Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 172 Quickly roast meat and take down the little fox [First Edition]

after all.

Chunan is proven, this steel tooth tiger is an example.

If you are used to eating barbecued meat, the food of the steel tooth tiger will always be barbecued meat, and nothing tastes good.

After thinking for a while, Chunan patted 9's big head, "Da Chang, I'm going to accept a new partner, so you just feel wronged and pretend to be dead.

The steel tooth tiger roared and looked at Chunan aggrievedly, obviously he didn't want to.

Turning his head to look at the few big white grilled fish on the fire, saliva flowed down.

Chunan smiled helplessly, then threw a grilled fish from the fire to him.

The steel tooth tiger opened its mouth, and the grilled fish was directly swallowed by him.

Chunan is speechless, did you make a mistake? You can eat a fish that weighs more than three kilograms in one bite?

It's really unbearable to go on like this.

"Hurry up and pretend to be dead, or you won't be able to eat it later. 35

This coercion and enticement worked, and the Steel Fang Tiger fell to the ground immediately, closed his eyes, and began to pretend to be dizzy.

And Chunan also picked up a grilled fish and started to eat it.

The smell of barbecue wafted out again, and the little fox hiding behind the big tree stuck out his head again.

When he saw the huge guy, he suddenly fell to the ground and closed his eyes. He didn't know if he fell asleep or had some other accident.

But his mind became lively, without this big guy, maybe he could grab the grilled fish one by one

The fish was so fragrant, he had never eaten such fragrant fish before.

The little fox is very sure of his own speed and will do what he says.

All of a sudden, he came out from behind the tree, and the speed was extremely fast. Only a white afterimage could be seen, and he went straight to Chunan.

And of course Chunan saw him too, and he kept watching the little fox's actions as he galloped over from behind the tree.

Chunan tossed the grilled fish in his hands.

dropped in front of him.

The little fox who ran halfway stopped suddenly, looking at the grilled fish road in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chunan with some puzzlement.

Obviously, he didn't understand this strange creature, why would he throw the barbecue to himself?

Has he already found himself?

No matter what, the grilled fish in front of me was so fragrant, it only paused for a few seconds before the little fox opened his mouth and bit the piece of fish.

Then the figure flashed, and directly drilled back to the back of the big tree.

Keep a distance of 100 meters from Chunan.

Chunan also ignored it, his grilled fish is very small, this guy is definitely not full, and when he finishes eating, he will definitely come back.

at the same time.

When Chunan grilled meat for the little fox just now, the outside audience also saw it.

at first.

The audience only saw a white shadow, suddenly jumping back from behind the tree.

They were all startled. Just when they were about to remind Chu Shen to be careful, the white shadow suddenly stopped, only for a few seconds.

Before everyone could see his appearance clearly, he left with the grilled fish in his mouth.

But in these few seconds, everyone only saw this guy with snow-white hair and a red tail.

The lethality shouldn't be great.

"I'm going, what was that thing just now, how come it looks like a dog, and the speed is too fast?.~?"

"I don't think it should be a dog. He has snow-white hair and a red tail. Although I don't see it very clearly, I think it looks like a fox—"

"Wow, there are ferocious beasts like foxes here??"

"Haha, it's so cute, it's so cute, I like that fox so much, God Chu, please accept it quickly, and treat people as your pets.

"Why doesn't the prompt appear yet? What is the level of the fox? Is it high? Is there any steel-toothed tiger?"

"How destructive can such a small guy be? I think God Chu must have discovered him long ago.

"Hahaha, I also threw a grilled fish for him, do you want to feed him and bring him home?

"I don't know if this fox is male or female???"

"Bah, my brain is full of waste, can I think of something healthy, male and female have something to do with you??"

"Hahaha, I expect people to become rabbit ears."

Under the expectations of the audience, a subtitle flashed in the live broadcast room soon.

[Desert Snow Fox, a C+ level creature, has a docile personality, extremely fast speed, has a god-level talent, a solitary creature, has a very individual god-level talent, will develop a god-level bloodline, and his strength has been greatly improved. 】

Hearing this prompt, everyone was shocked.

"Damn, this is the first time for a god-level talent. In this situation, I heard that a creature has a god-level bloodline??"

"Hahaha, this guy is still docile, and it seems likely that he will be kept as a pet, God Chu, don't let it go.

"This guy is really cute, if Chu Shen doesn't want it, give it to me directly."

66. "Bring it home can not only accompany you to play, but may also be able to transform.

"are you kidding me?"

"No, maybe it can really transform into a sigh, just like a rabbit-eared girl.

"Hahaha, if there really is a rabbit-eared girl, this life will be worth it, God Chu, come on. 35

"Unfortunately I can't see it.

"Why is there such a thing in the desert? Why didn't our players encounter it in the desert??"

"Hehe, it's probably a character issue. 35

"I think it's Lucky Steel Tiger 9, our player Chu Shen is not a little lucky. 35

"There's no way you can't be envious."

"I'm about to see this guy reappearing, he is probably hungry, and this fish is not enough for him.

"Should be a foodie, just like the steel-toothed tiger. 35

As these audience members said, the steel-toothed tiger rushed over again.

I saw a flash of white shadow, and he stopped only 5 meters away from the south of Chu (Li Zhao's), and stopped.

He has been staring at the grilled fish in Chunan's hands, obviously not full.

Chunan also heard the prompt in the live broadcast room.

The name "Desert Snow Fox" is a good one.

He raised his head and began to look at the desert snow wolf in front of him. He was all white except for a little red on the tip of his tail, and his eyes were like rubies. It looks extremely beautiful.

The height is only about 60 meters, just like a small milk dog.

It's not big, just one look at Chunan and he almost turned him into a cute one.

This is so cute, so cute.

If this little pet is subdued, the women in the castle will not be pestering them all the time, and they will definitely be shouting for her every day.

Chunan liked it more and more, and even showed a smile.

And the desert snow fox looked at this unknown creature with a weird smile and backed away in fright.

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