Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 85 Treasure chests are continuously opened! Nine secluded soul saddles! Fengfeitian Temple!

"Ha ha.

"Looks like I'm lucky.

Qin Ye said with a smile.

The big devil girl reluctantly handed the orange epic treasure chest to Qin Ye.

A systematic alliance treaty provides for...

She no longer has the right to open this treasure box herself.

After she got the treasure chest, it could only be given to Qin Ye.

Right now!

Her mood, let alone how complicated it is.

Seeing that I finally got an epic treasure chest, it is really tragic that I have to give it away!

Wouldn't it be nice if this treasure chest came a little earlier?


She is still looking at Qin Ye with anticipation.

After all, epic treasure chests...

What comes out can never be too bad!

When Qin Ye took this treasure chest.

Open directly!

【You have opened the epic orange treasure chest from "The Great Demon Lord"!】

[You have obtained the blueprint of the epic saddle: Jiuyou Detention Soul Saddle! 】

Qin Ye's heart beat faster when he heard the system prompt.

Saddlery drawings are out!

He quickly checked its properties:

[Nine Nether Soul Saddle (Epic): Saddle blueprint, can be rebuilt]

[Building cost: 1.999 million source crystals]

[Building power: 17.5%]

[Can be equipped on any mount, providing "mount attribute" and "riding attribute"]

[Mount attributes: Health +300%, Defense +300%, Speed ​​+50%]

[Riding attribute: The rider gets a 50% damage reduction effect, and each attack has a 5% chance to trigger the "Nine Nether Soul". 】

(Jiuyou Jushun: Causes the "Soul Soul" effect to enemies within a range of 2000 meters, cannot act within 5 seconds and has zero defense.)

Saddle is a kind of equipment created by the dark world for mounts.

Generally, the drawings are dropped, and the finished products are rarely dropped.

Each type of saddle has two attributes, a mount attribute, which can improve the attributes of the mount itself.

There is also a riding attribute.

Let the squire or soldier riding the mount gain additional effects.

"300% health and defense, 50% movement speed!"

"The rider has a 50% damage reduction, and there is a 5% chance that the attack will trigger the super-large area control effect!

Qin Ye took a deep breath when he looked at the attributes.

It's an epic saddle!

If one were to create one and equip the purgatory warhorse under Emperor Qin's throne, wouldn't it be invincible? 900


This saddle is reproducible!

Just have money.

Qin Ye's final entire Daqin Iron Cavalry Corps can have such a saddle.


"Is this epic saddle too expensive?"

"It takes two million source crystals to make one piece."

"The power is only 17.5%!


This success rate is just the base success rate.

If there are civilians who are skilled in forging among the civilians who build equipment, the forging power can be improved.

The increased success rate varies according to the civilian's forging level.

Qin Ye took a look at his territory...

Very poor.

In his territory, there are seven or eight civilians who are proficient in forging.


Their forging level has not been improved.

Because Qin Ye never let them build anything!

Always have them involved in the construction.

"Great Demon King, do you have any civilians with a high level of forging?"

Qin Ye simply asked the sister.

After all, this Great Demon Lord has been in for half a year!

Then this basic thing must have developed well.

"There are two forging levels, following my lord level."

The big devil girl answered quickly.

She couldn't see what Qin Ye opened, but since Qin Ye asked about forging...

Then I'm afraid, Qin Ye opened an epic equipment blueprint from the treasure chest?

"That is to say, you have two civilians forged at level 45?"


Qin Ye's eyes lit up.

This big devil girl is indeed his gospel!

The forging level is 45, which means that the basic forging power can be increased by 450%.

Take this nine secluded soul saddle as an example.

The basic 17.5% forging power can be directly increased to 96.25%!


Even this success rate is still not secure enough.

Qin Ye did the math.

Either let the big devil sister rise to level 48, because if forging to level 48, the forging efficiency of Jiuyou Jushun Saddle can reach more than 100%.

But this method doesn't work.

Because even if she is raised to level 48, it is not a matter of a while for her civilians to raise the forging level to level 48.

It is better to directly add some forging (cgci) material and rush the forging power to 100%.

