Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 159 Will only kowtow and beg for mercy [Second]

Axming kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, "Master, spare your life, master, spare your life, all of this is not my idea, it's my father's idea."

"This matter has nothing to do with me. 35

Up to now, he has pushed the matter completely, and pushed it all on his father.

His father, Akyablo, stared at him in astonishment.

Furious, he kicked him on the body, "You bastard, sell your father to survive, I will kill you - you."

Then, Aike Yabuluo beat and kicked, and quickly beat Axming to the ground, his nose bleeds.

But Exmin kept begging for mercy.

"Everyone, spare your life, spare your life." Seeing that he was still unrepentant, Aike Yabuluo clutched his heart and said sadly, "I don't have a son like you. 35

Watching the two of them fight here, Chunan and the others watched a big show.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he interrupted, "Alright, alright, your son is really worthless, come and save him, so let's go, I'll solve him for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mercenary leader cooperated and picked up Exmin, who was still lying on the ground.

"Lord, what should I do with him?"

Chunan scratched his head, "It's better to cut off his legs first, and then send him to the west.

Hearing this, Exmin and Aike Yabulo widened their eyes at the same time.

Although Aike Yabuluo was very angry with his son, he was still his son and could not bear to see him suffer.

Suddenly knelt in front of Chunan, "Please let him go, come at me. 35

Chunan frowned slightly, "You're so worthless just for your bastard son?"

Exmin closed his eyes, "Who made me his father.

After speaking, he suddenly took out a dagger from his pocket, "As long as he is released, I will die now."

As the voice fell, the dagger was thrust into his chest.


Blood flowed out, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and fell to the ground, slowly losing his anger.

But even though Aike Yabuluo was dead, Axming didn't even look at him.

Instead, he continued to beg for mercy, "Did you see it? My father has committed suicide because of the fear of crime, please let me go, this matter has nothing to do with me. 35

Chunan didn't intend to kill the two of them, but just wanted to teach them a hard lesson that they will never forget.

But at this time.

He saw Aqyablo suddenly commit suicide, and for some reason there was a burst of anger in his chest.

Akyablo's death was all because of his son Exmin.

But Axming was indifferent to his death and still sold his husband to survive.

What are you doing with such scumbags?

"Damn, scum like you is not fit to live, just die."

After speaking, he waved his lightsaber.

In an instant, his entire body was penetrated.

Aike Yabuluo's eyes widened, unable to believe what was in front of him, his eyes gradually slackened, and then he fell to the ground.

until he died.

Chunan's anger was suppressed.

Celestine's people did not sympathize with Axmin at all, thinking that he died well.

Such a shameless man who sold his father to survive without the slightest gratitude, is more than worthy of death.

"Well done dear, such a person really deserves to die, his father died for him, it's really not worth it at all.

Chunan nodded.

"It's true that there is more than enough to die."

"But the blueprints for our ship are gone."

"He must have the blueprints of the big ship on him.

Chunan said firmly.

Celestine was a little surprised, "Oh? How did you know?

Chunan analyzed, "This guy is very afraid of death, and he must have made a second-hand plan when he came. If I don't let him go, he will definitely take out the blueprint of the big ship and dark coins to please me."

Celestine suddenly realized, "Well, it makes sense, quickly search his body.""

Next, the mercenaries came, and the two searched him one by one.

After a while, a large package was found. This package was hidden on his stomach. He was a little fat, so it was not so conspicuous.

"My lord, I finally found it."

Chunan took the black bag and opened it. There was a piece of paper and countless dark coins, and there were at least 1,000 of these dark coins.

He took out the paper and opened it, and it turned out to be the blueprint of the ship.

This ship is very large, at least it can accommodate about 1000 people.

The required materials are also listed one by one.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

"There's nothing else to do here, let's go back quickly, I'm going to make a big ship quickly.

Celestine nodded, "Okay, okay, let's go."9


People started to pack their things.

Since ten mercenaries were also brought along this time, there were a lot of things to prepare.

After all, there are not too many men's clothes in the castle, and they must be repurchased.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that everything was ready.

Chunan's teleportation talisman can only teleport a few people at a time, so he first teleported Celestine and the mercenary leader back.

Then came to pick up others.

Back at the castle, Chunan assigned tasks to these mercenaries and let them start building large ships.

After a day.

The wood, steel, etc. collected by the servants filled the warehouse.

But in addition to these, Chunan also noticed that some special materials are needed to make the big boat, and these materials need to be found by him.

Then smelt.

Mercenaries are quick to pick up.

After taking a look at the drawings, I understood, and I started to make it with those who supported it.

Chunan and the Steel Fang Tigers also set off again, looking for special materials.

[Walking north for five or six hours, there is a desert there, maybe there are special materials you need! 】

[Walking south, there is a golden treasure box, the contents of this treasure box are very special, and you need it urgently now! 】

[There is the seaside you went to before. You don't have a big boat now, so you can't go there for the time being. 】

Chunan thought for a while, and finally he went south to explore.

There is a golden treasure box there, I don't know what is inside.

Take the treasure box first, and then go to find the materials at the end, without wasting time.

"Let's go, let's go to the south first." The Steel Fang Tiger screamed as a response.

Then, with Chunan on his back, he ran wildly towards the south.

After a while, he arrived at his destination.

I saw a treasure box lying quietly on the grass.

[This treasure box is not dangerous, open it. 】

With the prompt, Chunan was relieved and walked over to open the treasure box.

[Congratulations to Kyushu player Chunan for opening the golden treasure box. 】

A glitter of gold! Down,

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