Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 75 Destruction and Creation

The system prompts to refresh crazily:

"You completely destroyed the brass golem and gained 6500 artificer experience."


"You stepped up and killed the silver-ranked middle-ranked Abe Bee queen, and absorbed her soul power, and you gained 25,000 killing experience points."

The last bee soldier and the queen's killing experience just now allowed Raven to level 32. Putting free attribute points into perception, Raven's basic attributes become:

Strength 31, Dexterity 41, Constitution 30, Intelligence 30, Perception 29, Charm 25 (limit value).

For the bee chrysalis that the queen hatched last, the egg is actually useless.

In previous games, countless players were deceived by the queen, until one day a player finally discovered the truth by accident—even if all the beemen were slaughtered and all the bee pupae were burned, the task of eliminating the Yabe beemen could not be completed, because And the last egg is under the queen's throne.

When it detects that there are no more foreign enemies in the hive, the hive will automatically activate, injecting life energy and the memory and inheritance of the Abe bee people into the last egg. That is the new bee queen.

But now that he knew, Raven would certainly not leave this scourge to be Cyric's accomplice again.

Lei Wen clearly remembered that on the original track, during the war of annihilating the principality of Corianpais, there were Abe bee people.

Shi calmly walked to the queen's luxurious throne, kicked away a fingernail-sized, inconspicuous sculpture of a bee man's face on the side, and Lei Wen dialed the mechanism.

The throne was pushed back with a bang, revealing a large grid of one meter square, inside which was a white bee pupa the size of a fist.

When touched, there is no temperature, like a dead thing.

Lei Wen sneered, picked up the bee pupa, and gently threw it into the shadow behind him.

The bee pupa did not sink into the shadows, but the shadow orb that only belonged to Raven began to use its power to baptize the bee pupa.

After waiting for a full ten minutes, the bee pupa changed from pure white to gray-black shadow.

Raven clapped his hands, threw the pupa back into place, and started to step out of the hive.

The system prompt comes again:

"You have wiped out the last survivor of the Abebee kingdom who can inherit the will of the Abebee queen. Congratulations, you have won the black iron title [Nation Destroyer]! Wearing this title, all citizens of countries that are hostile to you When facing you, there will be a compulsory will check, and those who fail the check will lose two points of morale on the spot."

"Friendly reminder, the completion rate of the powerful title [Destroyer] is 2/3. You only need to exterminate any race with a total of less than a thousand people to complete the silver-level title [Destroyer]."

"Solemn reminder, once the title of [Destroyer] is completed, it will be worn automatically and cannot be cancelled. It will suppress the morale of all characters in non-own camps without the need for a test (remarks, it is invalid for enemies whose strength is two levels higher than yours). Kindness The alignment will fear and loathe you. The neutral alignment will simply loathe you. The evil alignment will be more receptive to your existence."

[Destroyer] Raven didn't think much about the title at first. In the absence of strength, wearing this title, which is equivalent to group ridicule, is tantamount to death. At that time, Lei Wen didn't have the means to travel between planes.

It is different now, firstly, Raven has become stronger, and secondly, Raven has fully understood that Cyric is the hurdle he cannot avoid.

If Raven finally tramples Cyric under his feet, with Raven's character of never spitting out the meat in his mouth, he will definitely not let go of Cyric's most important priesthoods, such as destruction and death.

Lei Wen's background and personality doomed him not to be a good baby, and he would not allow Lei Wen to do so when he took the road of kindness gradually accumulating step by step.

Since the result is doomed, it's better to simply take this opportunity to get rid of [The Genocide].

[Destroyer] There is nothing wrong with it. Apart from being easy to cause trouble, at least the title is enough to attract attention. When you meet a not-so-strong opponent, one look can scare the opponent into the urine, which is equivalent to having a halo of fear.

While thinking about it, he walked out of the hive. Almost the moment Lei Wen stepped out of the hive, the hive vibrated slightly, as if he was confused about Lei Wen's identity.

Soon, a will that can dominate the hive made a conclusion on Raven's identity.

"Ding——" a pleasant system prompt sounded.

"Because you used the shadow energy with your will to pollute the last queen bee pupa of the Abe bee queen. The new bee queen and her future subjects will automatically become your servants, serve you and fight for you , to the end of death."

"It was discovered that a new species of shadow system was born. As its creator, please name it."

