Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 472 Enraged Rose to Death (Part 2)

"How dare you..." It was Rose's voice that sounded in the hollow, as if she had discovered Lei Wen's presence, her divine sense retracted all of a sudden.

The female drow priest knocked her head on the hard rock wall of the cave on the spot, and then lay down on the ground unconscious. Unfortunately, Rose won't make her so happy, and her vicious curse ensues.

She was in too much pain, and all kinds of pain tormented her. She suddenly regretted why she didn't tear off those Rose's holy emblem ornaments on her body before scolding Rose.

Because at this moment, those things are still hot with a soldering iron!

There was a feeling of burning a hole in her soul.

The face that was still a sign immediately contorted due to the extreme pain, first rolled all over the ground, and then crazily grabbed the solid rocky ground in pain, the well-manicured nails were scraped off, and the black fingers were mixed with blood, completely invisible I don't know.

The black flame like tarsus maggots rolled and swayed with the priestess' pain, like a black human-shaped torch.


Except for Aideli who couldn't bear it and immediately retreated, none of the gods thought there was anything wrong with it. Forcing the opponent's priest to become a traitor, cursing the opponent's god, disturbing his mind, and attacking the foundation of the opponent is originally part of the battle of gods.

"Curse Rose. If you swear enough, maybe I'll be happy and make you my believer. Of course, I hate the chaotic faction among my believers." Raven urged viciously. The former priest of Lolth.

In a way, it's also for this guy's good. Rose gave divine spells every day, and at the same time injected a small part of her divine power into the priest. If you don't burn out these vicious divine powers and slowly burn your soul, perhaps Lei Wen can only get a beautiful corpse whose soul is completely burned.

It's true that Lei Wen is the king of the dead. As far as personal aesthetics is concerned, he doesn't like to play with corpses or bones. At most, collecting souls is the limit of Lei Wen's aesthetics.

Anyway, I also want to come up with an example of surrender.

"Really...?" Mingming was so painful that tears and snot flowed down his face. The drow priestess still showed hopeful light.

"Hehe." Well, universal reply is very useful.

"Rose, you bitch who is only worthy of giving birth to slimes with Gwanard..." the priestess scolded in one breath, her rich vocabulary and wonderful scolding words really opened the eyes of even the gods.

"..." Lei Wen and the gods were speechless at the same time.

Rose didn't dare to show up, but she could use the divine power remaining in the priestess' body to vent her divine wrath wantonly!

As if feeling that the burning of her soul was not enough to relieve her hatred, Rose's divine power began to change. Produces a stinging sensation similar to the venomous nerve stinger of the Abyssal Widow Spider. This kind of punishment with Rose's characteristics made the screams of the priestess even more miserable, making those who heard it even more shocked and those who heard it shed tears.

Originally, Raven could have used his divine power to help get rid of Rose's divine power more simply and directly.

For one thing, Raven wouldn't waste his divine power on an enemy.

Secondly, except for the believers of Eilistraee, most of the dark drow are bastards with "betrayal" in their blood. They can betray the first time without being tortured thoroughly once. There will be countless times in the future. The price of betrayal cannot be too low!

Rose's divine power highly imitated the terrifying neurotoxin, which caused violent reactions in all organs of her whole body, and all senses became disordered.

At this time, the residue in the stomach was spit out, sweat and blood leaked from the pores of the body, and all kinds of messy excrement overflowed from the lower body.

Her whole body was still twitching in pain.

How long has it been?

According to Raven. Just five minutes.

But she seemed to have been in hell for 50,000 years.

Eventually, the pain stopped.

Because Rose's divine power remaining in her body has been burned out. She was limp on the ground, her face was so pale that it made people think that she didn't look like a black Pedro, and she was not as angry as a hair. He was covered in all sorts of unpleasant smells.

Even though she looked like she was dying, she survived after all.

She struggled to cast a hopeful look at Lei Wen, she didn't dare to expect too much, she only hoped that Lei Wen could protect her, otherwise if she fell into Rose's hands, it would be another life that would be worse than death.

Raven smiled, and lightly released a little trick. It was a video of his glorious deeds.

"I'll give you three minutes, believe in it, and then believe in me. If you can reach the level of devout believer or above, there will be rewards."

"Yes!" The female drow priest felt like a treasure.

When she began to bear this image with her heart. An accident that slightly surprised Raven happened.

system hint:

"You inadvertently replaced part of the memory of the drow female elf priest Kamanda with the [Illusion of Reality] learned from the [Siri Hat]. You obtained information about the domain of [Illusion of Reality]."

"You threatened Kamanda, and her will to resist has collapsed. She chose to accept your phantom fragments as her real memory."

