Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 112 The judgment of the sky blade is coming! The seven people collapse! The army of one mill

at this time.

Qin Huang Ying Zheng, with 2,500 Great Qin Cavalry, was looking across the river to the opposite side.

More than seven hundred meters away...

The purple mist shrouded, covering the surrounding area of ​​more than ten kilometers, sealing that piece of space.

in that space.

The number of Monkey King clones is decreasing.

"Almost, it's time to go.

Qin Huang Ying Zheng was also counting the time.

In Qin Ye's plan...

This ancient emperor is equally important!

"let's go.

As soon as Qin Ye raised his hand, the void circulated.

Directly transporting Qin Huang Ying Zheng to the other side of the river, Qin Huang Ying Zheng, who was riding a purgatory war horse, deliberately raised the Zi Lei Tian Punishment Sword in his hand at this time.

"Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment!"

This 8-star legendary weapon comes with its own skill, Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment, which can attack all enemies within 1,800 meters.

Every enemy will be struck by lightning, and 100% of the lightning strike will trigger attack effects!

It can be said.

As long as the Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment is released, Qin Huang Yingzheng will be within 1,800 meters...

Even flying units in the sky will all be struck by lightning.

Must die!

"The Emperor of the Ages is here!

"Looks like it's going to be a skill!

"It's a lightning strike that a lord has encountered before!"

"It's almost there, there are still three monkey clones left on the opposite side, just open the invincible!"

"Let's start a wave of invincibility first, kill the monkeys and then talk about it! Luo

All of Aladdin's seven people saw Qin Huang Ying Zheng's actions, and they all reacted.

Now they have thoroughly studied all the information about the Shadow Fiend Lord.

For this Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment...

Of course it's recognizable!

Before the extermination of the coffee lord, Qin Huang Ying Zheng had used this Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment many times, and the news had spread long ago.

Therefore, the other party reacted directly.

Righteous Flying Wolf Wodehouse, this auxiliary attendant, directly started the big move at this moment.

Righteous Asylum!

A white light enveloped all the friendly troops around, making them all invincible.

next moment.

Zi Lei Tian Pu fell towards a large group of flying troops in the middle of the opponent, and each soldier unit suffered a lightning strike.

This scene...

It looks amazing!

After all, it was the first time that even Qin Ye fought against such a large number of opponents.

At the same time, more than 100,000 purple thunderbolts fell from the sky and fell on every soldier on the other side!




Under the effect of "Justice Sanctuary" lasting 12 seconds, the opponent's flying units are invincible!


"Isn't the Shadow Demon Lord dumbfounded?

"He was in a hurry, he was in a hurry! He found that his monkey was about to die, and he couldn't help it!

"Ghost bat cavalry, shoot him for me!"

All seven of Aladdin laughed out loud!

In their opinion, one of the three monkey clones still in the field must be the original Monkey King.


They are about to kill this mythical monkey!

As for the Shadow Demon Lord, seeing that the monkeys were about to be killed, he couldn't help but sent a Qin Huang Ying Zheng over to try to deal with them.

Want to rescue the mythical monkey.

They felt that the Shadow Demon Lord must not have many troops, and would not dare to be tough with their 550,000 flying legion!

Quantity is their biggest advantage!


They did not leave part of the troops to deal with the monkey clone, and the other part attacked first...

They thought that "September 13" should concentrate their forces, first eliminate the monkeys together, and then attack together.

This is the safest!

At this time, Emperor Qin Yingzheng ran over to release his skills, and after the opponent turned on Invincibility, he directly let countless ghost bat cavalry shoot all kinds of skills towards Qin Huangyingzheng!

As a result, Qin Ye raised his hand.

Just one second.

Void circulation again, send Qin Huang Ying Zheng away!

"Ha ha ha ha!

"That mythical attendant fled! 35

"Hey, what can we do if we don't escape? If we don't escape, we will only be shot to death by our ghost bat cavalry! 99

"Come on, the immortality of the last three monkeys is coming to an end.

"Get ready to set fire!"

