Dashan Makes a Living 1984

165 Chapter 162: Face to Face

After putting the slaughtered pork in the warehouse, everyone went back to wash and sleep one after another. The women in the kitchen also left, and only Li Yali was still cleaning the pots and pans.

Three dogs squatted at the door to guard the kitchen, while two little leopard cats lay on the railing, staring at Li Yali washing the pot, with a peaceful and lazy attitude.

They have basically been formed into the habit of ordinary domestic cats, and their eyes are usually very gentle, not at all like carnivores running rampant in the jungle.

Wang Tianxiao took off the dirty clothes outside and threw them at the door, went in and jumped onto the kang, leaning against the railing to watch his wife work.

Under the dim kerosene lamp, Li Yali moved swiftly and quickly wiped the side of the pot with a rag made of loofah pulp. There was still a fire burning in the pot, which made half of her face dark and half red.

"Are you tired today?" Li Yali sneaked a glance at her husband.

"Haha, it's okay, I'm a little tired, but I can still persevere," Wang Tianxiao smiled, and said again: "Besides, everyone has worked hard, and I'm not the only one who is tired."

"Well, everyone has been working hard recently. The people you found are really good."

"It's also luck, okay. I didn't go out of my way to look for it. I met him unexpectedly. So, it's all fate, not something that can be forced."

"Yeah, you've done my parents a great favor by bringing Guanping out. That child is too honest. If he is left at home, he doesn't know how to marry a wife."

"Haha, Guan Ping is also practical in his work, and has a loyal temperament, which is why he can attract other girls to like him. This is what he has won for himself. I am just a guide, and I am not really helping him."

"As a brother-in-law, you always help a lot."

Wang Tianxiao smiled and didn't continue to say anything, but he was thinking about the misfortune that Li Guanping received in his previous life because of the incidents here. Although these incidents did not happen from the perspective of this life, his heart was still filled with Gratitude and sympathy.

He was such a person in his previous life, even though he was doing well, he still didn't want to see the people around him living worse.

He has more abilities in this life. Of course, he hopes that those who have been kind to him can live a happy life and suffer less suffering in the world.

This is not the feeling of a saint, but a simple expectation.

"Didn't we get some pigs today? When I go to the market tomorrow, I'll buy some other things, and then I'll go to see my aunt and uncle. What do you think?"

Li Yali thought for a while, then smiled, "Okay, you're still thoughtful. But don't buy too many things and waste so much money."

Li Yali didn't know how much money Wang Tianxiao had now, and she kept thinking about saving money for her husband.

When I think of the huge expense of the station, I feel that it is not easy for my husband.

Wang Tianxiao smiled, "How much does it cost? By the way, you don't know our current family background. I didn't want you to worry about it before. Now that I'm out of confinement, I will leave this kind of account management to you in the future." Now, are you the shopkeeper of our family? I am only responsible for earning the money back, and you are responsible for keeping and controlling it. Do you think it is scumbag?"

"What kind of money can I manage, as long as I have enough to spend, it's better for you to keep it. If you need it, you can use it at any time. What a trouble for me."

"Don't put it that way, we are a family, and the money I earn is also shared by us. When you look at the money, you also share part of the pressure with me."

"I don't have that kind of ability. It's okay if you ask me to do some housework. In the past, the most money I used was only a few yuan. Now it's tens or hundreds of yuan. I don't think so. "

"No, you are so smart, you can learn everything quickly."

"Or not……"

The two refused for a long time, but Li Yali was still not interested in keeping the money, and Wang Tianxiao couldn't continue to struggle.

If the wife really doesn't want to touch money, it's not impossible. Later, he can find someone who manages the accounts. It's fine if the wife wants to be a traditional housewife who cares for her husband and raises her children.

As long as she is happy.


I tossed and tossed around midnight last night, and when I fell asleep on the kang, it was already past three o'clock.

Wang Tianxiao felt that the moment he closed his eyes, the sky seemed to be bright again.

Looking at his wife again, she has long since disappeared. She must have gone to the kitchen to boil water.

He also got up and got dressed.

There is another fair in Qingquan Town today, he is going to see if Wu Jianye is here, and solve the mule matter last time.

If Wu Jianye is easy to talk, it's okay to obediently return the money to him, but if he doesn't, then he has to deal with that guy, maybe even do it.

Three hundred yuan is a trivial matter, but treating him like a fool is unforgivable!

After lunch, Wang Tianxiao took Wu Wenhua to the market and waited for the rabbit.

We must find that bastard Wu Jianye.

It's really not a good thing to be cheated by one's own people.

The two sat down at the snack bar opposite the market, and ordered two bowls of tofu nao, two steamed buns and two twists.

This is a common lunch in Qingcheng.

The lunch in Qingcheng is a bit different from the breakfast in the south. People here will not eat it again at noon after eating this meal, and the next meal will be around four o'clock in the afternoon.

So this meal is more than enough.

Wang Tianxiao put two spoonfuls of chili oil and half a spoonful of salt into the tofu brain, and poured some vinegar into it.

People in Qingcheng eat tofu nao in this way.

He also ate sweet tofu nao in the south in his previous life, and he thought it tasted good. There are two different ways to eat it.

But after eating a bowl of sweet tofu nao, he doesn’t want to eat it. If he eats this way in his hometown, he can eat many bowls if he has money.

Spicy appetizer.

