Dark Super God

004, Fierce

Whether it was the two tall guys who stopped him or the so-called "Brother Guang" at the door of the men's toilet in the playground, their school uniforms had faded slightly, and the blue and white uniforms had patterns on them. Obviously, they were not freshmen who had not yet received their school uniforms. Google search reading

Gu Xing guessed that the reason why the other party called him might be related to the people he beat up yesterday. After all, it was only the second day of school, and he didn't know these senior students. Combined with the other party's ruffian look and gangster style, it was not difficult to guess the purpose.

"It's really endless."

Gu Xing shook his head secretly, did not refuse, and walked towards the toilet in the playground, with the idea of ​​beating the other party into submission in his heart.

"I heard that you beat up Li Jia and the people he called yesterday."

When they arrived at the door of the playground toilet, the ruffian-looking "Brother Guang" said, "Come in and tell me."

After that, he turned and went into the men's toilet. At the same time, he shook out a pack of cigarettes from his school uniform sleeve, took out one and put it in his mouth, and then handed it to Gu Xing, "Do you smoke?"


Gu Xing shook his head and asked, "Who is Li Jia?"

"The one who robbed the motorcycle from you."

"Brother Guang" took out a lighter and lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then let the smoke come out of his mouth and nose while talking, "My boss wants to see you."

There was no ambush in the men's toilet. Obviously, the other party knew that Gu Xing could beat ten people alone, so they didn't - or didn't dare to ambush anyone.

"Who is your boss?"

Gu Xing asked again, with a hint of impatience between his eyebrows.

It's really hard to talk to this kind of people. The other party looks like you should know it as a matter of course, but Gu Xing really doesn't know what these gangsters are like, brother, boss, etc.

"Brother Guang" also frowned because of Gu Xing's "ignorance" and explained: "My boss is Chen Chao, Brother Chao! This area belongs to my boss!"

"Is that so."

Gu Xing nodded thoughtfully, "I don't know your boss, why does he want to see me?"

"My uncle is the boss of Li Jia and his people. You beat our people, so our boss will naturally meet you."

"Brother Guang" said here, and suddenly laughed: "Of course, I personally agree with you beating Li Jia and his people. That kid knew that No. 2 Middle School was my territory and he often came to show off. I have disliked him for a long time. If it weren't for the boss's face, I would have asked someone to beat him up! Don't worry, you are also a person in my territory, and I will definitely speak for you in front of my boss. Tonight, I will wait for you at the school gate at Cage KTV!"

After talking to himself, he didn't wait for Gu Xing to speak. He pinched the cigarette holder and took a deep puff of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt into the toilet, and turned to leave the toilet.

The two tall guys who stopped Gu Xing also followed him out of the toilet.

Gu Xing didn't say anything. In his opinion, this matter was just a small matter that needed to be solved, and he didn't take it seriously.

After going to the toilet, he returned to the classroom of Class 1 of Grade 1.

Soon, the bell for the third class rang.


At nine o'clock in the evening, the bell for the end of the evening self-study rang.

Gu Xing packed up his books and walked out of the classroom. "Brother Guang" and the two tall guys from the daytime were already waiting for him in the corridor on the same floor.

It can be seen that this "Brother Guang" is indeed a figure in the school. Although this is the Grade 1 teaching building, many students who are leaving get out of class will unconsciously keep a distance when they pass by him, as if they know him.

When Gu Xing came over, "Brother Guang" chewed gum and smiled, "Let's go."

Gu Xing nodded and didn't say much.

If this kind of people keep bothering him, he really can't go to school properly and pursue what he wants. It's better to solve it as soon as possible.

After watching him walk away with "Brother Guang" and others, the students around were very surprised, because Gu Xing was also a celebrity in the first grade of high school. After all, he was admitted as the first in the middle school entrance examination. In a model high school like the No. 2 Middle School in the city that values ​​learning, many people would deliberately ask about him to see what he looks like.

And the students in Class 1 of the first grade of high school who walked beside Gu Xing and left the classroom were even more surprised.

Gu Xing didn't care about the opinions of these people. He followed "Brother Guang" and his group out of the school, took a taxi and went to Cage KTV.

Cage KTV is near the railway station, two or three kilometers away from the No. 2 Middle School in the city, and it takes less than ten minutes to take a taxi.

It was more than nine o'clock in the evening, just when Qianyang's nightlife had just begun. There was a constant flow of people on the street, especially in places like KTV. People who were entertaining, talking, and playing liked to come here. Gai Han's crowd had a wide age span, ranging from teenagers to forty or fifty.

After Gu Xing and "Brother Guang" got off the car, they walked straight into the KTV under the guidance of "Brother Guang". After "Brother Guang" reported a room number of 888 at the front desk, a waiter led several people to the reported room number box.

Before opening the door, Gu Xing heard a man and a woman singing "You Are the Most Precious" inside. When the door was opened by the waiter, a huge sound wave overflowed and hit him, deafening.

"Let's go, go in."

"Brother Guang" looked back at Gu Xing behind him, and then walked into the box.

