Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 120 Sweeping the wasteland with guns! Suppression of rank, slaughtering gargoyles!

"how can that be?"

"Isn't it possible to break the defense?"

The mentality of the star lord is a bit broken.

You must know that now his general-level attendant, Gargoyle General Loft, has reached 33,000 attack power after obtaining the auxiliary buff from the kangaroo lord.


He flew down and stabbed a Daqin cavalry with a shot, but he still couldn't break the defense!

This makes the Star Lord feel a bit outrageous.

Originally, he asked the gargoyle general to attack and kill the Daqin iron cavalry as quickly as possible.


The normal attack can't break the defense!

Not to mention the other members of the Gargoyle Legion.

It can't pose any threat to the current Daqin Iron Cavalry!

"Put your skills, let go of your skills!"

Lord Xinghui quickly commanded.

General Gargoyle, as an emperor-level servant, has both single-person skills and group skills, which can be said to be a very powerful existence.

However, group skills have lower damage coefficients.

In this situation……

He can't break defenses with general attacks, and his group skills are not enough.

Anyway, you have to try it...


"Soul Gun Break!"

The gargoyle general flapped his wings and flew into the air, his long pointed spear swept and waved, and dozens of spear lights condensed from earth elements shot at the surrounding Daqin cavalry!




Still unbreakable!


"Soul Soul Spear Break, has the effect of reducing the opponent's defense by 50%.

"Take advantage of this time to attack the Great Qin Iron Cavalry that I have attacked!

The gargoyle general quickly ordered.

Immediately after.

The surrounding gargoyle legions launched attacks on the Daqin cavalry that he had hit, and as a result.

Still unbreakable!

This made the gargoyle generals sweat in cold sweat.

What exactly is going on?

50% of the defense has already been broken by the earth soul gun, but still can't break the defense?

How strong is the defense of these Daqin iron cavalry?

As everyone knows.

In the state of the Emperor's Light, the Daqin Iron Cavalry will not be affected by the defense breaking state at all!

no doubt……

For General Gargoyle.

These Daqin cavalry...

Definitely the toughest opponent he's ever faced, bar none!

Never seen such a terrifying troop!

Immediately afterwards, the Gargoyle General's single skill "Thorn of the Earth" descended from the sky and attacked a Daqin iron cavalry.

This is a single high attack skill, and the damage coefficient is still very high.

It's normal to deal 100,000 damage.


When this skill is released, it can always kill the Daqin Iron Cavalry, right?

He didn't believe that this Great Qin Cavalry had more than 100,000 defenses!


When he released the thorn of the earth towards a Great Qin cavalry, the Great Qin cavalry reacted directly.

Go back to an "iron cavalry block"!

Directly block its "Thorn of the Earth" perfectly.

Immune to damage!


Gargoyle General Loft's mentality completely collapsed!

His dignified imperial squire!

Now it has been reduced to the point where not even a single soldier can be killed?

"What's more, even if the thorn of the earth can kill this Daqin iron cavalry, it can only kill one, and the cooldown of my thorn of the earth is three seconds...

The gargoyle lord felt sad.

It's impossible to kill this group of Daqin cavalry!


"Drag on the opponent and the white light will disappear, and their defense will return to normal! 35

Lord Xinghui, gave a command at this time.

He still has a little understanding of Qin Ye's skills, and he knows that there is an ultimate skill that adds defense to all.

This skill was used by Qin Ye when he dealt with two small island lords before, so there is some information out there.

"As expected, the duration of this white light defense should only be 20 seconds.

"All gargoyles fly up, first stay away from all Daqin cavalry!

With the order of the Star Lord.

All the 200,000 gargoyle legions flew densely towards the sky of Kangaroo City, like a large swarm of locusts, giving people a magnificent feeling.


The cavalry of Daqin chased and stabbed these gargoyles.

Unfortunately, the passive of these gargoyles is "stone skin", which has a damage reduction effect of up to 90%.

Even with the usual attacks of the Daqin Iron Cavalry, these gargoyles cannot be killed in seconds.

Even if the death-giving effect with a 40% probability is triggered, it can only cause 40,000 to 50,000 damage.

And these gargoyles have a life value of around 70,000.


A large group of gargoyles all flew up to the sky.

Trying to wait for the end of the "unbreakable" state of the Daqin cavalry.

"Haha! Injury reduction really works!"

"These Daqin cavalry are not invincible!