This forged material is not uncommon.

For example, there are quite a few in Qin Ye's warehouse.

What basalt, malachite, diamond...etc.

Depending on the quality, the forging power that can be improved is also different.

Qin Ye killed all high-grade monsters, so the dropped forging materials were not low-grade!

Basically, the forging power can be increased by 20%-30%.

It's less than 4% to make up for that, which is a bit of a waste to be honest.

But Qin Ye believes that there must be a lot of low-grade forging materials in the warehouse of the big devil sister!

"Go back and add some materials and ask your forging commoners to make this for me."

"I'll come out of the source crystal.

Qin Ye showed the blueprint of Jiuyou Jushun Saddle to the Great Demon Lord.

"Epic Saddle!"

"Nine secluded soul saddles!

When the girl saw it, she was shocked on the spot.

this kind of thing...

Even those dark lords with more than 100 levels, few people can have them!

In particular, for the lords with cavalry units, it is definitely a big boost of terror!

The first is the attribute of the mount. The blood volume and defense are increased by 300%, which greatly enhances the survivability of the mount itself, so that the original weakness of the cavalry, the mount, is no longer a weakness!

The second is riding attributes.

The 2000-meter ultra-large range of nine secluded soul special effects can not only control the inability to move for 5 seconds, but also weaken all the defenses of the opponent!

Is this too scary?

If there was a cavalry corps, all of them would be equipped with the Nine Nether Soul Saddle...

It only takes a hundred people to kill thousands of troops!

It is enough to ensure that the special effects of "Nine Nethers" can be seamlessly connected.

Although the trigger rate is low...

But if one hundred cavalry attacked one by one, are you afraid that it won't trigger?

If this can't be triggered, then two hundred cavalry, three hundred cavalry...

As long as the number of cavalry is large enough, it can completely make up for this trigger rate problem!

"However, this epic saddle is expensive to build!

"It takes 2 million source crystals to make one piece."

The big devil girl looked at the properties of the blueprint and felt a little terrified.

You must know that she is now level 45, with a territory of nearly 1,200 square kilometers, and she can only earn about 450,000 Yuan crystals every day.

Of this, more than half is consumed daily.

Such as food expenditures, building maintenance, recruitment expenditures...etc.

It is equivalent to the source crystals that she can freely control at the end of each day, adding up to more than 100,000.

According to this rhythm...

She has to save up for 20 days to create a "Nine Nether Soul Saddle"!

But this is nothing to Qin Ye.

Even now.

Qin Ye's daily income is already around 10 million Yuanjing.

Although it is not enough to build the Nine Nether Soul Saddle in large quantities, it is not a problem to build a purgatory warhorse for Qin Huang Yingzheng first.

"Then... is it going to be built now? 35

"Do you have enough source crystals?"

The big devil girl swallowed her saliva, her chest heaving a little violently.

this thing...

Stop talking about her.

Even her tutors at school have never met.

Even many of the great lords of her school have never met.

something epic...

It is always unattainable!

"It's not enough now, but it'll be enough soon, aren't there two island lords waiting to send us money?

Qin Ye said with a smile.

"Ah, is that so?

The big devil girl suddenly realized.

Until now, she still can't believe it.

In Qin Ye, a new lord who is only level 29...

Those two level 48 and 49 island lords who had been in development for more than half a year were just here to give money!

"Come on, let's continue to open the treasure chest.

Qin Ye raised his hand.

Void flow!

With the auspicious unicorn and the big devil sister, they teleported forward one kilometer together.

He is asking the big devil sister to circle around the entrance of the cave around the underground magma river to open up the surrounding vision.

By the time……

Qin Ye plans to build a city here!

City, not only can attract refugees, but also the most effective means of defense.

After this experience, Qin Ye felt that it was necessary to protect this purgatory horse farm.

Many qualified lords will build cities all over the place.

It's just not that big.

For example, in the territory of the Great Demon Lord, in addition to the city in her initial territory, there are a total of four small cities in other places.

It's just that the four small cities only cover an area of ​​2km*2km, which is really very small.


