Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1510 The last exchange with Malthael

The sky in the high-level heaven suddenly became extremely bright. At that moment, it was even brighter than when a perseverance was directly ignited here.

This kind of situation is rare, at least neither Bulcaisel nor Malthael has experienced such a weird brightness.

"Looks like Oriel is going into labor."

Malthael said calmly.

His eyes looked at the light, but he had no intention of exploring the source of the light.

In this light, Malthael sensed the breath of hope.

"We just have to wait, but when are you going to give her and Imprius's child the real needs of life?"

Bulkesso asked.

For Burqaso, the calm Malthael was much more pleasing to the eye.

Life needs a beginning and an end, and life without an end is often more like a curse.

"Wait until that child truly becomes what Auriel wants to see.

Of course, it won't be long. Nor will I wait until the child is tired of life before giving away. "

Malthael seemed to be explaining something.

Of course he knew that Bulcaisuo did not have the patience to wait that long. If everything could end today, Bulcaisuo would definitely not delay it until tomorrow.

"It seems that at least there is no need to fight between us today.

Malthael, what does the world you want look like? "

Bulkesso asked.

"The world I want? Maybe as long as there is nothing demon-related.

To be honest, during the years of Eternal War, I had never considered what to do after Eternal War ended.

After all, it was a period of time with no end in sight. "

Malthael let out a long sigh after speaking.

Inarius and Lilith are not the only ones who are tired of the eternal war?

Maybe not only the archangels, but also the demons.

They have long been tired of the eternal war, and the reason why the demons are unwilling to stop this war may just be because they do not want to stay in the burning hell that is so difficult and disgusting.

"Malthael, have you never wanted humans to be one of your kind?

You have been working to eliminate everything tainted with demonic existence from beginning to end, but why are you unwilling to try to turn humans into angels? "

Bulcaisel asked casually.

The answer to this question is actually not that important. After all, knowing the answer cannot change Malthael's mind.

Bulcaisel himself also knows very well what the Burning Hell is like. Compared with the path of "eliminating all demons", redeeming all humans should be a more difficult choice.

However, if Malthael is willing to express his thoughts, Burqaso is also willing to have a little chat with Malthael.

Even Bulcaisel has a lot of unresolved problems in his heart. Maybe Malthael can give some good suggestions?

But just as Bulkatho had no intention of changing Malthael, Malthael would not try to change Bulkatho's mind.

Everyone has already felt that they are about to reach the end.

It would also be good if we could resolve some of the confusion in our hearts before everything is settled.

“Why do you think I haven’t tried?

It's just that it was a long time ago when I made this attempt, and I was still a demon at that time. "

Malthael laughed to himself as he spoke.

The "eternity" in the eternal battle is never just an adjective. This kind of eternity is the real experience of archangels and demons!

"Then why did you give up?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bulcaisu understood what Malthael meant, and then changed the question and continued to ask.

"Because of selfishness.

Not only humans have selfish motives, but archangels do the same, and demons naturally do the same.

I can't change the selfishness of angels, and I certainly can't solve the selfishness of humans.

It's just that under the influence of the power of high-level heaven, the selfishness of the angels stays within a certain range.

This situation is already the result of our countless years of hard work. "

Malthael said unabashedly.


Bulcaisel noticed Malthael's choice of words.

"Yes, archangels and demons, or those of us who are born with authority.

It’s not like we haven’t cooperated before, although we didn’t stop fighting when we cooperated.

But the current situation has been forged reluctantly after our cooperation.

Do you think that the fact that every angel will not be corrupted is a power given by God to the higher heavens? "

Malthael himself smiled particularly happily, as if Burqaso's raising this question gave him a reason to talk.

"I'm actually not very interested in your efforts, because from what I've seen, neither you nor the devil intend to give humans a chance to survive.

If we hadn't defeated the Great Demon God, you actually had no intention of letting humans exist at all, right? "

A sneer formed on the corner of Bulkesso's lips.

"I don't deny it. After all, I have given up on redeeming all humans."

Malthael nodded.

"Did you ever plan to redeem part of humanity?"

Bulcaisel asked with a frown.

"That also requires a chance, but at least it's not as decisive as you think.

Although my method can be regarded as cutting off the existence of human beings, the last batch of human beings will still retain their own memories. "

Malthael said calmly.

"But then those last humans will have to be renamed angels, right?"

Bulcaisuo said in a mocking tone, not knowing who his mocking was directed at.

Maybe to yourself?

"Human beings are part of the miracle. Now you should understand what a miracle is, right?

It is a fire that bursts out of impossibility, and it is also an accident born in an endless cycle.

Sometimes I wonder if Oriel was behind all the accidents I have encountered over the years. "

Malthael laughed to himself as he spoke.

He has never been able to understand the existence of hope itself.

If there was no hope in the world, it would be a cycle that would not change at all.

Of course, that kind of eternity won't make people feel very happy, but that kind of unchanging eternity won't be filled with too much sadness either.

"As an Archangel of Wisdom, it's really ironic for you to say something like asking all existences to give up thinking."

Bulcaisel turned his head and glanced at Malthael.

"I sometimes hate my consciousness. Thinking brings a lot of pain. There's no way to argue with that."

Malthael lowered his head and closed his eyes slightly.

"You are wise, and your thinking should be closer to the truth than mine.

But the birth of self-awareness is terrible. Perhaps this is a gift left to everyone by the original Creator God? "

Bulqueso said noncommittally.

Malthael exuded an aura of loneliness, which surprised Burqaso.

There are other archangels around Malthael, so he shouldn't be lonely.

Even if intelligent thinking is not something everyone can understand, they have had a long enough time to communicate it all.

“This is something that happened before we were born, and I don’t dare to speculate on the Creator God’s thoughts.

