Dark Moon Era

Chapter 739: wake

   Chapter 740 Awakening

   Tang Ling? What does Tang Ling mean? Is it the name of a law? No, Tang Ling sounds familiar, it seems very important.

  But, even if it is important, you can ignore it.

  It’s just that eager voice that can’t be ignored. When I hear it, I feel a lot of strangeness. What are these strangeness?


  Love, care, dependence, and cherishment. All of Tang Ling's thoughts were squeezed out of Tang Ling by disturbances, pulling most of his spirit and consciousness out of the law of pursuit and exploration.

  When he got a little breath of thought and was able to seriously think about other things, the things that Tang Ling had forgotten in the depths of consciousness gradually became clear.

   "The other shore."

   "Shan Shan."

  Subconsciously, Tang Ling first called this name, and then everything that gradually became clear finally emerged completely.

  This is Tang Ling! Safety zone 17! Port of Darkness! Falling into the crack, I am breaking through.

   And remembering that Tang Ling's consciousness was like a lightning strike, because he instantly knew how dangerous the state was just now, and he was almost lost.

   But so suddenly sober, it almost collapsed the world of laws that Tang Ling had visualized.

  No one knows better than Tang Ling how precious this world of laws is. If it is as vast as the sea, there is not even a drop of sea water that I can hold in my hand now.

  Under this hesitation, the mental power that originally needed to be stable began to fluctuate extremely violently.

  If this continues, if you don’t end the visualization decisively, Tang Ling’s mental power will be severely damaged.

Does    end like this? Tang Ling, who had been living under tremendous pressure for a long time, was so unwilling to fight frantically without hesitation.

   Reasonably inform Tang Ling that he can only choose to end. His mental power and consciousness are quickly returning to himself, and the world of law begins to falter, and it will collapse in the next moment.

  But also at this time, Tang Ling felt that his hand was gently held by the other hand.

   "I know, you are back. I also know that you still want to continue to break through."

  "But please break out a trace of consciousness and hold my hand, okay?"

   "I will always be waiting for you."


   is the other side. Tang Ling, who has partly returned to his consciousness, naturally heard these words clearly.

  His heart suddenly became peaceful and warm. It turned out that Bi An wanted to protect him in this way. If his consciousness was lost, he would naturally not be able to hold Bi An back. At that time, Bi An would call him in time.

  Tang Ling didn’t know how Bi An perceives his danger. When he has no experience to deal with the accident during the breakthrough, he can call him in time and come up with such a method?

  Tang Ling only knew that he was no longer anxious and lost, and could safely continue to explore the world of laws before his spiritual power reached the limit.

  At this moment, Tang Ling gently shook Bi An's hand back. He understood that the hands held by Bi An at this time would be a brighter and tougher light than any treasure.

   Tang Ling's mental power stabilized, the world of laws was not broken, and he returned to that world again.


  It turned out to be close to Tang Ling and calling him is useful.

  When I saw that the successive calls were answered, I saw Tang Ling call out his name unconsciously, and saw Tang Ling’s expression change from confused to sober, from panic to annoyed

  Besides peace of mind, he also understood Tang Ling's thinking trajectory from these details. Therefore, she attached to Tang Ling's ear and told Tang Ling what she thought.

  Without wasting time with extra words, Tang Ling immediately returned his grip with a slight force, which also showed that Tang Ling had a tacit understanding of her.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, Bian An gently wiped off the nosebleed from his upper lip, and leaned his head on Tang Ling's chest.

  After entering the world of laws, Tang Ling's heartbeat became extremely slow, beating only once every twenty seconds. The mankind in the Purple Moon Era is very different from the mankind in the pre-civilization. I don't know what this change means?

  After solving Tang Ling's problem, his will became lax. Bi An forced himself to think about this problem, so that his brain, which was constantly flooded with fragments of various laws, could remain awake.

  And fortunately, when Tang Ling’s powerful heartbeat sounds every twenty seconds, it can bring great peace and relief

  Finally did it, Bi An endured great pain, and gratefully glanced at the little egg standing beside Tang Ling.

  At the moment, if Xiaodan was not willing to help, Bi An would have no way to get close to Tang Ling, even if he was so anxious, Tang Ling’s remaining mental power and consciousness disappeared.

