Dark Super God

050, promotion

Manhattan, downtown.

Located on the coast near Wall Street Copper Bull, the "Black Card" headquarters building suddenly welcomed a guest.

This is a young blond woman with average height and figure, but the confident smile on her face and the leisurely walking posture are full of aura, and she has a different kind of charm. Whenever she walks by , both men and women couldn't help but turn their heads to look at her.


A clear sound like wind chimes came from the slender wrist of the blond woman. It was pleasant to the ears, as if there was a magic power, and people couldn't help but stop and listen.

Seeing the obsessed looks of the people around her, the blond woman just smiled, ignored these people, and walked into the "Black Card" headquarters building with a calm smile.

"Help me contact the ten leaders of the 'Black Card'."

Entering the "Black Card" headquarters building, the blond woman smiled and said to a brown-haired woman in her thirties at the front desk.


The brown-haired woman didn't resist. She stood up like a man possessed, looked at the blonde woman with obsessed eyes, and guided the blonde woman: "Please follow me."

Soon, under the leadership of the brown-haired woman, the blonde woman went directly to a secret meeting room on the top of the building.

There was a long wooden table in this secret meeting room, with ten screens on the wall. The brown-haired woman took the blond woman to the head of the long table and sat down, then pressed a place under the long wooden table. In an instant, the secret The lights and ten screens in the conference room came on.

Ten people, male or female, old or young, quickly appeared on the ten screens, and the person on one of the screens was one of the ten leaders of the black card that Gu Xing had seen. Dean Pace!

"What's going on! Caitlin! Who allowed you to activate emergency meeting mode!"

On a screen, a bald middle-aged white man asked in a deep voice.

In the conference room, the brown-haired woman stood behind the blond woman, looking intently, as if she didn't hear anything.

The bald middle-aged white man on the screen frowned, looked at the blond woman sitting in the seat, and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I will bring you, which you will never get."

The blonde woman replied with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, a big black man on another screen snorted: "Hmph! Who do you think you are? Do you think that by controlling Caitlin, you are qualified to negotiate with us? Ron!"

As the black man finished speaking, on another screen, a white middle-aged man with a slicked back hair smiled: "Jennifer, a history student at Columbia University, comes from an ordinary family. His father works at Kyle Financial Group on Wall Street, and his mother works at Kyle Financial Group." Metropolitan Insurance Company, I have a brother who is currently serving in the military, and my family owes the bank a total of $267,843 for mortgage and car loans..."

The yellow-skinned middle-aged man smiled and told the blonde woman's family situation in full.

In response, the smile on the blonde woman's face never changed.

Seeing this scene, the leaders on the ten screens all frowned.

Especially in private, they called for help from the armed squad in the headquarters building, but there was no response at all.

Finally, the bald middle-aged white man who spoke first asked again with a frown: "Who are you?"

"Don't you already know enough about who I am?"

Jennifer smiled and said: "Okay, now let's get down to business. Leaders of the 'Black Card', I just want to ask, do you want to be the next 'God'?"


As soon as Jennifer said these words, the ten leaders on the ten screens were shocked.

Matter is something that can be touched and really exists, but matter can be decomposed into various elements and turned into data in the form of words.

When looking at the world from the perspective of data, as long as the amount of knowledge is sufficient, whether it is the human body, the body of an animal, or an inanimate substance such as a stone, it is just a collection of simple or complex data. body.

And with data, you can use mathematics to deduce and calculate all the possibilities that arise after the combination of various data.

The consciousness-type strangeness that has established a "causal network" is based on this to deduce the future and see various possibilities for the future.

Gu Xing's brain cell activity has now reached more than 60%. Although it has not reached the level of establishing a "causal relationship network", with enough knowledge, it can be used to deduce and calculate the evolution of a certain thing. Totally enough.

After experiencing a period of time at Columbia University where he could almost forget to eat and sleep, Gu Xing regarded the various conditions of his body as a set of complicated data, and then regarded the experimental data of the original solution retained by Alonso and others as a set of complex data. A set of data was recorded in his mind, and then he tried to fuse these two sets of complex data.


