"That's Kelu, the King of Nightmares!"

Orr immediately confessed to Crewe. Google search reading

In Orr's opinion, the white devil's consciousness is inferior to that of Anna, but when he attacked the white devil from the real world, the other party suddenly woke up!

Obviously, Crewe did not deal with the White Devil as they had discussed before!

If they attack the White Demon simultaneously in reality and in dreams as they had discussed before, the results may be completely different...

Orr, who confessed to Crewe, couldn't help but get more and more angry as he thought about it.

Feeling the anger in Orr's mood, Gu Xing had a rough idea of ​​the other person's mood.

But obviously the black man in front of him misunderstood the so-called "King of Nightmares" Crewe.

If his consciousness had not been integrated with the attack of "Piercing the Cloud", Gu Xing really had no good way to face Crewe's attack from the dream world.

Although you won't be crushed by the other party in the dream, it is not easy to break away from the dream created by the other party.

Crewe did not turn their backs on each other.

But of course there is no need to say it.

After learning from Orr who had attacked him, Gu Xing couldn't help but look enlightened.

"It turned out to be him."

Gu Xing also had a general understanding of this "King of Nightmares" Crewe.

Yang Qianyi once said about this person, saying that his ability was considered to be very powerful among the weird consciousness types.

But Gu Xing didn't feel anything.

Perhaps it is because he has integrated the "Yun Chuan" of the Three Hits of Heyi into himself, and his consciousness abilities have also been greatly improved. In short, this "King of Nightmares" Crewe pulled him into the dream world twice, but he was easily broken through using "Cloud Penetration" each time, and then the other party disappeared without a trace.

Of course, Gu Xing would not let it go.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating.

Since you dare to attack him, be prepared to bear his wrath!

After that, Gu Xing asked some more questions about "divine blessing", but Orr remained silent.

"Since you're not going to say it, then let's do it."

Seeing that the other party refused to speak, Gu Xing smiled ferociously, "Be my experimental subject!"

With that said, Gu Xing raised a finger with his right hand!

Through the clouds!

Al's expression was startled, and then his eyes became blank and he fell into hallucinations...

Two days later.

New Jersey, at a military base.

People doing their own things walked back and forth in the military base. Among these people were soldiers in military uniforms; scientific researchers in white coats; and agents in neat suits.

It seems dense and disorderly, but it is not chaotic at all, because everyone has something to do.

"Lucy! Lucy!"

Among the busy crowd, Lucy, a white girl, walked quickly towards someone with a pale face.

Behind her, Anna trotted to catch up, calling her anxiously.

"Don't stop me! Anna! Al went to the White Devil to settle accounts for me. Now he's been caught by the other party. I'm going to go find John and save him!"

Lucy, who looked pale, said seriously.

Yesterday, she was woken up from the trapped dream by Anna, and she immediately learned that Orr was caught by the white devil because he ran alone to deal with it. Because of her mental trauma, she was so weak that she couldn't even get out of bed that day. She couldn't walk, so to this day, after barely being able to get out of bed and walk, Lucy immediately prepared to find John to rescue Al.

Al, she and Anna are all executors of the same "Divine Blessing" team. They are a team and have already established a deep friendship in many missions. Al often acts as a big brother to help her and others. The members came forward and fought for each other, but now that Orr was arrested, how could she do nothing? !

"Lucy, you misunderstood! I didn't want to stop you, I just wanted to go find John with you!"

Anna, who was catching up, said slightly panting.

The consciousness is strange, and it can use consciousness to exert various magical abilities, but the body is not much different from ordinary people, and some are even worse than those ordinary people who often exercise. Therefore, during the trot chasing Lucy, Anna couldn't help but feel... Panting from exhaustion.

"Are you really going to go find John with me?!"

Lucy looked surprised when she heard Anna's words.


Anna replied solemnly: "You, me, and Al are a team, and of course you have to count me in to save Al!"

"Very good!"

Lucy said happily: "Then let's go find John together!"


Anna nodded.

The two went together to the treatment room of the military base to find John.

In addition to being a "divine" prophet, John also serves as a trauma doctor for soldiers and officers in the U.S. military.

When the two found John, he was treating an officer for trauma.

The officer was sleeping soundly on a massage chair. John was wearing a priest's attire, holding a cross and reciting the contents of the Bible.

I don't know if it's John's ability or something else. When she walked into the treatment room and heard the contents of the Bible recited by John, Lucy's pale face actually improved a little. Her face had a hint of color, and she couldn't help but frown. Stretched out.

The same goes for Anna.

The serious expressions of the two people slowly relaxed.

Suddenly, John's chanting stopped.

In the treatment room, Lucy, Anna, and the sleeping officer all had a trace of reluctance on their faces.

However, Lucy and Anna did not forget the purpose of coming.

Lucy was about to open her mouth when she saw her, but John raised his hand to stop her.

"I know the purpose of your visit."

John said calmly: "Or selfishly contacted Kru to attack the White Devil, which caused the damage of a fighter jet and the death of an elite pilot. This is a serious crime that should be brought to the military court! What's more, he fell into the hands of the White Devil, and no one in "God's Blessing" could save him from the White Devil."

"John! How can you say that?!"

After listening to John's words, Lucy frowned and argued: "It was your decision to send someone to test the White Devil from the consciousness aspect! If it weren't for your decision, I wouldn't be injured at all, and Or wouldn't go to the White Devil to settle accounts! Now that Or has been captured, you don't even plan to save him. Who will wholeheartedly perform tasks for "God's Blessing" in the future?"


Anna on the side also echoed solemnly: "Or was captured, everything was caused by you decision makers. If you don't save Or, I will refuse to perform all tasks in the future!"

"Me too!"

Lucy also said hurriedly.

Hearing what the two said, John's calm face couldn't help but frown.

He seemed to be thinking.

After a moment, his frown relaxed, and his face returned to calm again, saying: "Although Orr was wrong first, if we don't even try to rescue him, it will really affect the internal affairs of "God's Blessing"... Let's do this, I will go to see the White Devil in person and talk to him about releasing Orr. But I can't decide whether it will succeed. Everything depends on the attitude of the White Devil. You will go with me then."

John's words made Lucy and Anna look at each other, and then they both nodded slightly.


Lucy agreed, with a slight smile on her face, "Thank you!"

"Go back."

John said calmly: "I still have to treat patients."

After receiving a positive answer, Lucy and Anna did not stay and left the treatment room.

After the two left the treatment room, John's face was still calm, but his eyes changed, revealing a thoughtful light, frowning and muttering to himself: "Is the level of consciousness so high..."

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