Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 158 Senior Servant Summoning Ticket! An ultimatum from Sunlight Civilization!

It was only on the third day that he killed the wild boar lord, he obtained enough Star Stones to raise to level 60.


Blue Star's level 60 attendant leaderboard was refreshed by Qin Ye's attendant once again.

the most important is.

This time when Qin Ye reaches level 60...

Open to Blue Star Civilization, the qualification to access the all-civilization attendant ranking list!

And the list of all-civilization level 60 attendants suddenly changed when Qin Ye rose to level 60!!

How many civilizations are there in the world?

No one knows.

Even many civilizations that have been connected to the dark world for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, do not know.


No matter how long you have been connected to the dark world...

No other lord has ever obtained any mythical servant at level 60.

Not to mention mythical.

Now on the rankings of the all-civilization level 60 servants, the first place was only epic, and it has occupied the first place for hundreds of years.


When Qin Ye directly rose to level 60.

It directly refreshed the top ten of the rankings of all-civilization level 60 servants!

Two Hongmeng-level attendants, Kaisha and Howling Dog.

In addition, there are a full 13 mythical servants, completely occupying the top 15 positions on the list!

Due to the recent busy expansion.

So Qin Ye didn't ask Kaisha to calculate the rank of other mythical servants.

But even if it's just mythical level, it has been able to get enough exaggerated rewards.

Here in Qin Ye...

When he reached level 60, the first system notification came that he had obtained the lord ability of SSS level.

The lord's ability this time has nothing to do with space.

It has something to do with thinking.

[Armor of Psychic Power: SSS-level lord ability. Transform into armor with psychic power, resist any spiritual attack, and greatly enhance your spiritual ability. 】

This lord ability 26, for the time being, is not very useful to Qin Ye.

But I have to say, with this ability, Qin Ye can be said to be more at ease.

Because, he had heard before that some powerful dark lords possessed spiritual abilities, such as the ability to see through other people's thoughts.

This ability...

No matter how strong Qin Ye's lord's personal combat strength is, it is impossible for him to resist.

After all, spirit and body belong to two branches.

If the physical body is strong, the spirit will also be strengthened, but after all, it cannot resist the truly powerful spiritual ability.

If someone adopts that kind of ability to see through thinking towards Qin Ye...

There is no doubt that many of Qin Ye's secrets will be exposed.

And now it doesn't matter!

This new SSS-level lord ability "Armor of Psychic Power" can block any arbitrary spiritual attack, and it can be called a super defense method for the spiritual series!

No matter what type of psychic ability...

It is impossible for Qin Ye to take effect.

It can be said that Qin Ye is quite satisfied with this new ability. Anyway, he already has a lot of lord abilities of other space series, and he is not lacking for the time being.

And when he obtained this new lord ability.

The system gave him an extremely rich leaderboard reward.

15 attendants, breaking the record of the 60-level attendant list of all civilizations, occupying the top of the list!

This allows Qin Ye to get the leaderboard reward...

far more than ever!

The amount of Chaos Fragments given away has reached as many as 3,000 pieces, which is enough to raise 6 mythical-level attendants to the Kaitian level.

And there are more than 8,000 pieces of deity fragments.

"This kind of reward is actually of little use to me."

"After all, the rank of my attendant can be completely improved through the Void Engine."

"So such fragments of gods and chaotic fragments can be kept and used by others in the future..."

Qin Ye thought to himself.

Now, he is definitely not satisfied with being a lord.

In the entire Blue Star or even wider range, he can easily dominate.


Although it is useless, he will definitely have some loyal subordinates.

When it comes time to need these subordinates to do something, just give some god fragments, or even chaos fragments, to motivate them.

Because, this thing is a hard demand for all lords.

It is definitely not just in Blue Star, even in the whole civilization, it is something that countless people dream of.

Especially Chaos Shards.

this thing...

It is simply not something that other lords can get their hands on.

Although there are already some very ancient civilizations, there have been attendants of the Open Heaven level... but they are also very few.

For almost everyone in the entire civilization, opening the sky level is just a distant dream.

If there is no special opportunity, even hundreds of years and thousands of years will not be able to raise the attendant to the Kaitian level, or even the Hongmeng level...


The importance of Chaos Fragments can be imagined.

And now Qin Ye has mastered a large number of fragments of gods and chaos, which is equivalent to mastering the ascending passages of all lords!

This is not just for the Blue Star Lords.

Even for a civilization like the Green Goblin civilization that has been in the dark world for 122 years, it is an extremely valuable resource, a resource that even the top dark monarchs can't even think about.

And apart from these rewards...

Qin Ye also obtained two senior attendant summon coupons.

These two high-level attendant summoning coupons are described as "at least summon general-level attendants, and there is even a chance to summon prince-level and emperor-level attendants."

For general lords.

This is equivalent to raising the upper limit of recruiting attendants.

But for Qin Ye, it's more than that.

"The general level will crit into a mythical level.

"Then if I summon a prince-level, or even an emperor-level attendant..."

"Isn't it possible to summon a servant of the Kaitian level or even the Hongmeng level at the beginning?"

"Isn't that combat power stronger than the starting mythical level? I don't know how much?"

Qin Ye couldn't help taking a breath.

The role that this senior attendant summoning ticket can play in his hands...

Simply unimaginable!


With only two high-level attendant summoning coupons, it may not be possible to get out of Tianhongmeng, maybe the luck is not very good, and Erlian is mythical...