The Dark Prison Lord, the Aladdin Lord, and others, saw this scene, their eyes lit up, and there was a hope that they could defeat the Shadow Demon Lord!

But, next.

All the Daqin cavalry formed a circle, which is equivalent to surrounding all the 200,000 gargoyles, and then...

"Order the world!

Qin Huang Ying Zheng directly and remotely supported.

A command to release the world.

Directly increases the attack power of all Daqin cavalry by 500%, and all attacks ignore defense and damage reduction!


Gun sweep the wasteland!

Since the default weapons used by the Daqin cavalry are long spears, after the Jiandang Bahuang has been inherited, it has become "Sweeping the Bahuang with Guns".


Anyway, the effect is the same.

The skills inherited by the troops are half of the attributes of the skills.

The five thousand Great Qin Iron Cavalry fired their spears towards the sky to sweep the wasteland.

Every Daqin iron cavalry directly released 54 spear beams, which swept out towards the sky in a fan shape, directly covering the entire sky!

Countless spear lights penetrated through the dense group of gargoyles!

A total of more than 200,000 spear beams woven a net of death in the sky!

Under the effect of the big move "Order the World"...

This wave of spears produced extremely terrifying damage values.

All the damage values ​​of more than 700,000 emerged from the sky, and all the gargoyles were killed after being penetrated by the spear.


Some gargoyles have already been killed, and even more gunshots penetrated, even a dozen lives are not enough.

crucial moment……

Only the emperor-level attendant, Gargoyle General Loft, turned on the 3rd skill "Stone Wall of Compassion" that had been strengthened four times at a critical moment.

A thick stone wall of compassion protected him and all the gargoyles within a thousand meters.

Block out all guns.

This pity stone wall is a completely invincible means of protection within a certain period of time, and it is a core skill for the position of the attendant of the gargoyle general.

"Stonewall of Mercy lasts for 30 seconds."

"Let's hide in here for thirty seconds.

"Thirty seconds later, go out and kill those Great Qin Cavalry!"

Gargoyle General Loft said in a deep voice.

And the Great Lord Xinghui also thinks so, but now the mood of the Great Lord Xinghui is much more solemn.


In addition to the more than 30,000 gargoyles protected by the general gargoyle with the stone wall of compassion...

The other 170,000 gargoyles who were not protected by his side were almost dead and wounded!

There are only a few thousand gargoyles left, and they have inherited the protection skills of the "Stone Wall of Compassion", but they can only protect their own single body and cannot protect the surrounding teammates.


Two hundred thousand gargoyle army.

In an instant, there were less than 40,000 left!

The Gargoyle Legion that flew into the sky trying to avoid the edge and delaying time lost most of it.

The terrifying damage figures made the group of people from Great Lord Xinghui not know what to say.

More than 700,000 damages!

The damage reduction effect of the Gargoyle Legion is completely invalid at this moment!

Mostly destroyed on the spot!

"Is this... the mythical Daqin Cavalry?"

"This is too exaggerated! What kind of skill is this, the attack range is so large? The damage is still so high?"

"It turns out that not only defense is useless, but even damage reduction is useless..."

"It's because they have some kind of buff on them! It's probably a commander's ult boost!""

"In the battle just now, the Shadow Demon Lord also used the big move of two servants!"

"I have to count, what skills does this shadow demon lord's attendants have..."

Lord Xinghui, Lord of Dark Prison and Lord Aladdin couldn't help but talk about it.

Everyone was in shock.

Even the great lord Xinghui has been silent in the alliance group chat.

Although it hasn't completely failed yet.

He didn't even kill a big Qin cavalry, and half of his 200,000 gargoyles were killed or injured.

It is enough to prove that the Shadow Demon Lord has more means than him!


"Is this really played out unprepared?

"How do I feel..."

"He knew in advance that I was coming?"

Lord Xinghui couldn't help it, and finally became suspicious!

But his suspicion was useless.

Because all along, the Shadow Fiend Lord has shown an absolute advantage in information.

Whether it's troops and squire skills, or anything else, the Shadow Fiend Lord has never suffered a loss!

a time.

Lord Xinghui also didn't know if Lord Shadow Demon really knew in advance that he was coming.

If it was known in advance, is there a traitor?

He was more suspicious of Lord Goshawk, a vassal of the Dark Prison Lord.