"As long as we kill the opponent's monkeys, we will be the first victory of this Southern Expedition plan."

"Wait for the invincible skill to cool down, you can drive straight in!"

The Aladdin Seven had almost seen the dawn of victory.


What they don't know is that...

Qin Huang Yingzheng's operation was completely for the purpose of deceiving their invincible skills in advance!

Operation stuck in time!

If the opponent does not release Invincible at this time, he will be punished by Zi Lei Tian directly to kill more than 100,000.

But this time I put invincible words...

The upcoming trial of the Sky Blade will destroy them directly!


"Even if the other party finds something wrong now, it's too late to run away."

Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the flying units of the other party were still concentrated.

This wave of operations...

Another success!

Next, he just needs to watch the play!

"Two left!

"Hahaha, choose one of the two monkeys, and one must be the main body!

"This monkey is quite good at hiding, and it was specially designed to hide until it was finally killed by us.

"It's a pity that this mythical attendant, if this can take him as a slave, this mythical attendant is his own combat power..."

Aladdin's group of seven looked a little pity.

Naturally, they also wanted a subordinate like a Shadow Fiend Lord.

But they also know that it is impossible for the Shadow Demon Lord to give in easily. Even if they have this idea, they must first drive the Shadow Demon Lord to a dead end before they can negotiate with the other party.

before this……

They must not show mercy!

"Kill another monkey!"

"Still separate!

"I vomited! This monkey can really hide!

"This last one must be the real body. According to the attack sequence mentioned earlier, he was killed!"

Lord Aladdin arranged it.


Various flying units around, according to the arranged attack sequence, various single high attack skills, fell on the monkey.

Because the monkey attacks or is attacked 10 times, it will enter the state of immortality.

So if you want to kill, you must use a single high attack skill.

There are not many such single high-attack skills in the entire flying regiment.

Being able to directly arrange the attack sequence of each individual arm in a short period of time shows that the consciousness of the seven Aladdin people is still very clear.


They never expected that Qin Ye would have a big killer like "Tian Blade Judgment"!

After just a second.

Just when the time of invincibility on them ends...

The last Monkey King clone was finally killed under the single high-explosive skill arranged by the opponent.

And this time!

"Mythical servants, die for us!

"and many more!"

"This is so..."

"Why is it still a clone?"

When one of the lords heard the system's kill notification, the whole person was dumbfounded!

"What? It's impossible?"

"This space is closed, and the enemy units have no chance to go out!"

"what is the problem?

The faces of the seven people were not very good.

After being busy for a long time, the deity of the mythical attendant has disappeared?

After ten minutes of exhaustion, they were all monkey clones?

"This is impossible!"

Lord Aladdin's face changed greatly: "He sent the monkey in, and went to Mortimer to open the 'Hell's Shroud', definitely no more than one second!"

"There's no way he could teleport the monkey away!

"Could it be that the monkey is invisible?"

"Although he can't walk away, the Shadow Demon Lord still has a way to make his subordinates invisible. Lord Michael has seen it before!"

"All unleashing mass attacks.

"Blow up that monkey body! 35

have to say.

The reaction speed of this group of people is really fast.


They knew too little about Qin Ye's intelligence.

The battle between the two sides is completely unequal!

Before the battle, Qin Ye's auspicious eyes had completely seen through the attributes of the opponent's attendants and troops.

Thus, a corresponding war strategy can be formulated.

And the other party...

Strategies can only be made through known profiles of the Shadow Fiend Lords.

As everyone knows.

Qin Ye has too many hidden tricks here!

That's when all the flying units of the opponent began to release group skills within the range, and all kinds of terrifying range skills enveloped the entire area...

Keisha's ultimate move "Judgment of the Sky Blade" is finally ready!

in the sky in that area.

The endless energy around it finally converged, forming a great sword wrapped in flames.

Cut off instantly!

This shocking scene...

It didn't give Aladdin seven people any reaction time at all!

After all, this Heavenly Blade Judgment's big move already needs to predict the opponent's position in advance, and the release conditions are too harsh.

