Dark Moon Era

Chapter 644: Yi Song

  Chapter 645 Yi Ge (seeking monthly ticket)

  The huge dead beast floating on the surface of the sea.

  The silent teenagers looked at the figure standing on the deck with trust and eagerness in their eyes.

  The mist has gradually thickened, and the white mist like ribbons began to appear, but in less than half a minute, it became dense.

   is about to reach the tipping point. When these white ribbon-like white mists are intertwined into pieces, this place will also form a dead fog area.

  This means that those fierce beasts who are inexplicably bound will attack them without any obstacles.

  Everyone is waiting for Tang Ling to make a decision! It must be so!

   Tang Ling has already demonstrated his ability just now, even if he wants to escape, he can only take everyone to escape.

  All things slowly surfaced after the crisis was resolved.

  At first, it was Tang Ling who strongly prevented everyone from entering the death fog area. His gratitude was late, and many people felt a little guilty.

  This undoubtedly added to their trust in Tang Ling.

   "The battle is over." The death fog area was already in front of him, but Tang Ling didn't mean to panic at all.

  His composure affected everyone, at least there was no confusion in the fleet.

  Even at this time, those fierce beasts in the dead fog area have become even more crazy, even discovered the existence of the teenagers, and began to attack the juvenile fleet wanting to break free.

   "Formation." Tang Ling only issued such an order. He did not say whether to enter the death fog area or escape.

   But even so, no teenager asked anything. Tang Ling said that the formation, and they immediately began to cooperate with Tang Ling's actions.

  Accurate command and rapid cooperation, the fleet soon formed a huge triangle according to Tang Ling's will. The Harvest was in front of the triangle, directly facing the death fog area.

  At this time, even if Tang Ling did not speak, as long as he had a little thought, it was clear that Tang Ling was about to enter the death fog area.

  Do you want to enter? The densely packed beasts were so scary, some teenagers realized Tang Ling's decision, they couldn't help but pale a little, swallowed quietly, and did not dare to object to it.

  Because it does not enter the death fog area, it is also a dead end. There are densely packed fierce beasts outside the fog area. Without Tang Ling's command, it is also a dead end.

  Tang Ling’s warship was still in front of the Harvest, and in silence, Tang Ling suddenly jumped onto the cabin of the warship.

  He raised a hand and clenched his fist.

  This is a universal gesture in the Ziyue era, representing moving forward.

  Is it really going to move forward? Every sailor sent from the dark harbor who is driving a warship in the cabin is sweaty in the palms of his hands.

  They are just in charge of sailing the boat and can't participate in anything.

  Being able to face this kind of danger, he would definitely feel scared, but he did not have any right to resist.

"I'll be alone and go first. You just need to believe me!" Tang Ling put down the raised hand after saying this, and just stood on top of the cabin, letting the boat under his feet be Slowly drive towards the death fog area.

   "What will happen?" Samuel didn't know when she arrived on the Harvest, she insisted on sitting beside the other shore, turning her head and looking at Tang Ling's ship curiously.

  Worried? Samuel was not worried at all. In her mind, Tang Ling was cunning like an old fox.

  Not only caress, never loses, but also good at inciting, let alone put yourself in danger.

  He did this, probably just to pretend to be X. He must have something to do.

  I have to say that Samuel’s understanding of Tang Ling is about 6 points. Even if he doesn’t have much contact, with Samuel’s cleverness, he can still summarize the characteristics of a person.

   But even so, Samuel could not guess what Tang Ling's hole card was?

  Facing Samuel’s question, Hiran gasped slightly. Her injury had not fully recovered, and the feeling of weakness still lingered. She retracted her legs and lay on her side comfortably on the chair.

  Samuel thoughtfully put the blanket beside the chair on the other bank, and then half leaned on the other bank's lap.

  This picture is simply beautiful and terribly beautiful, one is stunning, one is noble, one is a soft but poisonous flower swaying by the waters of hell, and the other is a smart but heroic spirit dancing in the moonlight.

   are all beautiful, full of personal strong and unique temperament.

   Even Nan Yu, who never paid attention to the beauty of girls, could not help holding his breath when seeing this picture.

  The other side does not resist Samuel’s approach? This is too weird.

  Xifeng couldn't help being a little jealous. Although she also thought this picture was very beautiful, what she didn't know was that in the **** battle just now, Bi An's heart had quietly changed, some of the ice had been broken, and it had become softer.

  Even if she wants to lean on Bi An’s shoulder now, Bi An will not necessarily refuse.