When attacking Xuanwu City before, the goshawk lord voluntarily provided 200,000 legions.

Of the millions of legions that besieged Xuanwu City, 200,000 of them belonged to him, equivalent to half of his own total strength!

This made the Dark Prison Lord never doubt him at all.

All along, the goshawk lord has no problems, and he has been very positive about the southern expedition plan.

but now.

Lord Xinghui wants to come...

It is because the goshawk lord is too active that there is a problem. After all, the shadow demon lord is from the Eastern Federation, so there is no need for the goshawk lord to be so active!

It was at this moment that Qin Ye felt very comfortable.

[Your Qin Emperor Yingzheng won 3.26 million military exploits! 】

When the system prompt came to Qin Ye's mind, he nodded with satisfaction, this wave was so cool!

The opponent is a level 113 gargoyle unit, so each time you kill one, you can get double the reward for leapfrog kills.

Plus ten times the buff.

Qin Ye won more than three million battle credits in this wave.

He prefers to raise the other attendants to 9 stars.

But these more than three million military exploits were obtained by the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, so they could only be used to strengthen the skills of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

If there is no lord talent of "War Fever", the extra military exploits can only be wasted, and it is almost difficult to be of any use.

And now.

You can give Ying Zheng infinitely enhanced skills!

【You have consumed 3 million battle credits!】

[Your attendant "Eternal Emperor Yingzheng" has gained +1 skill enhancement! 】

[Passive talent is strengthened: Shi Huang's coercion increases the effect, the attack power of all enemies in the territory is reduced by 50%! 】

[Currently, the number of times the attendant's skill has been strengthened: 1 time]

Reinforcement completed.

Directly added a special effect to Shi Huang's coercion...

All enemies' attack power is reduced by 50%.

This effect can be said to be very strong.

Originally, the arms of the 113-level Xinghui Grand Lord were barely able to break the defense of the Daqin Iron Cavalry.

And now...

Don't even think about it!

The gargoyle general who was waiting for the end of the stone wall of compassion and launched a counterattack against the Daqin Iron Cavalry suddenly changed his face.

because he found out...

It seems that he has been affected by some mysterious power.

The attack power is directly reduced by half!

I observed the surrounding gargoyle subordinates and found that they were all the same.


"It must be that the Shadow Demon Lord released some skill that suppressed our attack!

"Hahaha, since he released his skills to suppress our attacks, it means that he is already afraid of us!

"We are completely able to kill these Daqin iron cavalry!"

Gargoyle General Loft, laughed.

He is not worried about his attack power being suppressed, because the kangaroo lord has auxiliary troops in the city.

Negative states can be removed from them.

Just thirty seconds later.

The invincible stone wall of compassion disappeared, and the gargoyle general Loft, directly leading the remaining 30,000 subordinate gargoyles, rushed towards the Daqin iron cavalry that was already raging in the city.

as predicted.

Now the white light on the Daqin Iron Cavalry is gone!

That is to say, the "Forbidden Wall" buff time ends, and there is no longer an increase of 30,000 defenses.

at the same time.

"Release us!"

General Gargoyle, ordered the kangaroo lord in Kangaroo City to go down.


"Dispel, dispel all the DEBUFFs that reduce the attack on them!

The kangaroo lord, the first order.

Auxiliary troops hidden in various parts of the city, all rushed out at this moment.

Not only to disperse the gargoyle generals, but also to give them various buffs, such as attack, acceleration, crit, etc.!

Soon they found out...

The attack power -50% effect was dispelled once, but it was still there.

This is an effect that cannot be dispelled!

In fact.

This effect is not that they cannot be dispelled, but that Shi Huang's coercion has always suppressed them. Unless they leave Qin Ye's territory, even if this state is dispelled, they will immediately receive this effect again.


You can only fight with status resistance!

"Holy (cgci) Blessed Light!"

The strongest auxiliary servant under the kangaroo lord directly activates the ultimate move.

All allies within the range will not be affected by any negative status.


The gargoyle general and his subordinate gargoyles have finally returned to normal attack power, even a lot more than normal!

Qin Ye looked at the other party's operation and couldn't help sighing.

How complicated!

The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the result is that it has no effect at all...

It must make the other side very disappointed!

"Xiao Bai, it's your turn to take action. 99

Qin Ye greeted him casually.

Xiaobai, a cute and innocent girl who has been staying by his side, raised her little hand and released a skill - Zhao Yu!

