Dark Super God

002, Airport Pickup


When the flight to New York finally arrived at the Kennedy International Airport in southeastern Queens after thirteen or four hours, a broadcast in English began to be played repeatedly, with the general content of wishing you a happy journey. Finally, when As "Welcome to New York" ended, the flight attendant opened the door and people on the plane began to get off the plane.

Gu Xing sat in his seat and did not move. Instead, he looked out the window at the blue sky and white clouds, with a calm expression.

Although this was his first time abroad, he had no mood swings.

The passengers on the plane were both male and female, white, black, and yellow. They basically talked in English. Gu Xing had learned English a long time ago and had a vocabulary of all the English he had learned in high school. Except for English words that were too obscure and unfamiliar, he Basically everyone can understand it.

The conversations among the people around him were just daily chats, and Gu Xing was not very interested. He sat in his seat and looked out the window, preparing to wait for most people to leave before leaving.

Because when taking a flight from China, his parents were involved in all the preparations for booking tickets and other matters. At his parents’ request on the grounds of “saving money”, he did not fly first class, but economy class, which made him fly The plane was a bit crowded, and he didn't like it very much, so he had to wait for others to leave first.

When we boarded the plane in China, it was around noon during the day, and after a 13-4 hour flight, it was still noon during the day and almost afternoon in New York. This is of course due to the time difference. The time difference between New York and China is nearly ten minutes. Two hours later, it's daytime here, but it should already be nighttime in China.

The faces of the passengers who were getting off the plane were a little tired. After more than ten hours of flight, although they were able to sleep, the seats on the plane were not very comfortable to sleep on, and it was not possible to fall asleep anytime and anywhere, so most of them People probably need to catch up on jet lag after getting off the plane.

This bit of fatigue certainly had no impact on Gu Xing.

However, he seemed to have caused a misunderstanding by sitting still in his seat. A tall and beautiful flight attendant came to him and asked in English with concern: "Sir, are you OK? (Sir, are you OK?)"

He took a direct flight from Air China, and the stewardess who arrived was Chinese. However, because it was an international flight, when it was unclear whether Gu Xing was Chinese, Korean, or Japanese, the stewardess still spoke uniformly in English.

Gu Xing shook his head and replied in Chinese: "It's okay, it's too crowded. I'll wait until there are fewer people before leaving."

The beautiful stewardess smiled understandingly after hearing this, and then returned to the position where she came from.

Soon, people were almost gone, and Gu Xing stood up from his seat and got off the plane, carrying his own gift - a backpack.

The process of getting off the plane abroad is not much different from that of domestic flights.

Gu Xing walked along the airport passage, passing the passengers who had just got off the plane first, and came to the pick-up port.

"Zhenzhen's junior high school classmates should be at the airport pick-up port."

After walking out of the pick-up gate, Gu Xing looked around at the crowd of people picking up the plane, searching for the sign with his name on it.

Since April, when it was confirmed that he was admitted to Columbia University, Gu Panhui, Wu Ying, and his uncle Gu Pansheng's family have been busy with his going abroad.

It’s not that he asked for it, but that others enthusiastically took the initiative to “help”.

Gu Panhui and Wu Ying became sensitive to foreign news or things. They found out a lot of right and wrong things in the United States from somewhere, and kept telling Gu Xing about them. They kept telling Gu Xing to pay attention to safety and not to do this. That way.

Compared to them, uncle Gu Pansheng's family is much more normal.

Gu Pansheng said that he would hire a translator who was proficient in American culture to go with Gu Xing and help Gu Xing deal with his affairs in the United States. This was quickly rejected by Gu Pansheng and Wu Ying, one reason was distrust, and two reasons The male translator was afraid of leading Gu Xing into trouble, while the female translator was afraid that Gu Xing would accidentally go astray.

In short, it just doesn't work.

In the end, the result of the discussion was that Gu Zhenzhen contacted a good friend in junior high school and a classmate who went to study in New York after junior high school to help take care of Gu Xing - of course, asking for help must be a favor, but Gu Zhenzhen did not He said that he obviously wanted to repay Gu Xing for finding someone to rescue Gu Pansheng.

Gu Xing didn't ask further questions.

I glanced at the crowd at the airport pick-up gate, and with Gu Xing's altered senses, I immediately saw a sign in the crowd holding up two Chinese characters for "Gu Xing".

Gu Xing's eyes were fixed on this sign. As he walked over, he looked at the person holding the sign.

The people holding the sign were a man and a woman. The man looked to be in his twenties, about 1.756 meters tall. He had an average appearance. His eyes were somewhat distinctive. They were squinty and looked like they were not open. When he opened his eyes, there was only a crack; the woman was ten years old. Gu Xing could tell from the tenderness of the other person's skin. From the appearance, Gu Xing couldn't tell because the other person was wearing heavy makeup, flaming red lips, and The sunglasses don’t look like ten years old at all.

A moment after Gu Xing walked straight towards the two of them, the two also spotted Gu Xing. After hesitatingly comparing the photos on their phones with the real person of Gu Xing, they finally determined Gu Xing's identity.

After confirming Gu Xing's identity, the girl with heavy makeup immediately smiled and waved to Gu Xing.

