Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1062 Waiting in stalemate manifests as tacit understanding!

How many conditions are needed for a hell devil to mature?

This kind of question may not be able to give an answer that satisfies everyone even if the Hell Demon King himself answers it.

Although many of them were not the devil king of hell at the beginning, if they had to explain how they became the guy who represented all kinds of weird existences later, the only answer they might be able to give was to plunder .

The existence of the three demon gods and the four demon kings of hell are not at the same level at all.

Even though the four demon kings had thought about driving the three demon gods off the throne countless times, the final result was never unexpected.

The Hell Demon King is always just the Hell Demon King, and even the existence closest to the Three Demon Gods can only be seen from behind the Three Demon Gods.

But for Ultron now, this problem has become the problem he needs to solve most now.

He is stuck at the last step of becoming the devil king of hell, although he has already been able to use a lot of authority that belongs to the devil king of hell.

But he knows that he is not a real hell devil yet.

So he started to think, and doubted by the way.

Doubting his own birth, doubting his identity as a demon.

Then he wondered if he got stuck at this most critical step because he had never been to the Burning Hell.

It's not that he hasn't thought about going back to the Burning Hell, but there is Barr there, so Ultron is very hesitant.

Barr is not a senior worthy of respect for Ultron, even though Barr may be the only guy Ultron can rely on for a long time to come.

But that's not the only reason to keep Ultron from returning to the Burning Hell!

There is also Yin Na who has arranged a simple line of defense around the Burning Hell.

Although Yin Na's attention was more focused on preventing the escape of the demons in the Burning Hell.

But Ao Chuang understood that once he broke through Yin Na's defense and returned to the Burning Hell, it would be even more difficult for him to leave the Burning Hell.

So Ao Chuang is still hesitating now, he has created many demon subordinates by imitating the images of those demons in his memory.

Although these guys are not perfect in the eyes of Ultron, they are enough to face the current situation.

In Ultron's conception, the demons under his command may not be said to be independent existences, but his clansmen.

Deep in the soul of Ultron there are still some cyberman ideas, which may have contributed to the relief of the species diversity of Burning Hell.

But the birth of cybermen is not natural birth!

It's not even life technology!

That is, the living human beings have changed everything through mechanical means. Even if their souls are still awake, they can still possess all the qualities that human beings should possess.

But they can only obey until the human side of their soul is completely shattered in time, and then accept the fact that they are cyborgs.

This is the cycle of cybermen. No one knows whether cybermen will dream, after all, they have long been unable to express their independent will.

And now, this change has been fully upgraded!

Ultron is a demon, and everything he creates becomes a demon.

If he uses cyberhuman assimilation to create new cyberhumans, then under the power of the Burning Hell, these existences can only become demons somewhat similar to cyberhumans.

The corruption of the Burning Hell is irreversible, and the effects of becoming a demon can never be eliminated.

The method of cutting one's own soul, in the final analysis, is only an emergency treatment method.

Dividing the soul caused far more trouble than it showed.

"Candulas is full of angels, is that angel called Diesh?"

Ultron murmured to himself in his consciousness.

He was observing the situation on the Candulas side, which was the first target of his attack.

Among them, there are also plans to launch some revenge against Leoric, but more of them are the guidance issued by Ultron's soul!

Ultron knew nothing about this situation in the past, but now he knows that it is the guidance of the Burning Hell.

As for the will to exist in Burning Hell, he didn't care much about it, which is quite normal.

The existence of ignorance does not mean that it does not exist. For example, maybe a stone knows how to think?

There are too many such strange problems, and Ultron, who can browse news from the human network at any time, has seen too many such problems.

So over time, he also began to learn to ignore this situation, or he learned to avoid thinking.

Ultron is constantly manipulating those mechanical life forms that can be regarded as demons to approach Candulas.

He knew of the existence of Diesh, but this did not prevent him from continuing to explore.

There are more angels over there, and he also needs an answer to the extent of the combat power that Candulas possesses.

Only with an absolute lead can one be qualified to ignore the enemy's voice to a certain extent.

The pride in Ultron's nature disappeared long ago after he was humiliated by Leoric and Baal successively.

At this time, he was cautious enough. Although he was still too young to be the devil king of hell, it was only the last step that stuck him.

"I still have to go to the Burning Hell."

Ultron shook his head and said to himself.

Before he became the demon king of hell, Ultron was not confident that he could defeat the place of Candulas.

"But I can't let you idle, so let's keep making consumables."

Ultron made up his mind.

Create those metal demons in a steady stream, and build a transport team composed of metal demons by the way.

Bring back the remains of metal demons slain by angels or warriors of Candurans.

Then use it repeatedly!

Although this can't keep those guys in Candulas in the dark forever, it is more than enough to attract their attention in a short period of time.

As a result, more and more demons appeared on the periphery of Candulas, although all the existences in Candulas did not take these demons seriously.

But they got serious anyway.

Demons are endless, but humans are not.

Everything in Candulas is precious to Leoric, but the continuation of mankind as a whole is more precious.

As for the angels, they will help humans when they can, but this kind of help cannot leave humans unscathed.

"What the hell is this demon Ultron thinking?"

Diesh was a little curious.

The small-scale battle has already begun. Luke and Matthew have been scattered among the Candulas team, and started a small-scale fight with the demons.

Aidan and Diesh alternately paid attention to the slightly stronger existence among the demons.

Although it was Diyech who shot most of the time, Aidan also provided a lot of help.

It's just that his help is not directly rushing into the battlefield.

"We don't need to know what a demon is thinking. When you understand his thoughts, it's actually a little dangerous."

Aidan said helplessly.

This is not speculation, but personal experience!