When they came, "Brother Guang" walked in front, and the two tall boys walked behind, intentionally or unintentionally sandwiched Gu Xing in the middle, as if they were afraid that Gu Xing would run away.

Although Gu Xing saw it, he didn't point it out.

After walking into the box, Gu Xing saw a middle-aged man with a big belly, about 40 years old, with a kind face, like a businessman.

Apart from the fat middle-aged man, there was only one strong, expressionless, fierce-eyed young man and two singing girls in the box.

The fat middle-aged man and the other singing girl sang "You Are the Most Precious".

After Gu Xing came in, the expressionless young man with fierce eyes looked over and never looked away.

"Boss, I called the people."

"Brother Guang" said to the fat middle-aged man.

The fat middle-aged man just waved his hand and continued singing without paying attention.

Seeing this, "Brother Guang" just stood aside and didn't say anything.

The two tall men who came with him also stood aside with him.

But Gu Xing smiled and walked to the sofa in the box and sat down, ignoring the increasingly fierce eyes of the expressionless young man.

The fat middle-aged man was surprised when he saw this, then his eyes narrowed slightly and he stopped singing: "No more singing, you two go out."

The two singing girls saw this, and one of them who ordered songs immediately paused the system, and then the two girls picked up their bags and left the box.

"Brother Guang" and the two tall men who followed him were dumbfounded. "Brother Guang" even winked at Gu Xing who was sitting on the sofa, but Gu Xing ignored them all.

"You are a brave young man."

The fat middle-aged man picked up the beer on the glass coffee table in front of him, poured a glass, took a sip, and said.

Next to him, the young man with a fierce look in his eyes unzipped his coat, pulled one side of the coat, and revealed the pistol stuck in his pants.

Gu Xing sat opposite the fat middle-aged man and the young man, two or three meters apart, separated by a glass coffee table.

Facing the young man's behavior, Gu Xing didn't care at all. He looked at the fat middle-aged man and asked with a smile: "Are you Chen Chao?"

His words made the three "Brother Guang" standing aside pale.

When the young man showed his pistol just now, the three were obviously scared, and now they were even more scared when they heard Gu Xing's words.

"You hit my people..."

After the young man showed his pistol, the fat middle-aged man spoke leisurely, but before he finished a sentence, Gu Xing interrupted him again.

"Are you Chen Chao?"

Gu Xing asked again, with a bit more coldness in his tone.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the fat middle-aged man, but because of his previous thoughts, he temporarily suppressed his anger and replied: "I am Chen Chao, you hit..."

"Who is your boss?"

Gu Xing interrupted him again, "I heard that you are in charge of the area near No. 2 Middle School, which means that there are others in charge of other places, and there is a boss above you, right?"

"Fuck you!"

The fat middle-aged Chen Chao finally got angry this time.

While he was cursing, the young man next to him also quickly took out his pistol and aimed at Gu Xing, but Gu Xing's action was faster than him!

When the young man made the action of taking out his gun, Gu Xing picked up a wine glass on the glass coffee table in front of him and smashed it at the young man. As if cooperating with Gu Xing, the young man just took out his gun and prepared to aim, and his wrist moved to the wine glass that Gu Xing smashed.


There was a shattering sound.

Glass shards flew everywhere, and the gun in the young man's hand slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground with a "pop".

After throwing the wine glass, Gu Xing didn't even look at it. He picked up a bottle of beer on the glass coffee table with his left hand and smashed it from the middle with a "bang". Then, with the sound of broken glass and the sound of beer flowing on the ground, he jumped towards Chen Chao, grabbed Chen Chao's neck with his right hand, and pressed the other party's figure who was about to get up back to the sofa. The sharp part of the wine bottle smashed by his left hand was quickly pulled close and pressed against Chen Chao's fat neck.

This series of actions was done in one go, taking only one second.

In the eyes of "Brother Guang" and others nearby, Gu Xing picked up a wine glass and smashed the pistol taken out by the young man next to him at the moment when Chen Chao was angry. At the same time, he smashed the wine bottle and rushed over, and used the sharp end of the wine bottle to press against Chen Chao's neck, just like the scene in the movie.


One of the two tall men who followed was stunned and subconsciously muttered.

After Gu Xing instantly restrained Chen Chao, the fierce young man next to him bent down and tried to pick up the gun that fell on the ground, regardless of his hand pierced by glass shards.

But Gu Xing had expected it. After restraining Chen Chao, he kicked him to the side and slightly used the "Feng Chi" force technique.

With a "bang", the young man was kicked and hit the sofa, and then after landing, he held his right arm tightly with his left hand, with a painful expression on his face-Gu Xing, who used the "Feng Chi" force technique, kicked his arm and broke it.

"Who is your boss?"

After doing all this, Gu Xing spoke again and asked Chen Chao.

Gu Xing had always planned to "go straight to Huanglong".

Rather than beating up the younger brother and then the boss, then beating up the boss and then another boss, and wasting his time repeatedly, Gu Xing thought it would be better to "talk" directly to the final boss and solve the problem at once.

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