  So, in the past, Bi An would never answer Samuel’s question. At this moment, Bi An even softly reminded Samuel: "Who do you think is sailing for Tang Ling?"

   While talking, Bi An seemed to find it very interesting, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and with one hand resting her cheek, with her side-lying posture, there was an unspeakable fascination.

   "God, the other side is so beautiful. Pull her into my team, you can use her as a sign to promote the masses." Samuel was a little dazed at first.

   Then, suddenly remembering the words Bi An said, the expression in his eyes suddenly changed.

  Yes, who is sailing for Tang Ling? Thinking of the ray of light when Tang Ling came back, the question doesn't seem so simple?

  The details that everyone hadn't noticed, Bi An noticed. This can't be explained simply that she pays enough attention to Tang Ling, she is very smart, not even inferior to Tang Ling.

  This question is very interesting.

   Thinking, Samuel couldn’t help raising a smile, then put his head on the other shore’s lap, and said in a mocking tone: “I’m afraid it’s not a little vixen, aren’t you worried?”

   "Huh? Little vixen?" Higan rolled his eyes, his eyes flowed: "I always thought that I was the scariest vixen."

  "" This statement? Samuel was speechless and couldn't help but glance at Bi An, yeah, what vixen does Bi An need to worry about? If she says she is a vixen, then what other woman is qualified to be a vixen in front of her?

However, Samuel couldn’t help the “little devil” in her heart. She wanted to take the urge to **** the other shore from Tang Ling. She teased: “Men are always greedy for freshness. In the face of freshness, beauty and ugliness Isn’t that important? Speaking of which, it’s better for girls to be with girls. What do you think, Higan?"

   "This way, then I will always stay fresh, won't it be alright?" The other side smiled and groaned, and remained unmoved by Samuel's words.

  Samuel couldn’t help rolling her eyes, but the next moment she couldn’t care about ‘mocking’ the other shore, because Tang Ling’s ship had already reached the edge of the dead fog area.

  At this moment, Tang Ling's boat stopped.

But his boat is so close to the death fog area, only a few centimeters away, the bow of the ship will touch the edge of the death fog area, it feels like walking to a fish pond full of hungry beasts, and the toes have reached the extreme. edge.

  Hungry beasts will be crazy about this.

  The beasts in the death fog area are the same. They began to gather frantically towards Tang Ling’s ship. Countless beasts jumped out of the water and tried all kinds of methods to attack, bite, and hit.

These fierce beasts squeezed in front are all marine fierce beasts above level three, among them there are even two fierce marine beasts of level five. Their bodies are so huge, like hills standing in front of Tang Ling’s ship. .

  Just looking at this picture gives people a strong sense of oppression, let alone approaching, I am afraid that even going backwards will require great courage.

  Tang Ling sat down at this moment, no one knew what he was going to do? Do you want to rest here for a while?

  Everyone was extremely nervous. As long as Tang Ling's boat traveled ten meters, no, five meters, he could know the ending without any calculation.

  He will be torn to pieces with people and boats! !

  It’s too late to look back now! Some crew members who are relatively timid, seem to have lost the courage to look on. He even prayed that Tang Ling would turn his head.

  And those who are bolder are not necessarily better? They looked at Tang Ling's boat tightly, with a cold sweat on their backs.

  Tang Ling is very powerful, he can single-handle a fourth-level fierce beast, but even if so many fierce beasts come to an advanced purple moon warrior, I am afraid that he can only choose to avoid its edge, right? Anyway, based on the insights of these quasi-purple moon fighters, it was impossible for Tang Ling to think of any other way to solve the situation in front of him and allow the fleet to enter the death fog area smoothly.

  So, Tang Ling suddenly stopped and sat down now, was he hesitating? Still thinking about whether or not to enter the death fog area at the end?


"So many, it's like a piece of meat, are you sure you can do it?" Tang Ling sat with his back to everyone, no one could see Tang Ling's front clearly, and naturally no one could see Tang Ling's chest hanging. With a small conch.

  At this time, Tang Ling was muttering to the conch in a very small voice.

"I've said it ten thousand times. Why don't you even have basic trust in people?" A girl's crisp voice came from the conch, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Tang Ling. Complaining.

   "Hey, if it's wrong, I'm dead. How long have you known me? Trust doesn't say that?" Tang Ling raised his eyebrows. In fact, he didn't have any worries?

   "Just tell me, what are you going to do?" The female voice was helpless, but she seemed to have seen Tang Ling through.

  This guy is not worried at all, he is taking the opportunity to negotiate terms.