If you give the opponent more time to react, wouldn't that be a waste skill?

It can only hit the city that cannot move on the opposite side...


At this moment, the flaming sword of the Heavenly Blade Judgment appeared and slashed directly at the place where the densely packed flying legion was located!

The great sword is cut! The flames bloom!

In that area...

Even the air temperature has increased by many times!

On the spot, more than 100,000 air units were directly hit by the Sky Blade Judgment, which evaporated into air, and then countless waves of flames spread to the surrounding area, spreading to the surrounding area of ​​10 kilometers, covering the remaining more than 300,000 air units of the opponent. Inside.

When the great sword is cut off.

The whole body of Aladdin's group of seven became stiff!

They arranged for the flying unit to escape from this area as soon as possible, but in less than a second, where can they escape to?

Thousands of units with short-range flashing skills flashed directly outside the area at this moment.

even so……

The vast majority of them still failed to flash away from the attack area of ​​the Heavenly Blade Judgment.

All engulfed in flames!

With the blazing Greatsword of the Heavenly Blade Judgment dissipated...

The attack is over.

Opposite the entire river bank, a mess.

All the plants and trees were burnt to ashes, leaving only a charred piece, representing the traces of these plants and trees that once existed.

Even the corpses of those flying units were barely left behind.

After the attack, countless ashes were falling from the air in that area.

Like black snowflakes.

In fact...

All of the opponent's flying units were burned to ashes, turned into charred debris, and fell in the audience!

at this moment.

In the feeling of Aladdin's seven people, time seems to be frozen.

This is enough to shock the whole world, and they don't even know how to describe it in words.

never seen!

Never heard of it!

When did such a terrifying group-wide attack appear in the dark world?

Before they felt...

Sun Wukong's havoc in the Heavenly Palace is already exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, the shadow demon lord also has more exaggerated terrorist attack methods!

A flaming sword that covers the sky, chops down from the sky!

Five hundred and fifty thousand flying regiments...

Destroyed in an instant!

Cut to charred ashes!

Watching the black debris falling like snowflakes, the expressions of the seven people in Aladdin were no different from seeing the end of the world...





They also wanted to take this opportunity to kill the mythical monkey.

The result was unexpected...

After doing it for a long time, they were completely fooled by themselves!

"This skill..."

"It will definitely take a long time to prepare..."


"It was all played by that monkey with a clone! 35

The Seven Aladdin...

Take a deep breath!

Until now, they have no idea at all, when did the mythical Monkey King's body leave this area?

By what means did you leave?

The reason why it is determined that Sun Wukong is no longer in this area.

Because of……

They know that all the units they have just killed are "destruction damage"


This is a damage type that also deals damage to friendly units.

Generally speaking, the damage value of Destruction Damage is very high and the damage is very strong, ignoring all defense and damage reduction effects.

But it can only be used on offense, not on defense.

If it is used to defend the city...

It is very likely that the entire city of his own will disappear immediately.


If Sun Wukong is still in this area now, even if he is not killed, he will appear because of the damage.

Even if it is invincible and takes 0 damage, it will leave the invisible state.


"Our main army is completely destroyed..."

"Although it's just a corps of flying units, this wave of losses is too great!""

"Even Hell's Ghost Bolt, Mortimer, died in this Heavenly Blade Trial!"

"Four servants died!""

"556,000 flying units!"

"I lost the most blood!! My attendant, the righteous Flying Wolf, Wodehouse, is gone! My main force is the Flying Legion, and I lost 210,000 directly in this wave!

no doubt.

After this wave...

Although the total strength of Aladdin's seven people is still a lot.

However, the flying troops were completely destroyed, and even many servants died, and the flying troops became their non-renewable resources.

Among them, the lord who sent "Justice Flying Wolf Wodehouse" almost completely lost his combat effectiveness!

If at this time he performs a lord rating...

Even if he could have obtained an S-rank, he would have dropped to a B-rank or even a C-rank.

Also until now!

The Aladdin group of seven recalled the situation just now, and suddenly realized that...

