Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 090 Mermaid Princess? Murloc Princess? [Second]

What does a mermaid princess look like?

Chunan is still curious.

"Go, let's explore north. 99

He chuckled lightly, and then led the girls towards the dark area to the north.

Passing through the black fog, the first thing he heard was the sound of the waves hitting the rocks, and the breeze was blowing gently, which made people feel very comfortable.


There are also some seagulls flying in the air.

After seeing Chunan and his party, they seemed a little scared, and quickly flew into a crevice of a cliff and disappeared.

The cliff occupies only a small half of the space.

The rest is ocean.

Said to be the ocean, but it looked like a small lake, because the end was blocked by black fog.


Some fish jumped out of the sea, adding a touch of life.

"Wow, is this the sea?"

Xiaoyou put his arms around Chunan's arm, and pointed at a distance with a face full of excitement: "Dad, look, there are a lot of fish there, can I go down to catch fish?"

As a cat demon, she has a natural love for fish, and she is so excited after seeing so many fish.

When I met that freshwater lake last time, this girl also looked like this "440".

[This is a small corner of the ocean, there is no danger, and it is full of ordinary fish. 】

"Okay, let's go play by yourself."

Chunan checked it out and found no danger, then nodded with a smile.


Xiaoyou stood on tiptoe and kissed: "Dad is the best!

After he finished speaking, he sprinted excitedly, jumped off the cliff, and entered the sea with a 'puff'.

"Lord, there is no danger."

At this time, Anna, who had already explored the surrounding area, came over and said, "There is an abandoned watchtower ahead, and no one has lived in the tower for a long time. 35

"Let's go and have a look."

Chunan was curious about the watchtower that could attract the mermaid princess, and said with a smile.

After speaking, everyone followed Anna to the watchtower.

This is an old-looking tower, covered with ivy-like plants, and it looks like it hasn't been taken care of for at least ten years.

Walk in and have a look.

Dude, the tables and chairs are all rotten and dusty.

It's really been a long time since no one lived there.

The only thing that was well preserved was a solid searchlight wrapped in tarpaulin.

[Old searchlight: It can still play its own role, provided you have an energy crystal. 】

energy crystal?

Chunan flipped through his backpack, and there was still a lot left.

Since he had the sun disc, he no longer needed the energy crystal. He thought he could only use it as a decoration, but he didn't expect it to be used here.


He took out an energy crystal and installed it on the searchlight.

The next second, a beam of light shot towards the ocean, disturbing some schools of fish.

Xiaoyou, who was diving, also appeared, and waved his hand with a smiling face.

Then he turned over and dived into the water again.

[It is emitting light, and the light has attracted some creatures, and one of them is very interested in it and may come to see it soon. 】


Seeing this string of prompts, Chunan raised his brows slightly.

It seems that, if nothing else, this 'some existence' is the mermaid princess.

so now--

"Call Catherine and the others, let's have a grilled fish banquet!

Chunan smiled and said to the girls around him.

It's like relaxing once in a while.

Coincidentally, at this time, Xiaoyou emerged from the sea again.

The difference from just now was that this time she was holding a sea fish that was half a meter long with excitement on her face, and now she had the ingredients.

Ariel is a beautiful mermaid.

She, who is just sixteen years old this year, is very interested in everything in the world. Among them, what she yearns most is the love of the adult world.

She had dreamed more than once that she and a handsome boy became husband and wife.

But the boy was a little strange, he didn't have a fish tail, but had two strips of meat, but she didn't dislike this boy, because love can surpass everything.

She yearns for this kind of love.

Unfortunately, this yearning was shattered a few days ago.

Her father actually planned to force her to marry an old octopus he had never met.

It's not that she dislikes the other party's old age and is still an octopus, but she feels that love should be found by herself, not forced.

Ariel runs away from marriage.

Relying on her innate sense of danger, she avoided several waves of merfolk soldiers who came after her.

Came to the edge of a coast.

"Where should I go now?"

She was a little confused and swam in the ocean with the school of fish.

