Dark Super God

018, Gnawing

"Is there a 4G signal in this damn place? Look at your mobile phones quickly. If you can't connect to the Internet then, you can still broadcast a ball!"

Someone among the people who got on and off the three cars said.

Upon hearing this, most people quickly took out their mobile phones to check the signal.

"There's a signal, there's a signal!"

someone replied.

"Then let's go. Cars can't drive here. We can only enter the village through the path here and then go up the mountain."

Someone familiar with the environment here said.

Hearing this, everyone took out the things they had brought from the car, then turned on the flashlight on their mobile phones, and walked onto the path of the Coffin Village one after another.

Using the light of his mobile phone's flashlight, Gu Xing discovered that many people regarded this event as a spring outing and actually brought a large bag of snacks. Even in the car he was riding in, Zhang Hanlu, Shi Lei and others actually took out a box of beer from the trunk and walked up the mountain with it in front of them.

In addition, there was the only Taoist priest in the audience who caught Gu Xing's attention.

This Taoist priest was a bit fat, about 27 or 27 years old. After he decided to go up the mountain, he took out a sack from the car, and then took out the Bagua robe, Bagua mirror, and peach wood sword one after another from the sack.

These three things can be said to be the golden three-piece set for catching ghosts in ghost movies. After taking it out, the fat Taoist priest put on the Bagua robe, holding a peach wood sword in his right hand and a Bagua mirror in his left hand. He said with a serious face: "Let's go."

Following his words, the large group set off, chatting and laughing along the way, smoking, drinking and eating snacks, as if they were really on a spring outing.

"Old Ban, are you really not on point?"

Zhang Hanlu came over again with a bottle of beer and handed it to Gu Xing.

He had just come to hand over cigarettes and alcohol, but they were all rejected by Gu Xing.

Gu Xing was still looking around as before, and said calmly: "No, drink it yourself."

"If you don't want to drink, why don't you come over and chat with everyone? What's the point of looking around like this by yourself?"

Zhang Hanlu retracted his hand holding the beer and said.

The reason he asked Gu Xing out this time was to enhance their relationship so that they could get to know each other well enough to be able to call on each other for help if something went wrong. Although it also had the purpose of flirting with girls, the Party once taught us that we need to use both hands to do things. To grab it, you have to be hard with both hands, right?

After hearing what he said, Gu Xing thought for a while and said, "Okay."

These fourteen people were divided into two small groups. Gu Xing and Zhang Hanlu were in one group, and the young men and women who had entered society and played live broadcasts were in one group. The one who twisted the group together was Zhang Hanlu, a man who drove the car that Zhang Hanlu knew. I know the group of young men and women who are live broadcasting, and the group of young men and women who are live broadcasting need so-called "amateurs" for the live broadcast effect. Zhang Hanlu's side is obviously an "amateur".

While Zhang Hanlu was chatting happily, the young people on the live broadcast over there were also chatting.

Gu Xing listened for a while and analyzed the information from the fragments of their chat. This group of people often engage in this kind of live broadcast of ghost detection. They have already broadcast the live broadcast of the supernatural building in Qianyang, and there are many tricks they can use to see ghosts. Tried them all too.

For example, several people stand in four corners of a room, and then one person changes positions one after another, and one more person appears; there are also things like burning rice with incense at the intersection at 12 o'clock in the night and eating the rice afterwards, etc.

This group of people has been challenging the traditional theory of feudal ghosts. In every challenge, "amateurs" will be invited to participate, so that people watching the live broadcast can see the "amateurs" being frightened.

At this time, this group of people seemed to have started live broadcasting. Basically, they were holding mobile phones and talking into their mobile phones. At the same time, they also took pictures of Gu Xing and other "amateurs" from time to time.

"Hello everyone watching the live broadcast, I am Lao Niu, and this time our live broadcast is Night Exploring the Coffin Village!"

"I'm Xiaole, good evening everyone! I've kept you waiting for a long time. I already announced last time that this time I will challenge the coffin prying in the cemetery at night! If you like it, please click the subscribe button in the upper right corner to follow me. I will give you You bring the most exciting live broadcast of spirit exploration!”

In this atmosphere where people on one side were laughing and laughing and others were broadcasting live, Gu Xing and his group slowly approached the coffin village on the mountainside.

"...Okay, friends, I have arrived at the Coffin Village! This is the Coffin Village, let me take a look at it!"

Arriving in front of a house in Coffin Village, one of the people in the live broadcast turned his phone around after speaking and took pictures of the house.

With everyone turning on their mobile phone flashlights, the lights were bright and the house was illuminated in full view.

Coffin Village is said to be a village, but in fact people do not live close to each other. Instead, one family's house is here, and another family's house is there, which is very scattered.

When Gu Xing and others were watching at the foot of the mountain, the lights on the mountainside were connected together, making it look like a dense village. However, when they got closer, they realized that it was not what they saw at the foot of the mountain.

Before and after everyone arrived at the first house, a dog barked suddenly from behind the side wall of the house that no one could see -

"Woof woof woof!"

As if causing a chain reaction, dogs began to bark from houses in the distance.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Suddenly, the whole village became noisy.

"I'll go, there are so many dogs!"

Someone screamed strangely.

"You won't suddenly rush out and bite us, right?!" a girl worriedly asked.

"Let's just say hello to our family first and let them take us up the mountain."

On the side of the live broadcast of the young man and woman, the slightly fat, bearded man who called himself Lao Niu just now smiled experiencedly: "The dogs in these villages are very sensitive to the smell of strangers. As long as there is a villager with them, the dogs will not bark when they smell the familiar smell."

