Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 194 The Ferocious Beast in the Mine [First Update]

Although those people are envious, jealous, and hateful, they can't even say anything bad.

In the end, I can only bless the blessing.

No way, who made Chunan the hope of the Kyushu people.

After resting here for a while, my clothes are already dry.

After getting dressed again, Chunan looked to the left while holding the desert snow fox.

[No, this is not an empty place, this is the sleeping place of the beasts, you can also go there, if you like to eat their eggs. 】

Chunan shook his head, he didn't need food now, and looked to the other side.

[Yes, please come in boldly, at the end is the crystal mine, there are three beasts guarding it, they feed on crystals, ~ be careful. 】

Chunan's mouth curled into a smile, "Let's go, Daji.""

Stepping on the gravel of the underground river, it was very soft, Chunan couldn't help but quicken his steps.

After walking some distance, suddenly he saw a light appearing ahead.

It was a light shining from a cave.

The colorful colors are very beautiful, and it looks like a dream in this silent darkness.

Even the desert snow fox he was holding suddenly widened his eyes, and seemed very excited to see the colorful light.

Chunan didn't stop and continued to move forward. At the same time, he was also very curious, what exactly does the beast with the crystal as his teacher look like?

He had never seen such a beast before.

When he walked to the entrance of the cave, Chunan opened his mouth and said, "Everyone in the audience, look, this is a crystal mine, and all these colorful colors are emitted by crystal ore.

The outside audience was also talking about it.

"Chu God, you are really lucky to have found another crystal mine."

"I don't know if the crystal mine will be a hundred times more limited this time, and it will appear in reality."5

"I think it should be."

[This crystal mine should be very dangerous, this crystal ore is very rare, Chunan must be careful! 】

The last barrage is displayed in red.

This is a message from official personnel.

Chunan nodded, "There must be beasts guarding this crystal mine, but don't worry, I'm sure.

After he finished speaking, he stepped into the crystal mine with the desert snow fox.

As soon as I arrived here, it was as if I had entered a colorful magical world.

The person who was photographed in the colorful colors couldn't open his eyes, and even the desert snow fox narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, his ears pricked up instantly, as if he heard something.

A pair of ruby-like eyes, vigilantly turned around.

His appearance just confirmed everyone's conjecture.

There must be vicious beasts here, and the level may not be low, even the desert snow fox is somewhat afraid.

The barrage is all the same, so Chunan is careful, and Chunan is very grateful.

He stopped discussing with these audiences, and began to concentrate and carefully search here.

This crystal mine is very large and deep, and it extends far into it.

Due to the great light shining on, some other things in this place are a little unclear.

Where are the beasts here?

Chunan went deeper into the crystal mine step by step, and after a while, he suddenly became more puzzled.

It has been two minutes since he entered here, but the beast here has never appeared.

And he didn't see his shadow.

"What's the matter? Are there no beasts here or are the beasts already asleep?"

Chunan muttered to himself suspiciously.

The outside audience could not answer this question for him, and finally Chunan gave up.

He turned around and came to a huge crystal stone.

This huge crystal stone, which looks as tall as a person, is a large stone pier with edges and corners.

As soon as I walked into Chunan, I was caught in a shadow.

This expected crystal ore is indeed extraordinary, and just a glance at it makes people deeply attracted.

Slowly reaching out, Chunan intends to touch the feel of the crystal ore.

But at this time.

The desert snow fox, who had been shrinking in his arms, suddenly stretched out his claws and grabbed him violently.

and screamed.

Chunan quickly retracted his hand and looked at the desert snow fox in surprise.

"Daji, what's wrong with you?"

Daji's ruby ​​eyes looked vigilantly at a crystal ore in front of Chunan, revealing a fierce light.

Chunan was startled, and he slowly stepped back.

At the same time, carefully observe the crystal ore in front. This crystal ore is no different from the crystal ore next to it, but why is the desert snow fox so vigilant? It is obviously a bit unusual.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

"Is it possible that Daji is hiding above this crystal ore?"

This was a random question, but Desert Snow Fox suddenly nodded.

This made Chunan very surprised and surprised.

Surprisingly, the desert snow fox could understand his complicated words.

Surprisingly, this vicious beast is actually hiding here, but why didn't he see anything?

Just when he was puzzled, a dark forbidden reminder suddenly appeared.

[Ding, Kyushu contestant Chunan discovered that the dark beast, the invisible jellyfish, was mutated from jellyfish, and liked the form of crystal ore, living in groups, and there were at least 10 in a group. 】

[Invisible jellyfish is good at stealth, small in size, and extremely lethal. It has 10 tentacles in its body, each of which has sharp claws and contains toxins. Comprehensive score: B+ level. 】

Seeing this prompt, Chunan couldn't help widening his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, there are actually invisible beasts.

And looking at these tips to introduce this kind of invisible jellyfish is very difficult to deal with, they have at least 10 of a race, each has 10 tentacles, very sharp.

It also contains toxins. If he cuts the skin and the toxins invade the body, it will be bad.

Chunan glanced around, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that 4 weeks was a little weird.

Suddenly there was a hunch that he seemed to be surrounded by these invisible jellyfish.

at the same time.

The hints in this situation are also seen by the outside audience.

All of a sudden the outside audience burst.

"Invisible jellyfish??? It's so good, there are actually invisible beasts, it's too difficult to deal with, you can't see each other, how can you play?"

"Damn, there are at least 10 of these hidden jellyfish in a race, Chu Shen has come to the center of the crystal mine now, shouldn't he be surrounded?"

"My God, don't scare me, Chu Shen, hurry up and get out of here—"

"It's too dangerous, every one is B+ level, if I remember correctly, desert snow fox is only B+ level, right, 10 B+ level murderers, how can this be played? I'm sure it won't work. Next.

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