Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 433 The human watchman who finally showed his style

"It's my first time as an angel and I have no experience."

Facing Anderson's words, Johnny looked a little embarrassed.

"Are we here for a tea party! Enough is enough!"

After Tony put down such a sentence viciously, he flew away in the direction of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since there are already enough people staying in this place, it seems that there is no problem in the temporary absence of him.

If something happens, he will come over as soon as possible.

At least his mobility is guaranteed, except for those angels and mages whose movement methods cannot be explained by science.

Flying is always faster than swinging, isn't it?

Besides, there aren't many healthy buildings around here.

After watching Tony fly away, Dr. Doom shook his head. When Tony was here, he would always think of the unpleasant past.

It's just that now, all the bodyguards who used to attack him have lost their news.

There is no need to doubt Dr. Doom, Tony's bodyguard has always been a high-risk occupation in the early years.

After all, playboys will not stay in the laboratory honestly.

"King of Latovilla, Victor von Doom."

Dr. Doom looked at Loki and introduced himself.

He had already realized the power of this mage in the previous battles, and he didn't lack respect and Dr. Doom at all.

"Prince of Asgard, perhaps a child of the Frost Giants, Loki."

Loki had a trademark smirk on his face, not knowing what bad idea he was planning.

But it doesn't seem to matter. It's rare for people who don't know that Loki is a bad boy.

Who made the description of him in the myth generally correct?

As someone famous, Rocky relishes the limelight. Because that would mean a grand prank.

When thinking of the prank, Loki's face was a little disappointed, after all, no one can tolerate his prank now.

And he is no longer the prince of Asgard.

Thor becoming the new king of Asgard is inevitable in Loki's eyes.

Loki will take on more burdens when he meets that stupid brother.

Not for Asgard, but for his brother.

At this time, Spider-Man launched a spider thread to hang himself up, and left the scene with a gesture that was a bit weird for normal people.

His chosen target was the tallest of the only remaining buildings in the area, the stairs of which had been destroyed in the aftermath of the previous battle.

Spiderman can get a period of time to calm his emotions in this place, and he can also hear other people's conversations by the way, so that he won't miss any important news.

Spider-Man, who is fighting alone, lacks a lot of intelligence, but there is no way to blame this hero who enforces justice by listening to police notifications.

After all, in this world, he really has no relatives.

Just when the people on the ground began to look for topics, Midnight in the sewer finally regained consciousness reluctantly.

The world of the strong is not something that a person living in the sewer can spy on. Obviously, his previous behavior caused him a little trouble.

When he finally regained his sight, he couldn't help but let out a "fuck" sound!

Because standing in front of him was a guy with scales all over his body, who didn't look much different from a crocodile.

The guy's eyes were a little hesitant, as if he was not considering whether to eat him, but a look like why a guest he didn't know came to his house.

Complicated beyond description.

The corner of Midnight's mouth twitched, looking at the guy in front of him.

The staring time didn't last very long, and it was midnight that broke the deadlock.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Killer crocodile."

Then there was another silence.

"Dude, 'Killer Croc' doesn't sound like a name, it's a nickname."

Midnight said so.

If it weren't for the injuries left on his body from being stepped on from the manhole cover before, he might stretch out his poisonous hands wrapped in green light to warn the unknown creatures in front of him.

Killer Crocodile didn't respond much to Midnight's words, and looked a little dazed.

"Well, you can call me Midnight, Father Midnight."

Midnight can only introduce myself and break the ice.

After all, in this place that looks like the crocodile's home field, it doesn't seem like a wise choice to fight this guy who claims to be a killer crocodile.

"Your...is your name? Your father called you Father Midnight? You call your father Dad?"

Killer Crocodile was a little shocked.

His growth process was very difficult, and he even used to be a display prop in the circus.

But even with such an outrageous growth experience, he has never heard anyone call his child "Daddy".

Midnight adjusted her mentality through a deep breath, and endured the pain in her body before continuing to speak.

"Just like 'Killer Crocodile', it's just a code name."

"Code name? 007 kind? James Bond?"

Killer Crocodile successfully killed Tian.

Only at this time did midnight see Killer Crocodile holding a leg of lamb that smelled like sewers.

