Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 678: Origin of Death

Destroy selfishness and serve the public good youth!

Mainstay Death God!

If it is said that when Lei Wen established the Doomsday Alliance, there were still many people who had doubts about Lei Wen's approach. After Lei Wen led the fight against the god of Muhored, Seth, and prepared to take the lead in the fight against the dragon gun gods, even if they didn't say anything, almost all the gods of the good camp completely accepted Lei Wen.

Writing is evil.

Read as kindness.

Except for Lei Wen's exaggerated and unscrupulous actions occasionally, everyone thought that Lei Wen filled in the wrong volunteers, oh no, he slipped his hand to fill in the evil god's side when filling in the camp.

Lei Wen pretended to be selfless for selfish gain. I really don't know if he pretended to be awesome for too long. Anyway, Lei Wen himself didn't believe in things, but some other guys did.

The Heart of God's Domain Mantra.

Mystila suddenly raised her head when she heard the news in the Kingdom of God.

"Raven... how do you tell me to say hello? I had already made up my mind to hate you who sheltered Shar. But obviously, you surrendered Shar... and now you make such a decision for the world... Sigh!"

Mystila is no fool.

Those who know an existence best are not those around her, but her enemies.

As Shar's enemy, as the god who most eagerly responds to Su Lun, how could Mystila be completely unaware of Shar's changes?

From Lathander's knowledge that Raven and Shar worked together to pit Rose, from Shar's closure of the Shadow Demon Net, to Shar's revision of the teachings, so that she was no longer so aggressive, and recently, when Lathander informed the nine powerful gods who besieged God Seth that Shar was a part, Mystila knew that Shar was surrendered by Raven.

There is nothing wrong with one less evil god and one more concubine in the world.

Mystila sighed again, and then gave an order with her divine sense.

At the same moment, in the underworld.

Kelemvor, who had been buried in his job, raised his head after receiving the news that Lei Wen was going to fight against the dragon gun gods. Suddenly asked the ancient god of death, Jegal, who was serving beside him.

"What do you think of Raven?"

"Frankly, I can't see through it."

"Oh, tell me how you feel about him then."

"Great ambitions and great desires. This kind of guy should be an out-and-out hero, but he walks a kingly way that no one can fault. If I had to comment, it would be—'he is worthy of being the darling of the world'."

Kelemvor fell into thought at Jergal's words.

Does Raven have no ambitions?

wrong! obviously. Anyone can see that Raven has been working hard to dominate the direction of the entire Ultron God System. In fact he did better than anyone else. If it wasn't for Lei Wen's reminder, it is estimated that the entire good and neutral gods and their believers would desperately compete with demons and other powerful monsters for the floating continent at this very moment. How can it be so sour to occupy the territory in advance and wait for the enemy to defend?

Does Raven have no desire?

Certainly not! How could a guy with no desires climb to such a high position in such a short period of time? Will marry two god queens and three god concubines in one go? There is also Suni, the most beautiful goddess of love and goodness recognized by the entire God Realm?

But Lei Wen is upright!

Since his debut, every thing he has done, which one is not from the perspective of justice?

In times of great calamity, we will see who is the hero.

For whatever reason. Now all the gods are only concerned about their own territory, and only Lei Wen dares to run out to defend the dignity and rights of the entire Ultron God System.

Kelemvor sighed suddenly.



"Do you hate Raven?"

"Why do you say that? I don't have any particular dislike for Raven. On the contrary, I also find Raven quite interesting."


Seeing through Kelemvor's thoughts at a glance, Jergal shook the jawbone of his skeletal face: "Yes! It's because I know everything and have seen everything. That's why I was bored with my duties and gave my priesthood and divine power domain to Bane, Melkor and Baal. Now, I can see many differences in Raven. Even beyond my imagination. I am very interested in Raven."

"I will transfer part of the [Death] priesthood and source to Lei Wen first. When I accompany the world to fall, he will naturally receive my remaining priesthood. At that time, you can transfer to Lei Wen."

Jergal didn't seem surprised. Bow down.

Three days later, on the 25th continent, Yunfield City.

In the temple, Lei Wen unexpectedly looked at the strong support in front of him.

The first is a young, strong, dark-haired purple-eyed man with supple muscles and cat-like grace. Its intelligent face bears a kindly peaceful expression. He was dressed in a simple, flowing robe of pure white.

It looked like... the kind of dude that Raven hated the most.

Well, Lei Wen himself is actually a little boy.

But this guy didn't make Raven feel bad at all, and this guy was here to help fight.

He is Oppenser, the god of psionic powers of medium power.

The God of Psionics is an alienated deity who rarely interacts with the other deities of Ultron. Oppanser was the first to promise to obey the previous goddess of the magic net. But in fact, he is his own master, absolutely neutral, and he has been trying to stay away from the vortex of conspiracy between his gods.

Its church was most powerful at the height of the Zaandas Empire. And the destruction of that country brought his downfall. In the days after Zaandas was submerged, belief in Oppensor ceased. Had it not been for Mystila's intervention, this event would have brought about its downfall.

