Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 74 Mysterious attendant list, straight to the top of the list! Global bosses are shocked!

Jack was shocked.

He never imagined that, looking like a silly bald man, he would deal 99999 damage with one punch.

Directly blow up his proud Overseer-level attendant!


play your sister?

Along with the Tauren Berserker Great Axe Ryan, he was knocked down by this fist.

Young Jack's mood suddenly fell to the bottom!

He doesn't know what this bald head is about!

I don't know what the power of this bald head is!

He only knows...

It seems that he has just reopened, and it is about to be tragic again?

The giant axe Ryan is the strongest existence under his hands!

Now that the tauren berserker has been killed, he is left with only an elite priest servant...

How could this possibly beat the bald man in front of him?

At the same time, Lin Mengyu was also shocked.


"What is this? It doesn't look like a servant..."

"Could it be..."

"Mysterious Servant?"

Not to mention anything else, she memorized a lot of knowledge about the dark world by rote.


Even if it is a relatively unpopular mysterious servant, she suddenly thought of it!

because of the current situation.

She could only think of one possibility!

If it is an ordinary servant, the information on the top of the head has a "level".

But Saitama has no ranks.

And if it is a special type of arms trained by soldiers, there will be no "star" information on the top of the head.

But Saitama has a "0 star" mark.

There are stars, no grades!

Lin Mengyu had never heard of such a situation.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, and that is the mysterious servant with special abilities!

"Qin Ye recruited a mysterious servant?"

"That's amazing too!"

"And this attendant, who seems to be ordinary, actually hit such a high amount of damage with one punch?


"It seems to be acting a little strange!"

Lin Mengyu couldn't help thinking.

As for Qin Ye, his eyes finally lit up.

"I finally have the desire to attack!

"But judging from the current situation..."

"This Saitama is a bit difficult to use!"

"He is invincible, and his speed is extremely fast. When others want to attack him, he will subconsciously dodge!"5

"So, it is very difficult to rely on others to attack him to gain the desire to attack.""

"Even if he was thrown into a chaotic battlefield, it would be difficult for him to be injured, and it would be difficult to arouse the desire to attack..."

"In this way, there is only one way to make him increase his desire to attack."

"That is, let others hurt his allies?

"But this guy's definition of friendly forces seems a bit weird!"

"Can grilled fish be friendly too?"

have to say.

This act of hitting the man completely refreshed Qin Ye's cognition!

But anyway.

This man who has become bald and stronger has absolutely terrifying combat power. Although it is a bit difficult to use, he usually does not need him to go out.

When you really need him...

He will become Qin Ye's strongest killer!

Right now!

One of Lord Jack's Berserker subordinates finally ran to the edge of darkness with the Seal of Mist Breaking.

Towards Lin Mengyu's position, it expanded by one space!

"Level 5 lord?

"Dream Lord?"

"A female college student from the Eastern Federation?"

Lord Jack took the time to look at the situation in that grid...

This is his obsession, and when he is dying, he has to know whose hands he died in.

The result...he didn't expect it at all!

The other party is a level 5 female college student lord?

This is too wrong!

Until now, Lord Jack still thought that he was fighting against Lin Mengyu...

He didn't even know that Lin Mengyu was Qin Ye's subordinate!

"Such a new lord actually has a subordinate like this bald man..."

"Is this luck too?"

This makes young Jack really envy and hate!

He thought about it quickly.

Decided to give up this start.

no way.

In his opinion, this bald man killed his Overseer-level Berserker with one punch, and he has no chance of turning the tables!


He quickly went offline and chose to leave the dark world to avoid being beaten to death by Saitama.

This situation...

Let the group of subordinates in his territory all look at each other.

Is this lord running too fast?

Blue Star!

Star country!

Jack returned to reality, still a little less able to accept this reality.

too difficult!

"In a short period of time, I met the shadow demon lord first, and was directly broken through to the initial territory, without any resistance"".

"Reopening and encountering such a strange bald-headed man, even my commander-level attendant was punched..."

"Damn it!

"There aren't enough source crystals to buy a level 5 Dark Lord card!

Young Jack gritted his teeth.

no way.

In this case, he can only rely on his father, who is already a level 100 high lord.

So, he contacted his father.

To put what just happened one after another...



"Meet the Shadow Demon Lord?"

"So unlucky?"

"The fourth time I reopened, I met a female college student from the East and was beaten by a bald man with one punch?"

When his father heard this, he almost died of anger!