It still looks like it has been simply baked.

With just this hasty glance, he probably understood what happened to Killer Crocodile.

It seems a little less intelligent than normal people, but it is still in the category of human beings.

"Listen, there's a bunch of freaks up there right now, we need to keep quiet, or find a way to get out of here."

Midnight pointed at the passage he had come from, and it had collapsed there.

At midnight, there seemed to be no other route for him to leave this place except for the manhole cover above his head.

"I can get out of the water."


"Are you a local? It hasn't been long since I just moved to this place. Do you have any channels that can help me connect to a TV signal in the sewer? I have wanted to watch TV programs for a long time, but it has not been convenient."

When Killer Crocodile said this, expectations flashed in his eyes.

Killer Crocodile has a quick temper, but that doesn't include when he's asking for more.

"May I ask, do you have any relatives or friends that you can go to?"

After thinking about it for a long time in the middle of the night, he said this.

He was about to cry stupidly by the killer crocodile.

Midnight is not a benevolent guy, but his consistent "neutrality" makes him better at weighing.

When facing Constantine, he would calculate each other without any psychological pressure, because he knew that Constantine was a guy with no backer, only enemies everywhere.

Of course he has no pressure.

As for a guy like Killer Crocodile, if he was in the past, Midnight would turn him into a powerful resurrected corpse.

It's just that now isn't the right time.

At least Midnight, who is now finding it difficult to use mana, doesn't feel that he can defeat the guy in front of him 100%.

Killer Crocodile's physical fitness only needs to be seen at a glance. This guy is not just ugly.

Not to mention the fact that there's a whole circle of people sitting there overhead, having a series of discussions that sound powerful but aren't very useful.

Philosophy is helpful to help human beings recognize themselves, but it is definitely not enough to fill their stomachs.

Midnight has no interest in these.

But the killer crocodile in front of him is a bit interesting.


A concise answer, if it was in the past, Midnight would probably appreciate this guy's frankness.

Dyehong started directly with admiration.

Thinking about it carefully, some of the misfortunes that Midnight suffered all happened after he got involved with Constantine.

Especially this time, after being fooled into breaking his idea of ​​"balance", everything went wrong.

"It looks like you don't have any money either."

Midnight said so, and looked at the other party up and down.

This country values ​​profit more than anything else. As long as you have the money, let alone pulling TV lines into the sewers, you can directly repair underground villas.

Looking at the killer crocodile, although Midnight wanted to say something about the circus exhibition, Midnight's intuition made him choose to shut up.

Although this guy doesn't look very smart, he has the breath of other souls on him.

At least Killer Crocodile has killed people.

He has a violent temper, has been discriminated against, and has killed people, and now he can still run around.

This guy can't be easy to deal with.

"My money was robbed by a monster before."

The killer crocodile said with a look of embarrassment, lowering his eyes and shedding a few tears.

Looking at the killer crocodile in the middle of the night, his expression became even uglier.

Crocodile tears are just for dry eyes, he knows the story.

Until now, Midnight has never treated the killer crocodile as a human being. After all, such a guy looks like a monster and doesn't look very pleasing.

"What monster?"

Midnight asked in line with Killer Crocodile's words, and silently grabbed a voodoo doll in his hand.

Although he didn't deal with his brother very much, that guy was his brother after all.

Voodoo practitioners are very particular about blood ties. Although the scope of attention is not only mutual support, but also the occasional type of killing each other.

But the voodoo doctor didn't need the blood of his blood relatives to release any spells, after all, he was already standing at the top of the mage.

This voodoo doll is a life-saving prop, although Midnight doesn't know if this thing can work on the previous Imprius.

But it was more than enough to deal with the threat posed by Dr. Doom.

Let alone the killer crocodile in front of him.

"A humanoid monster dressed like a big bat, but as strong as a giant elephant. He robbed me of the money I earned and said he would confiscate it or something."

As the killer crocodile said this, he moved a little closer to the water surface.

Animal instinct? Or wild intuition?

That's it, the killer crocodile is ready to get into the sewer at any time.

A different kind of atavism gives him top-level underwater mobility.

Although this is not in line with the habits of crocodiles, one can't expect Killer Crocodile, a guy who hasn't even been to school much, to know these problems.