When Emperor Yingzheng appeared at their feet, it was not because the Shadow Demon Lord was impatient at all.


Deliberately deceived their invincible skills before the Heavenly Blade Judgment came!

"It can be confirmed!!"

"This shadow demon lord absolutely knows the skills of all our troops and servants!! 55

No matter where Qin Ye got it.


In this wave of war, every aspect of them has been calculated, even their psychology and ideas have not escaped Qin Ye's calculation.

no doubt……

This time, they really felt Qin Ye's terror!

If it was said that they were hanged and beaten by the advantages of the troops, servants, and lords before.

Well now.

It is to really play them alive.

It can't be said to be in terms of IQ, but at least it crushed them in terms of intelligence!

"This is so perverted!"

"How on earth can I beat him?"

"The army is crushing the realm, and it is directly pushed away by a wave! 35

"If you move forward, you will be defeated by the opponent one by one!

"Isn't that too difficult?"

Aladdin's group of seven is extremely uncomfortable now.

But the war will continue.

after all……

They still believe that on other fronts, the Shadow Fiend Lord will not be able to withstand it!

"No matter how many servants that guy has, his skills are also cooled down.

"Let's get the news out."

"As long as other parties know about his skills, they will definitely take precautions."

"To avoid him using the same method to kill hundreds of thousands more... Then we really can't fight."

"I think it's already a bit difficult. How many military exploits were directly given to him in the trial of the Sky Blade just now? 35

"Hey! When you say that... I'm a little desperate. Originally, this shadow demon lord had no military exploits, and the star rating of his attendants was very low, but now?"

Aladdin's group of seven suddenly thought of this question.

Suddenly dumbfounded!


When Aladdin's group of seven suffered a crushing defeat, their hearts were extremely painful.

Qin Ye was the exact opposite of them.

Although you can't get resource rewards by killing the enemy.


This wave of military exploits is extremely cool to harvest directly!

"This day, the trial of the Heavenly Blade will directly harvest 750,000 military exploits!

"How much can Kaisha's star level increase to?"

Qin Ye directly opened the attribute panel of Holy Angel Keisha.

Looking at the military exploits of more than 700,000, I felt relieved.

Just keep clicking on the stars!


Consumed 657,000 military exploits.

A wave of promotion to 7 stars!

【Your attendant "Holy Angel Keisha" has been upgraded from 1 star to 7 star! 】




[Skill 1 (Void Engine) has been strengthened: the calculation speed has been increased by 700%! 】

[Unlocked (2 stars): can calculate the level of forging materials to improve! 】

[Unlock (3 stars): Scan all enemy attributes within the range with one click! 】

[Unlocked (4 stars): It can be calculated to improve the quality of all buildings!

[Unlocked (5 stars): The rank that can improve the ability of the lord can be calculated! 】

[Unlock (6 stars): Calculate the ability to create energy barriers! 】

[Unlocked (7 stars): Divine Body gets 99% damage reduction, 99% control resistance, and 99% blood recovery per second. And all the subordinate justice angels obtain the "Fourth Generation Divine Body", which can consume energy to resurrect after death! 】

A series of system prompts came directly.

Make Qin Ye a little dizzy!

The first is the calculation speed of the Void Engine, which has increased by 700%, reaching eight times the original!

That's four times as much as 1 star!

Now he wants to upgrade the calculation of the legendary servant to the mythical level... it only takes seven days!

Moreover, the upgrade of Keisha's star rating also allowed the Void Engine to unlock a lot of things.

"2 stars unlocks the level of forging materials, which is useful.""

"Three stars scan the enemy's attributes with one click, I no longer need the Eye of Auspiciousness to check one by one, it's too tiring.

Qin Ye directly studied this one-click scanning function.

He found.

All enemy attributes scanned by Keisha will be presented in a list form, as well as various detailed statistics.

If the enemy has any special strategic skills or abilities, it will be marked in red directly on the table.

And one more important point...

With this one-click scanning ability, even the lord ability of the enemy lord can be scanned!