This is not that Bi An’s will to help Tang Ling is not firm enough, but that every time he gets closer to Tang Ling, the fragments of the law will become more and densely packed in the brain, unable to think about anything, only the brain has to be supported. The feeling of explosion, no matter how strong the will is, it will be submerged in it.

  If possible, Bi An would not hesitate to use his life in exchange for Tang Ling's safety.

  She tried to get close to Tang Ling again and again, but every time after her mind and will were swallowed, her body would instinctively retreat.

  What’s even more tormenting is that every second feels that Tang Ling is lost deeper.

  Just give up like this? no way! The only thing Bi An can be sure of is that without Tang Ling, all her meaning in the world would disappear.

  She used great strength to calm herself down and not reckless, so that she could help Tang Ling.

  So, she noticed Xiaodan.

  The little egg can stand safely beside Tang Ling, and the behavior of the little egg on weekdays proves that it is extremely wise.

and so.

   "Little egg, help me."

  Bi An did not hesitate too much, she directly asked Xiaodan for help.

  Facts have proved that Bian's judgment is correct, and Xiaodan directly gave Bian a conscious response.

   had no words, but everything expressed was very clear. It could barely help Bi An approach Tang Ling, but Bi An would still endure great pain and still be in danger.

  After getting close to Tang Ling, it can only use a little ability to eliminate some influences. The other side still needs to endure pain all the time until Tang Ling wakes up.

  Of course Xiaodan also wants to save Tang Ling, but the choice is on the other side.

  What are the good choices? Bi An didn't even feel surprised that Xiao Dan was so experienced in IQ and EQ as an old man, so she directly chose to be close to Tang Ling.

  At the moment when he approached Tang Ling step by step, Bi An no longer wanted to remember what it was like.

  The kind of feeling that is like constantly stuffing various huge objects in a limited space, until it is full, it can’t stop, and it can only be held until it cracks, which can be comparable to any cruel torture.

  Too many fragments of the law were inserted, the intracranial pressure directly rose to the extreme, and the capillaries burst under pressure.

  In this process, if there are outsiders present, it can almost be described as heroic.

   Moved step by step, the corners of his mouth and nose were full of blood, and the huge pain was only in the eyes, but he never wrinkled his brows. Instead, he looked at Tang Ling in front of him with a smile on his mouth.

  I can finally approach him and can finally help him.

  In fact, there has never been so-called heroism, only a heart that wants to guard the effort.

  Tang Ling, he didn’t know how dangerous this process was, how much pain Bi An had to endure, this also included Xiaodan’s shot, he just accepted the warmth and peace of mind at this moment in peace.

  Actually, it doesn't matter that the other shore Tang Ling knows, and Tang Ling will be calm even if he knows it.

  Because there is a tacit understanding that in any case, even if we exchange each other, the choice will be the same.

  The purest time cannot be forgotten, the years of mutual dependence are so long, where is only love for Tang Ling and Bi An?

  The sun outside the window is still shining, and the dust continues to fly in the reflected colorful colors. so easy.

  Bi An lowered his head and gently wiped the nosebleed again, closed his eyes, and leaned against Tang Ling's chest. Clench his hands tightly.


  On the way of sailing, the warmest thing is always the lighthouse standing far from the coastline.

  It keeps the ship from getting lost, and makes people feel at ease when they can see their way home on the wide and lonely sea.

  Bi An's hand, stubbornly lit a lamp for Tang Ling in such a powerful world of laws.

Tang Ling was relieved, although he couldn't fully understand the control rules as before, his speed slowed down.

  But there are many benefits of being sober.

  No longer arbitrarily relying on his preferences, Tang Ling knew that what he needed most was to understand some laws of space, and then touch the laws of time ruler.

  Because he wants to take the other side out of trouble, he must touch these two laws.

  This is not an easy task. If the rules are divided into levels, both the space and time rulers are high-level rules.

Tang Ling is very sober, he does not expect to be able to master it completely. He knows that even if he exhausts all resources to supplement his spiritual power, his spiritual power will definitely not support him to master the most basic entry rules of these two laws, so he can only do his best to go. understanding!

  However, with the resources of the Ultra-Order Fierce Beast in his hand, he should be able to get out of the trap.

  Tang Ling is very confident.

  The ability to choose is one of the benefits.

   And the second benefit made Tang Ling more happy. With such a clear consciousness, Tang Ling found that he could actively mobilize his precise instinct to observe the evolution of the law.