"By the way, do you know where Arkham is?"

Killer Crocodile asked in a low voice, with the light of "wisdom" shining in his eyes.

"The monster was going to send me to that place, saying that I could watch TV shows, but I didn't believe him."

As Killer Crocodile spoke, he walked to the water's edge.

The next moment a fierce son plunged in.

In the middle of the night, the hairs all over his body stood on end, stimulated by the violent sense of crisis.

The feeling of being targeted by a large carnivore made the voodoo artist feel terrible.

Midnight understood in an instant that he had become the other party's prey.

The previous conversation not only contained his temptation to the killer crocodile, but also a judgment of the threat level of the killer crocodile to him.

A lonely monster doesn't care if the person in front of him has a background.

Midnight tightly held the voodoo doll in her hand, her face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.


In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury quietly returned to his original position after properly placing Coulson.

It seemed like such a move was superfluous, since the problem could be solved by taking out his own "corpse", but he still chose this slightly more complicated way of playing.

Because Nick Fury needs to gain a certain level of trust when Sonya and Auriel return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

There was something he wanted to tell Sonya and Auriel.

This period of speculation gave him a general understanding of barbarians, after all, this group has not yet broken away from the human category.

It's just that the strength of the individual is somewhat beyond the standard.


Sonya fell heavily on the floor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and her legs sank directly into the ground due to the huge force.

Sonya originally planned to have a few words with Constantine first, but something seemed wrong now.

There were still traces of the effects of Sandman's sandbags, which made Sonya concerned.

The power of the Sandman is everything related to pure dreams. For Sonya, this method has a lot in common with the deeds of the devil.

So she was a little nervous.

"What are you doing?"

Sonya said casually, already holding the mountain-splitting axe in her palm.

A burst of cold air swept across, waking up all the people trapped in the dream.

"I seem to have a nightmare, dreaming that the world is collapsing?"

The bionic bird Barbara rubbed her head and said, obviously she was not used to being just woken up from her sleep.

Instead, Melinda has realized what happened to her not long ago.

At least in her memory, she could clearly recall Constantine's cheap smile.

"Where's Constantine? And Coulson!"

Melinda's face was a little gloomy, and she heard what Barbara said.

I had the same dream.

The picture of the world turned into fragments scattered from the edge a little bit is full of weird realism.

The person in the dream will not be surprised by any weird things in the dream, such as seeing a horse riding a monkey, but will only laugh at those pictures after waking up.

The dream world is not the realm of the waking state.

At this time, Melinda didn't want to delve into those mysterious things, and it was only reasonable to leave professional matters to professionals.

So Melinda asked where Constantine went in the first sentence.

The purpose of her looking for Constantine is definitely not simply to consult related issues.

At this point, Melinda can guarantee with her own iron fist that Constantine's medicine jar will definitely be punished with an iron fist.

Coulson also disappeared at this time, and it is obvious that Constantine, who is not on the scene at this time, has the greatest suspicious value.

Nick Fury's safe house is monitored, but only Nick Fury himself knows where the teleportation goes.

That's why Nick Fury took Coulson away without any scruples.

In other words, he didn't intend to keep this matter a secret.

After all, there is a Tony in this world who can use the information of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a tabloid for leisure.

It is enough to know that it has not been exposed for a short time.

Tony will always see that surveillance, and then Nick Fury will be able to have a good talk with Tony.

Smart people are always easy to persuade because they know the trade-offs.

Tony is the best at this.

Nick Fury is confident that Tony will stand in the same camp as him after knowing some news.

Nick Fury, who was pretending to be a dead body on the ground, realized that it was time for him to make his debut.

So he slowly opened his one eye, that bewildered posture was very similar to that of the Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale when she woke up.


Nick Fury made a sound in a timely manner, and the sound sounded as weird as being passed by Constantine.

So Nick Fury successfully attracted the attention of several people present.

But before he had time to speak, Auriel who spread his wings of light snatched all his attention.

With a smile on her face, Auriel nodded slightly to Sonya.

"Happy cooperation~"

A mental wave was transmitted to Sonya's mind, and Sonya curled her lips, and glanced at Auriel's belly with eyes that no one knew except the person involved.