"Hey." Tang Ling smiled very plainly, and then said: "I can put a life bet on the mermaid. In return, I think the mermaid should give me some gifts more or less. It doesn't need to be precious. , Anyway, you think you can still get it, just give me a few boxes, I’m"

   "I have had enough of you! If humans are like you, then I have begun to regret choosing to cooperate with humans, I should"

   "Go ahead, are there any gifts?"


  "How much to give?"

   "At most two."

   "Okay, let's go!" Tang Ling stood up suddenly, then twisted the conch on his chest.

  The conch shuddered slightly, and the ship under his feet moved forward and entered the death fog area.


   "Go in." Lancaster tried hard to maintain his apparent composure, but he managed to betray him with the trembling hand on the side of the ship.

   There was no accident. The moment Tang Ling’s ship entered, all the fierce beasts gathered on the edge of the death fog area began to go mad.

  They couldn't wait to attack Tang Ling's ship, and the huge waves that just made Tang Ling's ship almost capsized.

  Furthermore, various talents and abilities are accumulating. Looking from a distance, it is like a misty area suddenly lit up with various colors, and there is a spectacular feeling.

  But, the next moment is a tragedy! Why did Tang Ling do this? Although Tang Ling seemed so calm.

  But is it really calm? Tang Ling was now lying on the cabin, barely maintaining his body, not falling into the sea, he spit out the seawater in the mouth, and then urged loudly with a complaint: "What the hell? Hurry up! "

  But at this time, there was no sound from the conch.

  Is it fooled? So, what should we do in this situation now? Tang Ling has a bad feeling, but who is Tang Ling? A person who always maintains a terrible sense of reason, he clearly knows that now is not the time to care, even if it is a desperate situation, he has to find a way to find a chance!

  At this moment, a melodious harp sound suddenly came from the conch hanging on Tang Ling's chest.

  With the sound of this music, the fierce beasts gathered on the edge seemed to calm down a bit, at least the frantic attack on Tang Ling and Tang Ling's warship suddenly stopped.

  The sound of the harp did not stop anymore. Instead, with the sound of ‘ding ding dong dong’, an old and melodious piece of music began to flow out of the conch on Tang Ling’s chest.

This music is so beautiful, in the floating mist, with strands of sorrow, but with a kind of mystery that seems to come from ancient times, and accompanied by a sighing aftertaste, Setsana spreads throughout the entire Sea area.

  Everyone was stunned. Where did such wonderful music come from? More importantly, as the music progressed, the fierce beasts went from quiet to peacefulness. They returned to the surface of the sea peacefully, and began to chase Tang Ling's boat gently swimming, they made various expressions. The friendly low moan seems to be in response to this wonderful music.

"Ah ah ah ah ah

  I am a wave in the sea, and I borrowed a ray of starlight from the night sky.

  I let the stars stay on my chest and sing softly with the surging of the ocean.

  The sea has light, and the sea has song.

  The sea has me, there is me

Ah ah ah ah ah

  I am a wave in the sea, let the stars illuminate a teardrop.

  I let you stay in my soul, tingling with the waves of longing.


  The sound of the harp did not stop. With the sound of the music, a perfect and emotional female voice also joined it.

  The magic contained in this female voice seems to be stronger than the music brought by the harp. This is an aria with a deep sadness. There is no better interpretation in this world than this female voice.

  Amidst this singing, all the teenagers seem to have forgotten how dangerous the death fog area is, how terrifying the beast is. Just listening intoxicated, tears have already fallen unknowingly.

  The crew responsible for sailing the ship had already set sail involuntarily, and began to unconsciously move towards the dead fog area, as if to follow in Tang Ling's footsteps.

  In this wave of magical music, even the crew on the Harvest, even Liszt, and even Lancaster could not remain fully awake at all.

  Even Bi An couldn't help closing his eyes, as if he chose to sleep in this music, but from time to time he would look at Tang Ling again, with sadness flowing in his eyes.

  There is only one person who is awake, and that is Samuel.

  But even when he is awake, the look on Samuel’s face starts to become heavy, even a little complicated

   "This is the real top singing from the mermaid?" Samuel couldn't help standing up from the other side and walking towards the bow.

  No one knows better than her how terrifying the talent of the mermaid tribe.

  In the ancient legend, it was said that the crew could not stand the temptation of the mermaid singing and unpack the ship to destroy the land, and eventually the ship was destroyed and killed.

  People think this is just a beautiful legend, but this is true at all! Because the scene before us reproduces the legendary scene, and because the Poseidon family also has this ability, this is the core ability of the Poseidon family, and this is also the key to the Poseidon family becoming the royal family of the sea! !

