Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 280 Detoxification [Second]

Immediately ran to the tent and hugged the little girl out.

The little girl struggled desperately, Chunan comforted, "Don't be afraid, big brother is not a bad person."

The little girl really stopped struggling, turned her head to look at her, and looked at her curiously.

In the end, it may be that Chunan's face looks a little different from those zombies, so he is not afraid anymore.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Chunan's neck tightly.

This little girl's face is dirty, and her face is very smooth and fair, she should also be a little beauty.

Chunan carried him to the deepest part of the warehouse.

Soon after, Xiao Yu'er and Princess Qing also rushed in, and a large group of zombies were behind them.

"What shall we do now?"

Princess Qing and Xiao Yu'er were very fast, they ran to Chunan's side and asked "Seven-Five-Zero".

Chunan looked inside the warehouse, where there was a somewhat worn car.

Should the car still drive?

Chunan hurried over, got into the car, and tried to start the car.

After a few tries, the car started.

"Get in the car."

Princess Qing and Xiao Yu'er also rushed over at the same time and got into the car.

The car drove out and went straight to the zombies.

It was a van, twice the size of their previous car, albeit a little worn.

But where does his physique stand?

Those zombies have blocked all the way.

At the same time, Chunan noticed that the outside of the warehouse was gone.

They have completely attracted these zombies, this is a good opportunity, only one chance.

Chunan accelerated the accelerator, first used the sound to hit the west, let the zombies make a way, and then rushed out.

Everything is going smooth.

Finally, the iron door was closed, and the cries of the zombies came from inside.

There is still the sound of clinging to the iron door, but it is indifferent.

Next, Chunan and others got out of the car, and the little girl thanked them.

Princess Qing picked up the little girl, "Little sister, where is your family?"

The little girl shook her head.

"I don't know. Speaking, she scratched her neck suddenly.

"It's so itchy. 35

Seeing her so uncomfortable, Princess Qing, who was beside her, couldn't bear it, and put the little girl down.

"Little sister, don't move, let me help you catch it for a while and it will be different.

The little girl nodded and stood up very obediently.

Princess Qing pulled her collar away, and the moment she saw the little girl's skin, she suddenly widened her eyes.

I saw that the little girl's skin was red, as if she had been scratched by something, and her skin was broken, and blood was constantly oozing out.

Not only that.

Around this small wound, the skin began to turn black and blue, just like the situation on the faces of those zombies.

Princess Qing was startled, and at the same time felt a little sad in her heart.

This little girl was obviously also caught, and she must have been caught by some kind of virus to become like this.

Princess Qing couldn't bear it anymore, so she quickly grabbed Chunan, "Look, she seems to be poisoned too."

Chunan suddenly became nervous and hurried over to check.

It was finally confirmed that the little girl was indeed infected with the virus, and she was caught by something.

But at this time, Chunan suddenly saw a little sign.

A prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

[The reason why these people are like this is because the blood of their bodies has been changed and has undergone some kind of mutation. Maybe they can start from here and change their genetic bloodline to be able to rescue them. 】

【You can try to take out your detoxification flower. 】

Seeing this prompt Chunan suddenly relaxed.

He originally wanted to try the effect of detoxification flowers.

The prompt also said the same, it seems that this detoxification flower has a miraculous effect on the zombie virus.

If that's the case, then don't waste any more time.

Chunan, took out the antidote from his warehouse and put it in front of the little girl. The little girl was very happy with the colorful flowers.

"Handsome brother, did you give this to me?"

Chunan nodded.

"Yes, eat it, it's very sweet.

The little girl was dubious, but she was so hungry that she ate the scent of the flowers.

After eating, Chunan saw her body, as if enveloped by a silvery white light.

In just a few seconds, the light dissipated, and the little girl's skin became smooth and delicate.

The wound is also gone...

The dark spots on his body have completely disappeared.

Chunan breathed a sigh of relief, "It really worked. 99

Princess Qing and Xiao Yu'er on the side were also amazed.

"Chunan, you are really too smart, why didn't we think of it? Do you still have your detoxification flower?"

Chunan rummaged through his warehouse a few times, and finally he took out a dozen more.

But only these dozen or so are simply not enough, because there are at least hundreds of people inside.

"This flower may not be enough.

[There are not many detoxification flowers, but the little girl has already produced antibodies, you can feed her blood to those people to drink. 】

Chunan smiled knowingly.

"Although there are not many detoxification flowers, but everyone will share one, but as long as they eat this flower, they will produce antibodies, and then let him give some blood to other people who have not detoxified. The effect is the same.

The two were delighted for a while, "Then hurry up.

Chunan nodded, and the three of them came to the edge of the iron gate, through the railing.

Several zombies in there saw three people and began to open their mouths desperately trying to bite the railing.

Chunan took this opportunity and hurriedly stuffed his detox flower into their mouths.


A flash of silver light flashed across these people's bodies, and then the toxins on their bodies were dissolved, and their sanity recovered.

After regaining their consciousness, these people looked around with confused eyes.

"What's wrong with me 1.4? How am I here?"

Next, when they turned around, they saw the zombies with their teeth and claws behind them.

All of them were wide-eyed and terrified, but before a moment's effort, the zombies rushed over and began to bite their bodies.

The three of Chunan looked outside and did not stop them.

The blood of the dozen or so people who ate the antidote had already produced antibodies, and as long as they were bitten, those zombies would wake up soon.

Soon it was like a domino, and in just ten minutes, all the zombies were untied.

It just hurts those people.

Those people had several wounds on their backs, but fortunately they had regained their senses and came back to life.

As long as he can live and have some injuries on his body, it is also harmless.

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