The fusion of the two sets of data failed instantly.

Gu Xing was not discouraged and began to look for the reason why the fusion of the two sets of data failed.

Soon, Gu Xing found one hundred and twenty-four reasons for fusion failure.

After that, Gu Xing set these 124 failure reasons as fuzzy terms, just like setting the unknown numbers in mathematics as X or Y, and then merged the two sets of complex data.

This time, the fusion was successful without any problems, but the new set of successfully fused data had an additional 124 fuzzy data that needed to be parsed out.

Gu Xing took the new set of successfully fused data as a whole, calculated the parts backwards, and began to calculate one hundred and twenty-four fuzzy terms.

For a moment, Gu Xing's brain was like a supercomputer, calculating crazily and quickly.

Using the new set of data that was successfully fused, Gu Xing began to decipher the real data of the one hundred and twenty-four fuzzy items. Time continued to pass in such super computing. After an unknown period of time, one fuzzy item was cracked. Real data was extrapolated.

As one fuzzy item was cracked, an unknown amount of time passed before the second fuzzy item was also cracked.

After that, the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Each fuzzy item was cracked to derive the real data information.

Because of the increase in real data information, Gu Xing's reverse calculation speed has also begun to accelerate.


The number of fuzzy items cracked has reached fifty!

Gu Xing's deduction and calculation speed is getting faster and faster...

Fifty-seven...sixty...seventy-one...eighty-five...one hundred and two...

With the continuous back-calculation, the data and information of what is missing for successful fusion between Gu Xing's body and the original fluid were deduced one after another.

...one hundred and nineteen!

One hundred and twenty!

One hundred and twenty-one!

One hundred and twenty-two!

One hundred and twenty-three!

One hundred and twenty-four!


All one hundred and twenty-four fuzzy items were deduced by Gu Xing!

In an instant, the real data of these one hundred and twenty-four fuzzy items began to be verified and compared with the knowledge base in Gu Xing's mind, and the one hundred and twenty-four real data calculated by this deduction were converted into corresponding physical objects...

"It turns out that the original liquid needs to be mixed with these things to blend perfectly with my body."

Gu Xing slowly opened his eyes, filled with excitement.


Suddenly, a feeling of hunger came, and Gu Xing felt a little dizzy.

"How long have I been like this..."

Gu Xing looked at the electronic time in the laboratory. The next moment, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

I saw that the time and date displayed on the electronic time in the laboratory was October 21st!

He recalled his previous memories, and the last time he had a clear idea of ​​time seemed to be when Alonso handed him the liquid protector.

It seemed like it was only the end of September at that time, but now it’s actually October 21st!

In other words, he spent a total of more than 20 days at Columbia University studying relevant knowledge and forgetting food and sleep, plus performing super calculations on the fusion of his own body and the original fluid!

"Judging from the body nutrition data, I estimate that I haven't eaten in almost a week. In other words, I started supercomputing a week ago, and the previous two weeks were spent gaining knowledge at Columbia University."

Gu Xing had an idea of ​​the more than twenty days of forgetting sleep and food.

Afterwards, he dragged his hungry body to the first floor of the villa, opened the refrigerator, and quickly devoured all the edible things in it. After filling his hunger, Gu Xing left and took the protector with the original solution on him. He drove away from the villa and headed to New York.

"...What is the U.S. government hiding? Nevada has been disconnected from the outside world for two weeks. All communications with Nevada have been lost. Nevadans in other states are completely unable to contact their relatives. According to our reporter's visit According to reports from Nevada, Nevada has implemented strict precautions and prohibits anyone from entering or exiting. So far, the US government has not given an explanation. A large number of people are currently demonstrating outside the White House and want the president to come out and give everyone an explanation. Our president still refuses to show up. I don’t know if this is the behavior of a qualified president. I just know that all Nevadans out there just want to know if their parents and friends back home are still there. Please help them. Can go home."

