Dark Super God

021, Beginning

"I want a ticket to Jincheng."

After ending the call with Yang Qianyi, Gu Xing immediately went down the mountain and returned to Xinyu Town.

Nothing has changed in Xinyu Town. In the previous cycle, the hotel owner who was "dismembered" by those things was safe and sound. Gu Xing inquired a little and learned that the other party returned to the hotel after he took the first step, and there was no encounter at all. What a weird thing.

And when Gu Xing asked Zuo Kuang, that is, Huang Feng, if he had come back, the hotel proprietress responded strangely that no such person had ever stayed in the hotel.

Gu Xing frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't ask any more questions.

There are all kinds of strange abilities, and it’s not surprising that he can erase all traces of his past.

After that, he packed up and left, checked out the room and took the car back to Gaocheng to buy a ticket to Jincheng, but——

"It's snowing heavily in Jincheng and the roads are frozen and it's impossible to drive. The special line to Jincheng is canceled today."

In Gaocheng Bus Station, the conductor replied.

Gu Xing, who was standing at the ticket counter, frowned when he heard this and asked, "When will it resume?"

"have no idea."

The conductor inside the ticket gate shook his head and replied: "Maybe we have to wait until the road surface thaws."

After hearing this, Gu Xing frowned, said thank you and left the ticket booth.

Before leaving, he glanced at the conductor at the ticket gate and the people queuing up behind him to buy tickets. In his eyes, these people were faintly exuding various information, from the lines on their clothes to their breath and body odor, their movements and behavior, etc. They all exuded all kinds of information that Gu Xing already knew, such as the brand of shampoo, a certain habitual action, which shows what kind of exercise he often does, etc.

After returning from Shantan, the people Gu Xing saw began to emit these micro-messages. At the time, he thought they were unique to Zuo Kuang, but now it seems that these are changes caused by a 6% increase in brain cells. .

"Zuo Kuang probably figured out my specific information based on these micro-messages distributed..."

There was no reference in the village at that time, and the matter was urgent, so Gu Xing did not think clearly.

But now after experiencing new knowledge all the way from Xinyu Town to Gaocheng Bus Station, Gu Xing somewhat understood what Zuo Kuang meant by "seeing" quickly and the meaning of the other party's words of deliberately pretending to be waiting for him.

"Right now, my brain cell activity is 7%. The people or things I see are emitting trace element information. If my brain cell activity increases in the future, I will probably be able to see further and more specifically, such as identifying people on their bodies. The trace element information emitted is connected to the trace elements emitted by things, and the person's interpersonal network is deduced through calculation. It is even possible to connect the trace elements emitted by the entire world to build a causal network! "

Gu Xing combined what he saw and heard in his mind to deduce the scene when the brain cells were developed to the extreme. The more he deduce, the more excited he became. "This network of cause and effect should be the so-called trend of the times! When the time comes, we will fiddle with it." This network of cause and effect, which represents the general trend, can be easily arranged to achieve the desired effect! ”

For example, a person knocks on the door next door, and the person next door comes out to open the door. This person interrupts the other person to chat, and the other person will miss the silent call of his partner. The other person's partner becomes suspicious of a serious illness, starts to suspect that the partner is unfaithful, and is unintentional to work, which leads to the entire project. The link was slowed down, the work was not completed by the due date, or mistakes were made because of the rush to work. This mistake eventually led to the destruction of the project a few years later, killing several people who were passing by at the time. The relatives of these people happened to have reporters with upright personalities, and they were exposed. This incident led to the loss of the company's credibility and the company began to decline. It closed down a year or two later and all employees lost their jobs... And the cause of all this was just a person knocking on the door next door.

This is just a hypothesis, but if the world can really be formed into a causal network, this hypothesis is completely possible!

It’s like the butterfly effect!

"I see... Has the activity of Zuo Kuang's brain cells reached the point where he can see the network of human traces and relationships in people... Or can he initially see the general trend of the times?"

After deducing the ability of brain cells to be developed to the extreme, Gu Xing then worked backwards and deduced Zuo Kuang's ability easily.

"In that case, the various misinformation I sensed from him should be a way for him to conceal his true trace element information."

After calming down, Gu Xing slowly analyzed the many doubts that Zuo Kuang had caused him in Shantan Village.

"This ability requires too much computing power and should not be used commonly. Brain cells die too quickly, and using too much will damage the number of brain cells. In ancient terms, these are secrets, and the counterattack of the secrets should be that the frequency of brain cell death is too high. It causes people to age prematurely and shorten their lifespan. In ancient times, the erroneous information that Zuo Kuang exuded should be called "covering the secrets of heaven."

At this point, after analyzing it, Gu Xing no longer fears Zuo Kuang.

Fear comes from the unknown, and now that he knows the principle and mechanism, Gu Xing naturally has no fear.


Gu Xing gently exhaled a breath, raised his hand and rubbed his temples.

This extrapolation of the extreme activity of brain cells and the inference of Zuo Kuang's abilities caused him to lose a lot of brain cells and his temples became a little sore.

