Dark Moon Era

Chapter 751: Tang Ling is king

What law will deprive luck?


   At the moment before his death, Thor seemed to regain his consciousness. He believed Tang Ling's words, but he just couldn't figure out what the rules should be for depriving luck?


   Unfortunately, the answer will never be available.


   Tang Ling exerted a slight force under his feet, and the energy shattered Thor's heart, completely making him lose the ability to think.


   The surface of the sea began to be a little unstable, because a fourth-level ocean beast had just died not far away. Its ‘temptation’ flesh and blood was slowly sinking, and greed would attract all kinds of existence.


   "Leave here and return to the dark harbor." Tang Ling simply said something like this and walked towards his cabin.


   And at this moment, who would dare to violate Tang Ling's words on the Big Fish? The Big Fish began to return at full speed. As long as Tang Ling didn't speak, they didn't even have the courage to slow the ship a little bit.


   Standing on the terrace at the door, Tang Ling didn't rush into the room. He just fought and killed him, and he still had blood in his body. Let it go for a while. When Bi An is asleep, he must not like the smell.


   Gazing at the sea in the distance, Tang Ling lit a cigarette brought out of the fragments of time and space. He saw that in the place where he had just fought, there was already a second-level ocean beast eager to try...


   The action is so fast! But think about it, this is the first time the loot has been cheaper by other guys. But compared to the spoils, this time the battle without deliberate disaster is actually more rewarding.


   Without fighting, how can I verify my improved strength? If you don’t fight, how can you adapt to the new combat direction after your ability is improved? Such a relatively safe battle gave me a new understanding of my own strength, so that when the real crisis comes, I will be more calm.


   Tang Ling squeezed out the cigarette in his hand. He was fortunate that there was such a buffering process after his return, and he understood a little bit about the changes in the world and a little bit about himself.


   is just Xiaozhong, Tang Ling touched his chest.


   I will try my best to make you fully recover, this brand new world is afraid that it will set off a bigger storm, I still need you to stand by your side.




   There is a huge spherical space hidden in a place where I don’t know how many meters underground. In the center of the spherical sky, a transparent sphere the size of a square floats.


   The transparent sphere exudes a soft light, which is softer and more natural than the fluorescent lamp invented by the pre-civilized mankind, and a little brighter than the natural sky light.


These lights illuminate the spherical space underground, but when it reaches the four walls of the spherical space, the light seems to be absorbed by something, so here it is impossible to see what the four walls of the spherical space are. structure? rock? Litu? Or something else?


   But through these rays of light, the inside of the transparent sphere can be seen clearly. It turns out that the entire transparent sphere is a huge room filled with a sense of technology beyond human imagination.


   A group of people in black wearing the same black silver uniforms stood in the center of this room. Because of the huge relationship between the rooms, even though there are many ultra-modern and densely mysteriously patterned machinery here, they still appear empty.


   Hundreds of people in black stood here. Not only were they not crowded, but they looked a bit cold and desolate, because there were too few people to feel warm and safe.


   At this time, they were silent, all of them slightly raised their heads to look at the huge projection in front of them.


   And Wei Ying sits on a large chair in front of the man in black. This is the only piece of furniture in this empty space. It is slightly obtrusive, and it also sets off the perfect slender figure of Wei Ying.


   But no one cares about this, everyone's attention is on the huge projection.


Is    something wonderful? No!


   is just a battle between a Tier 3 Purple Moon warrior and a Tier 4 marine beast. Such battles are staged every day in many parts of the world.


   But the difference is that the person who fights is the son of that person, a guy who everyone thinks is mortal.


   But he was not dead, he came back, and broke through the most critical third level. This was a test for him, trying to verify an impossible thing.


   No one holds hope, just like staying in this vast universe for a long time, and then insisting on believing that the universe is actually boring.


   Because no matter how many changeable planets the universe has, how many rich and novel lives, the core laws will not change.