Following the system prompt, a female creature that looked like an elf flew out of the hive, and fell to her knees when she saw Raven.

Lei Wen took a closer look, and sure enough, this was almost exactly the same as the shadow killer bee queen in his previous life. It has almost the same appearance as the dark drow, with shiny dark skin, wrapped in strange black bee-like down on the chest and thighs, and two pairs of black translucent wings shaped like butterfly wings on the back.

However, at this moment, she should only be regarded as the shadow bee queen.

In the previous life, the Shadow Killer Bee was a species that was specially modified several times by Cyric. The first modification was just to become a killer bee. Later, after grabbing the Phantom Priesthood of the Phantom Goddess and the Shadow Priesthood of the Thief God Mask, and putting the divine power brought by the two priesthoods into the transformation of the Killer Bee Clan, it was only after the terrifying race that made the opponent's face change when they heard it in the previous life appeared. ——Even the bee soldiers are a group of golden-rank shadow killer bees.

Lei Wen is not in a hurry, just take his time.

The bee queen humbly lowered her head that should have been so high, and said tremblingly, "My master, your enemy is my enemy, your lover and friend are what I want to protect with all my might, and you are everything to me. I will obey your will until the end of my life."

Accompanied by the solemn oath made in Common Tongue, she slowly climbed up step by step, and kissed Raven's shoe tip with her black lips.

Raven bared his teeth, feeling a little weird. In the end, he accepted it. In Ultron World, this is the most solemn ceremony of offering loyalty. If he refuses, it will make the other party fall into despair and pain.

System: "You have accepted the Bee Queen and her race as your direct subordinates."

The stats of the Shadow Bee Queen also popped up:

Name: Shadow Bee Queen [Bronze Rank]

Medium Humanoid

HP: 420/420 points

Initiative: +5

Speed: walking speed 6 kilometers per hour, flying speed 60 kilometers per hour.

Natural armor value: 40 points

Attack: 8 claws +72 melee, (can be equipped with a refined composite longbow)

Special Attacks: Buzz, Improved Grab, Poison, Spells of 3rd level or lower, Shadow Strike

Abilities: Darkvision, magic damage reduction 10 points

Saving Throw: Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +14

Attributes: Strength 18, Dexterity 13, Constitution 16, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 21, Charisma 18

Feats: Uncanny Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Create Item feat (not selected), Metamagic feat (not selected), Hatching Minions and Offspring

Special Ability 1: Maternal induction, all shadow beemen within 30 kilometers from the queen maintain continuous contact. If one of the abes perceives a particular danger, all the abes perceive it.

Special Ability 2: Shadow jump, can jump ten times a day accumulatively, with a total distance of no more than 200 meters.

Challenge Level: Level 32

After reading the attributes of the queen, Raven was very satisfied. Creatures that are manufactured or created cannot exceed the rank of creator. At present, this is already the limit that can be achieved. Unlike Mecha Horrors, the number of Mecha Horrors depends on the number of Vajra Horrors. The King Kong Horror cannot be manufactured for the time being.

The bee population is different. In theory, as long as there is enough food, the shadow bee population can reproduce infinitely and quickly.

Moreover, Raven valued their special ability of mother body induction the most. As sentinels, there was nothing more ideal than them.

Suddenly found that the bee queen was a little twitchy.


"Great Lord, you haven't given me a name yet." The Bee Queen lowered her head so much that her nose almost touched the dirt.

Lei Wen was a little embarrassed, but still gave it a name: "You should be called Sylphie*Shadow." Anyway, the elves have the same name, which is cheaper than the bee queen.

"Thank you, master, for giving me the name!" The queen, who is now Sylphy, bowed respectfully again: "Please guide the future policy, master."

"The bee-man plane is too small. You use all the resources to give priority to producing soldiers, all equipped with compound bows. We will set off in twenty-four hours and attack the bat-man plane that is adjacent to the bee-man plane."

If Sylphie was still the original Abe bee queen, even if she surrendered, she would definitely fight to the death. Attacking a higher plane with her strength greatly reduced would be suicide.

However, Sylphy obeyed Raven's order unconditionally, knelt down again and returned to the hive.

Looking at the distance, Raven smiled: "Cyric, you made me so miserable, now I will pull out your roots one by one, I am really curious, which plane hunter will you send to come?" Send to death."


Thanks to the book friend WRHS for the 588 reward

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