After he carefully inquired about the situation of the bald man, he suddenly realized something, and his tone became very solemn.

"It seems that the Eastern Federation has produced another genius.

"Level 5, Dream Lord, right?"

"Not long ago, several big men I knew who had mysterious servants all said that their mysterious servants ranked and fell one place.

"The bald man named Saitama you met should be the new mysterious servant!

Mysterious Servant!

Until this time, the young Jack's expression changed, and he finally realized what had happened to him.


There will be no more than 100 mysterious servants in the world!

Moreover, the bald man Saitama's ranking in the Mysterious Attendant Ranking is still very high!

The big guy that Jack's father knew, the highest ranking was 12, and now it has become 13...

It means that the ranking of the bald man Saitama is likely to be in the top ten!

"Level 5 Dark Lord Card requires 650 million source crystals."

"I can't get your father out for now. 35

"Your father, I was in the dark world, and was besieged by three eastern lords, and now is the time when source crystals are desperately needed. 35

"You just have to wait!"

Hearing his father say that, young Jack, is a little uncomfortable.


Now it is almost impossible to count on his father to obtain 650 million source crystals!

It might even be possible...

His father will also be attacked by three eastern lords, and he will be killed directly!

In this way, his fifth start is a little far off...

But he is not reconciled!

Shadow Demon Lord, top ten mysterious servants, these are force majeure!

If it weren't for this kind of existence, his development should be very smooth!

It's a pity that he didn't know at all that he actually met the legendary "Shadow Demon Lord" both times!


Young Jack's eyes lit up.

"It seems that there is another way to get 650 million source crystals!

"It seems, you can try it!"

at the same time.

Jiangdu Lord University, it is already night.

The freshman tutor Su Yubing had just come out of the shower, and there was a dignified look on his pretty face.

The reason why she was able to rise so quickly in the dark world...

The big reason is that when she was level 40, she recruited a mysterious attendant!

Her mysterious attendant, when she was just recruited, ranked fifth, and has maintained this ranking for more than a year.

Just now.

She heard a prompt from the system.

Her Mysterious Attendant ranking has dropped by one!

"A stronger mysterious servant appeared again?"

"Which country's lord will be recruited? 95

She had a graceful figure wrapped in a bathrobe. After she came out, she picked up her mobile phone. Sure enough, she saw that many bigwigs of the Eastern Federation were sending messages to her asking about her situation.

She told the truth.

"My mysterious squire... rank dropped!"


She got brand new news from other bigwigs.

"It is said that this new mysterious servant has been discovered.

"What's the name 'I'm Bald, Saitama', and the image is a bald man in a white cape.

"As for this attendant, it should be a freshman from our Eastern Federation. The title of lord is 'Dream Lord'. Currently, he is level 5! 35

Dream Lord?

After Su Yubing got the news, she quickly recalled...

Then his face changed slightly.

"Lord Fantasy, isn't that Lin Mengyu's lord title?

"Is this new mysterious attendant hers?"

"Her luck is really good. First, she met the Shadow Demon Lord and became a subordinate of the Shadow Demon Lord."

"Now I have recruited a mysterious servant again!"

Su Yubing did not doubt.

Because it is the news that the boss said, the reliability is basically 99%.

"Then where does this brand new mysterious servant rank?"

Su Yubing is very curious about this.

If she happened to be squeezed out of the fifth place, then she would be really uncomfortable.


Immediately afterwards, the voices sent by the big bosses on the opposite side became unimaginably solemn, word by word: "Straight, rush, first, first!"

Su Yubing was shocked on the spot!

Straight to the first?!

"Isn't it? The mysterious attendant who was ranked first before has always been an 'assassination clown'! 35

"Is there any existence in this world that can surpass the assassination of clowns?"

Su Yubing couldn't help but ask!

Assassination of the clown, most ordinary people do not know what this is.

But this is not a secret in the high-end dark lord circle.

This assassination clown...

It is one of the five current masters of Blue Star, the Nightmare Lord, and the mysterious attendant recruited!

Nightmare Lord, Blue Star was one of the first Lords who entered the dark world fifty years ago, and now no one knows his level.

The only thing I know is...

It was he who recruited a mysterious servant ten years ago to assassinate the clown!

As for the ability of this assassination clown, even the lords who were killed by it can't tell at all, it is very mysterious.

But the Nightmare Lord can become one of the five masters of Bluestar...

Enough to prove the strength of the assassination clown.

