Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 186 Picking Ganoderma Lucidum To Increase Strength [First Update]

The two looked excited, Chunan nodded, "Theoretically, this is the case, but we have to pick these ultimates first."

The two women were no longer worried, their beautiful eyes shone with excitement.

The pale white fluorescent light shrouded in Daji's body has not completely disappeared, and is constantly swallowing him, which means that what he eats has not been completely digested.

The crowd continued to wait.

At the same time, the outside audience also heard their conversation.

Surprised by this too.

But this was Chunan, who didn't have time to watch the barrage, and kept watching the desert snow fox nervously.

Finally, after another two minutes, the pale white fluorescence gradually subsided, and the desert snow fox reappeared.

[Desert Snow Fox digests the strength-boosting Ganoderma lucidum, and its physique is greatly improved. 】

Looking at the barrage in front of him, Chunan felt a little confused.

what the hell??

Didn't I say that I ate Ganoderma lucidum that increased the real power by 16? Why is the desert snow fox, but the physique has been improved.

But did not increase the strength? What is the situation?

Seemingly responding to Chunan's barrage, it appears again.

[Taking Ganoderma lucidum to increase strength is determined by one's own strength. The higher the strength, the slower the increase, and the lower the strength, the faster the increase. 】

With this explanation, Chunan understood, it seems that this Ganoderma must be eaten more, and its strength can increase quickly.

The desert snow fox screamed at Chunan, it seemed very happy, and wanted to share the joy with Chunan as soon as possible.

"Okay Daji, take off what you just ate and let me take a look.

The desert snow fox turned his head, after a while, when he turned his head again, there was something similar to a mushroom on his paw.

This thing also has silver-white flowers.

Chunan stretched out his hand, "Come on Daji, drop what's in your hand.

The desert snow fox threw it directly, and the ganoderma lucidum made an arc in mid-air, and finally landed in Chunan's hands accurately.

Celestine, Xiaoyou, and the steel-toothed tiger all gathered around.

Several people began to carefully observe this Ganoderma lucidum, and this Ganoderma lucidum developed fluorescence and looked no different from ordinary mushrooms.

But the only difference is.

When everyone saw him at first glance, they were very eager to eat it in one bite.

This feeling is very wonderful, so Celestine and Xiaoyou couldn't help but shoot at the same time, "This thing looks very good, give it to me first.

Chunan handed the Ganoderma lucidum to Celestine, rubbed the heads of the two of them, "Don't worry, Daji has a lot more, I'll let him pick it up. 39


The desert snow foxes were also very obedient, and then they started to get busy. They had already picked more than a dozen ganoderma lucidum.

[The Ganoderma lucidum halfway up the mountain has been picked by you. If you want more Ganoderma lucidum, you need to climb up, but it is even more dangerous! 】

It turned out that the Ganoderma lucidum on the raised stones on the mountainside had already been picked.

Turning his head and taking a look, Celestine and Xiaoyou have packed these Ganoderma lucidum into their backpacks.

They could only come up with four.

"Master, let's try the effect of this Ganoderma lucidum first. 99

During the conversation, the two divided all the four Lingzhi equally, and even the Steel Fang Tiger got one.

The steel tooth tiger was the first to eat it. After eating, he closed his eyes and lay still, his body was enveloped by a silver light.

Then came Celestine Xiaoyou, and the two also began to meditate.

Chunan also began to break the Lingzhi into pieces and eat it.

After eating, he squatted on the ground.

Chunan only felt that his body seemed to be wrapped by a warm current, like the sun's rays shining on his body, warm.

In this dark exploration world, there is no sun, and it is always in darkness.

So enjoying the moment of sunshine becomes very luxurious.

After a while, when he opened his eyes again, Chunan felt that his body didn't seem to be doing much except that he was stronger and more energetic.

Celestine and Xiaoyou were the same, both of them were a little annoyed.

"After eating a ganoderma lucidum, it seems that apart from being full of energy, my strength has not improved."

"mine too.

"Isn't there enough Ganoderma lucidum? Why don't we eat another one?

Chunan stopped them, "Wait, this kind of Ganoderma lucidum is improved according to its own strength. If your strength itself is very strong, the increase will be slower."

"Now is not the time to eat Ganoderma lucidum, let's find more of this Ganoderma lucidum as soon as possible, and then bring it back."

The two nodded and agreed at the same time, "Okay then.

Celestine looked at the desert snow fox standing halfway up the cliff again, "Little fox, look at whether there is still this kind of Ganoderma lucidum, now this is not enough to go back to everyone.

The desert snow fox let out a whimper, and then shook his head, indicating that there was no such Ganoderma lucidum anymore.

Celestine was very disappointed, "It seems that this kind of Ganoderma lucidum has already been trampled on by us, and it's gone."

"Then let the little fox come down. 35

Chunan never spoke, he was hesitating.

The half-waist Ganoderma lucidum has already been harvested, and now there is only Ganoderma lucidum in higher places. If you want to go up to harvest, the desert snow fox will have to climb up, which is even more dangerous.

However, for the desert snow fox, 580 gas should be effortless, but it is a bit of a waste of time.

After all, the ability of this Ganoderma lucidum to increase strength is not very strong.

Just as he hesitated, a prompt suddenly appeared.

[Steel Tooth Tiger ate Ganoderma lucidum, and his strength has been greatly improved. At present, he has reached the A-level. 】

Chunan paused, then turned his head sharply to look at the steel-toothed tiger who had just climbed up.

The steel-toothed tiger was very happy, and his eyes were shining with splendid light, and he screamed.

His appearance does not seem to have changed, and his physique is still only four meters.

But Chunan knew that the strength of the Steel Fang Tigers had indeed increased.

He patted the big head of the steel tooth tiger, "Big guy, not bad, I didn't expect your strength to increase so quickly?

"It seems that this Ganoderma lucidum is still useful to you. If so, then I will waste a little more time and let the desert snow fox pick it.

The Steel Tooth Tigers happily roamed around Chunan.

Celestine and Xiaoyu were also surprised.

Neither of them has been promoted, but the Steel Tooth Tiger has been promoted, which is really surprising.

"I didn't expect that the big cylinder is the fastest to improve-"

"Would you like to give him more food?"

Then Celestine took out another Ganoderma lucidum and threw it to the Steel Fang Tigers.

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