will be higher-level lords participating in the Southern Expedition Plan for rewards.

Qin Ye doesn't need a real source crystal, it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't need it...

There are even many people who are pursuing the real source crystal.


It is conceivable that when this southern expedition plan is launched, there will be a large number of lords moving towards the south, expanding in a straight line!

As for how many lords can find the Shadow Fiend Lord...

Find out if the Shadow Fiend Lord can beat...

This question is not something they can know!

"Southern Expedition Plan?"5


"Are these foreign lords crazy?"

The people in the Eastern Federation also quickly learned of this news, because the plan for the Southern Expedition was too much publicized.

Actions specifically for the Shadow Fiend Lord alone!

For the first time in the world, such an operation was launched to exterminate the Shadow Demon Lord!

I want to kill the Shadow Demon Lord in the cradle in advance!

To know.

Foreign lords also have brains.

According to the current situation, the Shadow Demon Lord will kill whoever he encounters. For all the Lords outside the Eastern Federation, the threat level is already full!

Instead of waiting for the shadow demon lords to develop in the future, take the initiative to destroy them.

It's better to launch a collective activity in advance and try to exterminate the Shadow Demon Lord!

This principle was also put forward by Lord Borahuman of the Brahma Kingdom.


In just one day, so many lords of more than forty levels have been wiped out by the shadow demon lords.

It is conceivable that if this development continues, will the lords outside the Eastern Federation still survive?

The Southern Expedition Plan...

It came into being, and it must be done!

And when the news came into the country.

The Heavenless Lord, who was already desperate and made up his mind to apologize to Qin Ye... finally showed a smile.

He feels like he's doing it again!

"It seems that I don't need to go to the dark world as a slave tomorrow."

"Wait and see for a few days! 99

"No matter how strong the Shadow Demon Lord is, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of a level sixty or seventy level Lord!

"As long as the Shadow Demon Lord is destroyed..."

"I'm naturally liberated!"

The current Lord of Heaven, of course, no longer expects to develop normally.

After all, in this round of his, all the servant soldiers have been killed by Qin Ye, and they will not grow up again if they come back.

He just wants to reopen now!

And Qin Ye is immortal...

He doesn't even have a chance to reopen!


Now, Lord Wutian, finally feels that his chance has come!

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