Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1644: Unknown solutions layered upon layer

The combat power of the human side has begun to be mobilized.

In fact, they know very well that any large-scale actions they take are unlikely to be hidden from the eyes of the demons.

But this time, even if the demons notice the manpower transfer, there won't be any trouble. After all, the demons now have a reason not to give in!

From the moment the energy cannon fired its first shell, the demons were destined to be unable to turn a blind eye!

Even if they can't stop humans from continuing to build that kind of giant cannon, they still have to rush to where the giant cannon is to launch an attack!

Destroying the giant cannon is not their goal, but figuring out the upper limit of this weapon is something that must be done, especially since this weapon has already demonstrated sufficient mass destruction!

What Nick Fury sent up quickly passed the review, and the mobilization of human troops has also directly entered into the relief of the army.

As long as they can be regarded as extraordinary beings, they have now received orders to gather.

These people will arrive at the location marked on Dr. Doom's map first, and they will also bear the first wave of the demon's offensive.

Although there are bound to be victims in this war, the human side gave up the battle method of relying mainly on ordinary troops after a brief but professional discussion.

Using extraordinary beings to face the first wave of offensive will definitely not result in more sacrifices than an ordinary army!

It's not that humans are still simply concerned with quantitative comparisons at this time, but that this war is not going to end in a short time.

Perhaps when the giant cannons from all over the place fired at the demon army, the result of this war was already visible to everyone.

But when the demons who saw that there was nothing they could do and began to flee lost order, it was time for the army of ordinary people to face the test.

Cleaning out the demons cannot be left to just a few people. Even if they can do it, it will be a waste of their extraordinary fighting power!

The best choice is to let the strong kill the powerful demons among the demon army, and then go directly to find the next target.

Because the number of humans who can deal with warrior-level demons is still very small, let them do their best to clear out the powerful demons, and then hand over the remaining demons to the ordinary army. This is the only way to truly reduce losses.

In this way, the extraordinary ones will not be too tired.

Although the top human beings still know nothing about the level of defense that Dr. Doom intends to provide, it is just like the reason why Sir Newton is willing to believe in Dr. Doom.

Even if he only thinks about it from a self-interested point of view, Dr. Doom will come up with something real to help mankind at this time.

Although it didn't take much time to make the decision, it was the result of discussions among a think tank team composed of a large number of smart people.

Humanity has already begun to take action!

"Sir Newton, I have to leave for a while. There must be no delay in setting up the defense line for the army."

Dr. Doom said lightly.

He has received more specific information. At this time, the number of demons gathered within the strike range has reached about 35%.

Dr. Doom wouldn't be surprised if the devil launches a general attack the next moment.

After seeing the lethality of the energy cannon with his own eyes, he could naturally draw a relatively accurate conclusion.

As long as the demon is within the attack range, as long as it does not reach the warrior level, it will almost certainly die under the attack.

Although Dr. Doom is not sure whether it is possible for demons to sacrifice the lives of a large number of powerful demons to protect more weak demons, based on his understanding of demons, the probability of such a thing happening is really negligible!

"It's okay even if you don't come back. I'm not the kind of guy who will be killed easily."

Sir Newton said very plainly.

He wasn't pretending to be calm, but he thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Although Dr. Doom is by his side, the high-level combat effectiveness is more guaranteed. But this time it was not a battle planned to eliminate the demon's high-level combat power.

When the bombardment starts, Sir Newton will evacuate this place as soon as possible. He has no interest in staying here and being attacked by the devil.

Even if he is restricted from leaving at that time, Sir Newton is already prepared to face the attack.

Except for the demon who was hit by the first cannon and survived, no one knew better than him how lethal the energy cannon was.

He had prepared a large number of means when planning, and was naturally confident that he could save his life under such an attack.

Dr. Doom just smiled, he also believed in Sir Newton.

The more they get along, the more Dr. Doom and Sir Newton are able to discover similarities with each other.

They all have certain ambitions and are all on the same path.

And their ambitions will never have the most serious consequences for mankind!

"Actually, there are always people around you, right?"

Dr. Doom said lightly.

This was a test, and he wasn't sure that his guess was correct. But in Dr. Doom's opinion, the probability is really high.

Just as SHIELD will continue to pay attention to his actions, Sir Newton, who has so many similarities with him, will naturally be closely followed.

Sir Newton didn't say much, but this silence was considered a kind of acquiescence.

But Sir Newton has no objection to this kind of attention. After all, the guy guarding him is just to ensure that he will not do anything dangerous, and he can still be trusted as a fighting force at critical times.

Seeing Sir Newton's acquiescence, Dr. Doom also put aside his last worry.

There is no need to think too much about the candidate who can serve as Sir Newton's monitor. It is destined to be among those spell casters who are very close to Weishan Emperor.

Although Dr. Doom didn't know who it was, he guessed it was Strange.

Dr. Doom left without looking back. He was now going to place the front in his hands at the appropriate place.

Then wait until the human side's combat power is about to arrive to activate the defense line!

It's not that he doesn't want to directly activate the defense now, but it's just that he can't do so.

If the human combat power has not reached the defense line, then activating the defense line will allow the devil to use the defense line to cause harm to humans.

Although Dr. Doom had already made a plan for this situation, now that the plan has been launched, there is no need for extraneous matters.

Of course he will leave some means in his creation that he can counterattack.

