Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1080 Dr. Reed's phased results!

At this time, Rumlow was sitting on the ground covered in blood with injuries all over his body.

The blood here does not come from the devil, but something flowing out of his body.

Of course, the situation Rumlow faced was not much more difficult than Steve's, but he didn't have a powerful mage like Dr. Doom around him to help.

In order to protect the Buster Building behind him, Rumlow had to fight the demons to chase and intercept him.

The purpose of the demons has never been to kill him as a nephalem, but to destroy the Buster Building behind him.

In this case, Rumlow naturally fell into a huge passive state!

"Damn it, these demons are getting harder and harder."

Rumlow shook his head, as if doing so could make his dizzy head clearer.

"Actually, you shouldn't have refused my help in the first place."

Vera and Wonder Woman stood not far away and watched.

"Although I don't know much about demons, I know when they are standing not far away when they see you and still charge in your direction.

These demons absolutely do not know you. "

Rumlow bared his teeth and smiled.

"I won't deny this, although our existence should be a resounding existence to the Burning Hell.

But the demons are not necessarily interested in us nephalem, at least it is not uncommon for them to treat us as strangers until they know our names. "

Vera's performance was exceptionally relaxed.

It's just that her hand is always on the hand crossbow at her waist. If Vera wants to shoot, the speed is no longer something that humans can calculate at this time.

"After the situation here is over, I will give you one of my favorite pistols. Believe me, as a shooter, you will definitely like this weapon."

Rumlow wiped the blood on his face casually, but doing so didn't make him look clean.

On the contrary, it made the blood stains messy.

"I will remember, I just hope that things here can be replaced soon."

After Vera finished speaking, she turned around and walked directly into the Buster Building.

"The human army is gradually adapting to the taste of fighting with evil and demons. This is good news, but it is actually terrible."

Wonder Woman shook her head.

General Ross and Dr. Banner both left the battlefield of Buster Building.

The places where the scattered scientists were located were all being attacked by demons. So far, many scientists have been killed by demons in their laboratories.

Wonder Woman is not very satisfied with this result, and it can even be said that she hates the person who made this decision.

"It's really bad, we allocate the garrison according to the importance of what scientists study.

But the strength of the demon's attack is basically proportional to the importance of the scientists' research. I have reason to think that our intelligence has been exposed to the demon's sight very early. "

Rumlow said.

His eyes are dangerous!

As the person who personally lifted the Hydra out of S.H.I.E.L.D., there is no doubt about Rumlow's belief and ability.

The judgment he made at this time was actually the suspicion of those who had worked as secret agents.

"But the strength of the demon's attack deviated from what you expected, and then did the victim appear?"

Wonder Woman asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been in touch with these secrets for a long time. But in my opinion, it may be that the demons are more aware of the threats that those scientists study bring them than we do."

Rumlow took off his coat, and then kept wiping the battle-scarred heavy hammer in his hand.

"It's a good idea, but according to my understanding, the research results that prevent human beings from being corrupted are what the demons most want to destroy.

But now the most powerful demon that comes here is also a little less than you, have you grown to the point where a good warrior crosses the boundaries of legend? "

Wonder Woman asked jokingly.

Rumlow's expression was not pretty.

Because he is very aware of the gap between himself and the legend!

"I'm unlikely to be a legend, but I'm probably at the top of the elite."

Rumlow made an assessment of his situation.

Wonder Woman nodded, there was no problem with Rumlow's self-awareness.

In the eyes of Wonder Woman, Rumlow is indeed at this level.

"In fact, I think Steve's crusader may be the fastest existence to become a legend."

Wonder Woman said something casually.

This is not her unintentional flattery, although the tone is very casual, it is also her true thought!

Johanna is a legend, or every Johanna is a legend!

What Steve got was the inheritance from Johanna, as long as he continues on this path, it is a normal thing to become a legend.

And Steve is already a legend in the human world.

This kind of belief and worship, as well as the process of spontaneously passing on his deeds, also met the conditions for the birth of a legend.

"That's really good news, our own legend has been born among us."

Rumlow smiled happily, and he was sincerely happy about it.

As a member of Hydra, he doesn't feel that he is inferior to Steve in terms of skills and abilities. The gap between the two may only be that super soldier serum.

But now, he and Steve are almost on the same starting line.

What Steve can do, he doesn't think he can't do!

"The scientist upstairs has completed a phased research. I don't think you need to face the demons that may come by yourself now."

Wonder Woman reminded me out of kindness.

Then she also turned around and walked into the building.

And in the shadow of the building, a man covered in black stood there silently looking at Rumlow.

"Hey Blade, I almost didn't see you standing in the shadows."

Rumlow greeted Blade, although the greeting was somewhat racist.

"I think so, after all, constant fighting will make your nerves too tense, and it is the most difficult time to regain vigilance when you just relax."

Blade Warrior said with a blank expression.

For him, the topic of skin color is actually not lethal.

The title that can really make him feel angry should be the term "vampire".

Although he is a real vampire now.

"Tell me, what did Dr. Reed do to you? You were only half up when I saw you before."

Rumlow said loudly.

"After they discovered that I seemed to be immune to corruption, I absorbed quite a few demonic blood.

Thanks to the ability of vampires, I am much stronger than before. The good news is that I am still myself, but it is undeniable that I also have some characteristics of demons in my body. "

Blade Runner has no intention of hiding.

"Aha, that's pretty scary. I have a feeling your next step is to take angel blood and transform yourself into a nephalem."

