Dark Super God

053, Xiahong

Beep! Beep!

"Quick! Report to the general! The satellite shield on the American continent has been lifted!"

"Chief, the satellite surveillance in Strange City can see it!"

"General, the satellites can already see the residence of those aliens. Do you have a battle plan?"

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In the combat bases of each country.

When the satellite shielding over the American continent was lifted, messages continued to be transmitted. Countries that had gradually become calm after a year of precipitation became "noisy" again!



Muffled thunder spread!


After Gu Xing, who had pulled Satan's body out of the ground and shot straight into the sky, heard this, he raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Seeing the sky gathering quickly with dark clouds and rolling thunder, he couldn't help but sneer: "Consciousness triggers the celestial phenomena, and you want to summon rain to put out the fire? You're the one waiting!"

With such extreme consciousness, he can command the heavenly phenomena and make clouds and rain.

This was vaguely felt when Gu Xing's brain cell activity was getting closer and closer to 80%, and he vaguely noticed the causal line.

In addition to being inextricably linked to energy changes at the material level, various daily climate changes are actually inextricably linked to the planet's magnetic field.

And when the strange consciousness reaches the level that it can affect the planet's magnetic field, it can then affect the magnetic field and then achieve the function of affecting climate change!

When Old Man Tianji wanted to use Yang Qianyi as his body to reincarnate with destiny, he caused most of the changes in the celestial phenomena. This was a manifestation of inducing the celestial phenomena.

Gu Xing's brain cell activity has not yet reached the point where it can affect the magnetic field on a large scale, but it can actually do so on a small scale.

If this were placed in ancient China, he would be a heavenly master who could command the wind and clouds and move the clouds to spread rain!

John used the [Holy Crown of Thorns] as the axis to gather a large number of strange consciousness collections. Although the degree of consciousness did not surpass Gu Xing in essence, it far exceeded it in terms of "quantity"!

It has formed a local network of cause and effect. With a single thought, the climate and astronomical phenomena in the American continent covered by the "consciousness magnetic radio wave force field" can be manipulated at will!

After Gu Xing caused the sky to fill with flames and burned Satan's body, John immediately activated the celestial phenomena and summoned rain clouds, hoping to use heavy rain to water the flames and put out the fire.

However, this was the moment Gu Xing was waiting for!

When John ordered the celestial phenomena, he could not take into account Satan's defense at the conscious level!

When he saw the dark clouds gathering above his head and the thunder rolling, Gu Xing made a decisive decision, gathered his consciousness, and struck with a sharp strike!


A buzzing sound rang out from the sky and the earth.

A transparent but extremely sharp edge suddenly slashed out from between Gu Xing's eyebrows, slashing towards the huge golden tree that Gu Xing was pulling and dragging below. It grew bigger and bigger, like a full moon!


In Kansas City below, on the roof of the building, John was sitting on a golden tree seat. When he noticed the violent fluctuations in consciousness, his expression suddenly changed!

The control of consciousness on the celestial phenomena was instantly released, and the collective consciousness that filled the entire sky quickly lowered the "waterfall" of consciousness. It wanted to cover Satan's golden tree again, but it was already too late——


The body of Satan, which was pulled out from the ground, watched as it grew bigger and bigger, forming a full moon. The divine blade slashed at him, and he couldn't help but send out a wave of fear and panic from the source of his consciousness.

The huge human face on the body is even more distorted, ferocious, panicked, afraid... numerous expressions of fear intertwine and change.

But in the end, he still couldn't stop Gu Xing's divine strike!


A crisp and shattering wave suddenly swayed.

Silent and silent.

But with strong consciousness, both Gu Xing and John were able to "hear" clearly.

That is the "sound" of broken consciousness.

The huge full moon ripples passed through the huge golden tree, bringing out a large number of stars.

As these little bits and pieces evaporated from the huge golden tree, the golden tree trunk, branches, and vines that were originally twisting wildly and attacking Gu Xing like a python or a snake all froze!

The golden color outside the body quickly degraded and turned into the yellowish brown color of ordinary trees.

At the same time, the "twisting" movement gradually becomes delayed, becomes stiff, and eventually becomes motionless.

After running across the earth for hundreds of years, Satan, one of the American trinity "gods", lost consciousness and fell!

High in the sky, Gu Xing, who was dragging the backbone of Satan's body, let go.

It was as huge as half of the trunk of Kansas City's huge golden tree, and it fell with it.


Huge roars and smoke filled the sky came and spread as the trunk of the giant golden tree fell to the ground.

The originally huge fire was actually extinguished by the radiation from the smoke and dust thrown out of the sky!

Suddenly, the entire Kansas City was enveloped in smoke.

After a long time, the smoke and dust that enveloped the city slowly dispersed.

After experiencing the war and fire, Kansas City no longer has its former prosperity. As far as the eye can see, it is nothing but dark, scorched earth and ruins like ruins.

In the midst of this dark, scorched earth and ruins, there was a burnt-black rooftop on top of a tall building.

The golden tree base had dried up, and John, who was sitting on the tree base, was panting heavily as if he had asthma.

With the death of Satan, the golden branches in his body have also lost their vitality and no longer "absorb" the oxygen contained in his blood, but at the same time, they no longer supply nutrients to him.

His body is now extremely weak.

While he was sitting on the withered golden tree seat and gasping for breath, a pair of huge gray-white feet slowly fell from the sky in his field of vision.

The five-meter-tall gray-white figure landed on the top of the tall building.

"White Devil..."

John, who was panting, laughed bitterly, "I didn't expect you to control energy-related abilities. We miscalculated..."

Gu Xing, who had landed from a high altitude, heard the words and looked at John calmly, his eyes narrowed.

Although he killed Satan and would kill John next, he always felt something was wrong.

John has the nickname of "Prophet". From the only contact he had before, the other party was also quite wise. It shouldn't be such a simple game...

But for a moment, he combined the information he knew and couldn't think of where there was a loophole.

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Xing wanted to ask the other party something, but at this moment, a gravitational wave appeared next to the building.

Saye walked out with an indifferent expression and said, "Humanity has launched a nuclear bomb here. You have less than ten seconds."

Hearing this, Gu Xing frowned and stopped asking.

There is no time...

After taking a deep breath, Gu Xing suddenly punched John!


A blast sounded.

John and the golden tree seat he was sitting on were instantly blasted into countless fragments, scattering in the air!

"Let's go."

After punching, Gu Xing walked towards Saye without looking back.

A gravitational wave swept over, and the two disappeared.

A moment later-

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

On the American continent, a huge and terrifying mushroom cloud rose up, and the sky was full of red clouds.

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