In Kangaroo City, more than a thousand kilometers away, it rained suddenly...

Sometimes it rains in the dark world.

But obviously.

This sudden rain is not a natural rain at all.

Rather, the skills from the Millennium White Snake!

this moment.

When a shower of raindrops fell in the Kangaroo City, the silence effect was triggered, and all enemy units could not use skills!

The dispel effect is triggered, which directly clears all the buffs of all enemy units!

And in the more than ten minutes that the rain lasted, no gain status could be obtained again!

It stands to reason that the effect of this rain summoning conflicts with the "Light of Divine Protection" of the other side's auxiliary servants.

In theory, the opponent is under the effect of "Light of Holy Protection".

Able to resist any negative effects.

And "calling rain" is naturally a negative effect for the opponent, and it will be resisted by the opponent under normal circumstances.


Xiaobai is a legendary servant!

And the other side's auxiliary servant is just a prince-level servant!

in this conflict of skills.

The skills of high-level servants directly suppress the skills of low-level servants.


The opponent's "Light of Holy Protection" was perfectly restrained by Xiaobai's "Summoning Rain"!

A small skill that directly restrains the opponent's big move.

Directly make the other party's face black!

When all the other's buffs are dispelled, it will be eliminated.

Suffering from the effects of "Summoning Rain" and "First Emperor's Coercion" at the same time, the attack power of all gargoyles is only 25% left in the end!

Summoning Rain and Shi Huang's coercion can reduce the attack power of enemies within the range by 50%.

If the two effects exist at the same time, instead of adding up to a 100% attack power reduction, they are multiplied.

First reduce 50%, the remaining 50% attack power and then reduce 50%, and finally only 25%.

In this state, I still want to fight Daqin Iron Cavalry...

It's not possible at all!


The gargoyle general Loft, seeing all this happening in the blink of an eye, suddenly cursed inwardly.

I want to turn around on the spot and fly away.


Gun sweep the wasteland!

In an instant, countless spears rushed out and penetrated hundreds of times from the body of the gargoyle general Loft.

Each time it is nearly a million damage, which directly kills him!!


The entire Kangaroo City has once again become the same one-sided massacre as before.

Lord Xinghui dispatched 200,000 troops, full of confidence, and wanted to kill 5,000 Great Qin Cavalry, but in the end, the entire army was wiped out, and not a single one was able to escape!

The loss is extremely heavy.

The key is Gargoyle General Loft, who can be said to be one of the main servants under the Star Lord.

As a result, he died tragically under the Daqin Iron Cavalry!

Kangaroo City...

A shower of raindrops fell, making the killing in the city full of artistic sense.

The Daqin Iron Cavalry's charging speed was increased to the extreme, and they sprinted back and forth in the city in groups.

After just over ten minutes...

The entire Kangaroo City was destroyed and completely in ruins!

While destroying the lord core of the kangaroo lord, he also destroyed the "snap stone" of the star lord.

Although the other party can rely on the lord's ability to create another instant void stone, it will take several days to create one.

is equivalent to...

The five instant sky stones of the Xinghui Great Lord were directly missing one, and only four remained for the time being.

"This battle is so cool!"

"However, destroying a level 64 lord core is only rewarded with 15 million source crystals? 35

"It's not as good as my current half-hour income..."

Qin Ye shook his head.

have to say.

The ten-fold source crystal income from Lin Mengyu, after gaining the territory of more than 10,000 square kilometers of Lord Michael, suddenly skyrocketed.

More than 30 million Yuanjing income per hour!

This is unimaginable by any other dark lord!

Even the Dark Lord is the same.

These source crystals were all pulled by Qin Ye to forge the "Nine Nether Soul Saddle".

at the same time.

Qin Ye finally plans to start forging the "Great Wilderness God Touring Boots" blueprint he obtained before.

This mythical squire armor is not a small improvement to the squire's combat power.

The main thing is that the speed increase is very impressive!

"It takes 8.88 million source crystals to forge a pair of Great Wilderness Immortal Boots. 95

"You can forge a pair first and put them on for Keisha. 35

Qin Ye gave an order.

Immediately afterwards, he gave Qin Huang Ying Zheng another skill enhancement.

After destroying the Kangaroo City and the remaining gargoyles, he gained a total of nearly 4 million military exploits, because the remaining 200,000 troops of the Kangaroo Lord were all here, all of which were wiped out by the Daqin Cavalry.