  Of course, this is still slower than full-hearted devotion, and the use of precision instincts will also consume more energy.

  But in the key evolutionary details, precision instinct can make Tang Ling see more clearly and understand more carefully.

  In front of the high-level laws, Tang Ling was full of awe. He didn't ask for quickness at all, but wanted to understand every step of the way down-to-earth and profound.

  As for the final benefit, Tang Ling didn't expect it at all.

  That is to use the precision instinct. Strictly speaking, it should be the use of the ‘spiritual eye’ to observe and understand the law, and it will slowly improve the spiritual eye.

  To know that Tang Ling is in this world, there is no way to be distracted to practice forging eyes, and his spiritual eyes have reached this level, it is impossible to cultivate as scattered as before.

did not think of

  Tang Ling's heart was delighted and annoyed.

  I am delighted that he believes that the accumulation of quantitative changes in the world of laws will produce qualitative changes, and when the outside world can practice forging eyes again, there will be a very fast period of improvement.

  This is Tang Ling’s talent, and its significance to Tang Ling is self-evident.

  To Tang Ling's chagrin, his mental power was limited after all, and his time in the world of laws was limited. otherwise.

   But this trace of annoyance made Tang Ling pay more and more attention to the power of mental power.


  The breakthrough process has become smoother.

  With the other side by his side, he carefully observed Tang Ling's details, so Tang Ling didn't even need to be distracted to supplement resources.

  Only for the other side, this time has passed a little longer.

  In the midway, Xiaodan conveyed a trace of consciousness, asking Bian to try to capture a little fragment. The benefits would be huge, and it can also relieve some pain because of concentration, but Bian refused.

  She was afraid of being distracted. She was afraid that a little distraction would not take care of Tang Ling, and even make Tang Ling lost. And she didn't have the slightest interest in the so-called good power. Perhaps her disaster gene chain allowed her to have power at her fingertips, but she became indifferent, so she could only be painfully awake every second and make the time long.

  The daylight gradually faded, the evening halo was warm, and the wind was a bit chilly, and the nosebleeds from the other side dripped on the floor, but it was already unable to wipe.

  How long will it take?

Bi An picked up the last bottle of precious mental power replenishment potion and sent it to Tang Ling's mouth. Perhaps because of the painful persistence, Bi An, who was already a soldier of the Purple Moon, looked a little pale, and with the blood on his upper lip, it seemed A little embarrassed.

  It’s just that beautiful looks have always been a god-given preference. Even if you are embarrassed, under the dusk of the sky, it will only make people feel more pity.

  So, Tang Ling's hand holding Bi An suddenly released.

  The other side looked up in panic, and the potion in his hand almost overflowed. But when I saw those familiar eyes, the eyes were filled with distress

  Bian An’s hand holding the potion was held, and at that moment, the fragments of the law that crowded Bian An’s mind seemed to disappear abruptly.

   "Thank you." Tang Ling gently took the medicine in Bi An's hand and placed his face on Bi An's palm.

  It’s not a long time for more than two months, but for Tang Ling who broke through, it’s already like tens of thousands of years.

   did not say any thoughts, but a thousand words can only express the most direct thank you.

Needless to say, a smile appeared on the other side's face.

  Tang Ling's other hand gently wiped the blood stains on Bi An's face: "Although I don't know why? But it's very hard, right?"

  Bianan is a little tired~www.wuxiaspot.com~ once again leaned on Tang Ling's shoulder: "Well, there are some. But there are medicines, you should be clear. Why not continue?"

  Tang Ling hugged Bi An: "Well, I think we should be able to go out. I made a good breakthrough and gained a lot. I"

   Higan closed his eyes and almost murmured: "Huh?"

  Tang Ling lowered his head, looking at Bi An’s somewhat pale face, feeling sour in his heart. He put his chin on Bi An’s hair and said softly, “I am, I miss you a little bit. Almost, let’s end it.”

  Bi An chuckled, "Actually, I don't want to go out."

  Tang Ling hugged him tightly: "It doesn't matter. After we go out, we will be together. This is the case in any situation."

  The other side looked up: "That's great."

  At this moment, the whole room began to vibrate, and huge energy waves surged outside the window. The other side looked at Tang Ling's eyes, and suddenly felt that the stars in his eyes flickered, as if reflecting the entire universe.

  (End of this chapter)

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