"If only there were more senior servant summoning tickets!"

"But now... it's good to have two.

"Start calling!

Qin Ye picked up the Senior Attendant Summoning Ticket and used it directly.

at the same time.

The entire Blue Star is facing a major matter of survival.

Just now.

In reality, Blue Star finally has powerful lords from other civilizations who have come over!

It has been ten days since Blue Star joined the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, and many lords have already been wiped out by the lords of other civilizations.

The number is not much, but the key is...

What is needed to invade a civilization is not how many people, but how strong the strongest group of people are!

And now.

The one who invaded the Blue Star civilization was a lord from the Sunlight civilization. There were a total of 18 people, and all of them were at the level of darkness masters. Among them, there were even three great masters of darkness, but they were terrifying existences that exceeded level 300!

3 Dark Lords.

15 Dark Lords.

Such combat power came directly to Blue Star.


The lords of the Blue Star have also discovered in advance that the lords of the Sunlight civilization have found the location of the Blue Star civilization through an entrance.

Then, these dark masters and ordinary masters invaded from that entrance to the dark world to which the Blue Star civilization belongs.

Each master has destroyed the core of the lord of a Blue Star civilization, and got a chance to come to Blue Star.


this time……

It is very obvious that the frontal invasion of the Blue Star civilization by the Sun Yao civilization!

This Sunlight civilization has been connected to the dark world for 75 years, which is 25 years longer than Blue Star's development time.

In other words, the overall strength of Sun Yao civilization is very strong.

Although not as good as the Green Goblin civilization...

But for the current Blue Star civilization, it is definitely a big enemy!


In this Sunlight civilization, there is a very powerful lord, the Lord of the Sun!

This "Lord of the Sun" is similar to Qin Ye. It is a low-level, but extremely powerful existence, capable of defeating enemy lords at levels 30-40.

With its terrifying combat power, he has become the most important and powerful person in charge of the Sun Yao civilization.

Now the foreign aggression policy of Sun Yao Civilization is basically proposed by this guy.

Even the Green Devil Civilization had met this lord of the gods several years ago, and he had killed a lot of lords by this guy, and finally the two sides made peace.

And this time, among the 18 dark lords who came to the reality of the Blue Star civilization, there is no such lord of the sun.

Because the Lord of God's Sun's own territory is not near the area linked to the Blue Star, he cannot come in person.

But these dark masters and ordinary masters alone can completely suppress a Blue Star civilization that has just joined the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"Blue Star Civilization.

"It seems to be someone from this civilization named Shadow Demon Lord, who refreshed the list of level 60 servants?

Far away on the home planet of the Sundial Civilization.

The Lord of the Sun is enjoying the delicacies and beauties leisurely. Many of these delicacies and beauties come from other subordinate civilizations...

It's the last few years.

The civilization invaded and ruled by the Sundial civilization!

Beauty, especially, is plundered from other civilizations!

The biological main body of the Sunlight civilization is also a human being, but it is a white-skinned human being, and everyone will get a sun mark somewhere on the body.

The entire Sun-Yi civilization society has distinct strata, and is divided into many different strata according to the position of the sun imprint on the body.

Lord of the Sun...

The social status of the Sun-Yao civilization was not high at the beginning, and even belonged to one of the lowest classes.

After 943, through the rise of the dark world, it directly became one of the strongest existences of the Sun-Yao civilization.

It has now entered the top council of the Sunrise civilization and belongs to one of the decision-making levels of the entire civilization circle.


This guy belongs to a very forbearing type. He has not yet gained absolute power in the Sundial Civilization, so he did not reform the Sundial Civilization society. Instead, he catered to the ideas of some old guys and continued to exploit and plunder the lower society.


That is, the aggression policy formulated by the lord of the sun has made the sun luminous civilization now have many subordinate civilizations.

They all start with the kind of new civilization that has just entered the battlefield of ten thousand races.

In this way, many lords of the Sun Yao civilization have changed from enslaving and exploiting the lower Sun Yao people to enslaving and exploiting human beings of other civilizations.

Greatly resolved the internal class contradictions of the Sunyao civilization.


Right now, within the Sun Yao civilization, the most inferior Sun Yao people have several servants, all of whom were plundered from other civilizations.

And this time!

Blue Star Civilization.

It has become the next goal of Sunrise Civilization!

Blue Star, the Heavenly Palace orbiting the planet!

Here, is where the blue star's dark masters live.

And this time.

It has become a gathering place for the masters of darkness.

Today, Blue Star has a total of 49 Dark Lords above level 200, all gathered here, discussing matters concerning the Sun-Luminance Civilization with a serious expression...

The 3 great masters of the Sunlight civilization, and 15 ordinary masters, descended after the Blue Star.

Blue Star can be said to have no resistance at all.

The other party just acted casually, and they have completely suppressed the level 297 Nightmare Lord!


Today, Blue Star is absolutely powerless in front of the entire Sundial civilization!

"How to do?"

"Sunday civilization gave us a three-day ultimatum. 35

"Within three days, the Shadow Demon Lord needs to be handed over and a treaty with the subordinate civilization is signed...

"In the future, the resources and population of the Blue Star Civilization will all belong to the Sunlight Civilization."

"That is to say..."

"The Sundial Civilization is going to enslave us directly! How can this be accepted? 35

"If you don't accept it, what can you do? Wouldn't it be destroyed? It's better to die than live..."


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