Children of hope and courage.

Sonya hoped that the child would not inherit the faults of both parents.

Correspondingly, Sonya was also worried about Auriel.

Giving birth to a new life is definitely not an easy task.

Auriel's power will weaken as the child matures, until the day the child is born.

During this process, hope will become the target of public criticism.

Especially since Diablo already has sight in the world, it is impossible to hide this matter for a long time.

"The power of dreams? I really don't know what to say."

Auriel was as gentle as before, and eliminated the impact of the sandbag with a wave of her hand.

"Sonya, you are stronger than before. This time I will make concessions, but I can't let hope come with good intentions, but go away in disappointment."

Auriel is having a scene with Sonya.

Auriel needs the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the foundation for condensing the hopeful personality of this world.

It's easier to work with an organization larger than a single nation than to start a religion from scratch. And as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. is fully operational, its efficiency will definitely be satisfactory.

"Listen to my bottom line! Human beings have the right to choose. No matter whether there is a cliff or a smooth road ahead, you cannot make a choice for human beings."

Sonya said angrily.

These words were given to her by Auriel in the field.

In order for Sonya to cooperate with the performance, Auriel even crushed all the weeping angels into powder, and then used the power of hope to help Sonya strengthen some of that field.

To Auriel it's an act of support for a friend, and in Sonya's eyes it's the cost of hiring her.

Although Sonya was very satisfied with this kind of remuneration, she was still a little reluctant to do things like acting.

This is too much trouble.


Auriel said softly, the brilliance on her body became a little dazzling.

The entire room was occupied by her who was devastated.

Sonya is not good at disguising. In order to prevent the smart people present from seeing anything, Auriel used some tricks.

And Nick Fury's previously prepared remarks were all disrupted at this time.

Unbeknownst to him, the savage and the angel reached a cooperation intention about the future of mankind? And as the guardian of mankind (self-appointed), he doesn't know anything about it?

Nick Fury only felt that his scalp was starting to itch.

The last time he felt this way was when he rubbed ginger on his scalp in order to make the life double grow hair like a normal person.

"Well, I wonder what you guys were talking about?"

Nick Fury gave up his "slowly awakening" script, and while speaking, he tried to stand up with his arms.

But this body, which had been tortured several times by Constantine, failed to allow him to complete such a simple movement.

The previous few kicks were ruthless.

It wouldn't be a problem if Nick Fury arrived a little slower, but right now it's a bit rushed after all.

Constantine's physical fitness is average, but as a guy who deals with angels and demons on the front line, he doesn't just study the weaknesses of outsiders.

Human frailty is also in his field of study.

Nick Fury let out a grunt of pain before defecation, and almost fell back to the ground.

Embarrassed, the movement is very natural, not deliberate at all.

The "underdog" image helps to take advantage of the goodness in others.

Archangels and barbarians seem to be kind to humans. Nick Fury doesn't mind being embarrassed. As long as there is a slight possibility to fight for more things for humans, he has no scruples.

"Human, your hopes are too heavy. This body cannot support your lofty ideals."

Auriel said meaningfully, a pair of eyes seemed to pass through the one eye of Nick Fury's body, and had a connection with the body far away on the moon.

Constantine is not the only one who struggles in despair, and Nick Fury who knows more has nothing worse than Constantine in his belief in hope.

Even more dazzling!

This hope has been entwined with the brilliance and darkness of human nature. Such Nick Fury is quite pleasing to Auril.

Although he wasn't a good person, Auriel, a guy who practiced his ideals and held on to hope, couldn't hate him.

Nick Fury was a little lost, but immediately recovered.

"It doesn't seem very polite to pry into the soul rashly, ma'am."

Nick Fury said with a cold face, his body was very relaxed, and there were no signs of it.

The king of agents finally got a little more serious at this time, showing his due demeanor.

Pretending is useless, so show some human dignity!

Human beings are not to be manipulated by other guys at will, and Nick Fury is constantly striving for this goal!

Today's 6,000 words are here.

In order not to affect the update and the second uncle's banquet, I didn't sleep directly...

Fortunately, I persisted.

Work and rest should resume.

4D will be updated tomorrow.

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