While driving, Gu Xing turned on the car radio, preparing to understand the changes in the outside world in the past twenty days, but he heard this broadcast.

This made Gu Xing frown.

Apparently, the zombies in Nevada have not only not been solved, but after more than twenty days, they seem to have developed to a very serious level.

Alonso's previous words could not help but echo in Gu Xing's ears again, but Gu Xing did not waver in his heart.

After driving to New York City, Gu Xing first had a big meal to replenish the nutrients his body lacked, and then bought a lot of things, including things that could be bought in the market and things that were not available; there was no danger. Yes, dangerous, etc., enough to fill the trunk!

After buying it, Gu Xing returned to the villa.

He drove directly to the third floor of the laboratory, and then took out the purchased items one by one. Then he disassembled the purchased items and took out what he wanted inside. Usually, what he wanted was only A small part of something, or even an insignificant bit of something, which is disassembled into the portion he wants after purchasing a large quantity.

Afterwards, Gu Xing began to refine the things he disassembled in the laboratory, extracting the essence or single elements, and then mixed them into a certain amount and added them to the original solution.

Like a scientific madman, Gu Xing paid no attention to what was happening in the outside world and concentrated on preparing the original solution.

Just like that, five days passed in a flash.

It’s noon this day.

Gu Xing carefully dropped the last extract into the original solution.

"Tick tock."

A very slight, but very loud sound of water droplets sounded in Gu Xing's ears.

The original solution, which had changed from the brilliant color of the Milky Way to blue-gold, and then from blue-gold to water blue, dazzling purple, dark purple, light red, and dark red, suddenly changed color again, from dark red to bright, and turned into the blood red of blood.

"Finally done!"

Gu Xing exhaled lightly, and then, with excitement, he took out a thick syringe, drew out the blood-red solution, and then injected it into his left arm artery without hesitation!

Soon, the solution was all injected into Gu Xing's artery, flowing to the whole body with blood.

"Come on! Let me see your effect! Don't let me down!"

Gu Xing looked at his left arm and said to himself excitedly.

After super-deduction calculations, the solution now prepared is perfectly compatible with his body, and Gu Xing is not worried about the situation in Area 51 in Nevada.

Moreover, this tube of solution is prepared according to his body data, and the results will be completely different if someone else injects it.

Different personal body data will result in different results after injection.

This tube of stock solution can only be used by Gu Xing's current body.

This is the power of knowledge.

"Here it comes!"

Suddenly, Gu Xing, who was looking at his arm, felt the changes in his body.

First, the value of the body cells in his mind changed!

[Right hand 1%...2%...1%...3%...7%...5%...]

[Left hand 3%...4%...6%...5%...0%...3%...]

[Right foot 5%...8%...6%...5%...1%...2%...]

[Left foot 3%...9%...2%...8%...9%...2%...]

[Body 2%...3%...4%...8%...2%...6%...]

The five body cell activity values ​​soared wildly! Especially [Body] soared the fastest, far ahead!

At the same time, in the outside world, Gu Xing's body suddenly appeared with a lot of blood threads starting from the injected left arm blood vessels, like a spider web. These spider webs quickly spread from his arms to his whole body, and finally to Gu Xing's face.

Inside, Gu Xing only felt a burning sensation starting from the blood vessels in his left arm and spreading throughout his body. Wherever he passed, it seemed as if he was burned by fire, and a feeling of expansion and bursting was looming.

As this feeling arose, the spider webs on Gu Xing's body began to become brighter, his skin began to crack, and the scalding heat inside seemed to be gushing out!


A low roar came from Gu Xing's mouth.

The scalding burning sensation made him feel as if he was on fire!

The cells in the body began to generate a lot of heat, just like grease burned by fire, and this heat awakened the cells one by one.

Gu Xing was shocked by the pain of the burning fire and had to kneel on the ground to endure the pain, but the excited smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"I... feel... my body... is getting stronger! Haha... hahahaha... hahahahahaha!"

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