This is a function that the epic "auspicious unicorn" has never had!


4 stars unlocks the computing power that improves the quality of all buildings.

Before, Kaisha was able to calculate the upgrade of the "Fengfeitian Temple" because it was a special building and was built with special construction drawings.

However, the basic buildings provided by the system cannot improve the quality.

For example, recruiting camps, school grounds, and even... lord cores!

"For a long time, the core of the lord's lord has only the difference of level."

"I've never heard of it, who's lord core can be improved in other aspects?"

Qin Ye is a little curious about this.

Then he asked Keisha.

Keisha replied: "The initial lord core of all lords is of ordinary quality, but in fact, the lord core has higher quality. 99

"This quality is the same as the grading of equipment attendants.

"Ordinary up, it's the elite level, and the elite level up is the warden level...'

"And so on!"

"The quality of the Lord's core will be improved, the durability and damage reduction will be further improved, and the most important thing is that it will unlock the purchase rights of more special goods!""

Qin Ye listened and nodded.

This one is not bad.

However, he glanced at it and wanted to improve the quality of the Lord's core. Even with the current eight times the computing power of the Void Engine, it would take a long time, so he did not consider this aspect for the time being.

Wait until everything else is done.


5 stars finally unlock the function that can calculate the upgrade of the lord's ability level.


Now Qin Ye is all SSS-level lord ability, unless Kaisha herself is upgraded to the mythic level, he cannot make his lord ability become god-level.

So that's definitely something for the future.

6 stars unlocks the ability to calculate an energy barrier.

This energy barrier, which can be large or small, can withstand a certain degree of damage.

Can create an energy barrier that covers the entire city.

You can also create energy barriers for each class.

The higher the health of Keisha herself, the higher the damage the energy barrier can resist.

Moreover, if other soldiers are protected by the energy barrier, they will not be affected by any control state and negative state.

And when Keisha finally rose to 7 stars...

The unlocking effect is invincible!

Keisha herself, directly get 99% damage reduction, 99% control resistance and 99% blood recovery per second!


"All subordinate angels of justice have obtained the fourth generation of gods!

"This is too diao!"

Qin Ye checked the properties:

[Fourth Generation Divine Body: Self-defense increases by 600%, immunity to 90% magic damage, and restores 60% of maximum health per second. After taking fatal damage, it can consume energy to revive! 】

(Note 1: The Angels of Justice will accumulate energy each time they deal damage.)

(Note 2: When your own energy is not enough to revive, you can also consume the source crystal to revive!)

A unit that is not afraid of death at all was born!

Qin Ye directly checked the energy accumulated by the Angels of Justice inflicting damage and the energy they needed to revive, and found that...

In the current attack of Keisha, after inheriting it to the Angel of Justice.

The righteous angels only need to attack two or three times, and they can directly obtain the energy needed for resurrection!

"That is to say, under normal circumstances, I don't need to consume additional source crystals at all."

"In battle... 99

"Once they die, they can directly consume the energy accumulated by the attack to resurrect!""

"This is the fourth generation of gods!!

strictly speaking.

Kaisha's own "sacred body" also belongs to the fourth-generation divine body, but it is only a patched fourth-generation divine body, which is much stronger than the general fourth-generation divine body.

"Is this a 7-star mythical servant?"

"Love love!"

Qin Ye couldn't help but sigh.

This property is too powerful!

And now it has reached the 7-star Keisha attribute, after inheriting it from the Angel of Justice...

The attributes of the Angel of Justice also exploded directly!

More than 10,000 attacks!

Thirty-two defenses!

This defense...

Even in front of many legions of more than 100-level high lords, they can walk completely sideways!

"The next 8 stars and 9 stars, I don't know what abilities will be unlocked?"

"And if Sun Wukong reaches such a high star level, to what extent will his skills be strengthened?"

Qin Ye is a bit unimaginable!

These are indeed mythical servants!

It was when Qin Ye digested the huge amount of military exploits.

Reality, Blue Star.

Lord Aladdin, after thinking about it clearly, has announced the defeat of the seven of them just now.