  In fact, the real royal family in the sea should be the merman.

  If they don’t have fatal weaknesses, they won’t have the turn of the Poseidon family. However, mermaid is evil, this is the ancient motto of the Poseidon family, so why did Tang Ling choose to cooperate with the mermaid?

  Even if everyone in the room didn't know it, Samuel knew it the moment he heard the harp.

Tang Ling still didn’t know that Samuel was not bewildered by the singing, and he had even seen everything. He turned around and watched all the boats unknowingly followed him into the dead fog area, watching all the beasts look at him. The eyes are just like the eyes of a pet looking at the owner, and I can't help but feel that all this is too shocking and amazing.

  He jumped down from the cabin, and at this moment, a figure also walked out of the cabin.

She has long sea-blue hair, and her eyes are as bright and deep as the sea shining with stars. There is a house in front of her with a simple atmosphere, which looks a little broken, but when you look closely at the harp with a hidden treasure, she Singing, there was a sadness in his eyes that seemed inevitable.

  If any member of the mermaid tribe is here, you can recognize at a glance that this girl is not one of the mermaid’s double pride-Caiwuzhu?

The singing did not mean to stop, but a voice came from Tang Ling’s conch: “This sea area is very dangerous. This sleepy mist is too energy-consuming, and I must support and take you through. This sea area."

   "What I need, you quickly get ready."

  This can still speak, Tang Ling is a little bit emotional about the magic of the mermaid clan, but at this time, Tang Ling didn't dare to waste time asking anything, but turned around and entered the cabin and dragged out a huge bag.

  This bag contains slow Magnum Energy Stones, stacked neatly in stacks.

  Tang Ling took a small pile and piled it directly beside Cai Wuzhu's feet. Cai Wuzhu played the harp with one hand, and picked up a magnum energy stone with the other.

  The most top-grade Magnum Energy Stone exuded a faint purple glow in her hand, but in less than five minutes, it turned into a gray piece of waste, and Cai Wuzhu picked up the second piece.

   "This is more edible than I am!" Tang Ling shook his head, frowning and looking around.

  There are more fierce beasts cruising in this sea area than Tang Ling had imagined. Not to mention the third and fourth-level fierce beasts, even the fifth and sixth-level fierce beasts.

  This is basically to kill all the geniuses completely, this is basically to destroy the foundation of mankind, think about it, if one or two decades later, the top masters of mankind are suddenly lost by half, and many things cannot be passed on.

  In this way, is the tribe of Cai Wuzhu still worthy of forgiveness?

  The uneasy feeling in Tang Ling's heart did not disappear, and he did not continue to get worse, but strangely, a trace of uncertainty was added to that deep uneasiness. What does this mean?

  All the juvenile fleets have begun to line up, following him in an orderly manner, after all they have gone deep into the death fog area.

However, according to Cai Wuzhu's statement, in her singing, these teenagers are not in a sober state. When her singing stops, these teenagers can regain their sobriety. At that time, they will lose this part of being'bewildered'. Memory.

  Then these teenagers are equivalent to being "forcibly" brought into the death fog area by themselves, and they must shoulder this responsibility!

  Tang Ling is not a holy father, he is just a person with the principle of ‘dare to do, dare to be’.

  He didn't know why he insisted on bringing these young people in. If he was asked to say the answer, the only thing he could say was that he had a voice in his heart and let him choose to do so.

   Does this voice come from his mysterious premonition, or is it related to precision instinct? Tang Ling couldn't answer all of them!

  He did this instinctively according to his inner drive, and inadvertently put the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Take a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tang Ling picked up the conch in his hand: "I know that talking to you will increase your burden. But I still have to make sure one thing, everything is really like what you did. As I said, the beasts gathered are only the edge of the death fog area, and there are no beasts in the core area?"

   "In addition, can you really take the fleet through this edge area safely?"

"In which year, there were no beasts in the core area of ​​the Dead Mist. This is only known to the mermaid clan. Because you humans are generally only in the marginal areas. At least as far as I know, people who have entered the core area. There are no more than ten, and they seem to undoubtedly reveal this secret."

   "I don't know what you humans think."

   "But now, please don't bother me anymore, let me repeat this to you. Trust me, and provide me with sufficient resources. After all, for this matter, the mermaid tribe has already come up with the treasure of the tremor!"

    first send a 6,000-character chapter, do you think that’s the end? Of course not, me! I knew I was in debt. So, there is an update today. You see, I always accumulate and update together. Although it is my fault, it is also very hard, isn't it? Would you like a monthly pass to soothe me?



  (End of this chapter)

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