But I think the Creator God should also have his own will, right? Otherwise he would have no reason to create a world. "

Malthael's smile returned to his face.

Bulcaisel finally had the opportunity to observe Malthael, the most dangerous archangel, with a calm attitude.

A face that can be considered handsome, and a pair of eyes that are always calm.

There was fatigue on that face, and even in this unprecedented glory, it was difficult to hide the dark circles under Malthael's eyes.

This is a bit ridiculous for an archangel who barely feels tired.

Bulkatho himself had seen very few Nephalem with dark circles under their eyes.

After the body becomes strong to a certain extent, although the spirit still needs to rest, at least the mental fatigue will not show up through the physical body.

"It seems that what you are tired of is never your own spirit, at least it is more than that."

Bulkesso said.

"This is the first time I have received care from the Nephalem. This experience is quite interesting."

Malthael twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to respond to this concern.

"Since this is a rare period of truce, I also want to know how you think."

Bulquesso somewhat avoided the topic of "care."

"Bulkessor, some of the principles that the Nephalem have formed over the years are actually very huge mistakes in my opinion.

For example, you never chat with demons.

Although listening to the devil's words is indeed likely to corrupt you into a part of the devil, have you never thought that the reason for their corruption is not only the conspiracy of the devil?

Or maybe they were convinced by the devil's ideas? "

Malthael said very carefully.

It was as if he was afraid that this statement would directly anger Bulcasso.

He was very aware of the harm that the Nephalem caused to other Nephalem after being corrupted by demons. This idea was considered very deviant for the Nephalem.

"I know that the more firmly convinced a person is, the more powerful the demon becomes when he is persuaded by the devil.

No matter how you think about it, it can't be explained just because they were powerful enough when they were humans.

The devil should be the type that becomes more powerful the more he agrees with a belief that I don't understand.

But the existence of demons is unnecessary and a huge risk to humans! "

Bulcaisel showed no sign of anger, he was just speaking his mind.

Hearing Bulcaisuo say this, Malthael seemed to be relieved.

"Your views on demons are actually similar to my views on Nephalem.

You also know that Yizuer was forcibly corrupted by demons using the origin of the Burning Hell, and the Nephalem have the possibility of forcibly causing angels to fall into heaven.

With that said, you should be able to understand some of my hostility towards the Nephalem. "

Malthael said slowly.

"I knew from the beginning that there were not so many reasons for the war between us, it was just a matter of stance.

If humans want to survive better, they must break the influence of high-level heaven and burning hell.

Of course, what humans do is not always a good thing for the angels, especially for the Burning Hell.

In addition to their positions, you and Tyrael even settled a mortal feud with the Nephalem.

This hatred can probably only be resolved by time, or one of us has completely cut off the future. "

Bulkesso said without changing his expression.

He had no intention of engaging in any drama with Malthael where they could just laugh it off.

Hatred is hatred, even if the Nephalem and the High Heavens only had disputes because of their different stances at first.

But when hatred is formed, there are many other things.

“I know, so this should be the last time we communicate.

After Auriel's child is born, you will start the final battle, right? "

Malthael spoke slowly, as if he wanted to prolong the conversation.

"It's not that I want to start a decisive battle, but no matter who it is, they will definitely join in the decisive battle.

Because that is the true sense of ‘time waits for no one’. "

Bulcaisel revealed a little bit of information, which is not something that needs to be strictly hidden.

At least when that moment comes, everyone, including Malthael, will understand why.

As for preparation in advance? Auriel is already in labor, and maybe the child will be born next moment, and Malthael won't have much time to prepare.

Bulcaisso didn't mean to underestimate Malthael. Burcaisuo wouldn't be surprised if this guy showed any trump card at the beginning of the decisive battle.

Will the Archangel of Wisdom plunge into war without preparation? That kind of thing seems impossible just thinking about it.

"By the way, in return for your willingness to chat with me, I will also send you a message.

The power of lies has returned from our original world, which should be good news to you.

But this time, the person holding the power of lies is not as easy to deal with as Bile. "

Malthael suddenly became energetic, as if he was giving this information with a bit of fun.

"I have guessed that the true face of the power of lies may be much scarier than the name, but whether it is you or other guys, it is still difficult to use this power to gain greater power."

Bulcasso said and nodded.

This news did not affect Burqueso's thoughts much.

"The fact that Auriel entrusts her hope to you may have a much more important meaning than it seems now.

In fact, if you can bring the eternal war to a complete end, I would also be happy to see it happen.

It's just that we have some selfishness after all, and we won't be willing to let it go so easily. "

Malthael said slowly while looking at the increasingly intense light in the sky.

It was like he was planning to bring an end to this exchange.

"The authority of hope? Before I get this authority, I can only guess the true power of this authority.

But strength is not a panacea for all problems. "

Bulcaisel seemed to mean something.

"Indeed, so you plan to gain wisdom at the end?

This is like a natural birth of life. After the body becomes complete, wisdom makes the soul sound?

Is this the path you set for yourself from the beginning? "

Malthael asked.

“Not only that, there’s a lot of thinking on my part here, and there’s also a lot of experience that I gained as Uldyssian.

Although for me now, this path was chosen more instinctively. "

Bulquesso described his journey without reservation.

Even if Malthael knew this, he wouldn't change anything.

After all, he didn't have much time to think carefully about a new plan.

Malthael was never the omniscient and omnipotent being from beginning to end. The authority of wisdom itself lies more in exploring the power of the unknown.

If there is something worth paying attention to in Malthael, it is probably what he has gained after countless years of exploring the position.

However, due to the existence of knowledge authority, Malthael cannot explore the unknown without any worries.

Otherwise, all Malthael's gains will become Lilith's power, which would be a bit ridiculous. (End of chapter)

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