He knew how he fell into Diablo's trap step by step, so he also understood the feeling of being able to understand Diablo's thinking a little bit.

By the end of those years, he could no longer even distinguish himself from Diablo.

Even if he recalls that feeling now as an angel, it will still have an impact on their souls.

You must know that this soul was born from the power of the high-level heaven, or that everything in Aidan's body is a gift from the high-level heaven except for the memory of the former prince Aidan.

There's something scary about it all.

Leoric was well aware of this, but he acknowledged it.

Incarnating himself into a madness that no one can understand is the only way he can think of to fight against demons.

But he also admitted that it is indeed more effective to let the power of the high-level heavens confront the demons.

It's not that Leoric didn't think about using the power of the high-level heavens to fight against the burning hell when he was alive, but the angels didn't give him enough response at that time.

At this time, Aidan needs such protection, and only in this way can Leoric feel a little more at ease.

Even though he knew his son wasn't what he used to be, Leoric accepted the outcome with joy.

"So we'll never really understand the idea of ​​a burning hell."

Diesh looked at Aidan with burning eyes.

Diesh is also considered a different kind among angels, he does not trust every angel indiscriminately.

Although he still trusted all the angels as a result, those angels were partners that Diesh spent time getting along with and got to know.

Diesch wished he could trust Aidan like he trusted all other angels.

But it will take some time, but fortunately, it probably won't be that long.

"We don't really need to understand the idea of ​​Burning Hell, but now I need a stable Candullas."

Aidan smiled.

He has already contacted Liya through Coulson and the others, and Liya also expressed his willingness to meet his father.

So Aidan hoped that when Leah came, Candulas could behave as he remembered, with a full smile on everyone's face.

To do this, at least those strange demons must not be able to enter their sight!

So Aidan was a little impatient at this time.

"I can help you, but you also have to know that my strength may be enough to fight a Hell Demon King twice, but winning is almost impossible."

Diesh said frankly.

"I know this, so I plan to use the power of the archangel."

Aidan didn't feel any embarrassment in saying these words.

There is an archangel in Candulas' heart, and it is not difficult for an angel to borrow the power of an archangel.

"That fellow Imprius hasn't come home for some days, I hope Auriel can take it easy."

Diesh smiled.

"Auriel won't be in a hurry, I am the one who is in a hurry."

Imprius' voice came from not far away.

At this time, Imprius was wearing overalls and was moving supplies like ordinary people in Candulas.

He is still working hard to make himself look like an ordinary human being, maybe this is a good thing?

The appearance of an archangel who really intends to understand human beings and live in the way of human beings will definitely affect the decision-making of the Angelis Council!

This shouldn't be a bad thing for humans.

"Then why don't you go back and have a look?"

Aidan was a little curious.

"Because I really can't leave now, I think Auriel can understand me."

Imprius' face was not pretty.

One of his most important goals for staying here is actually to make sure Yzreal is normal.

Yserial put himself on the balance with the Burning Hell, and the danger involved in this approach was something Imprius could not ignore.

Even Israel said that he has the ability and confidence to ensure that this plan will not lead to bad results.

But Yin Prius still couldn't let his brother face danger, but he couldn't even accompany him.

"Then what do you think about me trying to use your power to temporarily make Candulas better?"

Aidan asked with a slightly expectant tone.

"This kind of thing is supposed to be something I shouldn't refuse."

Imprius gave Aidan a deep look.

"If you say that, there is still a 'but'."

Diesh sighed.

He supported Aidan's idea.

"No but, I just want you to know, Aidan, that the most real appearance here is the battlefield between humans and demons.

And Leah is not a weak child, she is a mature warrior and a noble one. "

Imprius said slowly.

"You mean it's just me that Leah wants to see? It doesn't make sense to her how beautiful Candullas is?"

Aidan asked.

"Are you going to let Leah inherit Leoric's Candulas? Or do you want Leah to continue living the life she chose?"

Imprius asked straightforwardly.

This question made it difficult for Aidan to answer.

After all, the Candulas that once existed in his memory had died when he was a dark wanderer.

As a father, he didn't leave Leah any legacy that wasn't troublesome.

Aidan was just a little concerned and confused.

"I think the latter is the option I should support."

Aidan shook his head with a wry smile.

"You have missed the opportunity to teach your daughter to form a perception of the world under your influence.

As a guy who has not taken on the responsibility of being a father, the most important thing you should do now is to meet Lia sincerely, and then speak out your thoughts frankly. "

Imprius said, but there was a little smugness in his eyes.

"Hey, Imprius. Did you sneak something education-related at work?"

Diesh asked suspiciously.

The sacred flame on Imprius flickered.

Imprius seemed to dislike Diesch's meddling, or maybe it was to cover up his flushed face.

"I'll keep it in my mind."

Aidan bowed slightly to Imprius.

"Those demons have increased in number, it seems that the two of you will not be able to stay idle anytime soon."

Imprius said after looking around at the battlefield in the distance.

At this time, Ultron had already moved the production line to a place not far from Candulas, but none of Imprius and the others proposed the idea of ​​destroying the demon production line.

These demons acted as opponents, making the warriors of Candulas stronger visible to the naked eye.

As for those angels, they were not without gains in the battle!

All this is much better than expected!

Ultron's approach is more like giving benefits in exchange for a tacit existence.

But Inprius and Leoric both acquiesced to this tacit understanding.

It's just that no one knows how long this tacit understanding will last.

Perhaps for Imprius, it is to continue until Yserial's actions come to a result.

At that time, Ultron's status as the devil king of hell will become a joke, and the crisis can naturally end at any time.

But for Ao Chuang, maybe he really crossed the last level and became the real devil of hell.

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