Mystila, unwilling to suffer such a severe loss of psionic wonders, kept Oppenser in a deep sleep from which he had only recently begun to wake when the world was about to end.

In a word, Oppanser is very good at fighting, but he has no disciples, so he needs Raven's power to fight.

The second one is Azuth, the mage god with silver beard and white hair, and the image of an old mage with weak power.

Originally, Mystila had asked him to join Oghma. It's a pity that Oghma, who is absolutely neutral, is more likely to rule by doing nothing. Facing the invasion of this hostile pantheon, Oghma, who is not good at fighting, can't do much.

Consider how bad Oghma's two fellows from the Temple of God Knows Knowledge are at combat - Míril, god of singing (music), Denell, god of literature, and god of crafting and blacksmithing.

Instead of letting Azuth stick to Oghma, it's better to come to Raven to help.

Don't underestimate Azuth just because he is weak in divine power. His 'weak divine power' is easy to fool people. In fact, Azuth was the first preaching mage in the world of Ultron, and the most powerful mortal mage back then.

So great was his power that, as a mortal at the time, he defeated the god of prophecy Savras, who was then of moderate power, in a magical battle that lasted for several years. Eventually he imprisoned Savras's true self in a staff. Later, even if Savras rolled out, most of the divine power was still sealed in the [Safras Scepter].

Later, Azuth ascended to the gods with the help of the first goddess of the magic net, Mythril. Since then, he has been her servant, friend and staff, and then transferred to serve the second and third goddess of the magic net.

Even though Azuth became a god later, he was still recognized by all arcanists as one of the three strongest arcanists in the history of magic.

In his previous life, he was on the street.

The heart of the spell followed the destruction of the world, and he was extremely unlucky and fell into the Baator Hell when his divine power was exhausted and the magic net collapsed. even so. Relying on the magic recovery of a luxurious divine attire, he also beat Asmodeus to the ground. If it weren't for the blessing of the power of the entire plane of Baator Hell, Azuth would not be able to escape even if he wanted to, and Asmodeus would not be able to consume Azuth to death.

Yes, writing is weak, etc., reading is strong! This is Azuth.

Raven will always remember this guy's challenge level - level 270. Only one line behind Iolum.

In fact, it is not known who is strong and who is weak in a fight. In such a battle, it depends not only on the right time, place and people, but also on the performance and mutual restraint. If the level alone determines everything, then there is no such thing as Raven coaxing Cyric to let Cyric destroy himself.

Anyway, there is a powerful Dharma God. Raven was also much calmer about the progress of the plan.

As a god waiting quietly to die, Mystila's actions this time really make any existence speechless. In addition to sending a capable ally of himself, a former follower of the gods, he also sent the Seven Silver Hand Sisters. Take generals as an example. The strength of the Silver Hand Seven Sisters can be described as fierce.

It's a pity that there is still one Elminster, the great sage of the Shadow Valley, who still refuses to come out of the undestroyed Shadow Valley. Even if Mystila read him to the gods, he shirked it.

As for the third helper, Lei Wen never thought of it beforehand.

The ancient god of death, Jegal!

Once upon a time, this was the last thing Raven wanted to see, because in the game, it meant that he would die and start over.

Now. If Jergal didn't have a standard death-like skull face and skeleton frame, Raven would have wanted to kiss Jergal a few times.

system hint:

"The ancient god of death, Jerge, transferred 49% of the priesthood of [Death] to you on behalf of the god of death Kelenvor. After the fall of Kelenvor, you will automatically get all the priesthood of [Death]."

"Jergal transferred 50% of the death source of Ultron World to you, and it is estimated that Jergal still retains about 10% of the death source. Obtaining the death source means that any death in the world can add divine power to you."

The source of death?

It turned out to be the source of death! ?

It's not that after Lei Wen became a god, he didn't think about grabbing a copy of the source of death to come back. It's a pity that compared to the shadow source with great advantages. There are too many variables involved in the origin of death.

For one thing, death does not belong to the same family. The attitudes of Jergal, Kelemvor, and Bann at that time were not clear. Just like Raven took care of Shar in the shadow origin, it would be miserable if Raven was sniped at the death origin. Secondly, Lei Wen might have the mentality of picking up cheap ones, waiting for Kelanvor to perish like in the previous life, and he picked it up without any effort.

Who knows, because of his 'upright' and fighting for the world, he has been recognized by Kelenvor. He was given part of the priesthood of death in advance.

Kelenvor's [Death] god has a very, very powerful role. Now except for dwarves and halflings, there are death gods, and the power of death of these two small tribes is divided away. It can be said that the death of all life forms of all races, including humans, can provide Raven with divine power.

Especially at this moment in the end of the world, Lei Wen went blind almost the moment he accepted the priesthood of [Death]... His divine power exploded, 33,000 divine power per day, enough to support the three major angel clans. (to be continued ~^~)

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