Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

The manufacturing speed of the 175th larger ship [Second Update]

Chunan went to see them before they left, but in fact, the two of them have almost recovered from their injuries.

But the two women were still reluctant to leave.

They won't say it explicitly, but the outside audience knows that they are reluctant to leave the castle, in fact, they are reluctant to leave Chunan.

Another deep admiration.

After dealing with all this, Chunan set off, riding a steel tooth tiger and came outside, and the prompt appeared at this time.

[Explore north, there is a stream there, and at the edge of the stream, there will be many treasure chests. 】

[Explore to the east, there is a group of carnivores eating, I suggest you not to go there. 】

[Explore to the south, there is exactly the sea area you are going to, and now there is nothing but sand. 】

There are three hints, but only one is actually useful, only the north side has the treasure chest. "Five Seven Zero"

Let's go and open the treasure chest first.

"Come on, big tank, let's go north.

The steel-toothed tiger spread its hooves and was about to rush forward.

At this moment, Chunan suddenly heard a thud from behind him, as if something had come out of nowhere.

He turned his head sharply to look, and saw a white shadow rushing towards it, and in the blink of an eye it landed on Chunan's side, on the neck of the steel-toothed tiger.

A closer look, it is the desert snow fox.

"I'm going, Daji, how did you get here? Didn't you just stay in the castle? 35

The desert snow fox stared at Chunan pitifully with red eyes.

Those eyes seemed to say, "Master, don't let me go.

Chunan sighed, good guy, yet another clingy little pet.

There came a slap in the head, "Okay Daji, then I'll take you there, but we have to leave quickly, or someone will chase after you later. 99

What Chunan said was of course Celestine and Xiaoyou.

The desert snow fox, Chunan, was adopted by them. These two women have always been regarded as treasures and cannot be separated from their sight at all.

Now that the desert snow fox suddenly ran out, these two women will definitely chase after them soon.

Without further ado, he has to leave quickly.

"Come on, let's get out of here quickly."

The steel tooth tiger continued to run forward, while the desert snow fox shrank in Chunan's arms.

So cute.

This scene made the outside audience fiercely envious.

"God, I'm really envious, and I really want to have a little fox like this."

"Is the name Daji serious?"

"Hehe, you all want Daji, I am different from you, I want Chu Shen. 99

"I also really want to become a little Daji, so that I can be held in the arms of Chu Shen.

"Go away, a bunch of little lechers, God Chu is mine, he is my husband.

"Oh, God, does God Chu still need pets?"

"My name is Wang Sicong, little wolf girls, you and Chu Shen are not in the same world, but I am here, come or not?"

"Ah bah, get out."

"What's so great about being rich, my favorite is still God Chu, I can't betray my husband."

The steel-toothed tiger ran wild with Chunan on his back, and it didn't take long for them to finally reach a river.

Chunan rolled over and jumped down, and then he saw that there were many boxes lying by the river.

These chests have silver chests, wooden chests, and gold-level chests.

Look at the ground Chunan's eyes light up.

"I'm going, I'm not dazzled, why are there so many treasure chests here?"

Not only was he stunned, but even the outside audience Ye was stunned.

"Damn, how many treasure chests are there in the end? At a glance, they are all there, at least there are a hundred or so??

"Haha, God Chu is really developed now."

"Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong? How can there be so many treasure chests all at once??"

"Yeah, I think there must be a trap here—"

"Fuck, look, the steel tooth tiger slapped open a treasure chest with one paw??"

"Nima. What is that? A smoke bomb?"

"It's going to explode, run away.

as the audience said.

The steel-toothed tiger was dishonest, and ran to a treasure chest at once, and opened it with one paw.

After all, in the eyes of the steel tooth tiger, this treasure chest is a treasure.

Before, he saw that the owner had opened the treasure box countless times, and then he was overjoyed. There must be something to make the owner happy.

That's why the Steel Fang Tiger couldn't wait to open a treasure chest.

But as soon as the treasure chest was opened, a burst of smoke floated out, and then he looked at the contents inside with a dazed expression, it turned out to be a round black thing.

The Steel-Toothed Tiger didn't understand what it was, so he had to go up and watch it carefully.

Chunan hurriedly stopped her, "Damn it, run fast, this is a bomb.

This bomb is smoking and is about to explode.

The Steel Fang Tiger couldn't understand his master's words, but seeing that the master was so nervous, he also knew that the situation was not good, and then immediately let go of the scorpion and retreated to the back.

Fortunately, his physique is relatively large, his speed is relatively fast, and he jumped out a great distance at once.

And just as he was dodging, that big bomb exploded.

There was a loud bang.

Deafening, the smoke filled the air sharply, covering the surrounding area with the smell of gunpowder.

Chunan took a closer look, and he blew up all the surrounding treasure chests.

There are not only silver treasure chests, wooden treasure chests, but also gold-level treasure chests, but the contents of this treasure chest are abnormal.

Instead, there are various trap treasure chests, and a blue smoke floats out of them, which should be poisonous gas.

A few more arrows were fired.

Anyway, there are all kinds of weapons.

Chunan, good guy, no wonder there are so many treasure chests here, so there are traps here?

Fortunately, he was far away just now, otherwise he would definitely be affected.

The Steel Fang Tiger was stunned when he saw all this, but after 1.4, he looked at Chunan with lingering fears, and lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.

Chunan patted his big head, "Okay, big tank, be careful in the future, don't be frizzy.

If he hadn't asked the Steel Fang Tiger to retreat quickly, the Steel Fang Tiger would have been injured if it was so close.

Been through this time. Chunan is more careful.

The treasure chest here cannot be easily opened.

at the same time.

After seeing the dozens of treasure chests being blasted open, there were no treasures in them, some were just weapon traps, and all the outside audience exploded.

"Fuck, what the hell, poison gas, arrow rain and grenades, Nima, it's too pit-"

"My dear, I said why there are so many treasure chests here. It turned out to be waiting for God Chu here. God Chu must be careful."

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