Yet now.

Assassination of the Joker has been surpassed!

"Meaning, this strange man who turned bald is more terrifying than assassinating the clown?

This is a bit surprising.

Su Yubing felt unbelievable.

I'm Going Bald・Saitama!

What kind of ghostly mysterious servant is this?

Can it surpass the assassination of the clown?


This matter, in the circle of high-end lords, has spread all over.

The assassination of the clown fell to the second place, it was said by the Nightmare Lord himself!

""Then Lin Mengyu, didn't she take off?"

Su Yubing didn't know what to say.

This freshman is lucky too!

Because Lord Jack got his identity wrong, he mistakenly thought that Saitama was Lin Mengyu's subordinate.

As a result, all the lords of Blue Star now believe that Saitama is the subordinate of the "Dream Lord".

for a while.

The title of "Dream Lord" is...

It has become a hot topic among high-end lords!

As for low-level lords, it is impossible to contact the level of mysterious servants.

dark world.

At this time, Qin Ye had already teleported Saitama back.

"If that's the case, I don't usually need him to do anything..."

"Let him deliver the fish.""

Qin Ye thought for a while.

Give Saitama a quest.

Every day, she runs five kilometers south to Lin Mengyu's territory to retrieve the fish she caught.

Because Lin Mengyu couldn't get to Qin Ye city.

Those fish must have been sent by Qin Ye to get them.

It just so happened that Saitama was also idle, so let him go get it.

As for Qin Ye's arrangement...

Saitama has absolutely no opinion!

It's like going out to buy vegetables every day, which is in line with his living habits!

To this...

Qin Ye really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although this mysterious attendant is extremely powerful, his personality is also really strange.

If you let others know that the terrifying existence that goes straight to the first list of mysterious servants is actually arranged by Qin Ye to deliver fish every day, I am afraid that they will directly doubt life...

[You destroyed a level 2 lord core. 】

【You got 2205 Origin Crystal rewards!】

【Your 2205 Origin Crystals were taken away by the protagonist "Lord Shadow Demon"! 】

When the unknown knight destroyed the core of Lord Jack's new lord, Lin Mengyu heard the system prompt.

This made her blush a little.


As Qin Ye's attendant... Her performance seems a bit embarrassing!

In this wave, Qin Ye saw how pitiful she was, so he gave her dozens of battle credits for destroying Lord Jack.

Otherwise, when she reaches level 9, the lord's rating is not high, and she will always be stuck at level 9.

By the time……

Qin Ye asked her to open the dark bait (Qian Nuo is good), and the level of the dark creatures attracted are too low!

It will affect Qin Ye's own development!

Originally, Lin Mengyu was still a little scared, after all, there were still a lot of residual combat power in Lord Jack's territory.

Especially the group of tauren soldiers, they look ferocious!


She forgot one thing, Qin Ye has the legendary sky goddess Akasha, give her a defensive halo!

The 400-point defense aura makes her and her subordinates' defense thicker than the second-order city wall!

What is she afraid of?

You can run around at will!


The unknown knight rejoiced.

"Long live the Shadow Demon Lord!

"The Shadow Demon Lord is invincible!

"Lord Shadow Fiend, I have a cousin in my family, would you like to introduce it to you? 39


Hearing this unknown knight spread the word.

Qin Ye was a little speechless.

"Your cousin, I'm afraid it's not a headless cousin? I can't stand it..."

He couldn't help but complain.

This attendant of Lin Mengyu seems to be a bit interesting... Next time you need to use the mouth escape technique, let him appear, I believe it will not disappoint.

at this time.

Qin Ye was standing on the city wall and looked around...

The little fox Su Daji was looking at him eagerly.

Those beautiful eyes made people's hearts melt.

Under the graceful and perfect body curve, nine plush fox tails are casually wrapped around the long snow-white legs, making people want to touch them when they look at them.

"Okay, okay, it's just night in Jiangdu City, and I'll take you out for a walk.

Qin Ye smiled and touched her head.

The three-star attendant can bring back the blue star, which is the rule tool of the dark world!

Many dark lords will be ecstatic once they recruit beautiful servants.

Because you can bring back the Blue Star!

As for what to do with it...then why don't you ask?

Of course, if Qin Ye takes the nine-tailed demon fox back, it is very likely that his identity as the shadow demon lord will be exposed.


He is not afraid of revealing his identity at all!

Now he, with two SSS-level lord abilities, is almost invincible!

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