He found a seat in the ticket hall and sat down, ready to take a breather.

But before he could sit down for long, suddenly, a mediocre-looking middle-aged man came to him and asked with a smile: "Little brother, are you going to Jincheng?"

Black car driver.

Gu Xing had already noticed this person while queuing up to buy tickets. The trace elements emitted from this person made Gu Xing know the other person's occupation at a glance.


Gu Xing nodded in response to the other party.

The road was blocked by heavy snow, and official vehicles were unwilling to risk going to Jincheng, but there are always people in this world who risk their lives for money, and the black driver in front of him was one of them.

However, Gu Xing had originally planned to take a rest and find a bold black driver to take him to Jincheng. Since the other party took the initiative to find him, he felt a lot less worried.

As for danger, for him now, there is no danger in a car accident.

"Let's go then?"

Seeing Gu Xing nod, the middle-aged man smiled and said: "The station line is no longer running, but we have a bus outside, so just get on the bus and go! However, there is heavy snow in Jincheng and the road is frozen. There is a certain danger. The fare is aspect……"

"What kind of car do you have? How much does it cost per person?"

Gu Xing didn't bother to beat around the bush and asked directly.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "The car is a van. We charge one hundred and fifty for each person. Little brother, business is difficult..."

The special line from Gaocheng to Jincheng only cost 70, but the other party charged 150. I doubled it directly, and I was so heartbroken. At the end of the sentence, the middle-aged man seemed to feel a little high, and he was ready to show off his bitterness.

Gu Xinglan was too lazy to listen and interrupted the other party directly: "The van has seven seats except for the driver. If you have received it, I will buy all the remaining seats. If you have not received it, I will reserve all the seats. Now Just take me to Jincheng.”

After saying that, Gu Xing stood up and said, "Take me to your car."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while, and it took him a while to react. He nodded quickly and said: "Oh, okay! Follow me!"

The two quickly left the ticket hall and came to a van outside the station.

Usually the people soliciting customers and driving at this kind of station are not the same person. After the middle-aged man told the driver Gu Xing's request, the driver readily agreed.

Soon, Gu Xing got in and the van started slowly, heading towards Jincheng.


Heavy snowfall made it difficult for vehicles to move.

The heavy snow that has been falling since last night has caused the main roads in Jincheng to freeze and paralyzed traffic.

On the streets, traffic police and many people spontaneously started shoveling snow to help the vehicles stuck on the road clear the way. However, Jincheng is too big, and the number of people shoveling snow is still a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, falling like goose feathers with no tendency to stop at all. The temperature in Jincheng is getting lower and lower, and the road that was originally shoveled is frozen again after a while. In addition, the traffic police, policemen, policemen, sanitation workers, etc. who were shoveling snow on the streets gradually felt that the clothes on their bodies were not warm enough, and their shoveling movements became slower.

Major radio stations and television stations rushed to report the heavy snowfall. After listening to the broadcast, many people who were preparing to travel chose to take the subway.

But when people walked into the subway station, they were surprised to find that a large number of police officers filled the subway station at this time. The subway was temporarily suspended. These policemen were looking everywhere in the subway station, as if they were searching for something.

People at the subway station could only wait helplessly.

Many people among the waiting crowd began to take out their mobile phones to record this rare scene, and then posted it online with various exaggerated titles.

Inside the Tianzi Temple.

Heavy snow was falling, and the roof of the temple was completely white.

The staff are always clearing the snow on the ground in the temple, but the temperature continues to drop. The water in the wishing water tank has already frozen into ice, and the coins inside are also frozen.

However, in such weather, many people still come here to play.

In front of the Dacheng Hall, the stone-carved statue of the Master stands in the center. On the left and right sides of the statue, there are four blessing plaques.

Peace and blessings, joy for the wise, number one in the list, and success.

The four prayer boards are covered with small red prayer boards. The bright red color is still gorgeous in the heavy snow.

On the prayer board under "Fame and Success", a young man with black hair hung up a square prayer board and answered the phone and said, "Did you find it? It's too late, let's get started."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-haired young man heard an electromagnetic sound coming from his cell phone.

He seemed to have expected it. He held the mobile phone close to his ear in front of him and looked at the screen that lit up behind his ear. The originally full signal decreased one by one. Finally, when there was no signal at all, the black-haired young man smiled. , put away the phone.

As he put away his phone, scenes like this began to happen throughout Jincheng.

Traffic lights flash randomly;

Cell phone signal disappears;

The radio only has electromagnetic chirping sound;

The television turned into a snowflake;

Everything about "magnetism" became confused and unusable.

People were puzzled and cursed.

A rear-end car accident occurred due to random flashing of traffic lights on the street.

The entire Jincheng slowly became chaotic.

But the next moment, everyone’s eyes were attracted——


A laser beam as thick as a sky pillar soared from Jincheng University into the sky and penetrated the sky!

A circle of invisible fluctuations takes the laser as its origin and quickly radiates around.

The already very low temperature in the entire Jincheng suddenly dropped again after being radiated by this invisible wave!

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