Rumlow smiled.

His idea is very simple, but it is indeed extremely feasible.

At least Dr. Reed had this kind of plan, but they couldn't find an angel who "voluntarily" blood in a short time.

And they don't know what angel's blood is to a vampire.

Perhaps when the vampire absorbs the blood of an angel, it will be scalded like a hot-blooded boy, and his mouth will be scalded.

"Dr. Reed means, let me not waste the blood you shed. After all, before trying the angel's blood, I need some overproducts to adapt to."

The Blade Warrior took off his sunglasses, under which his eyes were a little red.

It's all normal, because that's what vampires are like.

"As long as you don't mind, I don't care about the ownership of the blood that flows to the ground. I don't want anyone to collect this blood and then reinfuse it back into my body."

Rumlow said meaningfully.

He was talking about S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D. had already collected a lot of nephalem's blood for testing.

Speaking of testing, Rumlow believes that SHIELD may have tried to use this blood to complete cloning.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is not without a criminal record for this kind of thing, and the person who does this may not be as simple as S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'm here to deal with this."

When the blade warrior was speaking, the blood on the ground extended towards the wind direction of the blade warrior as if he had found a home.

Absorbing blood is like an instinct for vampires.

It's just that Blade Warrior can't absorb Rumlow's soul by absorbing the blood like Dracula did.

The souls of the barbarians are protected by the holy mountain, and the blade fighters cannot get past this protection to touch the soul of Rumlow.

All the blood on the ground entered the blade warrior's body in a blink of an eye. From the outside, the blade warrior seemed to have suddenly become a little bigger.

"Then the next demon will be handed over to you? Dr. Reed's research is not over yet, so the demon's attack will not end either.

At least let the existence of Vera and Wonder Woman be hidden for a little longer. "

Rumlow sighed, and then took out a cigar soaked in his own blood from his pocket.

"If your previous guess is correct, there must be guys on the human side who are cooperating with demons."

Said the Blade Warrior.

"Of course, of course! But it is not ordinary people who can know Vera and Wonder Woman. Only warriors can understand their strength, and only warriors can know their names.

I believe that there are demon spies in the building behind me, but I also believe that such spies cannot reach the level of Vera and Wonder Woman. "

Rumlow said a little grumpily.

While stuffing the blood-soaked cigar into his mouth, he kept using his own lighter, which was also completely soaked in blood.

It's a pity he couldn't ignite it!

"But that spy is definitely within the scope of high-level human beings, otherwise it would be impossible to explain where the scattered scientists would be clearly known by the devil and launch a competitive attack."

Blade threw his lighter as he spoke.

The blade of this thing is rarely used to light a cigarette, and more often it is used to light a fire after pouring gasoline on the blood-sucking bastard.

But there is no doubt that this lighter can be ignited.

"This is also a screening. Although the Hydra I know has been dealt with, I also know that those guys will not fall so easily.

Hydra's head doesn't necessarily have the same idea. "

Rumlow's tone was extremely dangerous!

Every time he thinks of Hydra, he always feels endless anger pouring out!

"That's your story, but now you can take a break. I just needed an opponent to do my rehab."

Blade smiled.

He drew his katana from his back.

This thing is no longer the silver product he used to pack up the blood-sucking offal, but a product forged by SHIELD using the secondary Adamantium alloy.

The position of the handle is made of vibrating gold, which can reduce the shock that the blade fighters will suffer when chopping hard objects.

This thing is boasted by the people of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the Blade Warrior prefers to feel the strength of the weapon in actual combat.

"If you're going to use that toy to fight demons, I suggest you pull out a steel bar with cement on it."

Rumlow just glanced at Blade Warrior's katana before giving such an evaluation.

The samurai sword is indeed sharp enough, but it is actually not very useful in high-intensity battles.

Especially after Rumlow has personally experienced the strength of those metal demon bodies!

Although the body hardness of those demons is not necessarily higher than that of the secondary Adamantium alloy, it is definitely not much worse!

The demon's body is much stronger than imagined!

"If not, I will consider your suggestion."

The blade warrior put on his sunglasses again, then swayed a blade and walked forward.

Someone in his earphones is telling him the result of the metal detector in real time!

These people are members of S.H.I.E.L.D., although they can't provide much help on the frontal battlefield.

But they are definitely not the guys who eat nothing!

After the metal demons appeared, they quickly came up with new detection methods!

Metal detection is not difficult for modern human technology!

This kind of assistance is also available to Rumlow, which is one of the reasons why he was able to never let the demon break through the line of defense in the battle to surround the demon!

"Okay, I'm having fun.

It's just that you'd better be mentally prepared, but you won't die with only a little body left, so I don't seem to need to worry about your safety. "

Rumlow finally lit his soggy cigar.

After speaking, he took a deep breath, but the cigar was not burning vigorously at all, as if it would go out at any time!

"Humanity needs more fighting power, we are not alone."

Blade Warrior said something meaningful to Rumlow.

Obviously he knew something, but he didn't fully tell Rumlow what he planned.

This practice of leaving half of the conversation is more like a prank.

"Humans need their own power, but this power seems to be helping the devil."

Rumlow suddenly heard the insight plan of Hydra.

That thing, combined with the ammo made by Green Lantern, seems to be able to give low-level demons a good cleaning.

It's just that Rumlow doesn't have a deep understanding of technical things. Although he is not at the level of a layman, things like algorithms are still too high-end for him.

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