Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 202 Encountered Big Trouble [First More]

"Hello, my name is Chunan. I'm not a half-merman, but I met a girl before. She gave me a pearl. I came here today to find her."

After he finished speaking, Chunan clearly realized that something was wrong with the girl in front of him.

The other party was very surprised and said, "I remembered, it turns out that I gave you the pearls from before?"

She suddenly smiled happily, looked Chunan up and down, and nodded.

"Yes, I forgot what you looked like before, but looking back now, you don't seem to have changed.

The girl looked very happy, but Chunan wasn't so happy, and was even a little surprised.

A few days ago, he met a half-mermaid tribe, and the little girl was only seven or eight years old at most, but the girl in front of him was obviously eighteen or nineteen years old?

It's such a big difference that he couldn't recognize it.

"Hehe, are you kidding me? The little girl I met before seemed to be only 7 or 8 years old, and probably came to me."

Chunan also gestured, and the little girl from the half-mermaid tribe was about halfway up to his waist.

The girl smiled, revealing sweet tiger teeth.

"You probably don't know that our demigods are growing very fast. I was really this tall a few days ago, but a few days later I have grown so tall. I remember that I also gave you a pearl at that time. This pearl has Beauty benefits.

Seeing what she said, Chunan believed it by seven or eight points.

Besides, no one else should know about the matter between him and that little girl.

Tsk tsk, Chunan said in disbelief, "It's unbelievable, but the mermaid is really a magical race. 99

The girl nodded, "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Eureka."

"Eureka, that's a nice name.

After being praised, Eureka seemed very happy, but it didn't take long for her face to collapse again.

Looking at the sea with some worry, "My father has been down for a long time, but he hasn't come back now.

"Don't worry, maybe your father just delayed for a while on the way and will definitely come back." Chunan comforted.

Eureka shook her head and did not relax at all.

"No, you don't know, my father went to pick pearls, this place is extremely dangerous, and the mussels there are very unfriendly to us.

"He and our race are enemies. Every time we go to pick pearls, we have to be careful. I'm worried that my father will not be discovered by them, right?

As soon as Eureka finished speaking, the few people behind her also started to discuss, with worry all over their faces.

"He may have actually met the clan, what should I do?"

"Oh my gosh! Father, I can't take this fact.

Chunan looked back and saw that these people were old and young, all of them women.

Chunan's brows also wrinkled, this sea is really new, not only the demigods, but also the clam clan.

Can the clam clan be transformed into a human form like the demigod clan?

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Chunan really wanted to ask more.

But seeing everyone so sad, he felt a little out of place.

"You don't have to worry, let's go, I can go to the sea to help you find it.

The crowd stopped talking.

Eureka said, "Is it really possible? However, you shouldn't be able to stay in the sea for a long time, right?"

While speaking, Eureka's eyes also looked curiously at the people on the Chunan boat.

The people on the Chunan ship are all special forces, strong, much stronger than these women.

Chunan assured, "Don't worry, I can go look for it with you first, and if it is indeed the clam clan that is doing the trick, I will let my people solve it for you.39

Eureka smiled gratefully, trusting Chunan very much.

After all, she had seen Chunan play with a huge beast before her own eyes. That beast should be his pet.

The master identified by a huge beast must not be weak.

Might be able to really help them.

"Thank you then, but unfortunately our family is all women, and we have no ability to fight against the clan, otherwise we would have gone down long ago."

Sighing silently, Eureka raised her pretty face and showed her teeth, "If I can really find my father this time, I will definitely repay you.

Chunan nodded, and he roughly guessed that Eureka's home was a bit special. There were only women in the family, and only his father was a man.

No wonder they are so embarrassed.

"Then you wait here first, and I'll make arrangements."

After saying that, Chunan left and returned to the deck.

The desert snow fox ran over immediately and didn't see Chunan for a while. He seemed to miss him very much, and his claws hugged Chunan firmly.

Chunan rubbed his big head, found Xiaoyou and Celestine and said, ". "I just met the demigods, these mermaids are in trouble, and now I want to go to sea with them. "

Hear this.

Xiaoyou and Celestine were very surprised and worried at the same time.

"Half-merman? It's very strange, but if you go down, will it be in danger? You are a human, and you can't stay in the sea for a long time.

In this regard, Chunan smiled indifferently, "Don't worry, I opened a treasure chest before and got some special abilities, I can move freely in the water.

This is not true.

Chunan did open a treasure chest before and got Yuji. As long as he is in the water, he can swim freely, and he can stay as long as he wants, just like a half-merman.

Xiaoyou and Celestine were very shocked.

"It's amazing, but unfortunately we don't have Yuji, and we want to go with you too."

"You guys are waiting for me here, I'll be back in a while."

Xiaoyou and Sai (Li Nuo's) Resting nodded obediently.

Afterwards, Chunan arranged to explain some things and put the desert snow fox on the deck before leaving.

During this period, the two people behind him, as well as the desert snow fox, all showed reluctant eyes.

Although the desert snow fox is a ferocious beast, it cannot survive in the water. This time, Chunan can only go alone.

And this was also known to the outside audience.

All the bullet screens are all about reminding Chunan to be careful.

"Chu Shen actually went to the sea alone, there must be many dangers inside, be careful-"

"Don't worry, God Chu is amazing, especially his cool fish. He can stay in the water for as long as he wants, it's like a moving oxygen bottle.

"Am I the only one who is very curious, what does the clan head look like? Isn't she the same as the clan head of the half-merman????" Bar.

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