Because he was afraid of causing the other southern expedition lords to back down, he said that the number of legions destroyed this time... was 110,000.

The main purpose of his announcement was to make other lords be careful about Qin Ye's skills.

Therefore, the number of corps destroyed is not important.

The important thing is...

I can't scare off other Southern Expedition lords!


Even if a wave of 110,000 legions were destroyed, it would directly make the world lords boil!

"what's the situation?"

"The Shadow Demon Lord has won the battle again? This time, he will destroy 110,000 legions in one big move without costing a single soldier!"

"What the hell is that ultimate skill? Did one of his servants release it?""

"This, I don't know at all! Judging from the existing information and the rankings of the 30-level servants... I can't guess at all!

"Could it be a brand new squire? Not on the leaderboard yet?"

"Hey! No way? If this is really a new servant, wouldn't it also start at mythical level?"

Lan Xing, countless lords all took a deep breath.

And this time, many foreign lords are already worried!

This shadow demon lord...

Also 2.8 is too scary!

Is this existence really an existence that can be defeated?

"This is impossible!"

Luxury villa in the star city.

Lord Wutian, who had been waiting for news all night, had a very bad feeling when he got the news.


Soon another news came, which made him a little relieved.

That's what the lord of the dark prison said, telling other lords of the Southern Expedition not to give up, this loss is only 110,000, and for the lords of the sixth and seventh levels, it is nothing at all!

And this time.

The Dark Prison Lord has arranged for millions of legions to march at the fastest speed. It is expected that in two hours, the vanguard will be able to reach the black city of the Shadow Demon Lord!


The Dark Prison Lord said that he has already taken measures to deal with all the abilities displayed by the Shadow Demon Lord.

Even sent three lords...

Go with the army!

this means.

Those three lords will be able to use their lord abilities to assist in the battle!

This news made the Lord Wutian excited again.

"I'm coming.

"The main army is finally here!"

"Just now, it was only a hundred thousand troops that were killed, which is nothing at all."

"What do you use to resist this army of millions?"

The Heavenless Lord was covered in the quilt and laughed excitedly.

Accidentally failed to control it, the whole person rolled to the ground, his head hit the bedside table, and he was knocked unconscious...

Now he has lost all lord abilities!

Physical fitness returned to normal!

If his parents had not sensed the collision directly, they would have run over to help him.

This guy is afraid that he can't wake up all day and night.

Also at this time.

In the dark world, the millions of troops assembled by the Dark Prison Lord are all from his vassals.

It's getting closer and closer to Qin Ye's Xuanwu City!

"On Lord Aladdin's side, 110,000 people were destroyed, and it was discovered that the other party had a super-wide range of destruction skills."

"On Michael's side, it's very strange, why is there no news at all? 39

"Or is it in the middle of a fierce battle?"

The lord of the dark prison, although he released the news that he was very confident.

But he was still cautious.

As far as possible, all aspects of the situation are taken into account...

This is the dark world!

Once you forget to consider one aspect, you are likely to lose the whole game!

Even if it is an army of millions of ministers.

It is impossible for the lord of the dark prison to command casually and let them be consumed in vain. After all, these troops, in a sense, also belong to him.

And what he didn't know was.

The strength of Aladdin's seven people who had just been destroyed by Qin Ye was not 110,000.


Five times the 550,000!

And Qin Ye, naturally also knew that the frontal battle was coming!

And Qin Ye wasn't nervous at all.

Now his overall strength...

It was already much stronger than when the Nanzheng Plan was launched!

He is not afraid of the army of millions, whether it is scattered into his territory or wants to storm his Xuanwu City.

Especially the storming of Xuanwu City...

This is a city wall built with a mythical black gold basalt wall. At a critical moment, it is possible to release "Xuanwu Arrival" to suppress all surrounding enemy forces!

"This army of millions..."

"If you really come to attack my Xuanwu City..."

"That's equivalent to a million military exploits!

Qin Ye is already looking forward to the arrival of the so-called army of millions!

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