   Some things that are not in the law seem to have laws, for example, the more perfect you have, the greater the cost to protect it.


   Another example is the perfect gene chain. The cost of growth is very high, including when the third-order breakthrough, it is impossible to touch the law.


   It's scary to think about it. What kind of world of laws will a perfect gene chain correspond to? Is the consciousness of a Tier 3 Purple Moon warrior affordable?


   So, the perfect gene chain is certainly exciting. But after Tang Feng appeared like a white mouse, it cooled down most of everyone's hopes.


  Perfect gene chain! Each level of promotion consumes huge resources. Without the help of external forces, it is difficult for him to grow.


  Perfect gene chain! Breaking through the third tier, because they have no access to the world of laws, they are not as good as other people with top talents in terms of combat effectiveness. Of course, those people's gene chains are also very strong, with at least seven or more gene locks.


   At this stage, if there is no external force to help the owner of the perfect gene chain quickly break through the sixth stage, then he will become a tasteless existence.


   These are the results of verification, at least everyone in black at the scene is very clear about the details.


   Because of the emergence of a perfect gene chain, how excited is Master Weiying, and what hope do everyone hold? Then, it was Master Satellite Television who invested at all costs, even at a certain price, and violated a few thirty-six rules that everyone here should abide by.


   But what happened? The result was Tang Feng's fall.


   What a gloomy memory, for these people in black who don't have real rich emotions, using the word gloomy is already an extremely serious description.


   Why is this? Is it because Tang Feng is so important? Not really! Everyone here does not place too much emphasis on the power of the individual.


  In front of the vast universe, how much can a powerful living body do? How much can it afford? What is particular about the universe is ethnicity!


   Can Tang Feng not matter? Not really!


   After all, he is the owner of the first perfect gene chain. If some feasibility can be proved on him, then there is hope for the race.


A single spark can start a prairie fire.


   The power of genes can change ethnic groups.


   This is where the real hope lies. But when Tang Feng did not fall, this hope had already dimmed. The resources devoted to Tang Feng could not benefit the entire ethnic group on a large scale, at least at this stage.


   And if there is enough time, then hope will become shining again. But isn’t time the most lacking?

   So, so ah!


   Whatever the group of guys think? Oh, that's the group of more proud, aloof guys who took Yuan as their ancestor... But everyone here has lost hope.


  Of course, Master Satellite Television did not express too many opinions. Only when Tang Feng fell behind, she was obviously lost.


   Yes, the perfect gene chain will fall. The environment of the planet is not extremely cruel to these people in black!


   And what happened later?


   Later there was Tang Ling, another owner of the perfect gene chain.


If Tang Ling's appearance makes it impossible for these people in black to have no fluctuations in their hearts, after all, it is still a perfect gene chain, a legend, an extreme, a disaster, and it is also what life in the entire universe looks up to, jealous, and so The gene chain of fear.


   But Tang Feng’s failure was like a slap in the face, before it fell, and it was hot and painful. How should this group of people face Tang Ling?


   Weiying-sama's heart knot seemed to be heavier, and she made a decision that she would only observe and not interfere.


   Some people in black will think maliciously about this decision, shouldn't it be that if you can't face it, you just don't face it, right? Just treat it as if he doesn't exist.


   In fact, some people are opposed to it, thinking that the individual's perfect genetic chain should be given some help, but it was directly denied by Master Weiying.


   Here, Master Weiying is an absolute authority outside the rules. Under special circumstances, she can decide everything alone, just like she was so decisive to support Tang Feng.


   Then again?


   The owner of this second perfect gene chain was really ignored, at least ignored by the group of them. As for the group of arrogant guys, they didn't ignore him, but they just didn't ignore it. The key help and attention? That is absolutely nothing.


  Under such circumstances, the people in black have roughly two judgments about the fate of the owner of this second perfect gene chain.


   The first type, his talent will not be discovered. In this way, he is safe, but he is always stuck on resources and cannot grow.