Qin Ye took the big devil sister, rode the auspicious unicorn together, circled around, and opened another 7 squares of territory.

Qin Ye got 7 treasure chests!

The 6 treasure chests in the middle are all gray, white, green and blue.

I didn't even see a purple one (Prince class/5 stars).

But at the end of the seventh treasure chest...

Shining golden light!

"Emperor level, golden treasure chest!"

The big devil girl was shocked again.


Have a problem?

She has opened more than 1,000 treasure chests, which is also an epic treasure chest, and auspicious unicorns have emerged.

Then the three emperor-level treasure chests are all 6-star equipment.

The result is now...

She just took refuge with Qin Ye, directly an epic-level treasure chest, and another emperor-level treasure chest?

【You have opened the Emperor-level orange treasure chest from "The Great Demon Lord"!】

[You have obtained the emperor-level architectural drawings: Fengfeitian Temple! 】

Fengfeitian Temple?

Qin Ye was a little surprised and didn't expect to open an architectural drawing.

He opened the backpack to check the properties:

[Fengfeitian Temple (Emperor Class): Architectural drawings, can be built three times]

[Construction cost: 640,000 source crystals]

[Attribute bonus: The number of refugees attracted by the current city daily increases by 300%!]

[Sacrificial Ceremony: Hold a celebration, attract 1,200 refugees to your own city at one time, consume 150,000 source crystals, and have a 3-day cooldown! 】

(Note: Each city can only have one Fengfeitian Temple at most.)

"This is cool!

Qin Ye's eyes lit up.

After looking at the properties, he had to say that the architectural drawings came at the right time.

In the dark world, there are a variety of architectural drawings, which can be obtained through similar adventures. Of course, killing monsters also has a very low probability of falling, all of which are face-to-face.

And the shrine buildings...

Qin Ye had hardly heard of it before!

Probably only in some extremely niche and curious books such as "Dark World Architectural Wonders", it is possible to find relevant records.

Qin Ye had never heard of it anyway.

"This Fengfeitian Temple can be built three times.

"In other words, I can build three cities, all with a Fengfeitian Temple!""

"In this case…..."

"Isn't my population and strength coming very fast?"

Although the construction consumes a lot.

There is also a lot of consumption to hold sacrificial celebrations.

But this is still much more cost-effective than blasting soldiers!

Qin Ye looked at the backpack.

The epic saddle money of 2 million source crystals, he is temporarily unable to come up with.

But there is no problem in taking out the 640,000 Yuan Crystals to build the Fengfeitian Temple.

"Go back first and let someone build this Fengfeitian Temple!""

"When this Fengfeitian Temple is built, my population will skyrocket!

Qin Ye felt refreshed.

"What happened this time?"

"Laughing so nicely? 35

The big devil girl in front of him is very curious!

Qin Ye didn't hide it.

Anyway, this is not an important thing, so I showed her the properties of the drawing.


"Fengfeitian Temple? This is the first time I've heard of this type of building..."

"It seems that the attributes are not wrong!

"You said you said, is Senior Sister your goddess of luck?"

This girl is in a good mood...

Seeing Qin Ye come out with something good, he is still very happy for him.


Qin Ye simply followed her words and "thanks": "Thank you so much, my goddess of luck. 99

"Don't you say that the meeting will die?"

The girl blushed a little when she heard it: "Next time, remove the word 'big'!

"Okay, big devil sister. 99

Qin Ye nodded seriously.


At this moment, the girl Qiu Wan regretted for the first time - why did she choose such a lord's name?

I teased the girl for a while.

Qin Ye returned to his original territory.

Gather people and start building the "Fengfeitian Temple"!

at the same time.

That's when Qin Ye and the big devil sister were both relaxed and comfortable.

There are two people who have fallen into deep fear and despair...

That is the two island lords of Tatsuno and Sato!

They are very clear...

Now the shadow demon lord has been eyeing them.

Moreover, they also know what terrifying methods the Shadow Fiend Lord has.

Feel free to explore the territory!

No need to consume source crystals at all!

In the presence of this...

Their initial territory, no matter how well hidden, will be dug up by the Shadow Demon Lord in a short period of time!!


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