Soon, the two sides met.

"You are Zhenzhen's cousin Gu Xing, right?"

The girl with heavy makeup and red lips asked with a smile.

Gu Xing nodded and replied politely: "You are a really good friend, 'Chen Xiaoxin', right?"


Chen Xiaoxin smiled and circled around Gu Xing in an exaggerated manner. After looking up and down, he smiled and said, "It's really not an exaggeration. You are really a handsome guy!"

This Chen Xiaoxin was Gu Zhenzhen's good friend in junior high school. After graduating from junior high school, he came to the United States to study in a private high school here. Judging from the time, he should have been in the United States for two years. His way of speaking seems to be a bit closer to that of the United States. Directly, very few people in China give such direct compliments to one's face.

However, Gu Xing didn't feel embarrassed at all. He just smiled faintly, looked at the boy next to him, and asked politely: "This is..."

"I am Xiaoxin's boyfriend."

The boy with narrowed eyes smiled shyly, "My name is Xie Xiaodong."

"Chen Xiaoxin, Xie Xiaodong, they are still couple names."

Gu Xing joked.

In the future, he needs to trouble these two people to help him get familiar with the United States. In addition, these two people are ordinary people and are friends of Gu Zhenzhen, so he will naturally not keep a straight face.

"Haha, I wouldn't have noticed it even if you didn't tell me."

Xie Xiaodong scratched his head and smiled shyly.

Chen Xiaoxin on the side curled his lips and kept looking at Gu Xing with strong interest without moving away at all.

Gu Xing had naturally noticed it a long time ago. He frowned slightly inadvertently and then quickly recovered, pretending that he didn't see it at all.

"How about we get in the car first and then talk about it. This place is still some distance from Manhattan and it takes a lot of time to drive. Let's talk about it in the car."

Xie Xiaodong suggested hesitantly.

Of course, Gu Xing nodded in agreement: "Okay!"

Chen Xiaoxin naturally had no objection. The three of them walked outside the airport together. During this period, they did not throw away the sign with Gu Xing's name that they held up. Instead, they walked outside the airport and took a car with them. A very cool purple and gold muscle car.

The muscle car is a very classic model in the United States. It is rare or not seen at all in China. However, Americans seem to think that the shape of this car is very fashionable. In American movies and TV dramas, it is often seen in the show. This kind of car appears all the time.

Originally, Chen Xiaoxin and Xie Xiaodong were looking forward to Gu Xing's expression when he saw the borrowed muscle car, but Gu Xing's complete lack of expression made them feel hurt.

After putting the sign in the trunk, the three of them got into the car together.

Gu Xing sat in the back seat, Xie Xiaodong drove, and Chen Xiaoxin sat in the passenger seat.

With the roaring engine, this cool purple and gold muscle car slowly started to hit the road.

"Listen to Zhenzhen, you were admitted to Columbia University and come here to study alone?"

Not long after the car got on the road, the co-pilot Chen Xiaoxin looked back at Gu Xing curiously and asked.

Gu Xing nodded politely and replied, "Yes."

"Are you still a top student?"

Chen Xiaoxin looked surprised.

Gu Xing smiled slightly as an admission.

"Gu Xing, have you found a house?"

Xie Xiaodong, who was driving, asked.

Gu Xing shook his head and said, "Not yet. Let's stay in the hotel first and look for it slowly. Anyway, there are still nearly two months until Columbia University starts."

Columbia University is starting its semester in August, and today is only June 5th, so there are still nearly two months left.

Gu Xing only brought a set of clothes, relevant visas, passports, and admission letters from Columbia University, which were not many things.

He didn't bring any other things that could be purchased with money, but planned to buy them here.

In terms of money, he now has almost tens of millions of assets from his master Zhan Fuping - of course, this is total assets, not cash.

But if there are no accidents, he will soon receive a very huge amount of funds.

That was one of his demands on the country!

"Staying in a hotel?"

Xie Xiaodong and Chen Xiaoxin were both a little surprised after hearing his words.

"This is the first time I've seen an international student like you who can handle everything without your parents and come here alone to do it slowly."

Xie Xiaodong smiled and said: "If you don't mind, you can come and live together in the house we rent. We happen to have a vacant room there."

"Yes, come and stay in our house together."

Chen Xiaoxin also smiled and invited.

House is the kind of house often seen in American movies. Generally, several international students will rent a house like this together. Of course it is definitely not for learning and communication, but for everyone to go crazy and have fun together.

"Let's take a look at this. When school starts, I will probably go to Columbia University to live in the dormitory according to the regulations. I'm afraid that I will cause trouble to you if I go and move out."

Gu Xing thought for a while and said.

This is of course not the reason, but that he simply does not want to live with others, because in the days to come, he will inevitably conduct some research that should not be discovered...

"All right."

After hearing Gu Xing's words, Xie Xiaodong didn't force himself and said with a smile: "Then let's take you to find a hotel near the house we rented to stay, and then take you around New York to get familiar with it."

"Okay, please."

Gu Xing smiled and said, "But before that, please answer my phone first. I'll call my parents first to tell them they're safe."

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