It's time to strengthen your skills again!

【You have consumed 4 million battle credits!】

[Your attendant "Eternal Emperor Yingzheng" has gained +1 skill enhancement! 】

[Skill 3 (Death) has been strengthened: the trigger probability of death has been increased to 200%, and the critical strike rate has been increased from 5 times to 10 times! 】

[Currently, the number of times the attendant's skill has been strengthened: 2 times]

After 9 stars, it seems that every time you strengthen your skills, you need to consume 1 million more battles.

This is indeed a huge amount of military exploits for ordinary lords.

But for Qin Ye, who has "ten times the military exploits", one million is really not much.

Just killing a lord will cost millions!

"This reinforcement is simple and rude."

"The death trigger probability has been increased to 200%. For Ying Zheng himself, the critical strike rate has already overflowed..."

"But the critical strike rate has been directly increased to 10 times!

"And in this case, the Daqin Iron Cavalry has a 100% probability of triggering the gift of death..."

"The damage is higher.

In fact, Qin Ye's mood didn't fluctuate much.

Because it is obvious that the damage of the opponents and the Daqin Cavalry has already overflowed, and the effect of increasing the damage is not particularly large.


The higher the unit damage, the better of course.

The previous Daqin Iron Cavalry could not kill a gargoyle with a single shot without the benefit of commanding the world.

It is conceivable that if you can kill your opponent casually, it is really strong.

The current Daqin cavalry...

It has not yet reached that level, and it still relies on the gain of various skills.


"The Daqin cavalry can come back.""


"Let the angels of justice take action."

"It's almost time to give Keisha's Void Engine a boost!"

Qin Ye immediately made arrangements.

There is no doubt that Qin Ye intends to give Kaisha a lot of credit for this wave of counterattacks!

After all, the higher the computing power of the Void Engine, the faster Qin Ye's development will be!


The five thousand angels of justice under Qin Ye's hands were all armed with the sword of flames, ready to go out.

And Qin Ye's goal is to target the next vassal of the Dark Prison Lord!

It was at this time.

On the side of the Xinghui High Lord, the alliance channel has completely quieted down.

When the lord core of the kangaroo lord is destroyed.

All the territories of the kangaroo lords have returned to darkness.

The Star Lord and the others...

Completely lost sight of that area!

It was originally an alliance with the kangaroo lord, and then the kangaroo lord shared his vision with them.

Now that the kangaroo lord himself is gone, there must be no shared vision.

at this time.

The Dark Prison Lord and the Aladdin Lord don't know what to say anymore, and even the Xinghui Lord is not the opponent of the Shadow Demon Lord, is that still a human?

As for Mu Chuxue, who was full of confidence in Lord Xinghui, this woman is also pale now.

The army of 200,000 gargoyles is gone!

And the opponent is only 5,000 Great Qin Cavalry!

Is the existence of the mythical level really so terrifying? So much more than the emperor level?

On the other hand, the great lord Xinghui did not sink down, but quickly thought about a solution. Now, he must kill Qin Ye!

'Get ready. ""

"I'm going to play the trump card directly."

"You, gather everyone and send them over to attack the basalt city of the Shadow Demon Lord. 55

"The more people the better!"

"The more corpses outside the city, the stronger my combat power will be!

Lord Xinghui finally made up his mind.

He's not going to defend anymore.

Instead, be proactive!

Moreover, he intends to send his core servants directly, and wants to catch Qin Ye all at once!

And when the kangaroo lord was wiped out by Qin Ye.

Back to Blue Star.

The whole person has completely fallen into an ice cave.

He started posting...

"The Star Lord participates in the fight against the Shadow Fiend Lord! 55

"Almost the whole process was suppressed, the 200,000 gargoyle army was slaughtered by the 5,000 Great Qin Iron Cavalry!

As soon as the news came out, the world was in an uproar!

Only then did people know that the Dark Prison Lord and the others had found the help of the 113-level Star Lord.

Even as soon as the news came out, it was the news that Lord Xinghui was defeated in the first battle, killed 200,000 soldiers, and lost an emperor-level attendant.


There are still many people thinking that the Shadow Demon Lord has never counterattacked the Dark Prison Lord, are they afraid?

Or the level is not enough, and you want to develop wretchedly first?


A heavy bomb was thrown straight out!

It made countless lords around the world feel shivering!

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