Wu Wenhua put some seasoning at will, he seemed a little absent-minded, and kept looking in the direction of the entrance of the market.

The things in front of me have lost their flavor.

Wang Tianxiao took a sip of tofu nao and nodded with satisfaction.

It has been a long time since I have eaten such authentic tofu nao in my hometown, and it still has a familiar taste and feeling.

He noticed Wu Wenhua's uneasy expression, smiled and said: "Brother Wenhua, don't think too much, if you don't want to lose face when the servant comes, I'll ask him for it. It's just that you may be attacked at that time, it's not possible , if you don’t come forward, I can do it by myself.”

"How can I do that? I caused the incident. I definitely can't just let him lie to others like this. Boss, to be honest, I didn't expect that it was brothers who would do this to me."

Wu Wenhua smiled bitterly.

Honest people are like this, and they generally can't figure it out when they are cheated.

Especially this person, or his cousin.

"Well, don't take it too seriously. People are different. After all, people like Wu Jianye are a minority. Most of them are under us. We won't be able to meet them... Hey, he's here."

Wu Wenhua followed Wang Tianxiao's gaze, and his hand holding the bun collapsed tightly.

Sure enough, it was Wu Jianye.

Today he was pulling a cow. It looked very strong, but I don't know if it was also a useless cow.

He stood up abruptly and chased after Wu Jianye.

Wang Tianxiao stretched out his hand to pull it, but it was empty. He watched Wu Wenhua run away, shook his head, and continued to bury his head in eating his own food.

Wu Wenhua wanted to take over the first wave of firepower.

Anyway, there will be no result.

With Wu Wenhua's character, there's nothing he can do about Wu Jianye's veteran.

It's not a day or two for people to do such unconscionable things. Since they dare to sell to acquaintances, how can they have no countermeasures.

Maybe it can be done in reverse.

When they start to have disputes, they still want to eat well. After all, they will have the strength to solve the problem after eating, right?

While he was eating, he watched Wu Wenhua quickly cross the street, taking three or two steps at a time, rushed over and grabbed Wu Jianye's arm, and began to argue with him.

In the beginning, it was a small-scale dispute, and gradually more people surrounded it.

There are never fewer people watching the excitement.

Because of the distance, Wang Tianxiao didn't know what he was talking about, but his eyesight was not bad, and he could clearly see that Wu Jianye greeted each other with a smile at first, then gradually became a little yin and yang, and finally became angry directly. From time to time, they would push Wu Wenhua with their hands, and the atmosphere between the two gradually became intense.

"Boss, here's the money."

Wang Tianxiao then called the boss to pay the bill, wiped his mouth clean, and walked towards the opposite side.

As soon as he walked through the street, he could hear Wu Wenhua's voice.

"Wu Jianye, it's a shame that you are still a brother. How can you lie to your brother? Do you know that the mule was not bought by yourself, but for our boss. It cost more than three hundred You can buy a dead mule for only 1 yuan, and it died before going back halfway, your conscience has been eaten by dogs."

"How do you say it? Don't be bloody. It's not because you are my cousin. I have already smoked you. What evidence do you have that the mule I sold to you was wrong? When I sold it, the mule The living dragon and fire tiger are fine, they can eat, drink and run, but in your hands, they turned into a dead mule."

Wu Jianye looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

No matter how crowded the people around him were and how many discussions there were, he seemed to be able to do a job with ease, sitting firmly in the military tent, but he carried his shamelessness to the end.

"You...you are really shameless!"

Wu Wenhua was flushed with anger, wiped his sleeves, and was ready to go forward and do his best.

"What's the matter, do you still want to hit me? Hit me. I want to see what you want to do. You bought me a good animal and died. Now you're going to rely on me. I want to see , what else can you do!"

The two brothers chattered back and forth, and the crowd watching and eating melons around them also pointed and pointed.

Everyone has their own team, the public has the public's reason, and the mother-in-law has the reason of the mother-in-law. Anyway, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Don't say it's a quarrel, it's better to fight, they will have fun watching it.

Because the two people were standing at the main entrance of the market, after being surrounded by people, the traffic became very congested, and it was not convenient for people to come in and out.

Wang Tianxiao felt that it was almost done, so he walked up to Wu Wenhua, patted him, and signaled him to stand beside him.

Here, when Wu Jianye saw Wang Tianxiao, he thought he was a passer-by at first, but in an instant he remembered that he was someone who bought mules. Seeing Wang Tianxiao's tall and powerful appearance, he couldn't help being a little timid, and stepped back two step.


"It's okay, you've made it clear what should be said, let me come."

Wang Tianxiao comforted Wu Wenhua.

An honest man like him obviously couldn't handle this kind of thing. It was time to fight the vanguard, and the rest was for him, the main force, to step forward and deal with the enemy.

Looking back, he was condescending, looked at Wu Jianye lightly, and smiled slightly, "Your name is Wu Jianye, right?"

"It's me, how about it?" Wu Jianye pretended to be strong, unwilling to lose half of his temperament.

"In the last episode, you sold me a sick mule, did you deny it?"

"You can't talk nonsense!" Wu Jianye raised his voice. "I told Wu Wenhua just now that my mule is fine. Don't force it on me. I'm an honest person who is easy to bully, right?"

"Aren't you honest? We have our own opinions," Wang Tianxiao said with a faint smile. "It's just that I don't understand a question. Since you have been in the livestock business for a long time, don't you know that livestock can't eat rehmannia glutinosa?"

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