As he spoke, he took a few steps forward and came to the door of the nearest resident. He knocked on the door twice and said: "Hello, we are here for camping. Please open the door? We want to discuss something with your family."

The houses in Lingguan Village are not made of cement, but of old-style wood. The doors are not closed tightly, and the windows are also carved into flowers and covered with paper. There will be light coming through the door and the paper-covered window paper.

The family had lights on, but after Lao Niu knocked on the door, all the lights in the house suddenly went out!

This scared everyone!

Fortunately, the next moment, a voice came from inside: "Let's go, my family is asleep!"

The voice is deep and thick, and it can be heard that it is a middle-aged man.

The old cow standing in front of the door had an embarrassed look on his face and said, "Let's go find the next family. This family is asleep."

Naturally, the crowd couldn't force people to get up and lead the way, so they had to go to the next house.

But just as they passed this house, suddenly, a girl screamed with an "Ah".

"What's wrong?!"

Everyone asked hurriedly, and at the same time, their eyes swept around for a while, and finally looked at the girl who screamed. It was a girl on Gu Xing's side, that is, the so-called "amateur" on the live broadcast of young men and women.

After everyone looked over, the girl pointed to the side of the house that they couldn't see just now with a frightened face, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you look at this dog..."

Everyone looked in the direction of her hand, and saw a black dog tied with a rope under the side wall of the house, but what was a little scary was that the dog was blind!

There were blood scars on the two eyes, which looked creepy during the day, let alone at night.

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

Many boys swore to relieve their fear.

Even the young men and women who were broadcasting live could not help but swallow their saliva when they saw the dog's eyes.

Gu Xing was the only one who was relatively calm in the whole audience.

But at this time, his brows were tightly furrowed, because he found a somewhat strange phenomenon. That is, no matter how the dogs barked, no one from the families with the lights on came out to see what was going on!

"The dog of this family is so pitiful, its eyes are so blind."

A blind dog actually looked a little creepy, but it didn't scare everyone, especially those young people who were broadcasting live.

One of the thin young men in the live broadcast laughed, suddenly turned around, and filmed himself and the dog in the live broadcast screen, and said smugly: "Friends, have you seen this dog? This is the blind dog of Lingguan Village. According to the people in the village, the things in the coffins on the mountain will go out together at a certain time. The dog's eyes cannot see these things, which will annoy those things and bring bloody disasters to the village, so the villagers will dig out the dog's eyes to avoid annoy those things!"

This young man's nonsense made Zhang Hanlu and others on Gu Xing's side stunned, except for the people on the live broadcast side.

"Damn, this old man is too good at bragging, just open his mouth and say it!"

Zhang Hanlu exclaimed.

In the live broadcast of the youth party, a girl with a men's hairstyle rolled her eyes and said, "Xie Bin, when will you change your habit of talking nonsense?!"

Lao Niu on the side helplessly replied, "You know he has always been like this."

"Just liven up the atmosphere."

The nonsense youth laughed, "You and my fans should have been used to it a long time ago."

Hearing this conversation, everyone suddenly realized that this young man had this kind of personality.

But after his nonsense, let alone, everyone's fear was relieved.

"Let's go and ask the next house."

Lao Niu spoke again.

After everyone was no longer afraid, they walked towards the next house.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the next resident's house.

However, before everyone knocked on the door, this resident suddenly turned off all the lights in the house like the previous one.

This scene made everyone look at each other in surprise.

"What's going on! Could it be that the dog in this house is also blind?!"

The male anchor who just talked nonsense frowned and walked to the side of the house where the dog barking came from, wanting to see if the dog in this house was blind like the previous one.

In the eyes of everyone, he walked to the wall and saw the dog.

The next moment, everyone saw his face stiffen, slowly becoming ugly, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Everyone's heart "clicked" and hurried over to "see is believing".

When they saw that the dog in this house was really like the previous one, with two blood scars on its eyes, everyone quieted down for a while.

"It should be just a coincidence..."

The young man who just talked nonsense laughed dryly with some fear, "I'll go to the next one to see!"

As he said, he walked quickly to the next one.

"Wait! Xie Bin!"

Old Niu shouted.

But the young man named Xie Bin seemed not to hear it, and his steps became faster and faster, and finally he ran directly to the next one.

The people on the live broadcast looked helpless, while Gu Xing and Zhang Hanlu waited in silence.

Soon, everyone saw Xie Bin running to the next household with a mobile phone flashlight. Then, Xie Bin did not come back, but ran to the next one at a faster speed.

Everyone's heart sank when they saw it. It was obvious that Xie Bin saw that the dog of the next household was also blind, and then he ran to another house to see.

But soon, Xie Bin ran to the next one again.

In this way, everyone watched Xie Bin running from one house to another, gradually moving away from everyone. If it weren't for the mobile phone flashlight that could see Xie Bin there, he would have almost run out of everyone's sight.

"Tell him to come back, let's go back today."

The girl with the men's hairstyle who had just spoken frowned and said to Lao Niu.

Lao Niu nodded, picked up the phone and prepared to make a call. Suddenly——

"What are you doing?"

Xie Bin's voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

Everyone subconsciously looked back, and there was nothing behind them.

"Xie Bin is gone!"

Suddenly, the girl with the men's hairstyle screamed.

Everyone was startled and turned their heads quickly. They saw that there was no other light in front of them except the houses with lights on. What was strange was that the dogs that had been barking "Woof woof woof" stopped all at once.

Gu Xing frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of something. He looked at the dog tied to the wall of the house next to him.

The blind dog was lowering its head and gnawing at a human hand...

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