At this moment, a beam of light with some words shone into the sea, she covered her eyes subconsciously, and then looked up.

far away.


She saw a dilapidated watchtower.

at the same time.

on a small coast.

Maple Leaf player Alex opened a treasure chest and got a letter and a conch.

He opened it curiously and saw that it read:

[Stranger, hello, my name is Beth, the princess of the fisherman country, I long for love, and if you want it too, you can blow the conch on the seashore, and the soldiers of the fisherman country will bring you to my side... …]

[After we get married, my father will abdicate, and you will become the new king of the great murloc kingdom, with the right to command thousands of murloc warriors, no matter what creature you are...]

[I look forward to your appearance very much, Princess of the Fishman Kingdom: Beth. 】


Alex's eyes widened, and after a moment, ecstasy appeared on his face.

what is this?

The wedding book of the mermaid princess?

After marriage, he can own the entire fish-man country?

take off!

He clenched his fists hard, his eyes flashing with inexplicable brilliance.

In fact, when he first entered the dark world, Alex was confused. After the chat channel was opened, he began to frantically lick the stinky feet of American player Howard.

Because in reality, the Maple Leaf Country is the son of the United States, and the United States is the father of the Maple Leaf Country.

This reaction is almost subconscious.

But over time.

He found that the dark world has too many opportunities, too many to change the fate of a kingdom...  

Especially after the personal combat power list appeared, and it was discovered that Howard's combat power was only a little higher than him.

His mentality changed, and he stopped following Howard in everything.


After learning that Howard died at the hands of a monster, and then let 10,000 monsters descend on the United States, Alex couldn't help but laughed.

Haha, what a piece of trash.

I will definitely make the Maple Leaf Nation rise, and even—

It is not impossible to replace the United States as the new hegemon of the world.

But when he thought of this, he couldn't help but see the dazzling gap in the territorial battle power list not long ago.


Now he also has a chance to rise.

As long as he goes to this murloc princess, he can get thousands of murloc warriors.


That Kyushu native was no threat to him at all.

After realizing this, Alex couldn't wait to pick up the conch and blow it hard.


A dull voice sounded.

[System prompt: You blew the conch of the murlocs, and you were discovered by the murlocs. 】


Alex looked excited.

In his mind, the picture of himself hugging the beautiful mermaid, and the countless murloc warriors below him surrendered to him.


Something seems wrong?

He frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, he found nothing.

outside world.

In the live broadcast room of Maple Leaf Country.

This country has always been hostile to Kyushu, and it is the leader of the United States, so it was hit hard in the United States, and after Kyushu flourished because of Chunan's relationship, the atmosphere in Maple Leaf's country was very dignified.

Of course, there is also good news, that is, Alex of their country performed very well, ranking second among all players.

It's just that the gap with that Kyushu man is too big.

There is almost no chance of catching up.


This idea is shattered today.

Because of 1.4, they discovered Alex and had a chance to surpass that Kyushu native.

"God, Alex is amazing, Fishland? Is he about to marry a mermaid princess? How enviable!"

"No, the most important thing is that as long as Alex marries the mermaid princess, he can get the allegiance of all the murloc warriors. Then who is the Kyushu?"

"A fish nation, so there are tens of thousands of troops, right? How can a mere Kyushu be comparable to Alex?"

"Hahaha, sure enough, the orthodoxy of the United States is in our Maple Leaf Country, and Alex will definitely make the Maple Leaf Country rise and become a new super hegemony."

"I always feel that something is wrong..."

"Upstairs, you are from another country, and you actually say such things at this time."

"With the allegiance of the murloc warriors, Alex can freely explore the dark area from now on! At that time, our country will also be able to obtain the National Fortune Treasure Chest, and it's time for the Maple Leaf Country to rise!"

"My name is Fanfan, although I am Chinese, my heart is in the Maple Leaf Country, long live the Maple Leaf Country!

The live broadcast room of the entire Maple Leaf Country was already boiling at this time.

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