The simplest thing is that the defense line he created can directly cause a major internal explosion under his will.

This method can cause greater damage to demons when they break through the defense line and appear in large numbers inside the defense line. After all, when things develop to that point, the humans trapped within the defense line will most likely not survive.

But Dr. Doom would not tell others this kind of thing easily. Even if this is a so-called "necessary sacrifice", it is a method that goes against human nature.

It would be more beneficial to him to retain this method and not tell others.

And Dr. Doom doesn't think those who know him well can't guess that he retains this method, but it's just that this kind of thing is not suitable to be mentioned on the table.

Humanity is now in urgent need of a hearty victory to stabilize the hearts of the people. After all, it is not only SHIELD that has noticed the fluctuation of the hearts of the people, but this is also happening in La Tovilia.

It is not suitable for humans to use the power of Bulcaisel to stabilize people's hearts. After all, Bulcaisuo is too far away for ordinary people struggling to survive in this world.

Even if they knew the name, they had no idea about Bulkesso in their hearts.

What they care more about is the threat posed by the demons that seem to be everywhere around them!

This action is a reassurance for those who have begun to waver, making them realize that the situation in this struggle is turning in their favor.

Otherwise, when panic begins to break out within humans, the corruption of humans into demons will enter a period of high incidence again.

From the perspective of a ruler, Dr. Doom does not have too many expectations for human nature.

It is a ridiculous idea to allow hundreds of millions of human beings to maintain an optimistic attitude towards war for a long time.

Humanity urgently needs a tangible victory. This is why the top management of mankind made a decision in a short time after knowing that there were too many things worthy of discussion in this plan!

Dr. Doom couldn't help but want to laugh. It was true that he had a high self-esteem, but his high self-esteem was never unreasonable.

After Dr. Doom left, Sir Newton looked behind him leisurely.

"Strange, he already guessed it was you."

Sir Newton said very plainly.

"This is also a normal situation, and didn't you just make such a plan after knowing that I was here?"

Strange said slowly while holding a staff suspended in mid-air.

He did not take over the position of Supreme Mage, and naturally he did not receive the powerful cloak behind him.

But now he is definitely a spell caster on the same level as Sir Newton and Dr. Doom.

As a Nephalem mage, Strange has actually learned many spells from the lineage of the Supreme Mage.

Although many of the spells are of no use most of the time, he is extremely skilled at creating a mirror space!

The battle that takes place in the mirror space will not cause damage to the outside world, and the opposite is the same!

No matter it's dark outside or there's no light from the sun or the moon, they won't be affected in the mirror space.

Sir Newton did indeed think about escaping from this place at the beginning to avoid being attacked by his own side.

But Sir Newton also understood one thing. Those demons rushed here not just to destroy the energy cannon that caused huge damage to the demons.

He, the maker of the energy cannon, is also the target that the demons want to kill!

Sir Newton was just not sure what method the devil would use to target him.

After all, the current earth is not suitable for the emergence of powerful demons above the legendary level. The most likely way is to surround him with a large number of elite demons.

Sir Newton had already positioned himself as bait from the start.

With Strange around, Sir Newton is still confident in his safety.

With just a snap of his fingers, he and Strange could hide in the mirror space.

And he had to wait here until those demons determined his location before he could choose to leave.

Only in this way can we truly weaken the power of the devil on earth to the "maximum extent".

As for whether the devil could not figure out who was the creator of the energy cannon, Sir Newton had no doubt at all.

Dr. Doom can see the current situation of people's hearts, how could he know nothing about it?

From the very beginning, Sir Newton did not hide his identity as the designer of the energy cannon. It did not even require high-level human beings to get the news.

At this time when people's hearts are in a state of flux, it is not uncommon for someone to be biased toward the devil!

It's just that those guys haven't reached the level of corruption yet!

Sir Newton has collected a lot of information about the Nephalem. He knows that many of the Paladins and Templars in Sanctuary have become the devil's lackeys, and there are also believers who directly believe in the devil!

With these considerations in mind, Sir Newton determined that the devil had locked onto his identity.

"You have to find a good time, the devil is willing to die with me.

I will use this opportunity to weaken those elite demons so that they can all die here. "

Sir Newton said with a bit of cruelty.

He would not choose to run away the moment the elite demons appeared. If he did, those elite demons might not stay here to look for him.

The best time is to fight the demons and make them feel that they cannot leave this place.

After experiencing the battle with him, no matter how elite the devil is, it is impossible for him to lose nothing.

The moment the energy cannon's bombardment arrives, Strange will take him to hide in the mirror space.

That is the most perfect result at this stage of this war!

"You now look like the truth is a villain."

Strange complained lightly.

Hiding in mirror space is not the only solution to this problem.

Strange himself has many ways to deal with the bombardment of energy cannons, and he also believes that Sir Newton will not put all his eggs in one basket.

As the top spellcaster, Sir Newton cannot put all his hopes on him.

How could a guy as arrogant as Sir Newton think that his methods were inferior to Strange?

Hiding in the mirror space is just the most convenient way!

Although Strange doesn't know what other plans Sir Newton has, he believes that the bombardment of the energy cannon is just part of the attack on these demons.

Sir Newton and his fighting prowess are insurmountable mountains for elite-level demons. At worst, they can simply eliminate the demons themselves.

As for how many methods and plans Sir Newton had, Strange didn't care at all.

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