"Your god-level skill [Selfless Faith] has mutated and has an unknown effect on the target creature. Because the other party chooses to fully accept your belief, its camp has shifted... According to the system calculation, the target creature Kamanda is now against you The faith level of is devout believer. Its alignment is expected to change to lawful evil within thirty days."

Raven was really taken aback.

A moment ago, the drow priest who was still loyal to Rose, because of his intimidation and the torture of Rose, after giving up his faith, he turned to believe in him, and became a devout believer in such a short period of time.

This is really... how speechless.

The gaze of a pious believer cannot be faked. These days, even the lowest-level priests have [Faith Check] magic, let alone Lei Wen, who is the main god.

This scene made even Suni feel... very strange.

Suni came over naturally, and put a hand on Raven's shoulder: "Oh, little brother Raven, I finally understand why you have received so much inheritance from Cyric. Cyric used terror to force mortals to believe in him. You are not bad either."

"Hey, it's far away, okay, Cyric's mad dog will bite anyone. I didn't touch the camps of kindness and neutrality." Raven looked innocent.

"The words are up front. If my sister and I find out that you are killing beautiful creatures indiscriminately, I may become your enemy." Suni was used to teasing others again, blowing in Raven's ear.

"Don't worry, no."

At this time, the priestess Kamanda asked weakly: "God, I...can I call you my lord?"

Lei Wen glanced at her, pinched his nose: "You are too stinky, after you wash it off, follow me." After speaking, a divine thought passed, and a few robot-like organs came out of the portal that was still open. People, without saying a word, they dragged the bewildered priestess into the portal.

In less than ten minutes, Kamanda came back excitedly. She couldn't suppress her ecstasy, because after she took a quick bath, what she saw was a set of low-level sacrificial robes from the Church of Death and Shadow, and a legendary staff from the conjuration system.

right! This is the reward Raven gave her, the reward for betraying Rose!

On the other side, on the frontal battlefield, Rose's army retreated steadily.

Under the circumstances that Rose did not dare to come out, Rose's mortal army could not be the opponent of the undead army blessed with the power of death. Not to mention the coalition forces of golems, warheads, mechanical horrors, and undead.

Every channel drow legion is retreating, and the mistress and high priests have to use more slave legions as abandoned children.

It's a pity that not long after they give up here, the liches over there will kill these abandoned children and turn them into zombies, joining in the pursuit.

After it was reported that Raven himself was in charge of the Coraty Underground River, the desperate mistress could only pin her hope on breaking through another pass—the Clementine Tunnels.

The widest tunnel, which is one kilometer wide, is said to be guarded by an ancient red dragon. The news is really desperate.

But the tunnel group has more than one tunnel. If you escape from those smaller-diameter tunnels, you still have the hope of returning to Menzoberranzan alive.

Kundna, the sixth-ranked high priest of the Henet family in Menzoberranzan City, was fleeing through such a narrow passage unknown to other drow with her confidants.

Soon, she found out that she was wrong.

In the passage where only four people can walk side by side, there seemed to be nothing, but when her family's legendary junior martial arts master passed by, the shadow behind a small stone that seemed impossible to hide suddenly moved on the side of the passage.

A vampire suddenly jumped out of the shadows, its claws as sharp as a fine gold dagger flashed across the back of the Martial Artist's neck like lightning, and the Martial Artist's head flew up and hit the top of the cave wall straight. Fall down again.

"Enemy attack!" A shrill cry came from among the drow elves.

From the speed and attack power of the enemy, Kundna realized that this was an extremely powerful and rare shadow vampire.

Her men are useless against this vampire. Even she might not be able to fight this vampire. From just now, I have not received any response to calling Rose. Although she didn't dare to think about it, she still felt that Rose had abandoned them.

But as Rose's priest, she can't express any dissatisfaction with Rose, otherwise what awaits her is the strife of hostile forces in the family.

Now, her only chance is the scroll in her pocket.

The enemy struck again, this time easily stabbing one of her priestly daughters to death.

Reluctantly locking on to the other party with her perception, Kundna opened a pocket at her waist with her slender, obsidian-like fingers, took out a dragon skin scroll at high speed, and opened it with skillful gestures.

Although the magic scroll is very expensive, no matter how expensive it is, it is not as expensive as life. She read the incantation with fast and precise intonation, and with her voice, the golden words disappeared from the paper.

The black, heatless flames fell on the rough rocky ground in the passage, and burned through the dead bodies on the ground at a speed ten times faster than wildfires, drawing a path of flames leading to that damned vampire.

Hit? (to be continued ~^~)

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