   The second type is that his talent is discovered, and then he will fall.


   will definitely fall. Thinking about how Tang Feng died, it is hard to imagine that Tang Ling would not fall without any powerful external help.


   What about the facts?


The people in black continued to be silent. In the picture, Tang Ling was shrouded in the lightning of the Lei Ren narwhal, but the people in black did not think that Tang Ling would die this time. On the contrary, it was something unprecedented in the long years and could not be understood. The complex emotions began to rise in my heart.


   This emotion is not strong, very weak. But it's very memorable, is this also a miracle?


   At this time, no one wants to ask this boring question.


   is just this situation, it will make people recall Tang Ling's growth trajectory completely.


  His destiny started in the first direction. In the most hopeless, the lowest settlement, there is a high probability that it will be buried.


  The appearance of Su Xiao later reversed his fate, but how much help can Su Xiao provide? Moreover, Su Xiao was quickly frozen in ice, which is no different from death.


   Then, like Tang Feng, he was finally noticed by the Star Council.


   Hehe, Star Council.


   These four words cannot be spoken. As long as they are uttered, most of the people present will behave out of control.


   Although it's just a helpless behavior out of control.


   Okay, skimming over the topic of the Star Council. In short, Tang Ling's destiny jumped to the second direction.


   There is no difference between everything and the calculation.


   Numerous life and death crises, endless road ahead, and countless difficulties and embarrassments all meant that Tang Ling could not grow up and would fall at any time.


   But the unexpected and unpredictable also appeared. What does he, Tang Ling, look like? Most people in black here will answer like a weed.


   Lack of care, but there will always be new green shoots in the spring of the following year, absorbing nutrients, and then growing wildly. Perhaps, it was just a spring with good weather. Perhaps it is just another rainy season with abundant rains. You regained your senses, it has become a small lush grassland.


   There is nothing wrong with this description!


   This disregarded guy is not only alive, but also growing up very well. It is more tenacious than Tang Feng and exudes tenacious vitality. It can't help but remind people of the great existence of civilization at the beginning.


   I hope to rekindle again, but it is not as strong as when the first perfect gene chain appeared. This mood is probably to see, maybe there is a surprise?


  The people in black here won't easily believe anything, so they won't call Tang Ling a miracle kid like people on the planet.


   Finally, Tang Ling fell into the crack of time and space...will be lost, but after all, he didn't do anything. Just as the process of life is wonderful, death will exist forever.


   I had expected it a long time ago, but I can still bear it in my heart. Doing something will disrupt the plan and ignite unexpected hopes. This is a bad thing.


   at least for people in black who are absolutely sane most of the time.


   But, he is back! He is back! Isn't it?


   The complex emotions turned out to be intense, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the projection screen also entered a climax, the arc dissipated, and Tang Ling's figure appeared. With a calm and indifferent expression, small electric arcs flickered between the open palms.


   The law of thunder and lightning is still very rough, it is not worth seeing, and there will be no waves in my heart when I see it.


   But in the entire empty venue, heavy breathing sounded one after another.


   Look, what did we see? He relied on his perfect promotion every step, and his foundation was extremely solid. He fought countless times and danced between life and death. After he survived, he could put aside the perfect genetic chain, and he could also pin his heavy hopes on his shoulders.


  The important thing is that he really came into contact with the law in the third level... and it was not the first contact of ordinary people, feelings! Instead, he entered the world of laws!


   Complex emotions seem to rise to the extreme at this time. What kind of emotion is this? Most people in black felt the illusion of flushing their faces.


   Tang Ling completely subverted, turned into a real slap, and slapped the group of onlookers fiercely.


   But it was so pleasant to be fanned.


   couldn't help it anymore. Among the two men in black standing in front of all the men in black, there was the one who accompanied Wei Ying to observe Tang Ling on the ring mountain.


   They stepped forward, bowed and held their fists over their heads.


   "Master Weiying, please formally confirm Tang Ling as king."

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